11 research outputs found

    Bản hòa tấu dữ liệu xã hội

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    Chương trình bayesvl được thiết kế với định hướng sư phạm, hỗ trợ các nhà nghiên cứu ngành khoa học xã hội và nhân văn sử dụng mô hình lưới Bayesian, mô phỏng MCMC, hình ảnh hóa các thông số kĩ thuật và phân tích dữ liệu xã hội. bayesvl được phát hành chính thức trên hệ thống thư viện chuẩn của R là Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) vào tháng 5 năm 2019. References: Vuong QH, et al. (2021). Bản hòa tấu dữ liệu xã hội. Hà Nội, Việt Nam: NXB Khoa học Xã hội

    Serial Tissue Expansion and Skin Grafts in the Management of a Giant Congenital Nevus of the Face: Review of Literature and Case Report

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    Giant congenital nevi, especially on the head and neck, pose a challenge for plastic surgeons. This requires extensive experience in detailed planning, combining different techniques, and selecting appropriate materials for reconstruction. There have been reports of using a tissue expander, serial resection method, and full-thickness skin grafts for this type of nevus. However, the best way availabl to completely remove a giant congenital nevus is endless. In this article, we would like to present a case of a left hemifacial giant congenital nevus in which we used multiple tissue expansion to fully replace the nevus along with some of our modification techniques

    Taxonomical insights and ecology of sandfly (Diptera, Psychodidae) species in six provinces of Northern Vietnam

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    International audienceWe studied sandfly (Diptera: Psychodidae) populations in six provinces of Vietnam. This work explores the diversity of sandfly species according to the province, as well as environment, and updated information on public health since leishmaniasis cases were reported in two provinces. Sandflies were collected using 428 CDC light traps from May 30 to October 13, 2016 and identified based on the morphology of the cibarium, pharynx and/or male genitalia or female spermathecae. A total of 2585 sandflies belonging to five genera and 13 identified species were collected. The main species were: the Sergentomyia barraudi group (12.53%), Se. sylvatica (9.63%) and Phlebotomus stantoni (3.95%). In all, 294 Sergentomyia specimens classified as Se. sp2 and Se. sp3 and a heterogeneous group, herein called Se. und_sp., showed unknown morphological characteristics requiring further studies. We provide detailed comments about morphological description and taxonomical identification in order to help standardization of sandfly classification in Southeast Asia. We observed differentiation according to the provinces in terms of density and species richness, with Lang Son having the highest density and Ninh Binh having the highest species richness. The majority of specimens were collected in rock caves and outdoors, suggesting mainly cavernicolous and exophilic characters of sandfly species in Northern Vietnam. However, specimens were also collected in intra- and peri-domiciliary sites. It is worth noting that Ph. stantoni was the main species found in dog sheds and indoors, and in particular in a leishmaniasis patient’s house

    Sustainability Performance of Certified and Non-certified Food

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    The dataset Sustainability performance of certified and non-certified food (https://www.doi.org/10.15454/OP51SJ) contains 25 indicators of economic, environmental, and social performance, estimated for 27 certified food value chains and their 27 conventional reference products. The indicators are estimated at different levels of the value chain: farm level, processing level, and retail level. It also contains the raw data based on which the indicators are estimated, its source, and the completed spreadsheet calculators for the following indicators: carbon footprint and food miles. This article describes the common method and indicators used to collect data for the twenty-seven certified products and their conventional counterparts. It presents the assumptions and choices, the process of data collection, and the indicator estimation methods designed to assess the three sustainability dimensions within a reasonable time constraint. That is: three person-months for each food quality scheme and its non-certified reference product. Several prioritisations were set regarding data collection (indicator, variable, value chain level) together with a level of representativeness specific to each variable and product type (country and sector). Technical details on how relatively common variables (e.g., number of animals per hectare) are combined into indicators (e.g., carbon footprint) are provided in the full documentation of the dataset