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    Teaching Disability Awareness to School-Aged Children

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    Often, people are intimidated by the unknown. Exposure to information on people with different disabilities is often limited in schools; therefore, when children see people who are different than them, they may not be very accepting. It is important to provide people who have disabilities with a safe and accepting environment in both schools and the community by starting to build awareness. In order to address this need for them, I have decided to present a lesson to elementary aged children targeting disability awareness. I have created a lesson curriculum for first grade students which will: teach the students about different disabilities, show students how having a disability might feel, and discussing how they could help a person who has a disability

    Cyber-harassment in higher education: a study of institutional policies and procedures

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    Cyberbullying is a growing phenomenon, causing concern among students, parents, and professionals in the educational community. Although no federal law specifically addresses cyber-harassment in higher education, institutions have a legal obligation to address all claims of harassment, regardless of the location or platform in which the harassing behavior occurs. Recent court cases are setting precedents for obligatory institutional response and potential penalties for lack thereof; conversely, institutions are left to their own devices to employ and develop policy statements and sanctions that prohibit or discourage cyber-harassment behaviors. As the legal and political environment regarding bullying and cyberbullying behaviors continues to evolve, universities are challenged to administer policies and procedures that address misconduct that occurs in physical and virtual environments. Qualitative by design, this study examines the perspectives, insights, and understandings of those individuals responsible for developing and operationalizing policies in the areas of cyber-harassment. Accordingly, participants in this research study provided key insights regarding strategies, best practices, and challenges experienced by policy administrators when developing and implementing cyber-harassment, prevention and mitigation policies and programs. Participants’ perspectives provided an insightful understanding of the complexities of interpreting legislation and the implications associated with higher education policy

    The Adjustment Problems Of Latin American Students Attending Selected California Universities

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    Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify the academic and non-academic problems of adjustment to the American culture and educational system as perceived by Latin American students attending selected California universities. A second purpose was to identify and compare the differences in problems perceived in undergraduate male and female Latin American students from their respective viewpoints. A third purpose was to identify the expected readjustment problems when the students return to their countries. The fourth purpose was to determine the nature and the helpfulness of the orientation program needed before the students came to the U.S., and after their arrival. Procedure. The survey questionnaire method was used to obtain the relevant data from the Latin American students. The sample population of this study consisted of 240 undergraduate students who met the criteria set for the inclusion of the students to be studied. The responses to the questionnaire statement by number of students who actually responded, were analyzed by using percentages and one way analysis of variance at the .05 level of significance. Conclusions. The findings of this study indicated that: (1) The major academic problems encountered by Latin American students were found to be in the basic communication areas and of writing, reading, and oral skills. In addition, students found it difficult to participate in classroom discussion because of their lack of confidence in their general use of the English language. Students did not receive adequate assistance in academic program planning in courses that were compatible with the needs and goals of their native countries. (2) Major non-academic problems related to the unavailability of sufficient financial aid, insufficient international news relating to the political status of their country, adjusting to social interaction, food, time orientation, household chores. (3) There were minor significant differences between males and females in their perception of academic and non-academic problems. (4) No significant differences existed between males and females in their opinions of the problems they will encounter upon returning home. The major area of concern of both males and females groups was primarily centered upon the fear that new innovations would not be accepted in their countries. (5) The findings indicated a high percentage of students who participated neither in an orientation program in the American universities nor in Latin American universities. Recommendations. (1) A complete program of orientation should include a predeparture orientation offered by their native country governments or sponsoring institutions. (2) The American universities should provide an extensive orientation program in both academic and non-academic areas. (3) It would be helpful if the foreign student be met by an American student sponsor who would help him/her find housing, facilitating their initial adjustment to the new environment. (4) Periodical meetings with the Foreign Students Advisor and academic Advisor would give an opportunity to Latin American students of communicating with others in seeking solutions to their problems. (5) Students should be proficient in communication skills before starting their academic program. (6) The academic curriculum in American universities should include practical training and field work experiences in the areas of study undertaken by Latin American students

    El proceso de tenencia y de régimen de visitas según la convención sobre los derechos del niño

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué manera los Jueces de Familia de la provincia de Trujillo no están cumpliendo con disponer en sus sentencias el control de su ejecución de las mismas, en el proceso de tenencia y régimen de visitas, aplicando el artículo 9.1 de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño a efecto de poder modificar la sentencia antes de los seis meses o de los apremios legales, durante los años 2019-2020. El presente trabajo de investigación es no experimental de corte transversal, en tal sentido, se revisó la normativa internacional pertinente, las disposiciones constitucionales establecidas y el Código del Niño y Adolescente. Para lo cual se analizaron expedientes sobre Proceso de Tenencia y de Régimen de Visitas en el Segundo Juzgado de Familia de Trujillo. Finalmente, se llegó a la conclusión que los niños tienen derecho a vivir en una familia, en la cual se les brinde protección, además de garantizar sus derechos fundamentales; siendo los llamados a efectivizar tales derechos, su familia, la sociedad y el Estado.The objective of this research work was to determine in what way the Family Judges of the province of Trujillo are not complying with providing in their sentences the control of their execution of the same, in the process of possession and visitation, applying the Article 9.1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in order to be able to modify the sentence before six months or legal constraints, during the years 2019-2020. The present research work is non-experimental and cross-sectional, in this sense, the pertinent international regulations, the established constitutional provisions and the Code for Children and Adolescents were reviewed. For which, files on the Tenure Process and the Visitation Regime in the Second Family Court of Trujillo were analyzed. Finally, it was concluded that children have the right to live in a family, in which they are provided with protection, in addition to guaranteeing their fundamental rights; being the calls to make such rights effective, his family, society and the StateTesi

    El proceso de tenencia y de régimen de visitas según la convención sobre los derechos del niño

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué manera los Jueces de Familia de la provincia de Trujillo no están cumpliendo con disponer en sus sentencias el control de su ejecución de las mismas, en el proceso de tenencia y régimen de visitas, aplicando el artículo 9.1 de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño a efecto de poder modificar la sentencia antes de los seis meses o de los apremios legales, durante los años 2019-2020. El presente trabajo de investigación es no experimental de corte transversal, en tal sentido, se revisó la normativa internacional pertinente, las disposiciones constitucionales establecidas y el Código del Niño y Adolescente. Para lo cual se analizaron expedientes sobre Proceso de Tenencia y de Régimen de Visitas en el Segundo Juzgado de Familia de Trujillo. Finalmente, se llegó a la conclusión que los niños tienen derecho a vivir en una familia, en la cual se les brinde protección, además de garantizar sus derechos fundamentales; siendo los llamados a efectivizar tales derechos, su familia, la sociedad y el Estado.The objective of this research work was to determine in what way the Family Judges of the province of Trujillo are not complying with providing in their sentences the control of their execution of the same, in the process of possession and visitation, applying the Article 9.1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in order to be able to modify the sentence before six months or legal constraints, during the years 2019-2020. The present research work is non-experimental and cross-sectional, in this sense, the pertinent international regulations, the established constitutional provisions and the Code for Children and Adolescents were reviewed. For which, files on the Tenure Process and the Visitation Regime in the Second Family Court of Trujillo were analyzed. Finally, it was concluded that children have the right to live in a family, in which they are provided with protection, in addition to guaranteeing their fundamental rights; being the calls to make such rights effective, his family, society and the StateTesi

    El lavado de activos como delito autónomo y la vulneracion del principio de presunción de inocencia

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    En la presente investigación, tenemos por objetivo principal determinar como el Decreto Legislativo. N° 1106, que modifica la autonomía del delito de Lavado de Activos afecta el principio de presunción de inocencia. Siendo así, se partirá teniendo en consideración la importancia mundial que se le da a la prevención y control de este delito, por lo que diferentes países y organizaciones buscan crear un modelo adecuado y efectivo. Ya delimitada la importancia, debemos traer al plano nacional esta figura delictiva y como está siendo tratada por la política criminal peruana, partiendo del sentido de la tipificación nacional, la misma que le da la calidad de autónomo, deteniéndonos aquí, ya que este es un punto controvertido en el sentido que los jueces y grandes doctrinarios aún no se ponen de acuerdo respecto al delito previo, por lo que existen dos teorías fundamentales, la primera es la acogida por nuestra normatividad que la de la autonomía a este delito, y la segunda hace referencia a que se necesita del delito previo (conocer, vincular, determinar) para que se inicie - sin ninguna vulneración de principios procesales y constitucionales - el proceso por lavado de activos. Por lo que, luego de realizar esta investigación concluimos que, la teoría acogida en nuestra legislación vulnera efectivamente principios constitucionales y procesales, como es el de presunción de inocencia.In the present investigation, our main objective is to determine how the Legislative Decree. No. 1106, which modifies the autonomy of the crime of money laundering affects the principle of presumption of innocence. In this way, it will be divided taking into consideration the global importance that is given to the prevention and control of this crime, so that different countries and organizations seek to create an adequate and effective model. Once the importance has been delimited, we must bring to the national level this criminal figure and as it is being treated by the Peruvian criminal policy, starting from the sense of the national typification, the same one that gives the quality of autonomous, stopping us here, since this is a controversial point in the sense that the judges and great doctrinaires still do not agree on the previous offense, so that there are two fundamental theories, the first is the acceptance by our normativity that the one of the autonomy to this crime, and the second refers to the need to know (to know, to link, to determine) to initiate - without any violation of procedural and constitutional principles - the process of money laundering. Therefore, after conducting this research, we conclude that the theory accepted in our legislation effectively violates constitutional and procedural principles, such as presumption of innocence.Tesi
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