15 research outputs found

    Circulation of Different Lineages of Dengue Virus 2, Genotype American/Asian in Brazil: Dynamics and Molecular and Phylogenetic Characterization

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    The American/Asian genotype of Dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) was introduced into the Americas in the 80′s. Although there is no data showing when this genotype was first introduced into Brazil, it was first detected in Brazil in 1990. After which the virus spread throughout the country and major epidemics occurred in 1998, 2007/08 and 2010. In this study we sequenced 12 DENV-2 genomes obtained from serum samples of patients with dengue fever residing in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo (SJRP/SP), Brazil, in 2008. The whole open reading frame or envelope sequences were used to perform phylogenetic, phylogeographic and evolutionary analyses. Isolates from SJRP/SP were grouped within one lineage (BR3) close to isolates from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Isolates from SJRP were probably introduced there at least in 2007, prior to its detection in the 2008 outbreak. DENV-2 circulation in Brazil is characterized by the introduction, displacement and circulation of three well-defined lineages in different times, most probably from the Caribbean. Thirty-seven unique amino acid substitutions were observed among the lineages, including seven amino acid differences in domains I to III of the envelope protein. Moreover, we dated here, for the first time, the introduction of American/Asian genotype into Brazil (lineage BR1) to 1988/89, followed by the introduction of lineages BR2 (1998–2000) and BR3 (2003–05). Our results show a delay between the introduction and detection of DENV-2 lineages in Brazil, reinforcing the importance and need for surveillance programs to detect and trace the evolution of these viruses. Additionally, Brazilian DENV-2 differed in genetic diversity, date of introduction and geographic origin and distribution in Brazil, and these are important factors for the evolution, dynamics and control of dengue.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq Grant )Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG grant

    O perfil dos professores leitores das séries iniciais e a prática de leitura em sala de aula Profile of readers-professors of the initial series and the reading practice in classroom

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    OBJETIVO: investigar os hábitos e o comportamento dos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do ensino fundamental perante a leitura e a prática de leitura em sala de aula. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional, transversal, com a participação de 30 professores de 1ª a 4ª séries, do ensino fundamental, de escolas públicas. Através de um questionário com 15 questões do tipo aberta e fechada, foram colhidas informações sobre os hábitos e atitudes dos professores frente ao aprendizado da leitura. RESULTADOS: dos 30 professores estudados, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os comportamentos (p<0,001), sendo que o comportamento pouco favorável foi o mais prevalente entre os professores. CONCLUSÃO: a grande maioria dos professores não desenvolveu uma relação afetiva com a leitura na infância e não tem o hábito de leitura, tão necessário para formar pequenos leitores em bons-leitores.<br>PURPOSE: to investigate the professors' behavior and habits from levels 1 to 4 of basic education before the reading and the practical of reading in classroom. METHODS: observational, transversal study, with the participation of 30 professors from the levels 1 to 4, in basic education, from public schools. Through a questionnaire with 15 open and closed questions type, information on the habits and attitudes of the professors had been harvested front to the learning of reading. RESULTS: from this sample of 30 studied teachers, a statically significant difference of behaviors (p <0.001) was found, and this means that a favorable behavior respect to affective relations with reading in childhood, was not prevalent among the teachers. CONCLUSION: the great majority of teachers did not develop an affective relation with reading, an important requirement to transform learning children in effective and avid young and adult readers