10 research outputs found

    Benefits in avifaunistic monitoring through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Nature Reserve of Saline di Priolo (Sicily, Italy)

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    The photo-video technologies applied to UAV were used to monitor the presences of two nesting species in the natural reserve, Saline Priolo. A colony of more than 500 Flamingo specimens (Phoenicopterus roseus Pallas, 1811) and about 100 specimens of Little tern (Sternula albifrons Pallas, 1764) were studied.peer-reviewe

    Proposal for a ‘sanctuary area’ dedicated to the protection of Brachytrupes megacephalus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in the Nature Reserve of Vendicari (Sicily, Italy)

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    There are numerous initiatives in the world that concern ‘sanctuaries’ or protected areas aimed for the conservation of vertebrate species. However, almost nothing exists for the conservation of insects. The project here proposed concerns Brachytrupes megacephalus, the largest gryllid in Europe and a species of ‘community interest’ as part of the EU Habitat Directive. It is uniquely adapted to sandy dunal habitats which are increasingly subjected to transformations and habitat degradation due to anthropogenic factors. The project is proposed for the Vendicari Reserve of the Sicilian Region where the species is present in well-defined areas.peer-reviewe

    A new species of Pselaphogenius Reitter, 1910 of the fiorii species group from southern Italy (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae)

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    Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo, Bekchiev, Rostislav (2019): A new species of Pselaphogenius Reitter, 1910 of the fiorii species group from southern Italy (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). Zootaxa 4585 (2): 387-394, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4585.2.1

    A new species of Tychus Leach, 1817 from Lebanon (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae)

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    Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo, D'Urso, Vera (2019): A new species of Tychus Leach, 1817 from Lebanon (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). Zootaxa 4656 (3): 596-600, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4656.3.1

    Tychus meggiolaroi Sabella & Viglianisi & D'Urso 2019, sp. n.

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    <i>Tychus meggiolaroi</i> sp. n. <p>(Figs 1–6)</p> <p> <b>Type material</b>. <b>Holotype</b>: <b>NORTHERN LEBANON</b>: ♂: Bsharre, 1500-1900 m, 18.iv.1895, W. Wittmer leg. (MSNV).</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. Length 1.5 mm, head, pronotum and abdomen dark brown, elytra red, antennae and legs yellowish and yellow palpi. Relatively dense pubescence of long and flattened golden setae on head, pronotum, elytra and abdomen; other setae shorter, yellowish and suberect on antennae, palpi and legs. Tuft of dense setae present behind temples. Tegument smooth and shiny; only elytra with some punctures. Head (Fig. 1) widest across eyes and narrowest posteriorly to antennal tubercles, slightly wider (0.30 mm) than long (0.29 mm). Antennal tubercles 0.145 mm wide and 0.06 mm long, separated by median longitudinal sulcus. Vertex separated from frontal rostrum by transverse depression. Pair of small dorsal vertexal foveae between and close to eyes, the latter prominent, each with 16-18 facets. Small tooth in front of each vertexal fovea. Tempora rounded. Last palpomere (Fig. 2) 0.16 mm long and 0.085 mm wide, with slightly rounded lateral margin. Antennae (Fig. 3) 0.90 mm long, club 0.31 mm long; scape distinctly longer than wide; antennomeres 2 and 3 longer than wide; antennomere 3 narrow at base, 4 also longer than wide, 5 distinctly larger than other segments of funiculus, longer than wide, with its medial margin enlarged in the apical third, 6-7 wider than long, 7 longer than 6 and 8; 8 smallest and distinctly wider than long. Antennal club with three antennomeres broaden progressively from 9 to 11, antennomeres 9 and 10 transverse, the latter wider than 9, terminal antennomere longer than wide and longer than combined length of antennomeres 9 and 10. Pronotum wider than head, wider (0.36 mm) than long (0.30 mm). It is more clearly tapered and rounded anteriorly than posteriorly with seven small basal pits, median pit larger than lateral ones. Its lateral antebasal foveae large and strongly impressed. Metaventrite with median impression from posterior margin and extending over about 1/2 of its length. Elytra wider (0.69 mm) than long (0.53 mm) and longer than pronotum, with protruding humeri. Two basal foveae on each elytron; sutural fovea associated with shallow sutural stria that extends to elytral apex, while discal fovea extended posteriorly in discal stria reaching about half of elytral length. Abdomen with 1 st tergite 0.20 mm long, with short discal carinae detached by pubescent basal impression occupying about 1/2 of tergite width. First tergite with pair of basolateral foveae, 1 st abdominal paratergite with pair of antebasal impressions, 2 nd abdominal tergite with pair of antebasal foveae. All abdominal ventrites not modified. Legs with posterior margin of mesotrochanters extend into short median spine, lateral margin of metatrochanters prolonged into small median spine, femora of all legs slightly thickened. Aedeagus (Figs 4–5) 0.25 mm long. Dorsal apophysis of median lobe sinuate and canaliculated, and enlarged at apex, bearing in basal third short spine directed medially. Ventral portion of median lobe shorter than dorsal apophysis, larger at base and gradually narrowed towards apex, the latter directed laterally and downward.</p> <p>Female. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> Northern Lebanon.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> <i>Tychus meggiolaroi</i> <b>sp. n.</b> is dedicated to the memory of the entomologist Giuseppe Meggiolaro, who was the first person to study this material.</p>Published as part of <i>Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo & D'Urso, Vera, 2019, A new species of Tychus Leach, 1817 from Lebanon (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae), pp. 596-600 in Zootaxa 4656 (3)</i> on pages 597-598, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4656.3.14, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3368961">http://zenodo.org/record/3368961</a&gt

    Pselaphogenius fiorii

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    Key to the species of the Pselaphogenius fiorii species group 1. Antennomers III–VIII at least twice as long as wide. ♂: Metaventrite raised in middle in conical process whose apex is located in its anterior half. First abdominal ventrite with longitudinal median depression on its entire length. ♀: last abdominal tergite rounded at apex.................................................................................. P. fiorii - Antennomers III–VIII slightly longer than wide............................................................ 2 2. Medial elytral antebasal fovea slightly larger than lateral. Elytral carina weakly-defined. ♂: Metaventrite always raised in conical process, never with longitudinal impression............................................................ 3 - Medial elytral antebasal and lateral fovea equal in size. Elytral carina well-defined. ♂: Metaventrite never raised in conical process, always with longitudinal impression.............................................................. 10 3. Head at least in dorsal region distinctly reticulated and punctate, matt. Pronotum finely reticulated..................... 4 - Head and pronotum smooth and shiny.................................................................... 7 4. Pronotal lateral foveae clearly impressed and deep.......................................................... 6 - Pronotal lateral foveae slightly impressed and shallow....................................................... 5 5. ♂: Metaventrite raised in middle in conical process rounded at the apex; dorsal surface of first ventrite raised in middle from base up to about 2/3 of its length, whose surface is entirely occupied by depression. ♀: Last abdominal tergite bearing long and stout median spine prolonged backwards......................................................... P. chloe n. sp. - ♂: Metaventrite raised in middle in conical process pointed at apex, latter located in its anterior half; dorsal surface of first ventrite occupied almost for the entire length by median longitudinal oval-shaped depression. ♀: Last abdominal tergite ending in pointed tip.............................................................................. P. aspromontanus 6. Pronotum slightly finely wrinkled. ♂: Aedeagus partially asymmetric with ventral lamina. Metaventrite raised in middle in conical process pointed at apex, latter located in middle. ♀: Unknown................................... P. lucanicus - Pronotum clearly wrinkled. ♂: Aedeagus symmetric without ventral lamina. Metaventrite raised in middle in conical process pointed at apex, latter located in its posterior half. ♀: Last abdominal tergite rounded at the apex........... P. neapolitanus conical process pointed at apex. ♀: Last abdominal tergite pointed at apex................................ P. calabrus - Eyes more developed (9–10 facets), elytral lateral carina very short. ♂: Metaventrite raised in middle in large conical process rounded at apex..................................................................................... 8 7. Eyes less developed (4–5 facets), elytral lateral carina reaching about Âœ of elytral length. ♂: Metaventrite raised in middle in 8. ♂: Aedeagus with apical lamina strongly recurved at apex. ♀: Unknown.................................. P. gardinii - ♂: Aedeagus with apical lamina straight at apex............................................................ 9 9. ♀: Last abdominal tergite prolonged into large and short conical tooth................................ P. conosternum - ♀: Last abdominal tergite prolonged into long pointed spine......................................... P. argentarius 10. Head dorsally clearly wrinkled and matt. Eyes with 6–7 facets. ♀: Last abdominal tergite rounded at apex........ P. latinus - Head dorsally smooth or with some punctures, always shiny. Eyes with 8–12 facets. ♀: Last abdominal tergite ending in short and small conical tooth................................................................................ 11 11. Eyes with 10–12 facets, dorsal surface of head not punctate, last palpomere 0.38–0.40 mm long............ P. peloritanus - Eyes with 8–9 facets, dorsal surface of head slightly punctate, last palpomere 0.35–0.36 mm long............... P. carusoiPublished as part of Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo & Bekchiev, Rostislav, 2019, A new species of Pselaphogenius Reitter, 1910 of the fiorii species group from southern Italy (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae), pp. 387-394 in Zootaxa 4585 (2) on pages 393-394, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4585.2.12, http://zenodo.org/record/263728

    A review of the Tychobythinus algiricus species group from North Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)

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    Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo, D'Urso, Vera, Nouira, Said (2014): A review of the Tychobythinus algiricus species group from North Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). Zootaxa 3893 (4): 579-586, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3893.4.

    Tychobythinus atlanticus Besuchet 1963

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    <i>Tychobythinus atlanticus</i> Besuchet, 1963 <p>(Figs. 1F, 2B, 3)</p> <p> <i>Tychobythinus atlanticus</i> Besuchet 1963b: 218, fig. 1 (aedeagus); Kocher 1969: 5; Löbl & Besuchet 2004: 314.</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. <b>NORTHERN MOROCCO</b>: <b>Taza-Al Hoceïma-Taounate region</b>: Djebel Tazzeka, 1.700 m, 1 male (holotype) (R. Mussard) (MHNG).</p> <p> <b>Comparative notes</b>. The characters that distinguish this species from <i>T. escalerai</i> and <i>T. algiricus</i> have already been discussed above.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b> (Fig. 3). The species is known only from the type locality (Morocco, Djebel Tazzeka) where 1 male was collected.</p>Published as part of <i>Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo, D'Urso, Vera & Nouira, Said, 2014, A review of the Tychobythinus algiricus species group from North Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), pp. 579-586 in Zootaxa 3893 (4)</i> on page 585, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3893.4.7, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/230192">http://zenodo.org/record/230192</a&gt

    Tychobythinus algiricus Raffray 1871

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    <i>Tychobythinus algiricus</i> (Raffray, 1871) <p>(Figs 1A–D, 2C–E, 3)</p> <p> <i>Bythinus algiricus</i> Raffray 1871: 160.</p> <p> <i>Bythinus algericus</i> Raffray 1873: 366, pl. XV, fig. 6 (antenna); Pic 1901: 403; Normand 1904: 218; Peyerimhoff 1910: 288.</p> <p> <i>Bythinus</i> (<i>Machaerites</i>) <i>algiricus</i> Reitter 1882: 483.</p> <p> <i>Bryaxis</i> (groupe V) <i>algirica</i> Raffray 1904: 275.</p> <p> <i>Bythinopsis algerica</i> Raffray 1908: 283; Raffray 1924: 85.</p> <p> <i>Bythinopsis algirica</i> Raffray 1911: 125; Martinez de la Escalera 1914: 99; Normand 1935: 85.</p> <p> <i>Chiasmatobythus algericus</i> Jeannel 1956: 68, figs 61–62 (habitus), 63 (aedeagus).</p> <p> <i>Chiasmatobythus algiricus</i> Kocher 1958: 207.</p> <p> <i>Tychobythinus algericus</i> Besuchet 1962: 349; 1963a: 230; 1963b: 219; Kocher 1969: 5; Ribera Almerje 1972: 137; Besuchet 1999: 52.</p> <p> <i>Tychobythinus algiricus</i> Löbl & Besuchet 2004: 314.</p> <p> <i>Bythinus tuniseus</i> Pic 1901: 403; Normand 1904: 218 (synonymized by Peyerimhoff 1910: 289).</p> <p> <i>Bryaxis</i> (groupe V) <i>tunisea</i> Raffray 1904: 276.</p> <p> <i>Bythinopsis tunisea</i> Raffray 1908: 284.</p> <p> <i>Bythinopsis algerica</i> var. <i>tunisea</i> Raffray 1924: 85.</p> <p> <i>Chiasmatobythus remyi</i> Jeannel 1956: 69 (synonymized by Besuchet 1999: 52); Kocher 1958: 208.</p> <p> <i>Tychobythinus remyi</i> Kocher 1969: 5.</p> <p> <i>Tychobythinus occidentalis</i> Besuchet 1962: 348 (<b>syn. nov</b>.).</p> <p> <b>Material examined</b>. <b>NORTHERN TUNISIA</b>: <b>Tabarka governorate</b>: Aïn Draham, 2 males and 1 female, VI.1938 (H. Normand) (INAT); idem, 1 male and 1 female, X.1938 (H. Normand) (INAT); idem, 1 male and 1 female, VI.1939 (H. Normand) (CCo); idem, 1 male and 1 female, VI.1939 (H. Normand) (MHNG); idem, 1 male and 1 female, 02.X.1976 (H. Franz) (MHNG); idem, 1900, 1 male (holotype of <i>Bythinus tuniseus</i>) (M. Pic) (MNHN, ex coll. Peyerimhoff). <b>Bèja governorate</b>: km 32 road Aïn Draham <b>-</b> Bèja, 800 m, 1 male, 30.XI.1997, under stone <b>(</b> G. Sabella & A. Alicata) (DBUC); <b>Le Kef governorate</b>: Le Kef, 3 females, IV.1940 (H. Normand) (INAT); idem, 3 ex., XI.1939 (H. Normand) (CCo); idem, 2 ex., VI.1951 (H. Normand) (CCo); idem, 1 male, VI.1939 (H. Normand) (MHNG); idem, 1 male and 2 females, XI.1939 (H. Normand) (MHNG); idem, 2 females, VI.1949 (H. Normand) (MSNM); <b>Jendouba governorate</b>: Camp de la Santé, 1 male (H. Normand) (INAT); Bulla Regia, 1 male and 1 female (MNHN, ex. coll. Pic). <b>NORTHERN ALGERIA</b>: Algeria, 1 female (type <i>algiricus</i> Raffray) (MNHN); <b>El Tarf province</b>: Marais de la Calle, 1 male and 4 females, V.1935 (H. Normand) (INAT); idem, 3 ex., V.1938 (H. Normand) (CCo); idem, 4 females, V.1938 (H. Normand) (MHNG); idem, 1 female (H. Normand) (MSNM); <b>Annaba province</b>: Edough Mount, 1 female (sub <i>Machaerites theryi</i>), 09.IV.1893, (MNHN, ex. coll. Pic); idem, 1 female (sub <i>Machaerites theryi</i>), 08.V.1893, (MNHN, ex. coll. Pic); Annaba (new name of Bône), 1 male (sub <i>Machaerites jugurthae</i>) (MNHN, ex. coll. de Saulcy); <b>Jijel province</b>: El Milia, 3 ex., 10.X.1928 (H. Normand) (INAT); <b>Blida province</b>: Mouzaïa Mount, 1 female, IV.1909 (INAT); idem, 1 male, IV.1909 (MHNG); Chiffa, 1 ex. (MNHL); Chiffa Gorges, 1 male, 25.IV.1895 (MHNG); Atlas de Blida, Chréa, Les Glacières, 1.100 m, 1 female, 3.V.1988 (C. Besuchet, I. Löbl & D. Burckhardt) (MHNG); Sidi Zraïm near Mouzaïa, 11.V.1934, 1 male and 1 female (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); Zaouïa de Mouzaïa, 1 male and 1 female (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); Platrière marsh, near Mouzaïa, 1 female, 01.V.1894 (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); Kehir river of Mouzaïa, 1 male, 02.VII.1905 (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); Kaïrons river of Mouzaïa, 1 female, VIII.1905 (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); <b>Tipasa province</b>: Koléa, Oum el Hallouf, 2 males and 1 female (P. M. de Peyerimhoff) (MHNG); idem, 3 males and 2 females (MHNG); idem, 5 males and 1 female (MNHN, ex. coll. Peyerimhoff); idem, 1 male <b>(</b> sub <i>Machaerites theryi</i>) (MNHN, ex. coll. de Saulcy); idem, 1 male and 1 female (MNHN, ex. coll. Sainte Claire Deville); idem, 2 ex. (MNHL); <b>Algiers province</b>: Alger, 2 males <b>(</b> MNHN, ex. coll. de Saulcy); Masafran marsh, 1 female (MHNG); <b>MOROCCO</b>: <b>Tanger-Tétouan region</b>: Boucharen, near Larache, 3 ex. (INAT); idem, 4 males and 3 females, V.1910 (MHNG); idem, 04.V.1910, 4 males and 3 females (MNHN, ex coll. Peyerimhoff and coll. Raffray); Larache, 2 males and 2 females (coll. Raffray, MNHN); Khémis of Sahel, near Larache, 4 females, 03.IV.1959 (C. Besuchet) (MHNG); Moulay Bousselham, Merja, 1 male, 04.II.1966 (Lapin) (MHNG); <b>Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen region</b>: Moulay Bousselham, Merja, 1 male, 04.II.1966 (Lapin) (MHNG); idem, Rharb, 2 males, 22.XII.1968 (Lapin) (MHNG); Sebou river, near Kenitra, 1 female, IV.1960 (R. Mussard) (MHNG); <b>Rabat region</b>: Fouarat river, Mamora forest, 1 male, 21.IV.1962 (R. Mussard) (MHNG); idem, 1 male, 26.I.1962 (R. Mussard) (MHNG); <b>Fes-Boulemane region</b>: Dayèt Aouaoua, south of Imouzzer, 1 male, 16.VII.1963 (R. Mussard) (MHNG); <b>Meknès-Tafilalet region</b>: Zaouïa Ifrane, 1.600 m, 1 male, VIII.1950, (C. Remy) (coll. Raffray, MNHN); <b>Tadla-Azilal region</b>: Beni-Mellal, VIII.1950, 1 female (holotype of <i>Chiasmatobythus remyi</i>) (MNHN); <b>Souss Massa Draâ region</b>: Tazentoute, Wit Tandoum cave, subterrain river, 1 female, 10.VIII.1971 (J. N. Romero) (MHNG). <b>Marrakech-Tensift-El Haouz region</b>: south slope of Tizi-n-Test, 1.600 m, 1 female (holotype of <i>Tychobythinus occidentalis</i>) (C. Besuchet) (MHNG); idem, 1.600 m, 1 female (paratype of <i>Tychobythinus occidentalis</i>) (C. Besuchet) (MHNG).</p> <p> <b>Redescription</b>. Body 1.05–1.25 mm long, pubescence dense and fairly uniform consisting of long and flattened setae (length: 0.07–0.08 mm) on head, pronotum, elytra and abdomen, other suberect setae shorter (length: 0.03–0.04 mm) on antennae and legs and thin fluff on apical segment of maxillary palpi.</p> <p> <i>Head</i> (Figs 1A, 1D) distinctly wider (0.27–0.31 mm) than long (0.18–0.19 mm), frontal lobe width 0.12–0.134 mm, front between antennal tubercles glossy with some punctures concentrated on sides; well-impressed and large median sulcus reaching vertexal foveae. Clypeal carina clearly visible in lateral view, occipital region with short median longitudinal carina. Segment II of maxillary palpi with 10–14 tubercles, segment III slightly longer than wide with 4–6 tubercles, apical segment of maxillary palpi (Fig. 2D) little more than 2 times longer (0.20–0.21 mm) than wide (0.08 mm). Antennae (Fig. 2C) 0.48–0.50 mm long with scapus about 2.5 times longer (0.12–0.13 mm) than wide (0.049–0.050 mm), antennomere II longer (0.05 mm) than wide (0.04 mm) and wide as scape, antennomere III slightly longer than wide, antennomeres IV and VIII subequal and wider than long, antennomeres IX and X distinctly transverse, XI about two times longer than wide, and longer than about 2 times combined length of IX and X.</p> <p> <i>Pronotum</i> wider (0.30 mm) than long (0.23–0.24 mm), widest slightly before the middle, pleural carina barely visible, with deep antebasal sulcus.</p> <p> <i>Elitra</i> width 0.50 mm, length 0.48–0.50 mm.</p> <p> <i>Metasternum</i> with surface impressed by large and thick punctures.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i> not particularly elongate, protrochanters and profemora without tubercles. Metatibiae 0.40–0.41 mm long.</p> <p> <i>Male.</i> Winged and macrophthalmous (20–30 ommatidia) brown reddish with sometimes black abdomen, or micropterous and microphthalmous (6–10 ommatidia), body entirely pale brown. Occipital region with median longitudinal carina reaching about to posterior edge of vertexal foveae (Fig. 1A). Gular region (Fig. 1C) behind labium with deep and broad impression margined posteriorly by transverse ridge projecting on each side of head as sharp tubercle, this ridge with acute median process projecting ventrally bearing two tufts of modified setae at tips (Fig. 1B). Aedeagus (Fig. 2E) 0.26–0.28 mm long, ovoid with relatively short parameres that are sinuate and convergent, each bearing 3 bristles. Internal sac with 2 big and long teeth and 4 smaller and short spines.</p> <p> <i>Female</i>. Occipital region with short median longitudinal carina reaching to about its middle (Fig. 1D). Wingless and microphthalmous with 2–6 ommatidia, entirely pale brown, gular region unmodified.</p> <p> <b>Notes</b>. Besuchet (1962: 349) described <i>Tychobythinus occidentalis</i> based on two females (holotype and paratype) from Morocco (Tizi-n-Test) stating that this species is close to <i>Tychobythinus algiricus</i> from which it differs in its smaller size, narrower frontal lobe, and very reduced eyes. We have examined a long series of specimens of <i>T. algiricus</i> from Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco which were compared favourably with the holotype and paratype of <i>T. occidentalis</i>, and found that all features used by Besuchet could be seen as simple gradation or variation within these series; so <i>Tychobythinus occidentalis</i> is here placed as the junior synonym of <i>Tychobythinus algiricus</i> (<b>syn. nov.</b>).</p> <p> According to Raffray (1873: 366) the typical series of this species (with males and females) was collected in the Chiffa Gorges in moss and in the Boghari Forest under a large stone. In the collections of the MNHN we could not find any specimens with labels referring to these two localities, and only one female with the locality label “ Algeria ” and determination label “ <i>Bythinus algiricus /</i> Type ”, both handwritten by Raffray.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b> (Fig. 3). <i>T. algiricus</i> is a widespread species in the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco). Apart from the material examined it is reported from Fernana and Tebousouk (Tunisia) (Jeannel 1956: 69) and Tangeri (Besuchet 1962: 349).</p>Published as part of <i>Sabella, Giorgio, Viglianisi, Fabio Massimo, D'Urso, Vera & Nouira, Said, 2014, A review of the Tychobythinus algiricus species group from North Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), pp. 579-586 in Zootaxa 3893 (4)</i> on pages 580-584, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3893.4.7, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/230192">http://zenodo.org/record/230192</a&gt

    Synthesis of Highly Functionalized 1,3-Oxathiazoles via an Unusual [4+1] Annulation alpha,alpha'-Dioxothione with 1,2-Diaza-1,3-dienes

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    The present method provides highly functionalized 1,3-oxathioles 4 through an unusual base-promoted [4+1] annulation between α,α’-dioxothione (DT) 2a, generated in situ from phthalimide precursor (DTPht) 1a and 1,2-diaza-1,3-dienes (DDs) 3. An intriguing scaffold 5 comprised of spiro-fused oxathiole and pyrazolone components was also obtained in moderate yield