2 research outputs found

    Perception of the environment for walking according the locality in Barranquilla, Colombia.

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    El objetivo fue estimar la percepci贸n del ambiente del barrio para caminar seg煤n la localidad de la ciudad. Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo transversal en 2103 personas entre 15 y 69 a帽os de edad. Se aplic贸 el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad F铆sica (IPAQ), y el M贸dulo Ambiente del International Physical Activity Study. Se estim贸 la asociaci贸n entre la percepci贸n de los atributos del barrio y la localidad donde reside la persona. Los residentes del sur de la ciudad tienen mayor riego de percibir pocos supermercados a poca distancia de sus casas [OR 1,29(IC 95% 1,10-1,65)], aceras en mal estado [OR 1,44(IC 95% 1,10-1,90)], pocas personas f铆sicamente activas [OR 4,13(IC 95% 2,50-6,82)], peligro para pasear durante el d铆a[OR 3,07(IC 95% 1,96-4,80)], y pocas cosas interesantes en el vecindario [OR 3,21(IC 95% 2,05-5,02)]The objective was to estimate the perception of the neighborhood environment for walking according to the location of the city. A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in 2103 people aged 15 to 69 years of age. We applied the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Environment Module of the International Physical Activity Study. We estimated the association between perceived attributes of the neighborhood and the locality where the person lives. The residents of the South of the city have a higher risk of perceiving a few supermarkets within walking distance of their homes [OR 1,29 (95% CI 1,10-1,65)], presence of sidewalks in bad condition [OR 1,44 (95% CI 1,10-1,90)], few people physically active [OR 4,13 (95% CI 2,50-6,82)], danger to stroll during the day [OR 3,07 (95% CI 1,96-4,80)] and few interesting things in the neighborhood [OR 3,21 (95% CI 2,05-5,02)