54 research outputs found

    Slovenian Grassland Society: Science, Profession and Practice

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    The Slovenian Grassland Society (SGS) was established in 1993. It has around 120 members. A half of members are active farmers, around 10% are scientists, the rest are employed in extension services or other agricultural enterprises (seed companies, administration bodies, etc.

    The effect of different entomopathogens on white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in an organic hay-producing grassland

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    In 2011, a field block trial examined the biological control of white grubs of June beetle (Amphimallon solstitialis), margined vine chafer (Anomala dubia) and garden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) on a permanent cut grassland in Gotenica (SE Slovenia). The efficacy of Beauveria brongniartii, Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in the form of water suspension and infested grain was tested against a control treatment. The initial number of white grubs (April 12; 39 white grubs/m2) was reduced with all tested entomopathogens up until the third evaluation (May 26; 32 white grubs/m2). However, the studied treatments were not sufficient to reduce the white grub population in the soils below the economical threshold (20 individuals/m2). The average number of white grubs was affected mostly by the treatment where the active ingredient was B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki. With one application in April, only the abundance of overwintered white grubs was reduced. To decrease the summer generation of white grubs, an application of biological agents is also required at a later time. The 8% higher dry matter yield at the first cut (June 10) compared to the second cut (September 6) provided evidence for the prior statement

    Elektroograje - učinkovito varovanje pašnih živali pred napadi volkov

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    Results of the Single Release Efficacy of the Predatory Mite Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) against the Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) on a Hop Plantation

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    In 2015, we studied the efficiency of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) for suppression of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae in a field experiment at a hop plantation. We randomly arranged four treatments in a three-block experiment. Fungicides were used in all treatments; insecticides were used in all treatments except the predatory mite treatment and acaricides were used in only two treatments. A single inundative release of the mite N. californicus was carried out on 4 July. On four different dates (10 June, 17 July, 29 July and 9 August), we counted the eggs and the mobile stages (larvae, nymphs and adults) of the two-spotted spider mite in all four treatments. In the treatment with the predatory mite, we established the fewest eggs and mobile stages of T. urticae 14 days after the release of the predator. The selected acaricides in our research acted in a primarily ovicidal manner, but we did not detect satisfactory effects on the mobile stages of the two-spotted spider mite. This result suggests the emergence of resistance of two-spotted spider mites to the acaricides hexythiazox and abamectin. Our research established comparable effects of the predatory mite N. californicus and acaricides, and further improvement of the efficiency would require release of the natural enemy into a hop plantation in mid-June, followed by a second release three weeks later. The costs of acaricide use in our experiment were from 12.7-fold (two sprayings of hexythiazox, and a single spraying with abamectin) to 17.8-fold (single treatments of hexythiazox and abamectin) lower than those of a single release of the biological control agent in question. The results of our study represent a starting point for future research, which could achieve satisfactory results in suppressing two-spotted spider mites on a hop plantation by repeated use of the predatory mite N. californicus

    Carbon sequestration in grazed sward of high karst

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    doktorska disertacij

    The importance of creative thinking in forensic work

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    Mišljenje je poseben duševni proces, katerega kompleksnost nima meja, zato še danes predstavlja trn v peti psihologom in znanstvenikom, ki želijo ta pojem proučevati. O mišljenju vemo vse več informacij, vse več panog in ved se ukvarja z njim in njegovim pomenom v svoji stroki. Tudi kriminalistika ni izjema, saj je mišljenje pri reševanju kriminalističnih nalog ključnega pomena za rešitev naloge. Ravno zaradi svoje specifičnosti in stroke se je v kriminalistiki razvila posebna vrsta mišljenja imenovana kriminalistično mišljenje. Z vidika reševanja problemskih nalog povezanih z našo stroko je zlasti pomembno ustvarjalno mišljenje, ki preiskovalcu omogoči uporabo kreativnosti, drugačnosti in specifičnosti pri njegovem načinu mišljenja. Ustvarjalno mišljenje je izjemnega pomena v vseh fazah kriminalističnega dela, ki zahtevajo različne pristope, metode in strukture mišljenja, ki jih preiskovalec uporablja. Pri tem velja opozoriti, da je ustvarjalnost v veliki meri odvisna od posameznikovih osebnostnih lastnosti, znanja, izkušenj in drugih dejavnikov, ki lahko v danem trenutku ključno vplivajo na mišljenje posameznika in njegovo ustvarjalnost. Te značilnosti so ključnega pomena predvsem v trenutkih sestavljanja hipotez in verzij preiskovalca, odkrivanju sledi in kasneje zaslišanju osumljenca, kjer njegova percepcija in apercepcija skupaj z njegovimi izkušnjami in znanjem vpliva na ustvarjalnost. Ravno ustvarjalnost preiskovalcu omogoči večji obseg pozornosti, drugačno mišljenje od ostalih in s tem bolj raznoliko mišljenje, ki je velikokrat pot do končne rešitve. Velja še poudariti, da je ustvarjalnost preiskovalca velikokrat povezana s težavnostjo kriminalistične naloge, saj težavnejše naloge zahtevajo večjo umsko gibkost in večjo stopnjo kreativnosti posameznika.Thinking is a specific mental process, which complexity has no limits. Its very difficult for psychologists and scientists to study on this concept, despite modern technology around the world. We know more and more informations about thinking every day, there are many disciplines that are dealing with concepts of thinking and its importance, still this notion is one of the most complex human processes to understand. Criminalistics is no exception there, as the thinking has crucial importance for solving criminal tasks everyday. Because of its specificity forensics developed a special type of thinking called criminal thinking. From aspect of criminalistics and crime solving tasks, the most important type of thinking is creative thinking. This type of thinking causes investigator to use his creativity, diversity and specificity in his way of thinking. Creative thinking has a huge importance at all stages of forensic work. It requires different approaches, methods and structures of thinking by an investigator. It should be noted that creativity depends on an individual personality, knowledge, experience and all other factors that may have a significant influence on the thinking of an investigator and his creativity. All this characteristics are especially important in times of creating hypotheses and versions about the crime, discovering clues and later at interrogation of the suspect, where perception and apperception with investigator experiences and knowledge can have a crucial impact on creativity. The way to solution is often diverse thinking, which allows a wider range of attention. It should be noted that creativity of an investigator often depends on complexity of the criminal tasks. The more difficult tasks require greater mental flexibility and a greater degree of individual creativity

    Minerals management in silvopastoral system of karst pasture

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    A survey of mountain pasture topsoil was undertaken first to set up field experiment in karst region on effects of applied P on minerals concentration in herbage. Content of SOM, C, N, CEC of soil and its base saturation are presented in the article. Great variability in depth, pH value and K level was found in soil. Low base saturation and high deficit of P was more common for all soil samples. Six different plant species presenting a great portion of herbage available for graying and browsing at different occasions during grazing season were sampled and analysed for macro- and some microminerals. Concentration of P was very low in perennial grasses (1.1 g P kg-1 of DM). In leaves of common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and common beech (Fagus silvaticaL.) the concentration of P was identical as in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and the level was high enough to cover animal needs when intake of herbage was sufficient. Leaves of woody plants were high in Mn concentration, but still below the levels that reduced growth rate in lambs. Application of P fertilizer had only small effect on increase of P in herbage, but large one on decrease on concentration of Ca in herbage. There was not clear effect of added P on concentration of Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu. Higher yield of DM induced with added fertilizer had not have any dilution effect on concentration of those minor elements in herbage.Na območju planinskega pašnika je bil napravljen pregled rodovitnosti zemlje in nato izveden poljski poskus o vplivu gnojenja s P na vsebnost rudnin v zelinju kraške vegetacije. V prispevku so predstavljeni podatki o vsebnosti organske snovi v tleh, C in N, kapacitete sorpcije ter zasičenost z bazami sorptivnega dela tal. Ugotovljena je bila velika variabilnost v debelini vrhnje plasti zemlje, pH vrednosti in oskrbljenosti tal s K. Značilna je tudi nizka zasičenost z bazami sorptivnega dela tal in veliko pomanjkanje rastlinam dostopnega P v zemlji. Za določanje vsebnosti rudnin v zelinju razpoložljivem za pašo in smukanje, je bilo vzorčeno šest različnih vrst rastlin, ki predstavljajo znaten delež krme v različnih delih pašne sezone. V travah, ki predstavljajo ob koncu pomladi znaten delež razpoložljive krme je bila ugotovljena zelo nizka vsebnost P (1,1 g kg-1 SS). V listju navadne leske (Corylus avellana L.) in navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) je bila vsebnost P enaka kot v zelinju plazeče detelje (Trifolium repens L.) in je bila dovolj visoka za pokritje potreb pašnih živali po P, če je v obroku dovolj zaužitega zelinja. V listih lesnatih rastlin je bila ugotovljena visoka vsebnost Mn, toda še vedno pod vrednostjo, ki vpliva na zmanjšanje dnevnih prirastov pri jagnjetih. Gnojenje s fosfati ni imelo značilnega vpliva na povečanje vsebnosti P v zelinju, toda močno je vplivalo na zmanjšanje vsebnosti Ca v zelinju rastlin ruše. Uporabljena fosfatna gnojila niso značilno vplivala na spremembo vsebnosti Zn, Mn, Fe in Cu v zelinju razpoložljivem za pašo. Višji pridelek zelinja dosežen z uporabo fosfatnih gnojil ni učinkoval razredčitveno na vsebnost mikroelementov v zelinju kraškega pašnika