40 research outputs found

    Translation and Validation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire in the Italian Language: Exploratory Factor Analysis

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    Background: Nomophobia, which is a neologism derived from the combination of “no mobile,” “phone,” and “phobia” is considered to be a modern situational phobia and indicates a fear of feeling disconnected. Objective: No psychometric scales are available in Italian for investigating such a construct. We therefore planned a translation and validation study of the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q), which is an instrument developed by Yildirim and Correia. Subjects were recruited via an online survey using a snowball approach. Methods: The NMP-Q was translated from English into Italian using a classical “backwards and forwards” procedure. In order to explore the underlying factor structure of the translated questionnaire, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out. A principal component analysis approach with varimax rotation was performed. Multivariate regression analyses were computed to shed light on the psychological predictors of nomophobia. Results: A sample of 403 subjects volunteered to take part in the study. The average age of participants was 27.91 years (standard deviation 8.63) and the sample was comprised of 160 males (160/403, 39.7%) and 243 females (243/403, 60.3%). Forty-five subjects spent less than 1 hour on their mobile phone per day (45/403, 11.2%), 94 spent between 1 and 2 hours (94/403, 23.3%), 69 spent between 2 and 3 hours (69/403, 17.1%), 58 spent between 3 and 4 hours (58/403, 14.4%), 48 spent between 4 and 5 hours (48/403, 11.9%), 29 spent between 5 and 7 hours (29/403, 7.2%), 36 spent between 7 and 9 hours (36/403, 8.9%), and 24 spent more than 10 hours (24/403, 6.0%). The eigenvalues and scree plot supported a 3-factorial nature of the translated questionnaire. The NMP-Q showed an overall Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.95 (0.94, 0.89, and 0.88 for the three factors). The first factor explained up to 23.32% of the total variance, while the second and third factors explained up to 23.91% and 18.67% of the variance, respectively. The total NMP-Q score correlated with the number of hours spent on a mobile phone. Conclusions: The Italian version of the NMP-Q proved to be reliable

    Spanish adaptation of the Creative Potential and Practised Creativity scale (CPPC-17) in the workplace and inside the organization

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    10.7334/psicothema2013.68Background: This study follows the theoretical framework put forward by Hinton on creative potential and practised creativity. The objective was to adapt the 17-item Creative Potential and Practised Creativity scale into Spanish and examine its psychometric properties. Method: The study sample was made up of 975 Spanish employees (48.5% men and 51.5% women). Results: After performing a confirmatory factor analysis, the findings revealed a three-factor structure: Creative potential, Practised creativity and Perception of organizational support. Furthermore, appropriate reliability was found for all three factors as well as initial evidence of construct validity in relation to certain external correlates and a series of scales measuring workaholism, irritation, burnout and personality. Conclusions: The present scale may prove ideal for adequately identifying Creative potential, Practised creativity and Perceived organizational support

    Spanish adaptation of the Internal functioning of the Work Teams Scale (QFI-22)

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    10.7334/psicothema2013.148The aim of this article is to develop the Spanish adaptation of the internal functioning of Work Teams Scale (QFI-22). Methods: The scale was adapted from the French version, and was applied to a sample of 1,055 employees working for firms operating in Spain. The article analyses the internal structure (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) and internal consistency, and provides convergent validity evidence of the scale. Results: The QFI-22 scale shows the same internal structure as the original. Factor analysis confirmed the existence of two factors: interpersonal support and team work management, with good internal consistency coefficients (a1 = .93, a2 = .92). Regarding validity evidence, the QFI-22 scale has significant correlations with other correlates and alternative scales used for comparison purposes. The two factors correlated positively with team vision, participation safety, task orientation and support for innovation (Team Climate Inventory, TCI scale), with progressive culture (Organisational Culture, X-Y scale), and with creating change, customer focus and organisational learning (Denison Organizational Culture Survey, DOCS scale). In contrast, the two factors correlated negatively with traditional culture (X-Y scale). Conclusion: The QFI-22 scale is a useful instrument for assessing the internal functioning of work teams

    Are Sex Effects on Ethical Decision-Making Fake or Real? A Meta-Analysis on the Contaminating Role of Social Desirability Response Bias

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    A meta-analysis of 143 studies was conducted to explore how the social desirability response bias may influence sex effects on ratings on measures of ethical decision-making. Women rated themselves as more ethical than did men; however, this sex effect on ethical decision-making was no longer significant when social desirability response bias was controlled. The indirect questioning approach was compared with the direct measurement approach for effectiveness in controlling social desirability response bias. The indirect questioning approach was found to be more effective.</p

    A confirmatory analysis of the individual entrepreneurial orientation scale [Un anÁlisis confirmatorio de la escala individual entrepreneurial orientation]

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    In this article the Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation scale was adapted. This scale has not been validated in any other language, so the aim was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version. After exploratory factor analysis, the first sample confirmed a unifactorial 10-item solution. Results of confirmatory factor analysis in a second sample were rmsea = .05, cfi = .95, and tli = .95, replicating the exploratory results while maintaining the same number of items. The resulting dimension showed good reliability (.73 and .80). Subsequently, the scale scores related to several external correlates and other scales, exhibiting good convergence and criterion validity. These indicate that the scale is a reliable and valid instrument, and its Spanish adaptation is suitable. © 2020 Sociedad Mexicana de Psicologia. All rights reserved