31 research outputs found

    Hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en oli de sansa o de pinyolada d'oliva i altres aliments

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    Aquest article revisa amb la perspectiva d'avui els fets i els arguments que van motivar el 2001 l'alerta alimentària decretada pel Ministeri de Sanitat i Consum, i que va desencadenar la retirada del mercat de l'oli de sansa o de pinyolada, ja que presentava una concentració potencialment perillosa d'hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics (HAPc). Per tal d'entendre la situació creada, es revisen les causes que van portar a l'acumulació d'HAPc, les seves implicacions toxicològiques, les limitacions de les evidències toxicològiques actuals, així com les conseqüències de la mesura adoptada i les actituds de diferents organismes amb competències en l'àmbit de la salut pública

    Knowledge, attitude, and patient advice on sustainable diets among Spanish health professionals

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    Current dietary patterns, especially in high-income countries, are unsustainable. Health professionals, due to their credibility and close contact with the general population, could serve as agents of change for the adoption of sustainable diets. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding sustainable diets among the health professionals in Spain. A 24-item online questionnaire was designed for this purpose, and sent to health professionals (i.e., dietitians-nutritionists, nurses, physicians, and pharmacists). From September 2021 to May 2022, 2,545 health professionals answered the survey completely. One-fifth of them had never heard the term “sustainable diet”, and most of them recognized having limited knowledge about it. They considered promoting sustainable diets when making dietary recommendations important, and pointed out that they would like to be trained on the topic. Indeed, they reported that all health professionals, independent of their career background, should be educated on sustainable diets. Efforts should be stressed on implementing training courses, at university level but also as continuous post-graduate training, providing health professionals in Spain the necessary knowledge to promote the adoption of sustainable diets among the population

    Growth-Promoting Effect of Cava Lees on Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains: A Potential Revalorization Strategy of a Winery By-Product

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    The growing trend of circular economy has prompted the design of novel strategies for the revalorization of food industry by-products. Cava lees, a winery by-product consisting of non-viable cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rich in β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides, can be used as a microbial growth promoter, with potential food safety and health applications. The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the effect of cava lees on the growth of 21 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species commonly used as starter cultures and/or probiotics. Firstly, 5% of cava lees was selected as the most effective amount for enhancing microbial counts. After screening different LAB, statistically significantly (p < 0.05) higher microbial counts were found in 12 strains as a consequence of cava lees supplementation. Moreover, a greater and faster reduction in pH was observed in most of these strains. The growth-promoting effects of cava lees on LAB strains supports the potential revalorization of this winery by-product, either to improve the safety of fermented products or as a health-promoting prebiotic that may be selectively fermented by probiotic species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge, attitude, and patient advice on sustainable diets among Spanish health professionals

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    Current dietary patterns, especially in high-income countries, are unsustainable. Health professionals, due to their credibility and close contact with the general population, could serve as agents of change for the adoption of sustainable diets. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding sustainable diets among the health professionals in Spain. A 24-item online questionnaire was designed for this purpose, and sent to health professionals (i.e., dietitians-nutritionists, nurses, physicians, and pharmacists). From September 2021 to May 2022, 2,545 health professionals answered the survey completely. One-fifth of them had never heard the term “sustainable diet”, and most of them recognized having limited knowledge about it. They considered promoting sustainable diets when making dietary recommendations important, and pointed out that they would like to be trained on the topic. Indeed, they reported that all health professionals, independent of their career background, should be educated on sustainable diets. Efforts should be stressed on implementing training courses, at university level but also as continuous post-graduate training, providing health professionals in Spain the necessary knowledge to promote the adoption of sustainable diets among the population

    Polyamines in Human Milk and Their Benefits for Infant Health

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    Breastfeeding is the gold standard for infant nutrition in the first six months of life when feeding choices determine growth and development. However, human milk is a complex and highly variable fluid that, in addition to nutrients, contains several bioactive components, including polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine), and constitutes the first exogenous source of these compounds for infants. Active in various cellular processes, polyamines are involved in the growth and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of the immune system and therefore play an important role in the first year of life. This chapter reviews the impact of polyamines on infant growth and health, the polyamine content in human milk and how it is influenced by factors related to both the mother-child dyad and breastfeeding itself. In addition, a comparative analysis of human milk and infant formulas in terms of polyamine content and profile is presented

    Homenatge a Abel Mariné

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    Homenatge a Abel Mariné

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    Ressenya Jornada SEÑ

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    La X Jornada de l&rsquo;Associaci&oacute; Catalana de Ci&egrave;ncies de l&rsquo;Alimentaci&oacute; (ACCA) es va integrar en aquesta edici&oacute; dins el marc de la SE&Ntilde;, que tingu&eacute; lloc a Barcelona del 27 al 29 de juny de 2018. La SE&Ntilde; i l&rsquo;ACCA s&oacute;n dues societats cient&iacute;fiques que curiosament van n&eacute;ixer el mateix any, el 1979, amb objectius similars, encara que a diferent escala; no obstant aix&ograve;, no havien dut a terme, fins ara, cap activitat conjunta. Aquest congr&eacute;s va estrenar una col&middot;laboraci&oacute; que tant de bo es consolidi amb altres activitats

    Ressenya de la Jornada SEÑ

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