20,848 research outputs found

    Strong monotonicity in mixed-state entanglement manipulation

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    A strong entanglement monotone, which never increases under local operations and classical communications (LOCC), restricts quantum entanglement manipulation more strongly than the usual monotone since the usual one does not increase on average under LOCC. We propose new strong monotones in mixed-state entanglement manipulation under LOCC. These are related to the decomposability and 1-positivity of an operator constructed from a quantum state, and reveal geometrical characteristics of entangled states. These are lower bounded by the negativity or generalized robustness of entanglement.Comment: 6 pages and 1 figure. A brief discussion about the connection to asymptotic distillability was adde

    The joys of permutation symmetry: direct measurements of entanglement

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    So-called direct measurements of entanglement are collective measurements on multiple copies of a (bipartite or multipartite) quantum system that directly provide one a value for some entanglement measure, such as the concurrence for bipartite states. Multiple copies are needed since the entanglement of a mixed state is not a linear function of the density matrix. Unfortunately, so far all experimental implementations of direct measurements made unverified assumptions about the form of the states, and, therefore, do not qualify as entanglement verification tests. I discuss how a direct measurement can be turned into a quantitative entanglement verification test by exploiting a recent theorem by Renner (R. Renner, Nature Physics 3, 645 (2007)).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement-assisted local operations and classical communications conversion in the quantum critical systems

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    Conversions between the ground states in quantum critical systems via entanglement-assisted local operations and classical communications (eLOCC) are studied. We propose a new method to reveal the different convertibility by local operations when a quantum phase transition occurs. We have studied the ground state local convertibility in the one dimensional transverse field Ising model, XY model and XXZ model. It is found that the eLOCC convertibility sudden changes at the phase transition points. In transverse field Ising model the eLOCC convertibility between the first excited state and the ground state are also distinct for different phases. The relation between the order of quantum phase transitions and the local convertibility is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Entanglement entropy of multipartite pure states

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    Consider a system consisting of nn dd-dimensional quantum particles and arbitrary pure state Κ\Psi of the whole system. Suppose we simultaneously perform complete von Neumann measurements on each particle. One can ask: what is the minimal possible value S[Κ]S[\Psi] of the entropy of outcomes joint probability distribution? We show that S[Κ]S[\Psi] coincides with entanglement entropy for bipartite states. We compute S[Κ]S[\Psi] for two sample multipartite states: the hexacode state (n=6,d=2n=6, d=2) and determinant states (n=dn=d). The generalization of determinant states to the case d<nd<n is considered.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX, corrected some typo

    Optimal quantum teleportation with an arbitrary pure state

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    We derive the maximum fidelity attainable for teleportation using a shared pair of d-level systems in an arbitrary pure state. This derivation provides a complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal teleportation protocols. We also discuss the information on the teleported particle which is revealed in course of the protocol using a non-maximally entangled state.Comment: 10 pages, REVTe

    Mixture of multiple copies of maximally entangled states is quasi-pure

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    Employing the general BXOR operation and local state discrimination, the mixed state of the form \rho^{(k)}_{d}=\frac{1}{d^{2}}\sum_{m,n=0}^{d-1}(|\phi_{mn}><\phi_{mn}|)^{\otim es k} is proved to be quasi-pure, where {âˆŁÏ•mn>}\{|\phi_{mn}>\} is the canonical set of mutually orthogonal maximally entangled states in d×dd\times d. Therefore irreversibility does not occur in the process of distillation for this family of states. Also, the distillable entanglement is calculated explicitly.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. The paper is subtantially revised and the general proof is give

    Modelling ultraviolet-line diagnostics of stars, the ionized and the neutral interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies

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    We combine state-of-the-art models for the production of stellar radiation and its transfer through the interstellar medium (ISM) to investigate ultraviolet-line diagnostics of stars, the ionized and the neutral ISM in star-forming galaxies. We start by assessing the reliability of our stellar population synthesis modelling by fitting absorption-line indices in the ISM-free ultraviolet spectra of 10 Large-Magellanic-Cloud clusters. In doing so, we find that neglecting stochastic sampling of the stellar initial mass function in these young (∌10\sim10-100 Myr), low-mass clusters affects negligibly ultraviolet-based age and metallicity estimates but can lead to significant overestimates of stellar mass. Then, we proceed and develop a simple approach, based on an idealized description of the main features of the ISM, to compute in a physically consistent way the combined influence of nebular emission and interstellar absorption on ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. Our model accounts for the transfer of radiation through the ionized interiors and outer neutral envelopes of short-lived stellar birth clouds, as well as for radiative transfer through a diffuse intercloud medium. We use this approach to explore the entangled signatures of stars, the ionized and the neutral ISM in ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. We find that, aside from a few notable exceptions, most standard ultraviolet indices defined in the spectra of ISM-free stellar populations are prone to significant contamination by the ISM, which increases with metallicity. We also identify several nebular-emission and interstellar-absorption features, which stand out as particularly clean tracers of the different phases of the ISM.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantum Critical Point and Entanglement in a Matrix Product Ground State

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    In this paper, we study the entanglement properties of a spin-1 model the exact ground state of which is given by a Matrix Product state. The model exhibits a critical point transition at a parameter value a=0. The longitudinal and transverse correlation lengths are known to diverge as a tends to zero. We use three different entanglement measures S(i) (the one-site von Neumann entropy), S(i,j) (the two-body entanglement) and G(2,n) (the generalized global entanglement) to determine the entanglement content of the MP ground state as the parameter a is varied. The entanglement length, associated with S(i,j), is found to diverge in the vicinity of the quantum critical point a=0. The first derivative of the entanglement measure E (=S(i), S(i,j)) w.r.t. the parameter a also diverges. The first derivative of G(2,n) w.r.t. a does not diverge as a tends to zero but attains a maximum value at a=0. At the QCP itself all the three entanglement measures become zero. We further show that multipartite correlations are involved in the QPT at a=0.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Catalytic Conversion Probabilities for Bipartite Pure States

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    For two given bipartite-entangled pure states, an expression is obtained for the least upper bound of conversion probabilities using catalysis. The attainability of the upper bound can also be decided if that bound is less than one.Comment: 4 pages; comments appreciated; the article is a modified version of this preprint combined with arXiv:0707.044

    Finite-Size Scaling Exponents in the Dicke Model

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    We consider the finite-size corrections in the Dicke model and determine the scaling exponents at the critical point for several quantities such as the ground state energy or the gap. Therefore, we use the Holstein-Primakoff representation of the angular momentum and introduce a nonlinear transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in the normal phase. As already observed in several systems, these corrections turn out to be singular at the transition point and thus lead to nontrivial exponents. We show that for the atomic observables, these exponents are the same as in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, in agreement with numerical results. We also investigate the behavior of the order parameter related to the radiation mode and show that it is driven by the same scaling variable as the atomic one.Comment: 4 pages, published versio
