70 research outputs found

    Sex- and Diet-Specific Changes of Imprinted Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Mouse Placenta under a High-Fat Diet

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    Changes in imprinted gene dosage in the placenta may compromise the prenatal control of nutritional resources. Indeed monoallelic behaviour and sensitivity to changes in regional epigenetic state render imprinted genes both vulnerable and adaptable

    Contribution of Heritability and Epigenetic Factors to Skeletal Muscle Mass Variation in United Kingdom Twins

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    Context: Skeletal muscle mass (SMM) is one of the major components of human body composition, with deviations from normal values often leading to sarcopenia.Objective: Our major aim was to conduct a genome-wide DNA methylation study in an attempt to identify potential genomic regions associated with SMM.Design: This was a mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal study.Setting: Community-based study.Participants: A total of 1550 middle-aged UK twin (monozygotic and dizygotic) twins, 297 of which were repeatedly measured participated in the study.Main Outcome Measure: Appendicular lean mass assessed using DXA technology, and MeDIP-seq DNA methylation profiling genome-wide were obtained from each individual.Results: Heritability estimate of SMM, with simultaneous adjustment for covariates obtained using variance decomposition analysis was h2=0.809±0.050. After quality control and analysis of longitudinal stability, the DNA methylation data comprised of 723,029 genomic sites, with positive correlations between repeated measurements (Rrepeated =0.114–0.905). Correlations between MZ and DZ twins were 0.51 and 0.38 at a genome-wide average, respectively and clearly increased with Rrepeated. Testing for DNA methylation association with SMM in 50 discordant MZ twins revealed 36,081 nominally significant results, of which the top-ranked 134 signals (P&lt;0.01 and Rrepeated&gt;0.40) were subjected to replication in the sample of 1,196 individuals. Seven SMM-methylation association signals replicated at a false discovery rate &lt;0.1, and these were located in or near genes DNAH12, CAND1, CYP4F29P, ZFP64 which have previously been highlighted in muscle-related studies. Adjusting for age, smoking and blood cell heterogeneity did not alter significance of these associations.Conclusion: This epigenome-wide study, testing longitudinally stable methylation sites discovered and replicated a number of associations between DNA methylation at CpG loci and skeletal muscle mass. Four replicated signals were related to genes with potential muscle functions, suggesting that the methylome of whole blood may be informative of SMM variation<br/

    Public policies - Test, Trace, Isolate strategies

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    This first part has comparatively explored the "test, trace, isolate" strategies using publicly available data, including articles, institutional reports, and discussions on social media, using a common analytical framework. The aim of this section was to understand how public authorities integrated mobile applications into their COVID-19 pandemic response strategy, particularly within the framework of "Test, Trace, and Isolate." To view the complete methodology The digitalization of con..

    EnquĂŞte 4

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    La quatrième campagne d'enquête en ligne s'est tenue du 10 juillet au 31 août 2021. Description de l'enquête & Comparaison démographique Les thèmes abordés dans le questionnaire : Les variables objectives retenues sont l'âge, le genre, la situation d'emploi, la catégorie socio-professionnelle (INSEE), la Région, la taille de la commune, le milieu de vie (rural, péri-urbain, urbain). Une partie du message diffusé sur l'application TAC Structure de l'échantillon Pour cette s..

    Inequities in the use of healthcare; territorial governance of health policies : Empirical contributions to the definition of public policies

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    Dans une perspective d'amélioration des politiques de santé, cette thèse s'intéresse à deux sujets d'analyse complémentaires : les inéquités de recours aux soins et la gouvernance locale de la politique de santé. Au travers de données quantitatives, mesurées aux échelles européenne et picto-charentaise, nous mettons en évidence la place prépondérante des déterminants financiers et socio-culturels dans les iniquités de recours aux soins, confirmant ainsi les études existantes. Le rôle des densités médicales est, quant à lui, à minorer, au contraire de celui des territoires dans lesquels vivent les individus. Nous montrons en outre l'intérêt de mieux prendre en compte l'état de santé dans les analyses portant sur les inéquités de recours aux soins. Enfin, l'analyse de la démocratie locale en matière de santé, au travers d'approches quantitatives et qualitatives, montre le faible rôle de la démocratie sanitaire dans la prise de décision publique. Impulsée par l'État, l'approche descendante de la gouvernance participative ne créé pas les conditions suffisantes pour une prise de décision parfaitement concertée.In order to improve health policy, this thesis deals with two complementary subjects of analysis: inequities in the use of healthcare and local governance of health policies. Using quantitative data, measured at different scales, we highlight the preponderance of financial and socio-cultural determinants in the inequities in the use of care, confirming the existing studies. The role of medical densities is to be reduced, in contrast to the impact of the territories in which individuals live. We also show the interest to better take into account the health status in the analyzes concerning the inequities of use of healthcare. Finally, the analysis of local democracy in health, through quantitative and qualitative methods, shows the weak role of health democracy in public decision-making. Promoted by the State, the top-down approach of participatory governance does not create sufficient conditions for a fully concerted decision-making process

    Application design

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    This second part explores the innovation process from the device perspective and its ecology. The goal was to identify technical trade-offs that may have shaped the design of the apps and of their environment (human and technical support). Based on semi-directive interviews (same interview guides for the three countries), with stakeholders involved in the apps' development project, its operation, maintenance, and evolution, WP2 aims at a qualitative analysis of the CTAs' innovation trajector..

    Citizens and CTAs

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    Adoption of tracking applications by citizens: minor cultural differences, many common points The third part addressed the citizens' point of view. The multinomial analysis of the factors influencing the adoption of a CTA highlights, in the three countries, the importance of four dimensions: socio-demographic characteristics, trust, social influence and sensitivity to the pandemic. There is also a correlation between CTAs adoption and following instructions on testing and isolation, as we..

    Analyse des commentaires utilisateurs des applications d’aide à la gestion de crise pour le cas du COVID-19

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    Cet article reprend le travail de Nicolas Faglin. L'étude porte sur l'analyse des commentaires utilisateurs concernant les applications de traçage numérique mises en place pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. Pour utiliser ces solutions numériques, les utilisateurs doivent télécharger une application sur leur téléphone via le PlayStore pour Android ou l'AppStore pour Apple. Une fois téléchargée, l'application permet aux utilisateurs de laisser une note et éventuellement un commentaire. Le..

    Comparaison des stratégies de Test

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    Publics policies about test trace isolate strategy

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    This first part addresses the decision-making and implementation processes of the “test, trace and isolate strategies” (considering CTA as a device among others in this strategy). Based on a collectively established grid, and defining the critical information to share, each country's research team has collected public data (newspaper articles, institutional reports, websites, and social network controversies) to specify communication, policies, and decisions about the "test, trace, and isola..
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