7 research outputs found

    Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechnique for quarry restoration: evaluation of phytonutritional efficiency in ^AUP model horizons

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    A study was started aiming at assessing the suitability of zeolitized tuff as optimal mineral Human Transported Materials (HTMs) in pedotechnologies for quarry restoration

    Constructed Technosols as a Soil Rebuilding Technique to Reclaim Abandoned Limestone Quarries in the Mediterranean Region: A Field Study

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    Soil rebuilding represents a major challenge in the recovery of abandoned quarries. In this study, we explored the possibility of using reconstructed Technosols, to achieve soil rebuilding goals at an abandoned quarry site. We first investigated the use of a mixture containing commercial manure and limestone debris (LD) as pedotechnomaterials for an “ad hoc” (re)constructed Technosol (CT), for the recovery of an opencast limestone quarry in one of most concentrated quarry areas in the world. In a field experiment, we tested and monitored different pedotechnosystems (PTSs) made up of constructed Technosol + pasture species + different Mediterranean plant species. Specifically, a control (CT, without any additional treatments) was compared to treatments with organic amendment (CTOA) and conventional fertilizers (CTCF). Data were collected over a 12-month period and included crop performance, plant nutritional state, soil physical-chemical parameters, and metabolites. Analysis of variance compared differences among treatments, while factor analysis (FA) interpreted multiple relationships while explaining observed variability. Results showed that CTOA had better soil physical-chemical properties, greater plant growth, and overall superior agronomic performances compared to all other treatments due to the improved substrate conditions. According to FA, these results appear related to the creation of fertile soil conditions, with most of the investigated metabolites (i) playing a pivotal role in observed outcomes, together with (ii) a clear potential in being considered as a reliable fingerprint for investigating plant responses in constructed PTSs. The proposed pedotechniques in CTOA development show a great potential for the full recovery of abandoned limestone quarries in degraded Mediterranean areas by providing an excellent medium for plant growth, facilitating environmental reclamation

    Pedotechnologies for the Environmental Reclamation of limestone quarries. A protocol proposal

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    The omitted reclamation of quarrying sites in the Campania region (Italy), especially in Caserta province, represents a dramatic source of territory instability, landscape deterioration and social-cultural apprehension. The main problems arise from the systematic failure to comply with the Environmental Reclamation laws in force, the weakness of judicial supervisions and the lack of specific sanctions to be applied in the event of non-compliance. Additionally, the environmental reclamation still represents a prohibitive cost for the quarrying entrepreneurs, just because it is not considered as a possible investment for the company's conversion to new lines of production. On these bases, we considered the chance to turn the closing down of quarrying into other sustainable business activities, able to guarantee not only the environmental safeguarding according to the law, but also the social-economic progress. The present paper describes a study-case intervention of pedotechnologies as a reference protocol â within the whole of reclamation activities â to ad hoc designing and building Technosols, suitable for an environmental reclamation addressed to the agricultural reuse of abandoned limestone quarries

    Influence of Climatic Conditions on Dynamic Performance of Solar Hybrid Heating and Cooling Systems Integrating Seasonal Borehole Thermal Energy Storages: Application to School Buildings in the Campania Region of Italy

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    In this paper 5 different case studies of solar hybrid heating and cooling networks serving 5 different school buildings assumed as representative of the 5 provinces of the Campania region (southern Italy) have been modelled, dynamically simulated and analyzed by means of the software TRNSYS over a 5-year period. The plants are based on the operation of solar thermal collectors coupled with a seasonal borehole thermal energy storage; the solar field is also integrated with photovoltaic panels coupled with an electric energy storage; a solar-powered adsorption system is used for covering the cooling requirements. Specific weather data files have been developed for each city based on 1-year in-situ hourly measurements to accurately take into account the influence of climatic conditions on systems’ performance; the effects of thermo-physical properties of underground associated to the different locations have also been taken into consideration according to measured data available in the literature. The proposed systems have been compared with conventional Italian heating and cooling plants from energy, environmental and economic points of view in order to assess the potential benefits, highlight the effects of both weather data and characteristics of underground as well as promote the diffusion of solar systems for Italian applications

    Soil phenolic compound variability in two Mediterranean olive groves

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    Phenolic compounds (PCs) – with special reference to secondary plant metabolites – were characterised in two Mediterranean olive groves (Olea europaea L.). Representative pedological profiles were dug to identify and characterise the pedotype. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out on soil core samples gathered at fixed depths (0–20 cm and 20–40 cm) and olive leaf methanol extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography with ul-traviolet detection. The total PCs content reflected the soil organic carbon distribution, especially carbon of humic and fulvic acids, corroborating their crucial role in humification pathways. Among the analysed plant secondary metaboli-tes, luteolin-4'-O-glucoside and verbascoside were the most abundant in leaves and soils, respectively. Most of the easily hydrolysed/metabolised phenols were not found in soils. Rutin and verbascoside, despite containing glucose, strongly persisted in the soil environment, probably due to their allelopathic effect. Oleuropein was not found in soils because it is highly soluble and mobile in the soil environment. Furthermore, the presence of clay in soil seemed to determine the accumulation of specific PCs. Our data suggest that PCs persistence in soil seems to be mainly determined by a balance between physicochemical and biochemical instability and allelopathic stability rather than their abundance in the plant

    Zeolitized tuffs in pedotechnique for the reclamation of abandoned quarries: a case study in the Campania region (Italy)

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    The present study aims to assess the evolution of different proto-horizons as embryonic soils built by pedotechnologies for the reclamation and management of derelict and damaged lands, such as abandoned quarries. The model proto-horizons were assembled by utilizing coarse limestone gravel or zeolitized Phlegraean Yellow Tuff (PYT) as mineral components and commercial compost-amendments or a phosphorite-poultry manure mixture as organic matrices for growth of a pasture-grass under controlled conditions. The evolution of the model proto-horizons was followed by an evaluation of the stability and modification of the organic matter (OM) with reference to plant development. The results suggest that the natural carbonatic substrate occurring in limestone quarries was unable to sustain significant plant growth, while the PYT was suitable and efficient as a pedogenic substrate because it supported plant growth and induced a conspicuous accumulation of OM due to root activity. In particular, OM, including humic and non-humic components, greatly increased in the PYT treatment with the phosphorite-poultry manure mixture showing a concurrent trend toward humification. Conversely, an overall tendency toward degradation of OM was detected in the PYT model proto-horizon treated with commercial compost. Feasibility estimates show that quarry restoration costs appear reasonable where environmental impacts are high

    Green Fly Over: Il Paesaggio del Viaggio

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    Connessioni Immateriali, ma anche Connessioni fisiche: la prima connessione che l’uomo ha realizzato è il Ponte. “Il ponte lascia libero corso al fiume e insieme garantisce ai mortali la via attraverso cui possono andare da una regione all’altra” scrive Martin Heidegger nel noto saggio Costruire Abitare Pensare. Questa idea ci ha spinto a considerare, insieme ad alcuni giovani, un concorso indetto dall’ANAS per un idea di Cavalcavia che potesse essere un SEGNO dell’Azienda. Ma il ponte, in quanto opera dell’uomo, deve essere non solo uno strumento di collegamento, ma anche un segno, appunto, che rappresenti la sua attività inserita nel territorio che attraversa. La proposta che è scaturita dimostra come l’architettura possa esistere, e rappresentare il bello, anche in quelle strutture che appaiono dover essere realizzate solo per la loro funzione; si ritiene importante che, con la connessione tra competenze diverse, si arrivi ad un risultato contemporaneamente efficiente, efficace e funzionale. Nello sviluppo della proposta si è, quindi, tenuto conto dei diversi aspetti presenti nell’opera: la struttura, la forma, l’energia, l’inserimento nel territorio