1,996 research outputs found

    Slovakia: Fertility between tradition and modernity

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    In the last 60 years, Slovakia has experienced comparatively high and most recently very low fertility, long periods of stable fertility alternating with periods of changes, periods of substantial as well as lesser state interventions. Fertility was above replacement in 1990 and declined to the lowest-low levels during the period of transformation. Postponement of life course transitions – leaving the parental home, marrying and becoming a parent – became widespread among younger cohorts after 1990. High unemployment of young adults, increasing economy-driven migration and problems to gain a stable job contribute to this phenomenon. Reproductive behavior is changing, yet Slovak society remains culturally conservative. The dominant form of partnership is marriage, although extra-marital childbearing is rising. Cohabitation is spreading mainly as a prelude to marriage but is not widely approved. Population measures have a long tradition, although 15 years after regime change their nature is very different than that of the state socialist era. Considerable attention was and is being paid to population problems, however, the government has not designed and implemented a comprehensive system of family and population policies.childbearing, family size, fertility, postponement, Roma population, Slovakia

    Canteen Wastewater and Gray Water Treatment Using Subsurface Constructed Wetland-Multilayer Filtration Vertical Flow Type with Melati Air (Echindorus Paleafolius)

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    Domestic wastewater needs to be treated because it can pollute the environment, either water bodies, ground water, or soil. One alternative to treat domestic wastewater is using subsurface constructed wetland methods. This method has advantages, among others, cheap, simple technology and can be applied to the area of ample land. In this research, subsurface contructed wetlands-multilayer filtration with vertical flow type using Melati Air (Echindorus paleafolius) in field scale to treat domestic wastewater from canteens and gray water toilet of Senior High School at Bekasi with treatment capacity for 2261 L/day. Subsurface constructed wetlands-multilayer filtration with vertical flow type is an advanced treatment in this research. For preliminary treatment the collecting and aeration tank is used. Performance of subsurface constructed wetland-multilayer filtration with vertical flow type was able to achieve effluent COD parameters of 40 mg / L (standard 100 mg/L) from an average influent of 350 mg/L with removal efficiency of 90%, while BOD was successfully degraded to 33.00 mg/L (quality standard 30 mg/L) of an average influent concentration of 350 mg/L. In addition, the parameters analyzed are total nitrogen, the total phosphate succeeded to meet the quality standard. Based on the results of laboratory analysis, the reactor is able to treat organic loading of 500-700 kg BOD5/Ha/Day compared to previous research which is range from 40-300 kg BOD/Ha/ Day. Similarly, the value of K in this study ranged from 0.35-0.57 m/day for BOD and 0.37-0.45 m/day for COD compared to precious research which is 0.055-0.16 m / day for BOD and 0.027-0.16 m / day for COD

    Suppression of the sterility in insulin signaling pathway mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Mutants in the insulin signaling pathway are related with a low or null fertility in Caenorhabditis elegans. This pathway is conserved through evolution in all metazoans, and similarly to C. elegans, deficiencies in insulin signaling pathway activity result in a decreased fertility in other organisms including humans.  We have previously selected a strain that carries a mutation in the age-1 gene (orthologue to human PI3K) which has a severe reduced fertility phenotype. Using this strain it was performed a screening for genes that when removed by RNAi suppressed the sterility, using for that only genes that were orthologue to human. Most of genes whose reversion was significantly different were genes involved in the initiation of the transcription (eIF). Those genes encode to non-specific non-ribosomally associated proteins involved in the initiation phase of eukaryotic translation. The aim of this project is to better understand the relationship between fertility and the expression of eIF genes and why RNAi of only a few of them can improve fertility and not others. On the other hand, I’m searching for drugs that improve the fertility of the nematode similarly to RNAi that could be used in future human therapies.

    Propiedades, ventajas e inconvenientes de los materiales utilizados en supercondensadores

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    Este trabajo recoge una visión general de las propiedades, ventajas e inconvenientes de los principales materiales usados en los electrodos de los condensadores electroquímicos (también denominados supercondensadores). La elección de estos materiales tiene una enorme influencia en las características finales del dispositivo electroquímico. Entre los materiales de electrodo disponibles para su aplicación en supercondensadores se incluyen los materiales porosos basados en carbón, los óxidos de metales de transición y los polímeros conductores. Cada una de estas familias de materiales presenta unas ventajas e inconvenientes, por ello, en numerosas ocasiones no se emplea un único tipo de material para la elaboración de los electrodos, sino que la tendencia va dirigida hacia el uso de electrodos híbridos, es decir, aquellos constituidos por materiales de distinta naturaleza que combinan los aspectos beneficiosos y compensan las limitaciones de cada uno de los materiales por separado

    Enhanced Tunnelling in a Hybrid of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene

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    Transparent and conductive films (TCFs) are of great technological importance. The high transmittance, electrical conductivity and mechanical strength make single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) a good candidate for their raw material. Despite the ballistic transport in individual SWCNTs, however, the electrical conductivity of their networks is limited by low efficiency of charge tunneling between the tube elements. Here, we demonstrate that the nanotube network sheet resistance at high optical transmittance is decreased by more than 50% when fabricated on graphene and thus provides a comparable improvement as widely adopted gold chloride (AuCl3\mathrm{AuCl_3}) doping. However, while Raman spectroscopy reveals substantial changes in spectral features of doped nanotubes, no similar effect is observed in presence of graphene. Instead, temperature dependent transport measurements indicate that graphene substrate reduces the tunneling barrier heights while its parallel conductivity contribution is almost negligible. Finally, we show that combining the graphene substrate and AuCl3\mathrm{AuCl_3} doping, the SWCNT thin films can exhibit sheet resistance as low as 36 Ω\Omega/sq. at 90% transmittance.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Adults' Lack of a Usual Source of Care: A Matter of Preference?

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    PURPOSE We wanted to identify characteristics of adults who do not have a usual source of care and then stratify the analysis by those who prefer vs those who do not prefer to have a usual source of care

    Efficiency of Agricultural Upgrading as a Component of the Farming Extension System

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    Evaluation was effected through a participative-diagnosis  tool which integrates several techniques and the organ- izational work for agro producer training. Three participative exercises, i.e., brainstorming, questions, and the nine- square or the General Electric matrix, were performed. Deficiencies in the training process and how to solve them, the need of team work to diagnose demands, problems, program design, and program application were determined. Besides, the current situation of the School of Training for Agricultural Executives, affiliated to the Ministry of Ag- riculture division in Camagüey, was assessed, for capital and resource investment, and for introduction of new agro- products and services to the market