41 research outputs found

    Perceptions of nutrition education and the role of dietitians at a medical school in the Czech Republic: an international collaboration

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    The overall purpose of this research was to assess the perceptions about nutrition education and the role of dietitians at a medical school in the Czech Republic. This work represents an international collaboration between The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Masaryk University. The adage, “you are what you eat” remains relevant today as our food choices are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Globally the increasing rates of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the so called “lifestyle diseases” that include obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, have potentially devastating complications including poor health outcomes. There is abundant evidence to support the role of nutrition in the prevention, management, and treatment of many health conditions including NCDs. Yet global research over the past decades has identified that many medical schools around the world lack adequate nutrition education for medical students. But with medical schools in the Czech Republic not represented in the published literature, the situation here is not clear. This work included a qualitative assessment of students and faculty at Masaryk University medical school in Brno, Czech Republic. Using a thematic interview guide, semi-structured interviews were conducted with students (n=30) in both the Czech and English programs at the medical school, and faculty members (n=6) that taught in one or both programs. Interviews were conducted in either the Czech or English language. After transcription, the Czech interviews were translated into English, and then all interview transcripts were prepared for review and thematic analysis. The themes identified revealed support for the important role of nutrition in medical care, concern about the limited amount of nutrition education offered at the medical school, a limited awareness about the role of dietitians in medical care, and student interest in additional education to improve nutrition knowledge and training to support the self-care and wellness of medical students. This work supports the existing literature on this topic and identified concerns that medical students at Masaryk University medical school are not receiving adequate nutrition education to prepare them to provide nutrition care for patients. In addition, the results suggest that with limited awareness about the role of dietitians in medical care, there may be poor interdisciplinary collaboration and dietitians may be underutilized resulting inadequate nutrition care for patients in the Czech Republic. These findings support future work to highlight the role of nutrition in medical care and support the role of dietitians as the nutrition professionals in the Czech health system. Such work may include assessing the feasibility of dietitians offering nutrition education sessions on current topics to medical students at Masaryk University. In addition, as interdisciplinary collaboration is beneficial for patient care, it may be valuable for future research to assess the nutrition knowledge and perceptions about nutrition education for other allied health professionals educated at Masaryk University including nurses, pharmacists, and physical therapists

    Developing and testing the health literacy universal precautions toolkit

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    The health literacy demands of the healthcare system often exceed the health literacy skills of Americans. This article reviews the development of the Health Literacy Universal Precautions (HLUP) Toolkit, commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and designed to help primary care practices structure the delivery of care as if every patient may have limited health literacy. The development of the toolkit spanned 2 years and consisted of 3 major tasks: (1) developing individual tools (modules explaining how to use or implement a strategy to minimize the effects of low health literacy), using existing health literacy resources when possible, (2) testing individual tools in clinical practice and assembling them into a prototype toolkit, and (3) testing the prototype toolkit in clinical practice. Testing revealed that practices will use tools that are concise and actionable and are not perceived as being resource intensive. Conducting practice self-assessments and generating enthusiasm among staff were key elements for successful implementation. Implementing practice changes required more time than anticipated and some knowledge of quality improvement techniques. In sum, the HLUP Toolkit holds promise as a means of improving primary care for people with limited health literacy, but further testing is needed

    “Teach to Goal”: Theory and Design Principles of an Intervention to Improve Heart Failure Self-Management Skills of Patients with Low Health Literacy

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    Self-management is vital for achieving optimal health outcomes for patients with heart failure (HF). We sought to develop an intervention to improve self-management skills and behaviors for patients with HF, especially those with low health literacy. Individuals with low health literacy have difficulty reading and understanding written information and comprehending numerical information and performing calculations, and they tend to have worse baseline knowledge, short-term memory, and working memory compared to individuals with higher health literacy. This paper describes theoretical models that suggest methods to improve the design of educational curricula and programs for low literate audiences, including cognitive load theory and learning mastery theory. We also outline the practical guiding principles for designing our intervention, which includes a multi-session educational strategy that teaches patients self-care skills until they reach behavioral goals (“Teach to Goal”). Ourintervention strategy is being tested in a randomized controlled trial to determine if it is superior to a single-session brief educational intervention for reducing hospitalization and death. If this trial shows that the “Teach to Goal” approach is superior, this would support the value of incorporating these design principles into educational interventions for other diseases

    Adaptation of the health literacy universal precautions toolkit for rheumatology and cardiology – Applications for pharmacy professionals to improve self-management and outcomes in patients with chronic disease

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    Over a decade of research in health literacy has provided evidence of strong links between literacy skills of patients and health outcomes. At the same time, numerous studies have yielded insight into efficacious action that health providers can take to mitigate the negative effects of limited literacy. This small study focuses on the adaptation, review and use of two new health literacy toolkits for health professionals who work with patients with two of the most prevalent chronic conditions, arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Pharmacists have a key role in communicating with patients and caregivers about various aspects of disease self-management, which frequently includes appropriate use of medications. Participating pharmacists and staff offered suggestions that helped shape revisions and reported positive experiences with brown bag events, suggestions for approaches with patients managing chronic diseases, and with concrete examples related to several medicines [such as Warfarin©] as well as to common problems [such as inability to afford needed medicine]. Although not yet tested in community pharmacy sites, these publically available toolkits can inform professionals and staff and offer insights for communication improvement

    Is Adherence to Weight Monitoring or Weight-Based Diuretic Self-Adjustment Associated With Fewer Heart Failure-Related Emergency Department Visits or Hospitalizations?

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    Heart failure (HF) self-care interventions can improve outcomes, but less than optimal adherence may limit their effectiveness. We evaluated if adherence to weight monitoring and diuretic self-adjustment was associated with HF-related ED visits or hospitalizations

    Self-reported recall and daily diary-recorded measures of weight monitoring adherence: associations with heart failure-related hospitalization

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    Abstract Background Weight monitoring is an important element of HF self-care, yet the most clinically meaningful way to evaluate weight monitoring adherence is uncertain. We conducted this study to evaluate the association of (1) self-reported recall and (2) daily diary-recorded weight monitoring adherence with heart failure-related (HF-related) hospitalization. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort study among 216 patients within a randomized trial of HF self-care training. All patients had an initial self-care training session followed by 15 calls (median) to reinforce educational material; patients were also given digital scales, instructed to weigh daily, record weights in a diary, and mail diaries back monthly. Weight monitoring adherence was assessed with a self-reported recall question administered at 12 months and dichotomized into at least daily versus less frequent weighing. Diary-recorded weight monitoring was evaluated over 12 months and dichotomized into ≥80% and <80% adherence. HF-related hospitalizations were ascertained through patient report and confirmed through record review. Results Over 12 months in 216 patients, we identified 50 HF-related hospitalizations. Patients self-reporting daily or more frequent weight monitoring had an incidence rate ratio of 1.34 (95% CI 0.24-7.32) for HF-related hospitalizations compared to those reporting less frequent weight monitoring. Patients who completed ≥80% of weight diaries had an IRR of 0.37 (95% CI 0.18-0.75) for HF-related hospitalizations compared to patients who completed <80% of weight diaries. Conclusions Self-reported recall of weight monitoring adherence was not associated with fewer HF hospitalizations. In contrast, diary-recorded adherence ≥80% of days was associated with fewer HF-related hospitalizations. Incorporating diary-based measures of weight monitoring adherence into HF self-care training programs may help to identify patients at risk for HF-related hospitalizations

    Comparison of a one-time educational intervention to a teach-to-goal educational intervention for self-management of heart failure: design of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heart failure (HF) is common, costly and associated with significant morbidity and poor quality of life, particularly for patients with low socioeconomic status. Self-management training has been shown to reduce HF related morbidity and hospitalization rates, but there is uncertainty about how best to deliver such training and what patients benefit. This study compares a single session self-management HF training program against a multiple session training intervention and examines whether their effects differ by literacy level.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In this randomized controlled multi-site trial, English and Spanish-speaking patients are recruited from university-affiliated General Internal Medicine and Cardiology clinics at 4 sites across the United States. Eligible patients have HF with New York Heart Association class II-IV symptoms and are prescribed a loop diuretic. Baseline data, including literacy level, are collected at enrollment and follow-up surveys are conducted at 1, 6 and 12 months</p> <p>Upon enrollment, both the control and intervention groups receive the same 40 minute, literacy-sensitive, in-person, HF education session covering the 4 key self-management components of daily self assessment and having a plan, salt avoidance, exercise, and medication adherence. All participants also receive a literacy-sensitive workbook and a digital bathroom scale. After the baseline education was completed, patients are randomly allocated to return to usual care or to receive ongoing education and training. The intervention group receives an additional 20 minutes of education on weight and symptom-based diuretic self-adjustment, as well as periodic follow-up phone calls from the educator over the course of 1 year. These phone calls are designed to reinforce the education, assess participant knowledge of the education and address barriers to success.</p> <p>The primary outcome is the combined incidence of all cause hospitalization and death. Secondary outcomes include HF-related quality of life, HF-related hospitalizations, knowledge regarding HF, self-care behavior, and self-efficacy. The effects of each intervention will be stratified by patient literacy, in order to identify any differential effects.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Enrollment of the proposed 660 subjects will continue through the end of 2009. Outcome assessments are projected to be completed by early 2011.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov <url>http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/</url> NCT00378950</p