541 research outputs found

    TXA Comic Strip

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar o papel da literatura infantil na formação crítica e reflexiva dos alunos da educação básica no decorrer de sua aprendizagem, na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. A literatura engloba inúmeros elementos que facilitam o desenvolvimento integral das crianças, em seus aspectos cognitivo, afetivo, motor, através de práticas recreativas e prazerosas voltadas a aquisição da leitura, escrita e oralidade, de modo agradável, expandindo a criatividade, viabilizando vivências a partir da realidade que os cerca. Oportuniza também o contato com as diferentes linguagens enquanto meio de comunicação e interpretação do mundo a sua volta. A leitura é uma ferramenta essencial para a vida em sociedade, pois garante a habilidade de argumentação e criticidade diante das situações a serem debatidas. A contação de histórias é uma metodologia lúdica que facilita o processo de alfabetização e letramento, estimulando o gosto pela leitura, despertando curiosidades e estabelecendo o elo entre o real e o faz de conta, reativando a criatividade e participação dos alunos diante de seu reconto. A futura geração que se busca formar é aquela que conheça seus direitos e deveres e a partir deles usufruam de sua habilidade crítica e argumentativa para defender seus pontos de vista e refletir sobre suas próprias falhas, exercendo sua cidadani


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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo demonstrar que a matemática pode ser trabalhada de maneira lúdica, através de práticas que envolvam o cotidiano dos discentes, fazendo com que estes busquem ampliar seus conhecimentos e assim tornarem-se mais autônomos e saibam resolver os problemas que os cercam. Iniciu-se com  a construção do mercadinho do saber, a partir de embalagens recicláveis com seus respectivos valores e os dinheirinhos, fazendo com que os discentes tivessem o contato com a matemática de modo divertido e prazeroso, sendo os coautores de seu próprio aprendizado. Desenvolveram relações interpessoais, adquirindo novas habilidades e interpretações acerca do raciocínio lógico e resolução de problemas, gerando grandes expectativas e com isso a participação ativa das crianças. Desse modo a matemática pôde ser vista a partir de outros olhares, e não mais como o tabu de que é algo extremamente complexo e sim, que se trabalhada de modo desafiador e lúdico pode ser uma disciplina encantadora

    Leukocyte Receptor Tyrosine Kinase interacts with secreted midkine to promote survival of migrating neural crest cells

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    Neural crest cells migrate long distances throughout the embryo and rely on extracellular signals that attract, repel and/or stimulate survival to ensure proper contribution to target derivatives. Here, we show that leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase (LTK), an ALK-type receptor tyrosine kinase, is expressed by neural crest cells during early migratory stages in chicken embryos. Loss of LTK in the cranial neural crest impairs migration and results in increased levels of apoptosis. Conversely, midkine, previously proposed as a ligand for ALK, is secreted by the non-neural ectoderm during early neural crest migratory stages and internalized by neural crest cells in vivo. Similar to loss of LTK, loss of midkine reduces survival of the migratory neural crest. Moreover, we show by proximity ligation and co-immunoprecipitation assays that midkine binds to LTK. Taken together, these results suggest that LTK in neural crest cells interacts with midkine emanating from the non-neural ectoderm to promote cell survival, revealing a new signaling pathway that is essential for neural crest development

    Explaining non-renewal behaviour : an empirical investigation of recently lapsed NRL club members

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    This paper reports on a survey of lapsed members of an Australian professional National Rugby League (NRL) Club. Analysis of the 195 useable responses returned suggest that these lapsed members had originally joined as much for intangible aspects, such as seeking a greater level of involvement with the club, as for the functional aspects such as savings on game entry. Overall, these lapsed members were satisfied with the service they received whilst a member, and claimed it had been performed in line with expectations. The main drivers of satisfaction were also a mix of tangible and intangible factors such as feeling valued by the club and receiving discounts on entry costs. The members gave a number of reasons for not rejoining in 2002, but primarily cited an inability to attend games. Despite joining for intangible reasons, it seems that if these members could not get to games, they perceived that membership was not worth maintaining. That said, a large number of members indicated that as their circumstances change they will rejoin the club, supporting the theory that non-renewal is not driven by service failure, but rather the perception that attendance is still the core product (entertainment). The overall level of satisfaction had a weak but positive relationship with the likelihood of members rejoining in the future.<br /


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    Turismo no Rio de Janeiro : uma análise sobre o desempenho econômico do setor no município durante a Pandemia de COVID-19

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    Esta dissertação tem o objetivo geral de avaliar o desempenho econômico do setor de turismo no município do Rio de Janeiro durante a pandemia de Covid-19. O foco da análise vai do período pré-crise, na virada de 2019 para 2020, até a passagem de 2022 para 2023. O trabalho apresenta e avalia estatísticas sobre empregos formais em atividades características do turismo ou similares no Rio de Janeiro ao longo da pandemia, além de trazer dados a respeito da arrecadação de Imposto Sobre Serviços de Qualquer Natureza (ISS) em parte desses setores no município no mesmo período. As fontes desses números são o Novo Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (Novo Caged), atualizado pelo governo federal, e a Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Inovação e Simplificação do Rio. A metodologia utiliza técnicas de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, além de entrevistas com representantes do poder público e de atividades empresariais ligadas à área de turismo na cidade. A partir das informações levantadas, esta dissertação traz considerações do autor sobre o desempenho do turismo carioca na pandemia e o cenário para o setor a partir de 2023. Os dados indicam uma recuperação da geração de ISS e uma reabertura de parte dos empregos que haviam sido perdidos após o início da crise.This master thesis aims to evaluate the economic performance of the tourism sector in Rio de Janeiro during the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus of the analysis ranges from the pre-crisis period, at the turn of 2019 to 2020, to the transition from 2022 to 2023. The work presents and evaluates statistics on formal jobs in activities associated with tourism in Rio de Janeiro throughout the pandemic, in addition to bringing data regarding the collection of Tax on Services of Any Nature (ISS) in part of these sectors in the city in the same period. The sources of these numbers are the New General Register of Employed and Unemployed People (Novo Caged), updated by the federal government, and the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development, Innovation and Simplification of Rio. The methodology uses documentary and bibliographical research techniques and interviews with representatives of the public power and business activities applied in the area of tourism in the city. Based on the information gathered, this dissertation presents the author's considerations about the performance of tourism in Rio during the pandemic and the scenario for the sector from 2023 onwards. The data indicate a recovery in the generation of ISS and a reopening of part of the jobs lost after the crisis began

    Complete and selective recovery of lithium from EV lithium-ion batteries: Modeling and optimization using oxalic acid as a leaching agent

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    The necessity of a feasible process for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries is nowadays evident due to the significant demand for raw materials for battery production, but also due to legislative requirements to achieve certain recycling efficiency with sufficient quality of the products. Special conditions to achieve high lithium recovery and its use in new batteries represent a challenge for a commercial hydrometallurgical approach. In this work, an early selective recovery of lithium using oxalic acid as a leaching agent is investigated. The different solubility of transition metals oxalates in comparison to lithium oxalate was the main driving force to achieve selective separation in the leaching step. Nickel, cobalt, and manganese oxalates are insoluble and remained in the solid residue, while lithium oxalate was dissolved in the solution. Using a design of experiments to optimize the operation, optimal parameters were identified as 60 \ub0C, 60 min, 0.6 M oxalic acid, resulting in 98.8% leaching yield for lithium, while less than 0.5 % of cobalt and nickel, and 1.5% of manganese were leached. This can significantly improve the lithium recovery in the current recycling processes. Moreover, aluminum was completely dissolved, which is a phenomenon not reported previously. It would constitute an advantage to the subsequent recycling operations