84 research outputs found

    Investigating the suitability of high content image analysis as a tool to assess the reversibility of foamy alveolar macrophage phenotypes in vitro.

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    Many potential inhaled medicines fail during development due to the induction of a highly vacuolated or “foamy” alveolar macrophage phenotype response in pre-clinical studies. There is limited understanding if this response to an inhaled stimulus is adverse or adaptive, and additionally if it is a transient or irreversible process. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether high content image analysis could distinguish between different drug-induced foamy macrophage phenotypes and to determine the extent of the reversibility of the foamy phenotypes by assessing morphological changes over time. Alveolar-like macrophages derived from the human monocyte cell line U937 were exposed for 24 h to compounds known to induce a foamy macrophage phenotype (amiodarone, staurosporine) and control compounds that are not known to cause a foamy macrophage phenotype in vitro (fluticasone and salbutamol). Following drug stimulation, the cells were rested in drug-free media for the subsequent 24 or 48 h. Cell morphometric parameters (cellular and nuclear area, vacuoles numbers and size) and phospholipid content were determined using high content image analysis. The foamy macrophage recovery was dependent on the mechanism of action of the inducer compound. Amiodarone toxicity was associated with phospholipid accumulation and morphometric changes were reversed when the stimulus was removed from culture environment. Conversely cells were unable to recover from exposure to staurosporine which initiates the apoptosis pathway. This study shows that high content analysis can discriminate between different phenotypes of foamy macrophages and may contribute to better decision making in the process of new drug development.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A quantitative structure-permeability relationship model for split-thickness skin absorption, reasoning for the choice of the database.

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    The skin is the largest organ in the human body, protecting the body from xenobiotic invasion (1). Local and systemic drugs may also be administered through the skin, therefore the need to measure the permeability of the skin to chemicals has long been apparent. The use of in vivo or in vitro techniques is time-consuming, since it is not only necessary to conduct a permeation study, but also to optimize experimental conditions and build analytical methods for each chemical. Moreover, it is not possible to assess the permeability of compounds not yet synthesised. An alternative option can be the development of Quantitative Structure-Permeability Relationships (QSPRs). These in silico models aim to form a relationship between the absorption of chemicals through the skin and their physico-chemical and/or structural properties (2). Knowing that permeability can be affected by different experimental conditions, the aim of this study is to build a QSPR based on uniform and consistent experimental conditions, but with a significant database size. Two different databases were compared: the first one was obtained only from Zhang et al (3), the second one was created from multiple literature sources, fulfilling the following conditions: - Data (log Kp values) were obtained by an in vitro diffusion system; - The membrane was human stratum corneum and viable epidermis; - The donor solvent was an aqueous solution; - No permeation enhancement technologies were used; - No association with other chemicals were considered. The geometrical structures of all chemicals were optimized with MM2 forcefield. Molecular descriptors and fingerprints were generated where possible. For each database, a wide range of Multi Linear Regression models were built using QSARins (4, 5) through a stepwise forward regression process. The models have been validated according to Golbraikh and Tropsha (6) criteria and the best ones have been selected according to the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (7). The model calculated from the data obtained from a single source shows better correlation, robustness, and predictivity, revealing a grade of uncertainty coming from an inter laboratory variability of the different sources used to build the database. REFERENCES 1. Baba H, Takahara J-i, Mamitsuka H. In Silico Predictions of Human Skin Permeability using Nonlinear Quantitative Structure–Property Relationship Models. Pharmaceutical Research. 2015;32(7):2360-71. 2. Moss GP, Cronin MTD. Quantitative structure–permeability relationships for percutaneous absorption: re-analysis of steroid data. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2002;238(1):105-9. 3. Zhang K, Chen M, Scriba GKE, Abraham MH, Fahr A, Liu X. Human Skin Permeation of Neutral Species and Ionic Species: Extended Linear Free Energy Relationship Analyses. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2012;101(6):2034-44. 4. Gramatica P, Chirico N, Papa E, Cassani S, Kovarich S. QSARINS: A new software for the development, analysis, and validation of QSAR MLR models. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2013;34(24):2121-32. 5. Gramatica P, Cassani S, Chirico N. QSARINS-chem: Insubria datasets and new QSAR/QSPR models for environmental pollutants in QSARINS. Journal of Computational Chemistry. 2014;35(13):1036-44. 6. Golbraikh A, Tropsha A. Beware of q2! Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. 2002;20(4):269-76. 7. Keller HR, Massart DL, Brans JP. Multicriteria decision making: A case study. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 1991;11(2):175-89.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Diffusion through the ex vivo vitreal body - bovine, porcine, and ovine models are poor surrogates for the human vitreous

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    © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.The human vitreous humour is a complex gel structure whose composition and physical properties can vary considerably from person to person and also change with age. To date, the viscoelastic properties of the human vitreous gel has not been thoroughly investigated and despite many years of intensive research, an ideal vitreous substitute remains a challenge. Understanding the physical structure and properties of the vitreous is of fundamental and therapeutic interest, providing a clear insight into diffusion and transport of administered ophthalmic drug molecules into the vitreous. A number of mammalian surrogates, mainly bovine, porcine and ovine vitreous humours have been greatly used in the literature as a means of studying ophthalmic drug transport and diffusion. In this study, the mechanical, physical and rheological properties of ovine, porcine, and bovine surrogates were investigated and compared to human vitreous. In addition, a bespoke Franz cell construct was used to compare the diffusion of a model drug (i.e. fluorescein) through vitreous samples. Despite the similarity in rheological properties between bovine, porcine and human vitreous samples (p > 0.05), diffusion of fluorescein through the different vitreous samples revealed great differences in values of steady-state flux and diffusion coefficient. In addition, a first-generation vitreous mimic, composed of 4.5 mg/mL hyaluronic acid with complex viscosity of 0.3 ± 0.01 Pa has been evaluated and was demonstrated to be a better mimic of the human vitreous than the mammalian samples investigated.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Predicting Skin Permeability by means of Computational Approaches : Reliability and Caveats in Pharmaceutical Studies

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society.The skin is the main barrier between the internal body environment and the external one. The characteristics of this barrier and its properties are able to modify and affect drug delivery and chemical toxicity parameters. Therefore, it is not surprising that permeability of many different compounds has been measured through several in vitro and in vivo techniques. Moreover, many different in silico approaches have been used to identify the correlation between the structure of the permeants and their permeability, to reproduce the skin behavior, and to predict the ability of specific chemicals to permeate this barrier. A significant number of issues, like interlaboratory variability, experimental conditions, data set building rationales, and skin site of origin and hydration, still prevent us from obtaining a definitive predictive skin permeability model. This review wants to show the main advances and the principal approaches in computational methods used to predict this property, to enlighten the main issues that have arisen, and to address the challenges to develop in future research.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Optimising poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticle fabrication using a Taguchi orthogonal array design-of-experiment approach

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    © 2019 Mensah et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The objective of this study was to identify, understand and generate a Taguchi orthogonal array model for the formation of 10–50 μm microparticles with applications in topical/ocular controlled drug delivery. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles were fabricated by the single emulsion oil-in-water method and the particle size was characterized using laser diffraction and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Sequential Taguchi L 12 and L 18 orthogonal array (OA) designs were employed to study the influence of ten and eight parameters, respectively, on microparticle size (response). The first optimization step using the L 12 design showed that all parameters significantly influenced the particle size of the prepared PLGA microparticles with exception of the concentration of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in the hardening bath. The smallest mean particle size obtained from the L 12 design was 54.39 μm. A subsequent L 18 design showed that the molecular weight of PLGA does not significantly affect the particle size. An experimental run comprising of defined parameters including molecular weight of PLGA (89 kDa), concentration of PLGA (20% w/v), concentration of PVA in the emulsion (0.8% w/v), solvent type (ethyl acetate), organic/aqeuous phase ratio (1:1 v/v), vortexing speed (9), vortexing duration (60 seconds), concentration of PVA in hardening bath (0.8% w/v), stirring speed of hardening bath (1200 rpm) and solvent evaporation duration (24 hours) resulted in the lowest mean particle size of 23.51 μm which was predicted and confirmed by the L 18 array. A comparable size was demonstrated during the fabrication of BSA-incorporated microparticles. Taguchi OA design proved to be a valuable tool in determining the combination of process parameters that can provide the optimal condition for microparticle formulation. Taguchi OA design can be used to correctly predict the size of microparticles fabricated by the single emulsion process and can therefore, ultimately, save time and costs during the manufacturing process of drug delivery formulations by minimising experimental runs.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Characterisation of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in bronchial epithelial cell culture models

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    In vitro epithelial cell cultures are increasingly used to model drug permeability, as predictive tools for absorption in humans. Medical regulatory agencies recommend in vitro permeability screening for biopharmaceutical classification of novel therapeutic compounds, and recently published guidelines on investigating interactions of novel therapeutic compounds with clinically relevant transporters. The expression and functionality of drug transporters in the lung is poorly characterised, and insufficient to allow detailed understanding of drug-transporter interactions in the airways. Additionally, as human in vitro permeability is used to predict absorption from rat in vivo, a rat bronchial epithelium in vitro cell line would aid the understanding of interspecies differences in transporter-mediated drug trafficking. This thesis investigates the morphological and physiological barrier properties of Calu-3, normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cell layers and rat airway epithelial cell (RL-65) cultures. The morphology and barrier integrity of RL-65 layers were shown to be in agreement with existing human bronchial epithelial cell models after culture for 8 days at air-liquid interface. The expression of >30 ABC, SLC and SLCO transporters in human models was in general agreement with published expression levels in human lungs. MDR1 functionality was investigated, and whilst no asymmetric transport of 3H-digoxin was observed in RL-65 cell layers, net secretory transport was observed for Calu-3 cell layers at both low (25-30) and high (45-45) passage number and for some batches of NHBE cell layers. Chemical, metabolic and biological inhibitors were employed to evaluate MDR1 contribution to 3H-digoxin trafficking, however the exact transporter(s) involved could not be determined. Whilst MDR1 functionality could not be ruled out, results suggest that it is unlikely to be the main transporter involved in 3H-digoxin trafficking in the bronchial epithelium. These studies have highlighted the need for more specific approaches to investigating transporter functionality in in vitro systems

    High content analysis of in vitro alveolar macrophage responses can provide mechanistic insight for inhaled product safety assessment

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Assessing the safety of inhaled substances in the alveolar region of the lung requires an understanding of how the respired material interacts with both physical and immunological barriers. Human alveolar-like macrophages in vitro provide a platform to assess the immunological response in the airways and may better inform the understanding of a response to an inhaled challenge being adaptive or adverse. The aim of this study was to determine if a morphometric phenotyping approach could discriminate between different inhaled nicotine products and indicate the potential mechanism of toxicity of a substance. Cigarette smoke (CS) and e-liquids extracted into cell culture medium were applied to human alveolar-like macrophages in mono-culture (ImmuONE™) and co-culture (ImmuLUNG™) to test the hypothesis. Phenotype profiling of cell responses was highly reproducible and clearly distinguished the different responses to CS and e-liquids. Whilst the phenotypes of untreated macrophages were similar regardless of culture condition, macrophages cultured in the presence of epithelial cells were more sensitive to CS-induced changes related to cell size and vacuolation processes. This technique demonstrated phenotypical observations typical for CS exposure and indicative of the established mechanisms of toxicity. The technique provides a rapid screening approach to determine detailed immunological responses in the airways which can be linked to potentially adverse pathways and support inhalation safety assessment.Peer reviewe

    High Content Image Analysis as a Tool to Morphologically Distinguish Macrophage Activation and Determine Its Importance for Foamy Alveolar Macrophage Responses

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    Introduction: Lung diseases are an increasing global health burden affecting millions of people worldwide. Only a few new inhaled medicines have reached the market in the last 30 years, in part due to foamy alveolar macrophage (FAM) responses observed in pre-clinical rat studies. The induction mechanism and signaling pathways involved in the development of highly vacuolated ‘foamy’ phenotype is not known. Furthermore, it has not been determined if these observations are adaptive or adverse responses. Aim: To determine if high content image analysis techniques can distinguish between alveolar macrophage activation (LPS/IFN-γ activated and IL-4 activated macrophages) and if this could be applied to understanding the generation of ‘foamy’ macrophage phenotypes. Methods: NR8383 rat alveolar macrophages were stimulated with a mix of cytokines (LPS/IFN-γ or IL-4) for 24 h. The cells were further exposed to FAM inducing-compounds amiodarone and staurosporine. Following 24 h incubation, phagocytosis and lipid accumulation were measured using flow cytometry and high content image analysis techniques. The alveolar macrophages responses after exposure to cytokines were assessed by evaluation: (i) cell surface and biochemical markers such as: nitric oxide production, arginase-1 activity and MRC-1 receptor expression (ii) cellular morphology (iii) cellular functionality (phagocytic activity and lipids accumulation). Results: Macrophages activated with LPS/IFN-γ showed distinct morphological (increased vacuolation) features and functionality (increased lipidosis, decreased phagocytic activity). Foamy macrophage phenotypes induced by amiodarone also displayed characteristics of proinflammatory macrophages (significantly increased nitric oxide production, increased vacuolation and lipidosis and decreased phagocytosis). In contrast, staurosporine treatment resulted in increased NO production, as well as arginase-1 activity. Conclusion: High content image analysis was able to determine distinct differences in morphology between non-activated and LPS/IFN-γ activated macrophages, characterized by increased vacuolation and lipidosis. When exposed to compounds that induce a FAM phenotype, healthy non-activated macrophages displayed proinflammatory (amiodarone) or pro-apoptotic (staurosporine) characteristics but these responses were independent of a change in activation status. This technique could be applied in early drug discovery safety assessment to identify immune responses earlier and increase the understanding of alveolar macrophage responses to new molecules challenge in development of new inhalation therapies, which in turn will enhance decision-making in an early safety assessment of novel drug candidates.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio