7 research outputs found

    Formation of regional inter-sectoral complexes of recreation and tourism activity as a sign of structural reorganization of the economy

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    Changes taking place in recent decades in the global economy have led to the formation and development of new highly differentiated inter-branch complexes, rather than separated industries. In the global economy, such reorganization is marked by the formation of new sectors of the economy, one of which is a sector of socio-natural types of economic activity. At the level of regions, new integration formations are developed - regional inter-sectoral recreational complexes (IcRC). The purpose of our study is to substantiate the formation of regional inter-sectoral complexes of recreational and tourist activities (RTA) in the conditions of radical restructuring of the economy of post-industrial civilization. Inter-sectoral complex RTA is a set of different types of activities of the population - economic and non-economic, as well as leisure forms that provide the needs of the population of the region (countries) in recreation services, health improvement, healing and tourism, accompanying social services and recreational and tourist infrastructure. The study presents an author's vision of the composition and structuring of the regional inter-sectoral complex of recreation and tourism activity. The developed model of the inter-sectoral complex RTA covers all varieties of recreational activities with all its forms - tourism, organized recreation, unorganized (amateur) mass recreation, household recreation. The geographical bases for the formation of regional inter-sectoral recreational complexes are serving recreational and tourist resources - destinations that determine the specialization of the region by types of RTA. Depending on the level of development of RTA in the region, the RTA management systems may form. At the local and regional levels, the RTA nodes will be destinations - local and regional concentration of recreational and tourist resources with appropriate infrastructure. On the global (international) level, RTA retains a network form of a territorial organization, whose nodes are world centres and areas of tourism, as well as the main areas of formation of tourist flows

    Development of health tourism in Ukraine

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    The article examines the problems and prospects of the development of medical tourism. An analysis of the development and assessment of the current state of the health care complex in Ukraine was given. The article emphasizes that resort recreation should become a priority area for the future development of tourism in the state, as it can already provide significant foreign exchange earnings, contribute to the strengthening of the national monetary system and create additional jobs in this area. Centers of health tourism are sanatoriums and resorts of various medical profiles. The peculiarity of the tourist product in health tourism is its seasonal nature, the predominance of intra-regional trips and the specific age composition of consumers

    Natural recreation and tourist resources of the Podilia region

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    In the presented publication are analyzed natural tourist resources of the Podilia region. The ball estimation of natural resources is conducted for to the science-geographical areas. It is distinguished the most favorable and the least favorable science - geographical areas for recreation and tourist activity

    Religious activity of population as factor of manifestation of social troubles associated with health and safetyn as factor of manifestation of social troubles associated with health and safety

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    This article studies the impact peculiarities of the population’s religious activity on the manifestation of social troubles. The territory of Ukraine was chosen for research. It has been established that the religious activity of the population correlates significantly with diseases associated with moral qualities of the population, namely HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, etc., as well as various manifestations of crimes. To establish the relationships and their justification, a method of linear correlation was chosen which helped to establish different degrees of mutual impact. The most noticeable impacts on demographic components are presented in the article

    Methodological bases and principles of systematics of territorial organization of recreational and tourist activities of the region

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    Yavorska Victoria, Nikolaeva Elena. Methodological bases and principles of systematics of territorial organization of recreational and tourist activities of the region. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):1150-1164. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1095190 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/5097 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 02.07.2017. Accepted: 31.07.2017. Methodological bases and principles of systematics of territorial organization of recreational and tourist activities of the region Victoria Yavorska Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Elena Nikolaeva PhD student 3 years of study Odessa II Mechnikov National University Department of Economic and Social Geography Abstract The article considers the methodological foundations and principles of the systematics of the territorial organization of the recreational and tourist activities of the region. The role of geographical science in the methodological and methodical development of recreation and tourism is shown. Recreational and tourist activities are analyzed as an intersectoral complex. The role of geographical concepts in the development of this scientific direction, in particular the concept of recreational and tourist resources (destinations) and the concept of territorial recreational systems is defined. Key words: recreational activity, tourist activity, destinations, tour agents, tour

    Modern Demographic Processes in Ukraine, Factors of Influence

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    The presented article gives the analysis of the modern demographic indicators such as life expectancy, age structure and fertility rate of the population in Ukraine and their geographical differences. The aim of the research is a spatial analysis of the demographic situation to determine the development trends of the population of the regions of Ukraine. In the conditions of depopulation and gradual aging of labor force in Ukraine requirements to its qualitative characteristics, first of all a state of health and average life expectancy grow. Ukraine belongs to the countries with high intensity of depopulation processes that is caused by a number of various factors of economic, socio-cultural, institutional character. Large-scale and protracted depopulation is now a component and one of the most pronounced manifestations of the general crisis demographic situation in Ukraine. The tendencies of influence of average life expectancy on indicators of population aging are investigated in the work. The regional analysis is carried out and territorial differences in indicators of average life expectancy and indicators of population aging are defined. The reasons for such a tense situation have been identified. The paper emphasizes that the development of really effective measures aimed at bringing the oblasts out of the deep demographic crisis and slowing down the progressive depopulation should focus not only on reducing mortality, but mainly on improving the health of the population, which can correct high mortality. These demographic trends increase global demographic asymmetry, give a special sharpness and new "sound" to the demographic problem in the global context, and, in addition, have long-term socio-economic consequences for countries with depopulation and deepening aging. In view of this, there is now a need for a comprehensive scientific understanding of the phenomenon of depopulation and assessment of its possible prospects, the development of a strategy to influence depopulation processes by means of sociodemographic policy. In our country, the study of depopulation factors, its nature and origins, analysis of the peculiarities of the deployment of depopulation and assessment of its consequences have become particularly relevant

    Problems of Formation of Ecological Networks for Environmental Safety of Odesa Region

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    Currently, the concept of sustainable development of nature and society is gaining relevance, a key aspect of which is the development of the ecological network. In Ukraine, there is a regulatory framework for the formation of an ecological network of three levels - Pan-European, National and regional. One of the important problems is that in the developed schemes of regional eco-networks should be interconnected to the eco-networks of neighboring regions and countries. The main features of the ecological network of the Odesa region are due to its coastal position and location mainly in the Steppe, partly Forest-Steppe landscape zones. The region includes vast areas of coastal territories and coastal waters - coastal zones, which concentrate unique protected areas. Mandatory basis for the formation of ecological networks is land use. The proposed concept of geoplanning is based on planning developments of the main components of the territory: the natural environment; population; economic activity. The basic characteristics of the natural environment are the landscape map and physical and geographical zoning of the territory. Maps of resilience of the natural environment to man-caused load, natural and ecological potential of the territory, levels of ecological and economic balance have already been drawn up. This series of maps for the needs of planning the territory of Ukraine should be continued by project maps of national and regional ecological networks, as well as maps of ecological capacity of the territory for population settlement, various economic activities and the general level of economic development in general. For the needs of spatial planning it is necessary to emphasize the levels of anthropogenic and urban pressures on the natural environment in the settlement of the population. Allocation of water fund lands in kind and strict regulation of their use is the main prerequisite for the formation of ecological networks of Ukraine and its regions