804 research outputs found

    “Role of Autophagy in the regulation of Angiogenesis in Stroke”

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    Angiogenesis is the extension of new blood vessels from the preexisting vessels. This mechanism occurs in pathological conditions of the CNS such as stroke, brain tumors or neurotrauma. After ischemic stroke and brain injury, angiogenesis tries to restore tissue perfusion by developing new vessels. VEGF was traditionally regarded as the primary factor activated in the angiogenic reparation and it has been proposed to in the therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. Unfortunately, the VEGF is not a good drug candidate for its pharmacokinetic limitations and its capacity to permeabilize the cerebral endothelium causing brain leakage. Due to the increasing evidences from literature showing an involvement of autophagy in new vessels formation it has been verified whether autophagy could have a role in blood vessel formation in a pathological condition where the failure to supply blood to suffering brain is crucial, the ischemic stroke. There are different conditions in the brain that promote autophagy such as oxygen deprivation with activation of angiogenesis. To test our working hypothesis, in vitro experiments were performed in order to evaluate whether autophagy could be involved in vitro tubulogenesis by modulating the autophagic cascade. In these experiments, brain endothelial cells (bEND5) VEGF independents and forming a capillary-like network when plated on Matrigel, were used. Hereafter, it has been evaluated if the experimental hypothesis tested in vitro experiments could be confirmed also in vivo experiments in rodents thus allowing us to verify whether autophagy could be considered a mechanism involved in angiogenesis and therefore it could be proposed as a target for the therapy of stroke

    Anonymous, Oral History Interview, 2022

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    In October and November of 2022, You Li\u27s Journalism 313 students conducted oral history interviews with one another to document the student experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this interview, an EMU undergraduate student talks about the impact of the pandemic on their mental health.https://commons.emich.edu/covidoralhist/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Gonzalez-Rivera v. INS: An Unwarranted Application of the Exclusionary Rule to Civil Deportation Hearings

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    The Double Sighted: Visibility, Identity, and Photographs on Facebook

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    The primary objective of this analysis is to uncover the tools of Facebook identity construction. Because Facebook users have the ability to control the images and information associated with their profiles, reactionary scholars typically classify Facebook identity as a symptom of cultural narcissism. However, I seek to displace the fixation on the newness of the medium in order to interrogate the possibility of a society that has internalized surveillance. Using Michel Foucault’s theories on panopticism and heterotopia, I examine the role photographs play in the construction of an individual on Facebook, and the ways in which user photographs are positioned into social memory construction

    Monocentric case-series of mesenteric vascular disease occurred in the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objectives: we describe Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) patients also manifesting gastro-intestinal symptoms. Methods: five women, between the ages of 32 and 82 years old, were admitted for acute abdomen, and received a nasopharyngeal swab for COVID-19 screening, lab test analysis, and contrast thoraco-abdominal CT-scan. All presented leukocytosis, different localizations of visceral vessels thrombosis and ischemia, and COVID-19. Results: emergency laparotomy was accepted by all but 1, who died after 5 days. Postoperatively, 1 died of multi-organ failure, 3 were discharged home after 14, 8 and 10 days respectively, under anti-platelet and anticoagulation treatment. Conclusions: in COVID-19 patients with acute abdomen, abdominal contrast CT-scans should be systematically extended to the thorax to detect visceral COVID-19 initial pulmonary signs. Emergency laparotomy and visceral arteries thrombectomy could be necessary

    Leader election in rings of ambient processes

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    Palamidessi has shown that the ¼-calculus with mixed choice is powerful enough to solve the leader election problem on a symmetric ring of processes. We show that this is also possible in the calculus of Mobile Ambients (MA), without using communication or restriction. Following Palamidessi's methods, we deduce that there is no encoding satisfying certain conditions from MA into CCS. We also show that the calculus of Boxed Ambients is more expressive than its communication-free fragment