13 research outputs found

    Diversity of glucocorticoid receptor signaling: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications

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    From an evolutionary perspective, stress is an adaptive system that is necessary togenerate appropriate responses to stochastic and unpredictable events, and copeaccordingly with the environmentā . The physiological response to stress has beenremarkably conserved in vertebrate evolutionā . However, the threats to ourinternal ā€œequilibriumā€ have changed between our ancestral environments and ourcurrent modern societies, and the demands for survival have evolvedā . Theglucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a timeless component of stress adaptation, as it is atthe intersection between the environmental stressors (iā .eā ., physical, or psychosocial)and the genomeā . Therefore, the GR represents a valuable therapeutic target instress- and glucocorticoid-related disordersā . This thesis provides new insightsinto the molecular mechanisms underlying GR signaling in metabolic diseases andbrain function and highlights the promise and importance of selectivity in novel GRtargeting treatmentsā .Corcept TherapeuticsLUMC / Geneeskund

    The development of novel glucocorticoid receptor antagonists: from rational chemical design to therapeutic efficacy in metabolic disease models

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    Glucocorticoids regulate numerous processes in human physiology, but deregulated or excessive glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling contributes to the development of various pathologies including metabolic syndrome. For this reason, GR antagonists have considerable therapeutic value. Yet, the only GR antagonist that is clinically approved to date - mifepristone - exhibits cross-reactivity with other nuclear steroid receptors like the progesterone receptor. In this study, we set out to identify novel selective GR antagonists by combining rational chemical design with an unbiased in vitro and in vivo screening approach. Using this pipeline, we were able to identify CORT125329 as the compound with the best overall profile from our octahydro series of novel GR antagonists, and demonstrated that CORT125329 does not exhibit cross-reactivity with the progesterone receptor. Further in vivo testing showed beneficial activities of CORT125329 in models for excessive corticosterone exposure and short- and long-term high-fat diet-induced metabolic complications. Upon CORT125329 treatment, most metabolic parameters that deteriorated upon high-fat diet feeding were similarly improved in male and female mice, confirming activity in both sexes. However, some sexually dimorphic effects were observed including male-specific antagonism of GR activity in brown adipose tissue and female-specific lipid lowering activities after short-term CORT125329 treatment. Remarkably, CORT125329 exhibits beneficial metabolic effects despite its lack of GR antagonism in white adipose tissue. Rather, we propose that CORT125329 treatment restores metabolic activity in brown adipose tissue by stimulating lipolysis, mitochondrial activity and thermogenic capacity. In summary, we have identified CORT125329 as a selective GR antagonist with strong beneficial activities in metabolic disease models, paving the way for further clinical investigation.Nephrolog

    Hippocampal glucocorticoid target genes associated with enhancement of memory consolidation

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    Glucocorticoids enhance memory consolidation of emotionally arousing events via largely unknown molecular mechanisms. This glucocorticoid effect on the consolidation process also requires central noradrenergic neurotransmission. The intracellular pathways of these two stress mediators converge on two transcription factors: the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein (pCREB). We therefore investigated, in male rats, whether glucocorticoid effects on memory are associated with genomic interactions between the GR and pCREB in the hippocampus. In a two-by-two design, object exploration training or no training was combined with post-training administration of a memory-enhancing dose of corticosterone or vehicle. Genomic effects were studied by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) of GR and pCREB 45 min after training and transcriptome analysis after 3 hr. Corticosterone administration induced differential GR DNA-binding and regulation of target genes within the hippocampus, largely independent of training. Training alone did not result in long-term memory nor did it affect GR or pCREB DNA-binding and gene expression. No strong evidence was found for an interaction between GR and pCREB. Combination of the GR DNA-binding and transcriptome data identified a set of novel, likely direct, GR target genes that are candidate mediators of corticosterone effects on memory consolidation. Cell-specific expression of the identified target genes using single-cell expression data suggests that the effects of corticosterone reflect in part non-neuronal cells. Together, our data identified new GR targets associated with memory consolidation that reflect effects in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells.Development and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Do Corticosteroid Receptor mRNA Levels Predict the Expression of Their Target Genes?

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    The glucocorticoid stress hormones affect brain function via high-affinity mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) and lower-affinity glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). MR and GR not only differ in affinity for ligands, but also have distinct, sometimes opposite, actions on neuronal excitability and other cellular and higher-order parameters related to cerebral function. GR and MR messenger RNA (mRNA) levels are often used as a proxy for the responsiveness to glucocorticoids, assuming proportionality between mRNA and protein levels. This may be especially relevant for the MR, which because of its high affinity is already largely occupied at low basal (trough) hormone levels. Here we explore how GR and MR mRNA levels are associated with the expression of a shared target gene, glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, coded by Tsc22d3) with basal and elevated levels of corticosterone in male mice, using in situ hybridization. Depending on the hippocampal subfield and the corticosterone levels, mRNA levels of MR rather than GR mostly correlated with GILZ mRNA in the hippocampus and hypothalamus at the bulk tissue level. At the individual cell level, these correlations were much weaker. Using publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data, we again observed that MR and GR mRNA levels were only weakly correlated with target gene expression in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. We conclude that MR mRNA levels can be limiting for receptor action, but many other cell-specific and region-specific factors ultimately determine corticosteroid receptor action. Altogether, our results argue for caution while interpreting the consequences of changed receptor expression for the response to glucocorticoids

    Do Corticosteroid Receptor mRNA Levels Predict the Expression of Their Target Genes?

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    The glucocorticoid stress hormones affect brain function via high-affinity mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) and lower-affinity glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). MR and GR not only differ in affinity for ligands, but also have distinct, sometimes opposite, actions on neuronal excitability and other cellular and higher-order parameters related to cerebral function. GR and MR messenger RNA (mRNA) levels are often used as a proxy for the responsiveness to glucocorticoids, assuming proportionality between mRNA and protein levels. This may be especially relevant for the MR, which because of its high affinity is already largely occupied at low basal (trough) hormone levels. Here we explore how GR and MR mRNA levels are associated with the expression of a shared target gene, glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, coded by Tsc22d3) with basal and elevated levels of corticosterone in male mice, using in situ hybridization. Depending on the hippocampal subfield and the corticosterone levels, mRNA levels of MR rather than GR mostly correlated with GILZ mRNA in the hippocampus and hypothalamus at the bulk tissue level. At the individual cell level, these correlations were much weaker. Using publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data, we again observed that MR and GR mRNA levels were only weakly correlated with target gene expression in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. We conclude that MR mRNA levels can be limiting for receptor action, but many other cell-specific and region-specific factors ultimately determine corticosteroid receptor action. Altogether, our results argue for caution while interpreting the consequences of changed receptor expression for the response to glucocorticoids.Metabolic health: pathophysiological trajectories and therap

    Cell type specificity of glucocorticoid signaling in the adult mouse hippocampus

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    Glucocorticoid stress hormones are powerful modulators of brain function and can affect mood and cognitive processes. The hippocampus is a prominent glucocorticoid target and expresses both the glucocorticoid receptor (GR: Nr3c1) and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR: Nr3c2). These nuclear steroid receptors act as ligand-dependent transcription factors. Transcriptional effects of glucocorticoids have often been deduced from bulk mRNA measurements or spatially informed individual gene expression. However, only sparse data exists allowing insights on glucocorticoid-driven gene transcription at the cell type level. Here, we used publicly available single-cell RNA sequencing data to assess the cell-type specificity of GR and MR signaling in the adult mouse hippocampus. The data confirmed that Nr3c1 and Nr3c2 expression differs across neuronal and non-neuronal cell populations. We analyzed co-expression with sex hormones receptors, transcriptional coregulators, and receptors for neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Our results provide insights in the cellular basis of previous bulk mRNA results and allow the formulation of more defined hypotheses on the effects of glucocorticoids on hippocampal function.Molecular Technology and Informatics for Personalised Medicine and Healt

    The Hippocampal Response to Acute Corticosterone Elevation Is Altered in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome

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    Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, caused by the neuronal absence of the ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A). UBE3A promotes ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation and functions as a transcriptional coregulator of nuclear hormone receptors, including the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Previous studies showed anxiety-like behavior and hippocampal-dependent memory disturbances in AS mouse models. Hippocampal GR is an important regulator of the stress response and memory formation, and we therefore investigated whether the absence of UBE3A in AS mice disrupted GR signaling in the hippocampus. We first established a strong cortisol-dependent interaction between the GR ligand binding domain and a UBE3A nuclear receptor box in a high-throughput interaction screen. In vivo, we found that UBE3A-deficient AS mice displayed significantly more variation in circulating corticosterone levels throughout the day compared to wildtypes (WT), with low to undetectable levels of corticosterone at the trough of the circadian cycle. Additionally, we observed an enhanced transcriptomic response in the AS hippocampus following acute corticosterone treatment. Surprisingly, chronic corticosterone treatment showed less contrast between AS and WT mice in the hippocampus and liver transcriptomic responses. This suggests that UBE3A limits the acute stimulation of GR signaling, likely as a member of the GR transcriptional complex. Altogether, these data indicate that AS mice are more sensitive to acute glucocorticoid exposure in the brain compared to WT mice. This suggests that stress responsiveness is altered in AS which could lead to anxiety symptoms.Metabolic health: pathophysiological trajectories and therap

    The Hippocampal Response to Acute Corticosterone Elevation Is Altered in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome

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    Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, caused by the neuronal absence of the ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A). UBE3A promotes ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation and functions as a transcriptional coregulator of nuclear hormone receptors, including the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Previous studies showed anxiety-like behavior and hippocampal-dependent memory disturbances in AS mouse models. Hippocampal GR is an important regulator of the stress response and memory formation, and we therefore investigated whether the absence of UBE3A in AS mice disrupted GR signaling in the hippocampus. We first established a strong cortisol-dependent interaction between the GR ligand binding domain and a UBE3A nuclear receptor box in a high-throughput interaction screen. In vivo, we found that UBE3A-deficient AS mice displayed significantly more variation in circulating corticosterone levels throughout the day compared to wildtypes (WT), with low to undetectable levels of corticosterone at the trough of the circadian cycle. Additionally, we observed an enhanced transcriptomic response in the AS hippocampus following acute corticosterone treatment. Surprisingly, chronic corticosterone treatment showed less contrast between AS and WT mice in the hippocampus and liver transcriptomic responses. This suggests that UBE3A limits the acute stimulation of GR signaling, likely as a member of the GR transcriptional complex. Altogether, these data indicate that AS mice are more sensitive to acute glucocorticoid exposure in the brain compared to WT mice. This suggests that stress responsiveness is altered in AS which could lead to anxiety symptoms

    Peripheral glucocorticoid receptor antagonism by relacorilant with modest HPA axis disinhibition

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    Glucocorticoid stress hormones are produced in response to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation. Glucocorticoids are essential for physiology and exert numerous actions via binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Relacorilant is a highly selective GR antagonist currently undergoing a phase 3 clinical evaluation for the treatment of endogenous Cushing's syndrome. It was found that increases in serum adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol concentrations after relacorilant treatment were substantially less than the increases typically observed with mifepristone, but it is unclear what underlies these differences. In this study, we set out to further preclinically characterize relacorilant in comparison to the classical but non-selective GR antagonist mifepristone. In human HEK-293 cells, relacorilant potently antagonized dexamethasone- and cortisol-induced GR signaling, and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, relacorilant largely prevented the anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone. In mice, relacorilant treatment prevented hyperinsulinemia and immunosuppression caused by increased corticosterone exposure. Relacorilant treatment reduced the expression of classical GR target genes in peripheral tissues but not in the brain. In mice, relacorilant induced a modest disinhibition of the HPA axis as compared to mifepristone. In line with this, in mouse pituitary cells, relacorilant was generally less potent than mifepristone in regulating Pomc mRNA and ACTH release. This contrast between relacorilant and mifepristone is possibly due to the distinct transcriptional coregulator recruitment by the GR. In conclusion, relacorilant is thus an efficacious peripheral GR antagonist in mice with only modest disinhibition of the HPA axis, and the distinct properties of relacorilant endorse the potential of selective GR antagonist treatment for endogenous Cushing's syndrome

    Gene expression changes in the brain of a Cushing's syndrome mouse model

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    Excess glucocorticoid exposure affects emotional and cognitive brain functions. The extreme form, Cushing's syndrome, is adequately modelled in the AdKO(2.0) mouse, consequential to adrenocortical hypertrophy and hypercorticosteronemia. We previously reported that the AdKO(2.0) mouse brain undergoes volumetric changes that resemble closely those of Cushing's syndrome human patients, as well as changes in expression of glial related marker proteins. In the present work, the expression of genes related to glial and neuronal cell populations and functions was assessed in regions of the anterior brain, hippocampus, amygdala and hypothalamus. Glucocorticoid target genes were consistently regulated, including CRH mRNA suppression in the hypothalamus and induction in amygdala and hippocampus, even if glucocorticoid receptor protein was downregulated. Expression of glial genes was also affected in the AdKO(2.0) mouse brain, indicating a different activation status in glial cells. Generic markers for neuronal cell populations, and cellular integrity were only slightly affected. Our findings highlight the vulnerability of glial cell populations to chronic high levels of circulating glucocorticoids.Metabolic health: pathophysiological trajectories and therap