930 research outputs found

    Citizen Journalism in Cyber Media: Protection and Legal Responsibility Under Indonesian Press Law

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    Phenomena of citizen journalism had accepted and become part of cyber media. Cyber media owned and managed by press companies had featured citizen journalists' information, critics, opinions, and news. Citizen journalism was part of freedom of expression. However, in Indonesia's press law concept, it was not part of the national press. This created legal issues regarding protection and legal responsibility aspects for both parties. A qualitative research was conducting to solving these issues. Using secondary data from literature study and observation on several cyber media websites, this discovers two conclusions. First, the citizen journalist is part of freedom of the press; it means that a citizen journalist's creation has protected form censor and bans. However, a citizen journalist still has a limitation which shall be complied videlicet Civil Code and Law No. 11 The year 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transaction. Violation of both regulations means that a citizen journalist shall be legally responsible. Second, protection and responsibility border between a citizen journalist and press company are based on an agreement. Approval of term and condition of general user content in a website from a citizen journalist means that both parties have agreed to enter into an agreement. A press company might be freed of its legal responsibility as long as conducted its obligation to control and manage contents that have been uploaded and published by a citizen journalist. If the company does not take proportional action against citizen journalist' contents that violating the law, the press company shall be requested its civil or criminal legal responsibility

    Understanding turnover intentions and behavior of Indian information systems professionals: A study of organizational justice, job satisfaction and social norms

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    Despite the phenomenal growth projected for the Indian information technology (IT) industry, one of the biggest challenges it faces is the high rate of turnover in offshore Indian-based supplier firms (Everest Research Group 2011). In this dissertation, we explored the following determinants of turnover intentions—social norms job attributes, job satisfaction, organizational alternatives, first order supervisory justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice) and second-order organizational justice measured by the first order justice dimensions. The research design was longitudinal to assess turnover behavior and its relationship with turnover intentions. Telephonic interviews were conducted with 75 Indian IS professionals based in India. Ten months later the respondents were contacted again to determine their actual turnover behavior. Data was quantitatively analyzed using PLS graph. Qualitative analysis using content analysis was also performed to gain deeper insights. Seven out of the 11 hypothesized relationships were supported. Three out of 4 dimensions of justice were found to be significantly and negatively related to turnover intentions- distributive, procedural and informational justice. Also, the second-order latent construct of overall organizational justice was found to be negatively related to turnover intentions. The hypothesized relationships between social norms and turnover intentions and between organizational alternatives and turnover intentions were not supported. Job attributes for tasks not involving client interaction (programming, testing and project management tasks) was found to be negatively related to job satisfaction. Finally, turnover intentions was found to positively relate to turnover behavior. We made important contributions to the literature of turnover by being one of the few studies actually measuring turnover behavior. Also, we addressed a gap in the literature of IS turnover of studying IS populations across different nations. We contributed to theory by testing a model of turnover that had new constructs not tested before, like overall organizational justice (second-order) and supervisory focused four first-order justice dimensions, and social norms. For future research, revised model of turnover relevant for Indian IS professionals is proposed-this involved adding new constructs like work life balance, stress, organizational satisfaction and removing constructs that did not find support in Indian contexts like organizational alternatives and social norms

    Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Berbasis Web Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pt.jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Kota Mojokerto (Studi Pada Www.jne.co.id)

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    This study aimed to analyze and explain the effect of the dimensions of quality of service consisting of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy towards customer satisfaction simultaneously and partially. This research uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The independent variable in this study is the tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy while the dependent variable in this study is customer satisfaction. This study used a sample of 100 customers of PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Mojokerto by using purposive sampling with menentapkan several criteria, namely customer more than once using the services of PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Mojokerto and customers who utilize web facilities. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. Analysis of the data used to use descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis showed a significant partial effect between variables tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy to customer satisfaction. There is a significant relationship between the variables tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy to customer satisfaction simultaneously

    Analisis Keuangan terhadap Dividen dan Nilai Perusahaan pada Perbankan Domestik Komersial Malaysia

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    Loss of investor confidence means lost opportunity to develop, therefore increasing company value is the answer. This research aims to analyze the effect of profitability, liquidity, and solvability on dividend and its impact on company value.  The population in this research as many as 8 companies listed in Bursa Malaysia period 2011-2015. By using saturated sampling method then 8 companies will be used as research sample. Eviews 9.0 statistical test is done by using regression test of panel data of random effect model. The research method used is quantitative descriptive by doing the activity of collecting secondary data from company annual report. The results showed that simultaneously, profitability/return on asset, liquidity/current ratio, and solvability/debt to equity ratio have significant effect on dividend/debt to equity ratio. Partially, profitability/return on asset and liquidity/current ratio variables significantly positive influence dividend/debt to equity ratio but solvability/debt to equity ratio have negative significant effect on dividend/debt to equity ratio. While dividend/debt to equity ratio has a significant positive effect on company value/price earning rati

    Plastic to Petrol

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    Perinjanam is a coastal village in Thrissur district in the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the smallest villages in Kerala. Perinjanam Panchayath has been recognized as the first Panchayath in India with ‘ISO 9001 2015’ certification. National Accreditation Board of Certification Body (NABCB) has conducted valuation in two steps and was found that the Panchayath has fulfilled the criteria suggested by Quality Council of India. The Science Centre was established in 2006 under the Charitable Society Act with an aim to undertake scientific experiments. Several Teachers and students are undertaking science related activities in 5 buildings spread over 70 cents of land of Kodungalloor Municipality. Mr. V. S. Sreejith, is the Director of Science Centre, has designed a plant and the perinjanam Panchayath has developed the prototype of a pyrolysis plant in which plastic waste is burnt and distilled to make petrol and other by products. This is a part of its endevour to find a low-cost and pollution free technology for processing non biodegradable waste