13,004 research outputs found

    Characteristics of a denitrifying biofilms in a fluidized bed reactor

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    Influence of the C/N/P ratio on nitrate removal in a denitrifying biofilm fluidized bed reactor

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    IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology; I Ibero-American Meeting on Biotechnolog

    Utilização de lodo de esgoto como fonte de fósforo na cultura de soja.

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    Self-Similarity of Friction Laws

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    The change of the friction law from a mesoscopic level to a macroscopic level is studied in the spring-block models introduced by Burridge-Knopoff. We find that the Coulomb law is always scale invariant. Other proposed scaling laws are only invariant under certain conditions.}Comment: Plain TEX. Figures not include

    Avaliação de novas linhagens de feijão dos grupos mulatinho e carioca na região do Agreste da Alagoas.

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    Efeito da aplicação do herbicida sulfentrazona nos processos simbióticos associados à soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril)

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    Electron transfer driven decomposition of adenine and selected analogs as probed by experimental and theoretical methods

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    We report on a combined experimental and theoretical study of electron transfer induced decomposition of adenine and a selection of analogue molecules in collisions with potassium atoms (K). Time-of-flight negative ion mass spectra have been obtained in a wide collision energy range (6–68 eV in the centre-of-mass frame), providing a comprehensive investigation of the fragmentation patterns of purine, adenine, 9-methyl adenine, 6-dimethyl adenine and 2-D adenine. Following our recent communication about selective hydrogen loss from the transient negative ions (TNI) produced in these collisions [T. Dunha et al. J. Chem. Phys. 148, 021101 (2018)], this work focuses on the production of smaller fragment anions. In the low-energy part of the present range, several dissociation channels that are accessible in free electron attachment experiments are absent from the present mass spectra, notably NH2 loss from adenine and 9-methyl adenine. This can be understood in terms of a relatively long transit time of the K+ cation in the vicinity of the TNI tending to enhance the likelihood of intramolecular electron transfer. In this case, the excess energy can be redistributed through the available degrees of freedom inhibiting fragmentation pathways. Ab initio theoretical calculations were performed for 9-methyl adenine (9-mAd) and adenine (Ad) in the presence of a potassium atom and provided a strong basis for the assignment the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals accessed in the collision process

    Application of a 235 rRNA Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization method for rapid detection of Salmonella sp. in slaughtered pigs

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    Pork products contamination during the slaughter process represents an important vehicle of Salmonella sp. dissemination to humans. It\u27s urgent to develop rapid, sensitive and accurate methods that allow the detection of a large number of Sa/monel/a-positive samples, in order to control these risks efficiently and in a practical time. This study evaluates the suitability of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) method as a rapid screening tool for Salmonella sp. deteclton in pork carcasses, as well in some risk tissues (ileum, ileocolic and mandibular lymph nodes and tonsils), which could be involved in Salmonella contamination during slaughter process. For that, FISH was comparatively analysed with the labour intenstve reference microbiological culture method (ISO 6579:2002) whose results were previously published by the same authors

    Efeito dos fungicidas metalaxil e fenarimol na microbiota do solo.

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    Avaliou-se o efeito adverso dos fungicidas metalaxil e fenarimol na comunidade microbiana de solos sob cultivo de uva, provenientes da região de Petrolina, Pernambuco (Brasil). No experimento, conduzido em casa de vegetação, os solos foram suplementados com diferentes concentrações dos fungicidas, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros microbiológicos: carbono da biomassa microbiana (Cmic), comprimento de hifas vivas, atividade hidrolítica do diacetato de fluoresceína (FDA), atividade enzimática da fosfatase ácida e atividade enzimática da esidrogenase. A adição dos fungicidas afetou negativamente o Cmic, o comprimento das hifas vivas e a atividade da desidrogenase, mas não demonstrou efeito adverso sobre o FDA e a atividade enzimática da fosfatase. O fenarimol mostrou-se mais tóxico que o metalaxil, sendo observado efeito transitório de ambos no solo