364 research outputs found

    Modelling solar coronal magnetic fields with physics-informed neural networks

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    We present a novel numerical approach aiming at computing equilibria and dynamics structures of magnetized plasmas in coronal environments. A technique based on the use of neural networks that integrates the partial differential equations of the model, and called Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), is introduced. The functionality of PINNs is explored via calculation of different magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium configurations, and also obtention of exact two-dimensional steady-state magnetic reconnection solutions (Craig & Henton 1995). Advantages and drawbacks of PINNs compared to traditional numerical codes are discussed in order to propose future improvements. Interestingly, PINNs is a meshfree method in which the obtained solution and associated different order derivatives are quasi-instantaneously generated at any point of the spatial domain. We believe that our results can help to pave the way for future developments of time dependent MHD codes based on PINNsComment: accepted in MNRA

    At-Home Yogurt Making to Investigate Microbiology Concepts: A Remote Biology Laboratory

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced many educators to move their courses to the online environment with little time to adjust. It especially affected undergraduate biology laboratory courses that rely on on-campus facilities to provide students with meaningful laboratory-type experiences. Here we describe a multisession, at-home, and hands-on laboratory activity that utilizes yogurt culturing to explore microbiology concepts. We also summarize the findings of 219 undergraduate students who successfully performed this lab remotely. In small virtual groups, students learned how to make yogurt at home, formulate a testable hypothesis, run an experiment on conditions necessary for yogurt fermentation, analyze experimental results, and present their results to peers in an oral scientific talk. Practical considerations include the use of low-cost and accessible materials, low-tech yet effective quantification approaches, and online note-taking and data management tools to coordinate group work and provide informal and formal assessment

    Mesa redonda sobre a intervenção da escola na educação e sustentabilidade alimentares

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    Evocando o dia Mundial da Alimentação, a presente mesa redonda considerou o "papel da escola na educação alimentar e sustentabilidade alimentar," contando com a participação da responsável do projeto refeições escolares da junta de freguesia do Restelo e da responsável do HACCP/Componente Apoio Família Pré-Escolar do Município de Santarem (minutos: 0:00-19:01)N/

    A perceção dos chefs sobre o conceito de alimentação saudável e sua influência no bem-estar das pessoas : um estudo exploratório

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    As artes culinárias, os seus intervenientes e a envolvente associada às mesmas, assumem hoje um interesse crescente por parte dos consumidores, podendo funcionar como uma ferramenta de educação, tornando os consumidores mais recetivos à influência da alimentação na saúde. Por outro lado, o entretenimento direcionado para alimentação poderá conduzir o consumidor a um desvio das suas práticas alimentares saudáveis, envolvendo os espetadores numa fantasia e glamour, de cenários encenados que parecem reais em particular para pessoas sem qualificações em artes culinárias. Esta investigação pretende aferir a perceção dos Chefs sobre o conceito de alimentação saudável e a sua influência no bem-estar das pessoas na região da grande Lisboa. Metodologicamente, realizaram-se entrevistas a Chefs, privilegiando o método qualitativo. A informação recolhida foi tratada recorrendo-se à análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se o software QSR Nvivo 10®. As entrevistas seguiram um guião pré-estabelecido, incidindo sobre os seguintes temas: i) hábitos alimentares dos Chefs em casa; ii) perceção sobre alimentação saudável; iii) práticas em contexto de trabalho. Os Chefs percecionaram corretamente o conceito de alimentação saudável e associaram o bem-estar como o principal benefício associado à sua prática. Porém, nos seus locais de trabalho, os Chefs referem que se sentem pressionados pelas questões economicistas aquando da elaboração das suas receitas. Importa pois promover uma oferta alimentar atrativa e simultaneamente saudável, contribuindo para o bem-estar das pessoas.The culinary arts, its agents and the setting associated to them, currently, represent a growing interest upcoming from consumers, enabling this development to function as an educational tool, engaging the consumers to become more approachable to the influence of eating habits headed for health. On the other hand, entertainment may be leading the consumer to a deviant pattern of healthy eating practices, by mesmerizing the viewers into a world of fantasy and glamour, staged scenarios which appear close to reality, specifically to people without qualifications in culinary arts. This research aims to determine the Chefs’ perception about the concept of healthy food and theirs influence on people’s well-being in the great Lisbon area. Methodologically, the qualitative method was privileged; there were conducted interviews to Chefs. The gathered information was treated by submitting the content analysis to the QSR Nvivo 10® software. The interviews assessed a pre-designed script and pointing the following topics: i) the Chefs’ domestic eating habits; ii) perception of healthy eating; iii) practices on-job. The Chefs correctly comprehended the concept of healthy eating and they associated the well-being as its major benefit. Conversely, at their working places, our Chefs refer the pressure of the economical issues as the main criterion to design their recipes. Henceforward, it is fundamental to promote an attractive food offer and equally healthy, contributing to the people’s well-being

    Alimentação em ambiente escolar

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    No âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA)/DCeT, decorreu uma peça sobre "alimentação em ambiente escolar", com a participação da responsável do projeto refeições escolares da junta de freguesia do Restelo, da responsável do HACCP/Componente Apoio Família Pré-Escolar do Município de Santarém e da Vereadora da Câmara Municipal de Santarém com emissão na RTP2 (minutos: 0:00-19:01)N/