8 research outputs found

    Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ):factors related to recurrence after treatment with surgery and platelet rich plasma (PRP) placement

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    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) is a well-known complication associated with antiresorptive and antiangiogenic therapies. The purpose of this study was to analyse if there is any predictive factor of recurrence after local debridement plus platelet rich plasma (PRP) placement in MRONJ patients. Seventy MRONJ patients treated at the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in La Paz Hospital (Madrid, Spain) were included in this retrospective study. All of them were treated surgically by local debridement and PRP placement. The observation period was between January 2012 and January 2019. Information regarding use, type, administration, and duration of therapy with BP/denosumab was recorded. The follow-up period ranged from 2-52 months. A descriptive analysis, a bivariate and a multivariate study were performed. Most of the patients were women (82.9%) between 50-70 years old (64.3%), with a stage II disease (74.3%). The therapy lasted more than 12 months in 54.8% of them. Zoledronic acid was the main antiresorptive used (44.3%), followed by oral administered BPs (29 patients, 41.4%) and denosumab (10 patients, 14.3%). Osteoporosis (48.6%), breast cancer (30%) and multiple myeloma (11.4%) were the main diseases because the patients were taking antirresorptives. 13 patients (18.6%) experienced recurrence. We found that breast cancer patients (p>0.0001), smokers (p>0.016), and administration of zoledronic acid (p>0.0001) were related to recurrence. After performing the multivariate model, we found that the only factor related to recurrence was smoking habit (Wald 3.837, p=0.05, OR 6.12). recurrence after local debridement plus PRP placement in our MRONJ series affected to 18.6% of patients. It seems to be more frequent in breast cancer patients, smokers, and after zoledronic acid administration. Smoking habit was the only independent factor related to recurrence in our series

    Optimizing the procedure to manufacture clinical‐grade NK cells for adoptive immunotherapy

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    Natural killer (NK) cells represent promising tools for cancer immunotherapy. We report the optimization of an NK cell activation–expansion process and its validation on clinical‐scale. Methods: RPMI‐1640, stem cell growth medium (SCGM), NK MACS and TexMACS were used as culture mediums. Activated and expanded NK cells (NKAE) were obtained by coculturing total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) or CD45RA+ cells with irradiated K562mbIL15‐41BBL or K562mbIL21‐41BBL. Fold increase, NK cell purity, activation status, cytotoxicity and transcriptome profile were analyzed. Clinical‐grade NKAE cells were manufactured in CliniMACS Prodigy. Results: NK MACS and TexMACs achieved the highest NK cell purity and lowest T cell contamination. Obtaining NKAE cells from CD45RA+ cells was feasible although PBMC yielded higher total cell numbers and NK cell purity than CD45RA+ cells. The highest fold expansion and NK purity were achieved by using PBMC and K562mbIL21‐41BBL cells. However, no differences in activation and cytotoxicity were found when using either NK cell source or activating cell line. Transcriptome profile showed to be different between basal NK cells and NKAE cells expanded with K562mbIL21‐41BBL or K562mbIL15‐41BBL. Clinical‐grade manufactured NKAE cells complied with the specifications from the Spanish Regulatory Agency. Conclusions: GMP‐grade NK cells for clinical use can be obtained by using different starting cells and aAPCThis work was supported by the National Health Service of Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), FONDOS FEDER grant (FIS) PI18/01301 to Pérez-Martínez A, CRIS Foundation to Beat Cancer to Escudero A, Fernández A; Navarro A, Mirones I, and Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado and La Sonrisa de Álex to Vela

    Taller "Los vigilantes del tiempo" (Versión para infantil-5 años)

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    Fotografías: Antonio Cano, Margarita Garvía, Odón Hernández, José A. Melendi, Aurora Ortega, J. Luis Pelayo, Ignacio Pérez, Jana Sánchez y Aniceto Valle.El taller, ‘Vigilantes del Tiempo’ está dirigido a alumnos de infantil y primaria, en dos versiones adaptadas a cada edad. El taller intenta acercarles el mundo de la meteorología y la atmósfera que nos rodea, relacionado con lo observado en las diferentes épocas del año o en lugares diferentes (tanto en la realidad como aquello que les llega por películas, libros, televisión, etc.)

    Taller "Los vigilantes del tiempo" (Versión para 1º-2º de primaria)

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    El taller, ‘Vigilantes del Tiempo’ está dirigido a alumnos de infantil y primaria, en dos versiones adaptadas a cada edad. El taller intenta acercarles el mundo de la meteorología y la atmósfera que nos rodea, relacionado con lo observado en las diferentes épocas del año o en lugares diferentes (tanto en la realidad como aquello que les llega por películas, libros, televisión, etc.)


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    La hemocromatosis neonatal es una enfermedad hepática muy severa del recién nacido y se asocia a una alta mortalidad. Se cree que su etiología es de tipo aloinmune, debido a la presencia de un anticuerpo materno hasta ahora desconocido que interfiere con el metabolismo férrico del feto, llegando a producir gran morb i mortal ¡dad. Basándonos en esta teoría, el tratamiento materno con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas en gestaciones sucesivas podría prevenir el desarrollo de un nuevo cuadro de hemocromatosis neonatal. Se describe el caso de una gestante con un hijo anterior diagnosticado y fallecido neonatalmente por hemocromatosis, a la que en el embarazo actual se le trató con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas consiguiendo un hijo sano y vivo. Es el primer caso descrito en España y demuestra el éxito de esta terapia, tal como describe la literatura.Neonatal hemochromatosis is a severe neonatal liver disease with a high mortality and recurrence rate. It is supposed to be a gestational alloimmune disease because of the existence of maternal antibodies against fetal hepatic metabolism. On the basis of this hypothesis, the administration of intravenous immunoglobulin has been reported as a successful treatment during the following pregnancy. We describe the first case of this treatment in Spain which confirms the data available in the literature

    Newly diagnosed versus relapsed idiopathic thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a comparison of presenting clinical characteristics and response to treatment

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    International audienceThe remission rate with plasma exchange (PE) in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) exceeds 80%, but the disease relapses in up to 20–30% of the cases. Clinical characteristics and response to treatment of relapsed TTP are not well defined. The objective of the present study was to compare the clinical and biological characteristics at presentation and the response to treatment between de novo and relapsed TTP. For such purpose, a total of 102 episodes of idiopathic TTP (70 de novo and 32 relapses) included in a recent multicentric prospective cohort study were analysed. All patients were homogeneously treated with daily PE and costicosteroids. In comparison with de novo TTP, episodes of relapsed TTP showed a higher Hb level (median, 122 g/l versus 91 g/l,  < 0.001) and lower serum lactate dehydrogenase (2.2- versus 4.5-fold above the upper limit of normality,  < 0.001). Neurological symptoms and fever were less frequently observed in patients with relapsed TTP than in patients with de novo TTP. Patients with relapsed TTP needed fewer PE sessions (five versus ten,  = 0.02) and a smaller volume of plasma (221 ml/kg versus 468 ml/kg,  = 0.004) to achieve remission than those with de novo TTP. There was no significant difference in the rate of recrudescence under treatment, the need of complementary treatments or the frequency of refractoriness to PE therapy. In conclusion, relapsed TTP has a milder clinical profile and responds more easily to PE than de novo TTP