150 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal correlation of extreme climate indices and river flood discharges

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    The occurrence of floods is strongly related to specific climatic conditions that favor extreme precipitation events. Although the impact of precipitation and temperature patterns on river flows is a well discussed topic in hydrology, few studies have focused on the rainfall and temperature extremes in their relation with peak discharges. This work presents a comparative analysis of Climate Change Indices (ETCCDI) annual time series, calculated using the NorthWestern Italy Optimal Interpolation (NWIOI) dataset, and annual maximum flows in the Piedmont Region. The Spearman’s rank correlation was used to determine which indices are temporally correlated with peak discharges, allowing to hypothesize the main physical processes involved in the production of floods. The correlation hypothesis was verified with the Spearman’s rank correlation test, considering a Student’s t-distribution with a 5% significance level. Moreover, the influence of climate variability on the tendency of annual maximum discharges was examined by correlating trends of climate indices with trends of the discharge series. These were calculated using the Theil-Sen slope estimator and tested with the Mann-Kendall test at the 5% significance level. The results highlight that while extreme precipitation indices are highly correlated with extreme discharges at the annual timescale, the interannual changes of extreme discharges may be better explained by the interannual changes of the total annual precipitation. This suggests that projections of the annual precipitation may be used as covariates for non-stationary flood frequency analysis

    Detecting Flood‐Rich and Flood‐Poor Periods in Annual Peak Discharges Across Europe

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    This paper proposes a method from Scan statistics for identifying flood-rich and flood-poor periods (i.e., anomalies) in flood discharge records. Exceedances of quantiles with 2-, 5-, and 10-year return periods are used to identify periods with unusually many (or few) threshold exceedances with respect to the reference condition of independent and identically distributed random variables. For the case of flood-rich periods, multiple window lengths are used in the identification process. The method is applied to 2,201 annual flood peak series in Europe between 1960 and 2010. Results indicate evidence for the existence of flood-rich and flood-poor periods, as about 2 to 3 times more anomalies are detected than what would be expected by chance. The frequency of the anomalies tends to decrease with an increasing threshold return period which is consistent with previous studies, but this may be partly related to the method and the record length of about 50 years. In the northwest of Europe, the frequency of stations with flood-rich periods tends to increase over time and the frequency of stations with flood-poor periods tends to decrease. In the east and south of Europe, the opposite is the case. There appears to exist a turning point around 1970 when the frequencies of anomalies start to change most clearly. This turning point occurs at the same time as a turning point of the North Atlantic Oscillation index. The method is also suitable for peak-over-threshold series and can be generalized to higher dimensions, such as space and space-time

    Impact of reduced anthropogenic emissions and century flood on the phosphorus stock, concentrations and stocks in the Upper Danube

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    AbstractPatterns of changes in the concentration of total and soluble reactive phosphorus (TP, SRP) and suspended sediments at different flow levels from 1991 to 2013 in the Austrian Danube are statistically analyzed and related to point and diffuse emissions, as well as to extreme hydrological events. Annual loads are calculated with three methods and their development in time is examined taking into consideration total emissions and hydrological conditions. The reduction of point discharges achieved during the 1990s was well translated into decreasing TP and SRP baseflow concentrations during the same period, but it did not induce any change in the concentrations at higher flow levels nor in the annual transport of TP loads. A sharp and long-lasting decline in TP concentration, affecting all flow levels, took place after a major flood in 2002. It was still visible during another major flood in 2013, which recorded lower TP concentrations than its predecessor. Such decline could not be linked to changes in point or diffuse emissions. This suggests that, as a result of the flood, the river system experienced a significant depletion of its in-stream phosphorus stock and a reduced mobilization of TP rich sediments afterwards. This hypothesis is corroborated by the decoupling of peak phosphorus loads from peak maximum discharges after 2002. These results are highly relevant for the design of monitoring schemes and for the correct interpretation of water quality data in terms of assessing the performance of environmental management measures

    Human signatures derived from nighttime lights along the Eastern Alpine river network in Austria and Italy

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    Abstract. Understanding how human settlements and economic activities are distributed with reference to the geographical location of streams and rivers is of fundamental relevance for several issues, such as flood risk management, drought management related to increased water demands by human population, fluvial ecosystem services, water pollution and water exploitation. Besides the spatial distribution, the evolution in time of the human presence constitutes an additional key question. This work aims at understanding and analysing the spatial and temporal evolution of human settlements and associated economic activity, derived from nighttime lights, in the Eastern Alpine region. Nightlights, available at a fine spatial resolution and for a 22-year period, constitute an excellent data base, which allows one to explore in details human signatures. In this experiment, nightlights are associated to five distinct distance-from-river classes. Our results clearly point out an overall enhancement of human presence across the considered distance classes during the last 22 years, though presenting some differences among the study regions. In particular, the river network delineation, by considering different groups of river pixels based on the Strahler order, is found to play a central role in the identification of nightlight spatio-temporal trends

    Conceptualizing socio-hydrological drought processes: The case of the Maya collapse

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    With population growth, increasing water demands and climate change the need to understand the current and future pathways to water security is becoming more pressing. To contribute to addressing this challenge, we examine the link between water stress and society through socio-hydrological modeling. We conceptualize the interactions between an agricultural society with its environment in a stylized way. We apply the model to the case of the ancient Maya, a population that experienced a peak during the Classic Period (AD 600-830) and then declined during the ninth century. The hypothesis that modest drought periods played a major role in the society's collapse is explored. Simulating plausible feedbacks between water and society we show that a modest reduction in rainfall may lead to an 80% population collapse. Population density and crop sensitivity to droughts, however, may play an equally important role. The simulations indicate that construction of reservoirs results in less frequent drought impacts, but if the reservoirs run dry, drought impact may be more severe and the population drop may be larger

    Socio-hydrological modelling of flood-risk dynamics: comparing the resilience of green and technological systems

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    This work aims to provide a dynamic assessment of flood risk and community resilience by explicitly accounting for variable human behaviour, e.g. risk-taking and awareness-raising attitudes. We consider two different types of socio-hydrological systems: green systems, whereby societies deal with risk only via non-structural measures, and technological systems, whereby risk is dealt with also by structural measures, such as levees. A stylized model of human\u2013flood interactions is first compared to real-world data collected at two test sites (People\u2019s Republic of Bangladesh and the city of Rome, Italy) and then used to explore plausible trajectories of flood risk. The results show that flood risk in technological systems tends to be significantly lower than in green systems. However, technological systems may undergo catastrophic events, which lead to much higher losses. Furthermore, green systems prove to be more resilient than technological ones, which makes them more capable of withstanding environmental and social changes. EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned
