1,016 research outputs found

    The ICARUS T600 Liquid Argon Purification System

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    Abstract The ICARUS detector is a liquid argon time projection chamber with unique features that make it an ideal device to be used for several particle physics applications. After years of R&D activities, the ICARUS Collaboration proposed the construction of the T600 in strict partnership with industry to guarantee the necessary and viable scaling-up of the technology from prototypal dimensions to sized plants in order to study neutrino oscillations and matter stability in an effective way. The T600 represents the largest LAr detector (760 t LAr mass) ever realized. It was installed and successfully operated for 3 years inside the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory from May 2010 to June 2013. One of the most important issues for the success of the detector technology is the liquid argon purity. Purity requirements become stronger and stronger with the increase of the detector dimensions: for a plant of the ICARUS T600 size it is necessary to keep the residual electronegative impurity content to a level of the order of 0.1 parts per billion or better all over the argon volume during the whole detector run, thus allowing the ionization tracks, created by interacting particles inside LAr, to be transported with only slight attenuation along the drift path. In this paper we present the ICARUS T600 purification plant installed at Gran Sasso Laboratory and describe in details the solutions adopted for the LAr re-circulation and purification systems that permitted to reach impressive results in terms of LAr purity thus representing a milestone for any project involving LAr and developments at higher LAr mass scale

    Implementing reshoring: insights and principles from a longitudinal case study in the e-bike industry

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    Despite the growing body of literature on firms revising their production offshoring decisions, there is scarce research on how reshoring is actually implemented. This paper responds to this gap by analysing the case of FIVE, an Italian electric bike (e-bike) company that has insourced and relocated its production activities - originally outsourced to a Chinese manufacturer - to its home country. The research combines a design science approach with a longitudinal single case study method to gather both theoretical insights and practical managerial advice on how to conduct the reshoring implementation. The study captures the dynamic nature of the implementation process, showing how its elements evolve over time. Organisational learning emerges as a driving factor of reshoring. Each of the implementation stages is characterised by the development of a specific organisational process, which provides the know-how required for performing tasks at that particular stage. From a practical perspective, the study develops five reshoring implementation principles and a three-stage implementation process, thereby offering valuable guidelines for managers of SMEs who wish to undertake the reshoring decision

    Pharmacological rescue of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in a mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability

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    Oligophrenin-1 (OPHN1) is a Rho GTPase activating protein whose mutations cause X-linked intellectual disability (XLID). How loss of function of Ophnl affects neuronal development is only partly understood. Here we have exploited adult hippocampal neurogenesis to dissect the steps of neuronal differentiation that are affected by Ophn1 deletion. We found that mice lacking Ophnl display a reduction in the number of newborn neurons in the dentate gyrus. A significant fraction of the Ophn1-deficient newly generated neurons failed to extend an axon towards CM, and showed an altered density of dendritic protrusions. Since Ophnl-deficient mice display overactivation of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) and protein kinase A (PICA) signaling, we administered a clinically approved ROCK/PICA inhibitor (fasudil) to correct the neurogenesis defects. While administration of fasudil was not effective in rescuing axon formation, the same treatment completely restored spine density to control levels, and enhanced the long-term survival of adult-born neurons in mice lacking Ophn1. These results identify specific neurodevelopmental steps that are impacted by Ophn1 deletion, and indicate that they may be at least partially corrected by pharmacological treatment. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Fibre tip sensor with embedded FBG-LPG for temperature and refractive index determination by means of the simple measurement of the FBG characteristics

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    A novel optical fibre sensing system based on a hybrid long period grating (LPG) and Bragg grating (FBG) configuration is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The hybrid configuration, which uses the difference in temperature and refractive index (RI) different response of a Bragg grating and a long period grating, makes it possible to discriminate simultaneously the temperature and the refractive index of different aqueous solutions. RI (1.33 RIU-1.40 RIU) and temperature (21°C-28°C) working ranges have been experimentally determined. Experimental results show that the maximum accuracy in the refractive index measurement (0.004 RIU) with temperature compensation has been achieved within the working ranges

    Detection of the VUV liquid argon scintillation light by means of glass-window photomultiplier tubes

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    Abstract The experimental results coming from an intense R&D study about the possibility of detecting the light produced by the liquid argon scintillation certify the use of glass-window photomultiplier tubes. The devices, working in cryogenic liquid, are made sensitive to the VUV photons by means of a wavelength shifter coating. This is a useful detection method to provide an effective way for the absolute time measurement and trigger of ionizing events occurring in Time Projection Chambers

    Workplace Bullying and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology: The Influence of Role Conflict and the Moderating Effects of Neuroticism and Managerial Competencies

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    Research has explored numerous consequences of workplace bullying, including a recent link to the exhibition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomology. Role conflict as a workplace stressor may contribute to instances of bullying from a passive perspective, which may lead to PTSD symptomology in victims. What remains less explored is if role conflict has a direct relationship to PTSD symptomology and how personality traits such as neuroticism and workplace factors such as managerial competencies may moderate the stress brought on by role conflict. Hence the present study seeks to examine this gap in the literature. This study utilizes a between-subjects, cross-sectional design with 159 participants, 39.6% male and 60.4% female. Most participants (60%) were Italian workers of a large social cooperative organization. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the measurement model was valid and had an adequate model fit. Results from two separate moderated mediation analyses found a positive, full mediation between the independent variable of role conflict, the mediator of exposure to bullying, and the dependent variable of PTSD symptomology. Furthermore, in this study, neuroticism strengthened the indirect effect while managerial competencies weakened it. The results highlight the importance of training competent managers and providing resources for more vulnerable employees to moderate employee work stress and its negative outcomes

    Mutual Avoidance in the Spectacled Salamander and Centipede: A Discrepancy between Exploratory Field and Laboratory Data

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    Interactions between amphibians and arthropods encompass a wide range of ecological relationships, predominantly characterized by predator–prey dynamics, with adult amphibians as the predators. In some instances, the roles are reversed. This study focuses on the potential predator-prey relationship between the spectacled salamander (Salamandrina perspicillata) and the centipede Scolopendra cingulata in Central Italy. Building upon previous research on chemical cue perception in amphibians, we investigated potential olfactory cue-mediated avoidance behaviours exhibited by S. perspicillata towards the potential predator S. cingulata through field observations and manipulative experiments. In a natural site, we estimated the degree of negative co-occurrence between the study species under shelters and found an avoidance pattern between S. perspicillata and S. cingulata in refuges. However, when the study species were forced to choose between sharing or not sharing a given shelter, through a manipulative experiment, the avoidance pattern was not confirmed. Potential determinants contributing to the avoidance pattern observed in nature are discussed. Our exploratory results represent a good example of how what often appears to be a strong observation-based pattern in natural settings needs to be carefully scrutinized. Hypotheses testing through experiments in controlled environments remains a valuable approach to exclude potentially misleading processes

    Serum or Plasma (and Which Plasma), That Is the Question

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    Serum or Plasma (and Which Plasma), That Is the Question

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    Blood derivatives are the biofluids of choice formetabolomic clinical studies since blood can be collected with lowinvasiveness and is rich in biological information. However, the choiceof the blood collection tubes has an undeniable impact on the plasmaand serum metabolic content. Here, we compared the metabolomicand lipoprotein profiles of blood samples collected at the same timeand place from six healthy volunteers but using different collectiontubes (each enrolled volunteer provided multiple blood samples at adistance of a few weeks/months): citrate plasma, EDTA plasma, andserum tubes. All samples were analyzed via nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy. Several metabolites showed statistically significantalterations among the three blood matrices, and also metabolites'correlations were shown to be affected. The effects of blood collectiontubes on the lipoproteins'profiles are relevant too, but less marked. Overcoming the issue associated with different blood collectiontubes is pivotal to scale metabolomics and lipoprotein analysis at the level of epidemiological studies based on samples frommulticenter cohorts. We propose a statistical solution, based on regression, that is shown to be efficient in reducing the alterationsinduced by the different collection tubes for both the metabolomic and lipoprotein profile
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