15 research outputs found
Balatoni nagyfelbontású (egycsatornás) szeizmikus szelvények szedimentológiai, sztratigráfiai értelmezése és korrelációja a Balaton környékén felszínen kibukkanó üledékekkel = Sedimentological and stratigraphical interpretation of ultrahigh-resolution (single-channel) seismic profiles acquired on the Lake Balaton and their correlation with outcrop data
Célunk a Balaton holocén iszapja alatt és a környékén felszínen található pannóniai összlet őskörnyezeti és integrált sztratigráfiai értelmezése volt. Következtetéseink terepi szedimentológiai, paleontológiai észleléseken, fúrási adatokon, geoelektromos és földradar méréseken, kísérleti terepi gammaszelvényeken, valamint ultra-nagyfelbontású, kb. 25 m behatolású, vizi szeizmikus szelvények értelmezésén alapulnak. A Pannon-tó "Bakonyi-félsziget" alkotta peremén, a tó kialakulásának transzgressziv fázisában a parthomlok erősen mozgatott vízében fövenypartokon, öblökben és jelentős üledékbehozatalt jelző, ám lokális anyagból épülő Gilbert-deltákon ülepedett a Kállai Homok. Ezzel egyidőben a hullámbázis alatti mélységű nyíltvízben Száki Agyagmárga halmozódott fel. A tó fejlődésének regresszív szakaszában ettől jelentősen eltérő őskörnyezet alakult ki. Az Alpok-Kárpátok felöl érkező üledékkel a Kisalföld medencéjének feltöltése után, a Dunántúli-középhegység sekély vízzel borított öve is feltöltődött, kiterjedt deltasíkság formájában. Gazdag és változatos nyíltvizi faunával jellemezhető homok-aleurit a deltaelőtér hullámbázisnál alig mélyebb vizében Somlói Formációként ülepedett. A delta torkolatok előreépülésével a síkságon öblök képződtek, melyek rétegsorát a rövid idejű, néhány méteres tószintváltozások és a gyakori torkolat-áthelyeződések során kialakuló, ősmaradványtartalommal párhuzamosan változó aleurit-finomhomok-huminites agyag ciklusok épitik fel (Tihanyi Formáció). | The objective was paleoenvironmental and integrated stratigraphical interpretation of the Late Miocene Lake Pannon deposits that underlie the Holocene mud of Lake Balaton and are exposed in the vicinity of that lake. Conclusions are based on sedimentological and paleontological observations in the field, well data analysis, geoelectric and GPR measurements, pilot studies of gamma ray in outcrops, and ultra-high resolution seismic images. The sedimentary history of Lake Pannon along the southern margin of the Bakony peninsula was controlled first by transgression, then by intense regression. During the transgressive interval, sand and gravel (Kálla Fm) were deposited in Gilbert-type deltas built from local sediment sources, and in the strongly agitated shoreface to foreshore of embayments. At the same time, the Szák Claymarl was deposited in sublittoral environments. By the second phase, however, the paleogeography had considerably changed. Sediments originating from the Alps and Carpathians filled the Kisalföld basin and then levelled the shallow basins of the Transdanubian Range by deltaic deposits. In the prodelta, below the wave base, silt and sand of the Somló Fm were deposited. This environment was characterized by rich and diverse brackish-water fauna. The interdistributary bays of the deltaplain were filled by cyclic repetition of silt-fine sand-huminitic clay, controlled by high-frequency, low-amplitude lake level changes and frequent channel avulsions (Tihany Fm)
Conjugation with Tris Decreases the Risk of Ketoprofen-Induced Mucosal Damage and Reduces Inflammation-Associated Methane Production in a Rat Model of Colitis
We have designed a new compound from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen (Ket) and 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Tris) precursors, with the aim to reduce the gastrointestinal (GI) side effects of NSAID therapies. We investigated mucosal reactions in a standard rat model of colitis together with methane generation as a possible indicator of pro-inflammatory activation under this condition (approval number: V./148/2013). Whole-body methane production (photoacoustic spectroscopy) and serosal microcirculation (intravital videomicroscopy) were measured, and mucosal damage was assessed (conventional histology; in vivo laser-scanning endomicroscopy). Inflammatory markers were measured from tissue and blood samples. Colitis induced an inflammatory response, morphological colonic damage and increased methane output. Ket treatment lowered inflammatory activation and colonic mucosal injury, but macroscopic gastric bleeding and increased methane output were present. Ket-Tris reduced inflammatory activation, methane emission and colonic mucosal damage, without inducing gastric injury. Conjugation with Tris reduces the GI side effects of Ket and still decreases the inflammatory response in experimental colitis. Methane output correlates with the mucosal inflammatory response and non-invasively demonstrates the effects of anti-inflammatory treatments
Effect of binder's size and chemistry on pure aluminium-oxide vacuum formed ceramic fibre boards
Pure aluminium oxide vacuum-formed fibreboards were obtained from new generation of alumina fibres synthesized by the sol-gel method. The effect of the chemical composition and the particle size of the binder on the vacuum-formed boards was examined. High-temperature testing took place at 1500 °C for 24 h. The mechanical properties (both modulus and compressive strength) are better with Boehmite than with aluminium hydroxide. Decreasing the size of the binder particles enhances these mechanical properties. Field emission scanning electron microscopy was used to study the micro-scale morphology. Well-developed crystals can be found in both the fibres and binders, regardless of the binder system used, after the prolonged high-temperature treatment. The smaller binder particles cause decreased crystal size. The most stable α-aluminium oxide phase was identified by XRD in all systems
Conjugation with Tris Decreases the Risk of Ketoprofen-Induced Mucosal Damage and Reduces Inflammation-Associated Methane Production in a Rat Model of Colitis
We have designed a new compound from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ketoprofen (Ket) and 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Tris) precursors, with the aim to reduce the gastrointestinal (GI) side effects of NSAID therapies. We investigated mucosal reactions in a standard rat model of colitis together with methane generation as a possible indicator of pro-inflammatory activation under this condition (approval number: V./148/2013). Whole-body methane production (photoacoustic spectroscopy) and serosal microcirculation (intravital videomicroscopy) were measured, and mucosal damage was assessed (conventional histology; in vivo laser-scanning endomicroscopy). Inflammatory markers were measured from tissue and blood samples. Colitis induced an inflammatory response, morphological colonic damage and increased methane output. Ket treatment lowered inflammatory activation and colonic mucosal injury, but macroscopic gastric bleeding and increased methane output were present. Ket-Tris reduced inflammatory activation, methane emission and colonic mucosal damage, without inducing gastric injury. Conjugation with Tris reduces the GI side effects of Ket and still decreases the inflammatory response in experimental colitis. Methane output correlates with the mucosal inflammatory response and non-invasively demonstrates the effects of anti-inflammatory treatments