6 research outputs found

    Programa ReCicLa: a descoberta de uma nova dimensão da extensão no IFC utilizando redes sociais digitais

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    The ReCicLa Extension Program is developed at the Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Araquari  in partnership with the NGO Movimento Jovem Araquari - MJA and the Moradores e Amigos do Bairro Itinga Association - AMORABI and it aims to optimize the domestic budget in vulnerable communities. The projects that make up the ReCicLa Program develop low-cost cleaning products without environmental damage; recipes with unconventional parts of fruits and vegetables, and helps communities to install gardens with technical assistance. Faced with social distancing, the actions started to be developed remotely, thus the project Redes appears, aiming to create, publicize and share ReCicLa actions. To enable the publication of the material produced in digital format, accounts were created on Instagram and Facebook, and livestreams were held on YouTube. The meetings between fellows, collaborators and coordinators took place through the Google Meet platform and WhatsApp, during the meetings the posts were defined according to the objectives of the projects. Resources from digital social networks were used, among other tools for editing images, videos, texts, and sound in media production. 56 posts were published containing recipe videos, planting tips and selected information. It was observed that social networks allow a greater scope and visibility of the projects, since they are not limited to a certain space and time. The actions, carried out remotely, enabled the interaction between servers, students, and the community. When interacting with likes, comments and questions they are no longer mere spectators, validating the extension process, also in digital format.O Programa de Extensão ReCicLa, é desenvolvido no Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Araquari, em parceria com a ONG Movimento Jovem Araquari - MJA e a Associação de Moradores e Amigos do Bairro Itinga – AMORABI e objetiva otimizar orçamento doméstico em comunidades vulneráveis. Os projetos que integram o Programa ReCicLa desenvolvem: produtos de limpeza de baixo custo e dano ambiental; receitas sustentáveis de alimentos e instalação de hortas comunitárias com assessoria técnica. Diante do distanciamento social, as ações passaram a ser desenvolvidas remotamente, assim surge o projeto Redes objetivando criar, divulgar e compartilhar ações do ReCicLa. Para possibilitar a publicação do material produzido em formato digital, foram criadas contas no Instagram, Facebook e realizadas lives no YouTube. A comunicação e as reuniões entre bolsistas, colaboradores e coordenadores ocorreram pela plataforma Meet e WhatsApp. Nos encontros eram definidas as postagens e as temáticas estudadas, respeitando os objetivos dos projetos. Utilizaram-se recursos das próprias redes sociais digitais, entre outras ferramentas, para editoração de imagens, vídeos, textos e som. Foram publicadas 56 postagens contendo vídeos de receitas, dicas de plantio e informações selecionadas. Usando essa metodologia, os projetos do Programa ReCicLa apresentaram maior abrangência e visibilidade, visto que as redes sociais ultrapassam a barreira do tempo e do espaço. As ações realizadas remotamente possibilitaram a interação entre servidores, discentes e comunidade, pois ao interagirem com curtidas, comentários, perguntas e compartilhamentos, os participantes deixaram de ser meros espectadores, validando a extensão também em formato digital


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    The main aim of the study is to investigate the contribution of the use of technological resources to teach English as a foreign language (FL). More specifically, the study focuses on the learning of a syntactic structure by means of grammatical instruction provided in two environments: a traditional classroom and a virtual learning environment - the MOODLE platform. A secondary aim is to assess participants’ level of satisfaction concerning the activities implemented in MOODLE. Thirty students enrolled in the second year of the Technical High School Program at a Federal Institute, divided into control and experimental groups, participated in the study. Statistical analyses revealed that participants performed well in the tests for the retention of the syntactic structure. The control group outperformed the experimental one in both retention tests. Results are discussed in light of information processing and SLA theories. Regarding the qualitative analysis, data revealed that, although participants have access to several technological resources, they seem unable to perceive these resources as relevant to FL learning. The study also showed that, in general, participants enjoyed the activities carried out in the MOODLE platform