21 research outputs found

    Convergence rates for loop-erased random walk and other Loewner curves

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    We estimate convergence rates for curves generated by Loewner's differential equation under the basic assumption that a convergence rate for the driving terms is known. An important tool is what we call the tip structure modulus, a geometric measure of regularity for Loewner curves parameterized by capacity. It is analogous to Warschawski's boundary structure modulus and closely related to annuli crossings. The main application we have in mind is that of a random discrete-model curve approaching a Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) curve in the lattice size scaling limit. We carry out the approach in the case of loop-erased random walk (LERW) in a simply connected domain. Under mild assumptions of boundary regularity, we obtain an explicit power-law rate for the convergence of the LERW path toward the radial SLE2_2 path in the supremum norm, the curves being parameterized by capacity. On the deterministic side, we show that the tip structure modulus gives a sufficient geometric condition for a Loewner curve to be H\"{o}lder continuous in the capacity parameterization, assuming its driving term is H\"{o}lder continuous. We also briefly discuss the case when the curves are a priori known to be H\"{o}lder continuous in the capacity parameterization and we obtain a power-law convergence rate depending only on the regularity of the curves.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP872 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Almost sure multifractal spectrum for the tip of an SLE curve

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    The tip multifractal spectrum of a two-dimensional curve is one way to describe the behavior of the uniformizing conformal map of the complement near the tip. We give the tip multifractal spectrum for a Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) curve, we prove that the spectrum is valid with probability one, and we give applications to the scaling of harmonic measure at the tip.Comment: 43 pages, 2 figure

    Coulomb gas and the Grunsky operator on a Jordan domain with corners

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    Let DD be a Jordan domain of unit capacity. We study the partition function of a planar Coulomb gas in DD with a hard wall along η=D\eta = \partial D, Zn(D)=1n!Dn1k<nzkz2k=1nd2zk.Z_{n}(D) =\frac 1{n!}\int_{D^n}\prod_{1\le k < \ell \le n}|z_k-z_\ell|^{2} \prod_{k=1}^n d^2z_k. We are interested in how the geometry of η\eta is reflected in the large nn behavior of Zn(D)Z_n(D). We prove that η\eta is a Weil-Petersson quasicircle if and only if logZn(D)=logZn(D)IL(η)/12+o(1),n, \log Z_n(D)= \log Z_n(\mathbb{D}) -I^L(\eta)/12 + o(1), \quad n\to \infty, where IL(η)I^L(\eta) is the Loewner energy of η\eta, D\mathbb{D} is the unit disc, and logZn(D)=logn!/πn\log Z_n(\mathbb{D}) = \log n!/\pi^n. We next consider piecewise analytic η\eta with mm corners of interior opening angles παp,p=1,,m\pi \alpha_p, p=1,\ldots, m. Our main result is the asymptotic formula logZn(D)=logZn(D)16p=1m(αp+1αp2)logn+o(logn),n, \log Z_n(D)= \log Z_n(\mathbb{D}) - \frac 16\sum_{p=1}^m \left(\alpha_p+\frac 1{\alpha_p}-2 \right) \log n + o(\log n), \quad n\to \infty, which is consistent with physics predictions. The starting point of our analysis is an exact expression for logZn(D)\log Z_{n}(D) in terms of a Fredholm determinant involving the truncated Grunsky operator for DD. The proof of the main result is based on careful asymptotic analysis of the Grunsky coefficients. As further applications of our method we also study the Loewner energy and the related Fekete-Pommerenke energy, a quantity appearing in the analysis of Fekete points, for equipotentials approximating the boundary of a domain with corners. We formulate several conjectures and open problems.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    Scaling limits of anisotropic Hastings-Levitov clusters.

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    We consider a variation of the standard Hastings-Levitov model HL(0), in which growth is anisotropic. Two natural scaling limits are established and we give precise descriptions of the effects of the anisotropy. We show that the limit shapes can be realised as Loewner hulls and that the evolution of harmonic measure on the cluster boundary can be described by the solution to a deterministic ordinary differential equation related to the Loewner equation. We also characterise the stochastic fluctuations around the deterministic limit flow