51 research outputs found

    Conserver mieux pour consommer loin

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    Image d’ouverture Vivre isolé dans un milieu sauvage : un camp de base d’expédition himalayenne. À 4 500 mètres dans le massif des Annapurnas (Népal), le camp de base implique de conserver la nourriture et de se nourrir en autonomie dans un environnement extrême (isolement, altitude, froid, vent…). © Éric Boutroy L’itinérance sportive en espace naturel (expédition, trekking, randonnée) s’est fortement développée ces dernières décennies. Depuis les cimes himalayennes où des dizaines de millie..

    Conserver mieux pour consommer loin

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    Cet article porte sur deux activités sportives qui partagent des contraintes fortes de conservation, de transport et d’allègement des rations alimentaires : les expéditions d’alpinisme en Himalaya et le mouvement de la Marche Ultra-Légère (MUL). Ces itinérances sportives en milieu naturel impliquent de vivre et se déplacer de quelques jours jusqu’à plusieurs semaines dans un environnement plus ou moins extrême. Dans des contraintes inusuelles (contamination et souillure, isolement, conditions hostiles, altitude…), le système culinaire, et de fait les procédés de conservation, recouvrent pour ces voyageurs sportifs des enjeux variés : transportabilité et allègement, durabilité et protection, diététique et nutrition, appétence culturellement spécifiée, rapports sociaux ou symboliques. Il est alors possible de décrire finement la chaîne des techniques conservatoires (matières, objets, conduites, savoirs) mise en œuvre par les sportifs itinérants. De l’approvisionnement à la consommation, ces procédés très riches font, selon les cas, l’objet d’apprentissage ou de délégation : choix d’itinéraire, technique du corps, sélection d’aliments, traitement de conservation (séchage, lyophilisation, conserve…), conditionnement, protection et transport, préparation, repas, gestion des déchets… Derrière la variété et la richesse des opérations, nous suggérons que les pratiques conservatoires supportent deux sous-cultures matérielles qui révèlent, parfois explicitement, des conceptions et des valeurs contrastées entre partisans du minimalisme et aventuriers plus consuméristes.This article focuses on two sports activities that share strong constraints on conservation, transport and lightening of food : mountaineering expeditions in the Himalayas and the movement of the ultralight backpacking (in French : Marche Ultra-Légère, alias MUL). These sports trips in natural areas involve living and traveling for few days to several weeks in a more or less extreme environment. Within unusual constraints (contamination, loneliness, hostile conditions, high altitude…), the “culinary system”, and consequently the preservation techniques, include a variety of issues : transportability and lightening, durability and protection, dietetics and nutrition, culturally specified relish, social relationships, symbols. It is then possible to describe finely the chain of preservation techniques (materials, objects, operational sequences, knowledge) implemented by these travellers. From supplying to consumption, these very rich processes are, depending on the case, the object of learning or delegation : choice of itineraries, body techniques, food selection, preservation treatment (drying, lyophilisation, canning…), reconditioning, protection and transport, preparation, meal, waste management… Behind the variety and profusion of operations, we suggest that preservation techniques support two material subcultures that reveal, sometimes explicitly, contrasted conceptions and values between proponents of minimalism and adventurers-consumers

    Artificial Intelligence to Detect Papilledema from Ocular Fundus Photographs.

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    BACKGROUND: Nonophthalmologist physicians do not confidently perform direct ophthalmoscopy. The use of artificial intelligence to detect papilledema and other optic-disk abnormalities from fundus photographs has not been well studied. METHODS: We trained, validated, and externally tested a deep-learning system to classify optic disks as being normal or having papilledema or other abnormalities from 15,846 retrospectively collected ocular fundus photographs that had been obtained with pharmacologic pupillary dilation and various digital cameras in persons from multiple ethnic populations. Of these photographs, 14,341 from 19 sites in 11 countries were used for training and validation, and 1505 photographs from 5 other sites were used for external testing. Performance at classifying the optic-disk appearance was evaluated by calculating the area under the receiver-operating-characteristic curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity, as compared with a reference standard of clinical diagnoses by neuro-ophthalmologists. RESULTS: The training and validation data sets from 6779 patients included 14,341 photographs: 9156 of normal disks, 2148 of disks with papilledema, and 3037 of disks with other abnormalities. The percentage classified as being normal ranged across sites from 9.8 to 100%; the percentage classified as having papilledema ranged across sites from zero to 59.5%. In the validation set, the system discriminated disks with papilledema from normal disks and disks with nonpapilledema abnormalities with an AUC of 0.99 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.98 to 0.99) and normal from abnormal disks with an AUC of 0.99 (95% CI, 0.99 to 0.99). In the external-testing data set of 1505 photographs, the system had an AUC for the detection of papilledema of 0.96 (95% CI, 0.95 to 0.97), a sensitivity of 96.4% (95% CI, 93.9 to 98.3), and a specificity of 84.7% (95% CI, 82.3 to 87.1). CONCLUSIONS: A deep-learning system using fundus photographs with pharmacologically dilated pupils differentiated among optic disks with papilledema, normal disks, and disks with nonpapilledema abnormalities. (Funded by the Singapore National Medical Research Council and the SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Program.)

    L’intermédiation du marché de l’occasion Échange marchand, confiance et interactions sociales

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    Cet article traite, à partir de l’étude du fonctionnement d’un système de dépôt-vente d’articles de sport, de l’intermédiation des marchés de l’occasion et de ses effets sur la construction de la confiance au sein des relations marchandes. Il le fait du point de vue de la sociologie économique, inspirée de l’économie néo-institutionnaliste et de la microsociologie goffmanienne. La première insiste sur la construction de la crédibilité de l’échange marchand en analysant les dispositifs cognitifs et formels visant à réduire l’opacité du marché et les menaces opportunistes des agents. La seconde s’attache à décrire la façon dont les participants coproduisent la confiance en mobilisant leurs compétences civiles et en révélant des indices de leur honnêteté. Les deux approches convergent sur le fait que les conditions de possibilité de l’échange marchand relèvent de logiques économiques et sociologiques impersonnelles. Cela permet d’identifier les limites de l’analyse en termes de réseaux de relations personnelles.A perspective drawn from economic sociology perspective and grounded in an empirical study of second-hand sporting goods stores is used to examine the “intermediation” of used goods markets and its impacts on building confidence in market relations. A neo-institutional economic interpretation is contrasted with one based on a microsociological approach of a Goffmanian sort. The first lays emphasis on the buildup of market credibility through its analyses of the cognitive and formal arrangements (contractual and technical) for reducing both “market opacity” and the threats of opportunistic behaviour by “professionalizing” the behaviour of self-improvised sales-people. The second approach shows that such an analysis does not suffice for understanding how concrete relations in the marketplace are maintained. It tries to describe how partners to a transaction, together, produce confidence by using their social skills and displaying signs of honesty through the way they let the quality of secondhand goods be evaluated. The two approaches converge, however, in that they recognize the limits of analyses in terms of personal networks and agree that the determinants of economic transactions are impersonal. A call is made for studies to pay closer attention to social relations in the marketplace and focus on how the latter are depersonalized

    L’intermédiation du marché de l’occasion Échange marchand, confiance et interactions sociales

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    International audienceA perspective drawn from economic sociology perspective and grounded in an empirical study of second-hand sporting goods stores is used to examine the “intermediation” of used goods markets and its impacts on building confidence in market relations. A neo-institutional economic interpretation is contrasted with one based on a microsociological approach of a Goffmanian sort. The first lays emphasis on the buildup of market credibility through its analyses of the cognitive and formal arrangements (contractual and technical) for reducing both “market opacity” and the threats of opportunistic behavior by “professionalizing” the behavior of self-improvised salespeople. The second approach shows that such an analysis does not suffice for understanding how concrete relations in the marketplace are maintained. It tries to describe how partners to a transaction, together, produce confidence by using their social skills and displaying signs of honesty through the way they let the quality of secondhand goods be evaluated. The two approaches converge, however, in that they recognize the limits of analyses in terms of personal networks and agree that the determinants of economic transactions are impersonal. A call is made for studies to pay closer attention to social relations in the marketplace and focus on how the latter are depersonalized.Cet article traite, à partir de l’étude du fonctionnement d’un système de dépôt-vente d’articles de sport, de l’intermédiation des marchés de l’occasion et de ses effets sur la construction de la confiance au sein des relations marchandes. Il le fait du point de vue de la sociologie économique, inspirée de l’économie néo-institutionnaliste et de la microsociologie goffmanienne. La première insiste sur la construction de la crédibilité de l’échange marchand en analysant les dispositifs cognitifs et formels visant à réduire l’opacité du marché et les menaces opportunistes des agents. La seconde s’attache à décrire la façon dont les participants coproduisent la confiance en mobilisant leurs compétences civiles et en révélant des indices de leur honnêteté. Les deux approches convergent sur le fait que les conditions de possibilité de l’échange marchand relèvent de logiques économiques et sociologiques impersonnelles. Cela permet d’identifier les limites de l’analyse en termes de réseaux de relations personnelles
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