15 research outputs found

    Massive Subcutaneous Emphysema, Pneumothorax and Pneumoscrotum: Diagnostic Dilemma on Autopsy

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    Background: Subcutaneous emphysema is when gas or air in the layer under the skin. It literally means trapped air in the tissues beneath skin. It has characteristic crackling feel to touch, a sensation that has been described as similar to touching to Rice Krispies; this sensations under skin is called as subcutaneous crepitation.Case Report: A 50-years old male sustained injuries allegedly as a result of vehicular accident and was taken to a nearby private hospital. He was intubated there and then referred to a tertiary care hospital. He succumbed to death during transportation and was declared as brought dead on arrival. His body was brought for autopsy.Conclusion: There was massive subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax and pneumoscrotum. Their origin created a dilemma on autopsy due to various reasons. It is discussed in detail and tried to track the origin

    Fabricated or Assault Wounds - A Scientific Approach

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    Background: Fabricated (fictitious, forged or invented) wounds are usually superficial injuries mostly produced by a person on his own body (self-inflicted) or occasionally, caused by another person acting in agreement with him (self-suffered). Assault means a physical attack by another person.Case Report: We received two cases, within a short period, from different police stations, with multiple incised wounds over different regions of the body. Characteristically one of the cases was brought with all fresh wounds and another with all healed linear scar marks. Both these cases were presented as assault wounds in the hospital. As the history of both cases was misleading and the investigating authority was suspecting fabricated wounds, medical opinion regarding the manner of injuries was sought.Conclusion: Present case report deals with importance of proper history taking, pattern of injuries, examination and use of simple techniques like photography and hand lens to rule out assault wounds

    Iot Solutions for Enhancing Agricultural Practices and Environmental Sustainability

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    This investigate points to think about the results of way better appropriation of IoT within the field of farming. The think about points to appear how made strides cultivating strategies through IoT can give superior results for the environment. The research was able to extend the keen water system and precisely anticipate the yields through optimization calculations. Agriculturists can make their farms' results way better by taking more brilliant and productive choices through Choice Back Frameworks (DSS). The savvy cultivating (accuracy cultivating) has demonstrated to be useful for the environment.  Through detailed studies and evaluations of the life cycle and impact on ecosystems, it has been revealed that this method provides healthier soil, increased biodiversity and lowers carbon emissions. The expenses of cultivation can be minimized by lowering water consumption. This is important because it lowers the issue of the shortage of water. The outputs from the model will highlight the importance of utilizing water resources in an optimized way for farming through IoT based methods. The Decision-Making Systems have been proved to be significantly useful in agricultural activities; they provide an efficient way to make important business decisions. The systems were designed to provide in-time data to the network so that farmers can make their desicions up-to-date

    Stability studies of cuticle degrading and mycolytic enzymes of <em>Myrothecium verrucaria</em> for control of insect pests and fungal phytopathogens

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    404-412Myrothecium verrucaria produced extracellularly hydrolytic enzymes which can hydrolyse the insect cuticle as well as fungal cell wall. The addition of polyols, such as glycerol, sorbitol, xylitol (1 M) during ultra-filtration or freeze- drying of enzyme mixture increased the recovery of the enzymes in a concentrated form. Polyols (5 M) increased the temperature and pH stability of the enzymes, in the presence of glycerol chitinase , β-1,3-glucanase, lipase and protease retained 50-60% of initial activities at 40°C after 3 h. While xylitol (5 M) was effective in stabilizing activities at pH 5.0 and 7.5 at 25°C for 7 d. In the freeze-dried powder form, > 90% at 4°C for 1 year and 80-85% at 25°C for 2 months enzyme activities were retained. The addition of glycerol (1 M) to the enzyme mixture protected enzyme activities under sunlight (60-65% activity at RT) for 5 d. Because of glycerol (1 M), the efficacy of M. verrucaria enzyme preparation to control Helicoverpa armigera infestation in chick pea was increased to 70 ± 19%. While without glycerol the efficacy was 55 ± 23%. The germination of peanut seeds infected with Sclerotium rolfsii was observed to be increased (70 ± 5%) in a pot irrigated with enzyme mixture