32 research outputs found

    Immunostaining for Homer reveals the majority of excitatory synapses in laminae I-III of the mouse spinal dorsal horn

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    The spinal dorsal horn processes somatosensory information before conveying it to the brain. The neuronal organization of the dorsal horn is still poorly understood, although recent studies have defined several distinct populations among the interneurons, which account for most of its constituent neurons. All primary afferents, and the great majority of neurons in laminae I–III are glutamatergic, and a major factor limiting our understanding of the synaptic circuitry has been the difficulty in identifying glutamatergic synapses with light microscopy. Although there are numerous potential targets for antibodies, these are difficult to visualize with immunocytochemistry, because of protein cross-linking following tissue fixation. Although this can be overcome by antigen retrieval methods, these lead to difficulty in detecting other antigens. The aim of this study was to test whether the postsynaptic protein Homer can be used to reveal glutamatergic synapses in the dorsal horn. Immunostaining for Homer gave punctate labeling when viewed by confocal microscopy, and this was restricted to synapses at the ultrastructural level. We found that Homer puncta were colocalized with the AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit, but not with the inhibitory synapse-associated protein gephyrin. We also examined several populations of glutamatergic axons and found that the great majority of boutons were in contact with at least one Homer punctum. These results suggest that Homer antibodies can be used to reveal the great majority of glutamatergic synapses without antigen retrieval. This will be of considerable value in tracing synaptic circuits, and also in investigating plasticity of glutamatergic synapses in pain states

    The cellular and synaptic architecture of the mechanosensory dorsal horn

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    The deep dorsal horn is a poorly characterized spinal cord region implicated in processing low-threshold mechanoreceptor (LTMR) information. We report an array of mouse genetic tools for defining neuronal components and functions of the dorsal horn LTMR-recipient zone (LTMR-RZ), a role for LTMR-RZ processing in tactile perception, and the basic logic of LTMR-RZ organization. We found an unexpectedly high degree of neuronal diversity in the LTMR-RZ: seven excitatory and four inhibitory subtypes of interneurons exhibiting unique morphological, physiological, and synaptic properties. Remarkably, LTMRs form synapses on between four and 11 LTMR-RZ interneuron subtypes, while each LTMR-RZ interneuron subtype samples inputs from at least one to three LTMR classes, as well as spinal cord interneurons and corticospinal neurons. Thus, the LTMR-RZ is a somatosensory processing region endowed with a neuronal complexity that rivals the retina and functions to pattern the activity of ascending touch pathways that underlie tactile perception

    Defining a spinal microcircuit that gates myelinated afferent input: implications for tactile allodynia

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    Chronic pain presents a major unmet clinical problem. The development of more effective treatments is hindered by our limited understanding of the neuronal circuits underlying sensory perception. Here, we show that parvalbumin (PV)-expressing dorsal horn interneurons modulate the passage of sensory information conveyed by low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) directly via presynaptic inhibition and also gate the polysynaptic relay of LTMR input to pain circuits by inhibiting lamina II excitatory interneurons whose axons project into lamina I. We show changes in the functional properties of these PV interneurons following peripheral nerve injury and that silencing these cells unmasks a circuit that allows innocuous touch inputs to activate pain circuits by increasing network activity in laminae I–IV. Such changes are likely to result in the development of tactile allodynia and could be targeted for more effective treatment of mechanical pain

    Mutation of Rubie, a Novel Long Non-Coding RNA Located Upstream of Bmp4, Causes Vestibular Malformation in Mice

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    Background: The vestibular apparatus of the vertebrate inner ear uses three fluid-filled semicircular canals to sense angular acceleration of the head. Malformation of these canals disrupts the sense of balance and frequently causes circling behavior in mice. The Epistatic circler (Ecl) is a complex mutant derived from wildtype SWR/J and C57L/J mice. Ecl circling has been shown to result from the epistatic interaction of an SWR-derived locus on chromosome 14 and a C57L-derived locus on chromosome 4, but the causative genes have not been previously identified. Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed a mouse chromosome substitution strain (CSS-14) that carries an SWR/J chromosome 14 on a C57BL/10J genetic background and, like Ecl, exhibits circling behavior due to lateral semicircular canal malformation. We utilized CSS-14 to identify the chromosome 14 Ecl gene by positional cloning. Our candidate interval is located upstream of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) and contains an inner ear-specific, long non-coding RNA that we have designated Rubie (RNA upstream of Bmp4 expressed in inner ear). Rubie is spliced and polyadenylated, and is expressed in developing semicircular canals. However, we discovered that the SWR/J allele of Rubie is disrupted by an intronic endogenous retrovirus that causes aberrant splicing and premature polyadenylation of the transcript. Rubie lies in the conserved gene desert upstream of Bmp4, within a region previously shown to be important for inner ear expression of Bmp4. We found that the expression patterns of Bmp4 and Rubie are nearly identical in developing inner ears

    Lrig family protein structures.

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    <p>Alignment of Lrig1, Lrig2, and Lrig3 shows that Lrig1 and Lrig3 share the same number and spacing of Leucine Rich Repeats (LRRs, green) and Immunoglobulin domains (Ig, yellow). In contrast, Lrig2 lacks an N' terminal LRR (blue) and has a different kind of Ig repeat, as reflected in the lower degree of identity with Lrig1. In the intracellular domains, all three family members share a highly conserved (48% identical) stretch of 48 amino acids (bracketed). Apart from this motif and some putative SH2 and/or SH3 domains, the cytoplasmic tails vary widely both in length and composition. Lrig1 is the only family member with a confirmed ability to bind c-Cbl. Arrows indicate degrees of identity between the LRR domain-containing regions and the Ig domain-containing regions. The amino acid (aa) length of each protein is also indicated. Domain structure was obtained with SMART protein (<a href="http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/" target="_blank">http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/</a>) and putative intracellular domains were defined by Scansite (<a href="http://scansite.mit.edu/" target="_blank">http://scansite.mit.edu/</a>).</p

    Lrig1 and Lrig3 bind to and co-localize with ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases <i>in vitro</i>.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Like Lrig1, Lrig3 can co-immunoprecipitate with multiple ErbB receptors in HEK293T cells. Lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-flag antibodies and blotted with anti-ErbB (top) and anti-flag (bottom) antibodies. Both Lrig1-flag and Lrig3-flag can bind to EGFR (left), ErbB2 (middle), and ErbB4 (right) in the absence (−) or presence (+) of ligand (EGF or NRG). No ErbB receptors were precipitated in the absence of epitope-tagged Lrig (vector). Western blotting confirms the presence of each ErbB receptor (ErbB), and epitope-tagged Lrig family member (flag) in total lysates (bottom). Actin was used as a loading control. (<b>B–D</b>) Flag and ErbB4 immunocytochemistry on HEK293T cells transfected with ErbB4, Lrig1-flag, and/or Lrig3-flag alone (B) or in combinations (C,D). When expressed on their own, Lrig1, Lrig3 and ErbB4 are detected at the cell surface (B). When either Lrig1 (C) or Lrig3 (D) is expressed in combination with ErbB4, the proteins co-localize in intracellular compartments (arrowheads in C and D).</p

    ErbB2 and ErbB3 are present in the developing mouse otic vesicle.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Paintfill of an E12 mouse otic vesicle depicting plane of section shown in B and C (dashed line). The vestibular apparatus (va) develops dorsally and the cochlea extends ventrally. The lateral canal will develop from the lateral pouch, which is indicated by an asterisk. (<b>B,C</b>) <i>In situ</i> hybridization of <i>EGFR</i> (B) and <i>ErbB3</i> (C) on adjacent transverse sections through an E12 mouse head. The otic epithelium is outlined and annotated as in A. Dorsal is up; lateral is right. <i>EGFR</i> message is not detectable in the otic vesicle, but is present in other tissues (not shown), confirming that the probe worked. <i>ErbB3</i> is expressed throughout the otic vesicle epithelium. (<b>D</b>) Western blot of dissected otic vesicle tissue. ErbB2 and ErbB3 are present in abundance, with low levels of EGFR and no detectable ErbB4. HEK293T cells transfected with each ErbB receptor and hindbrain tissue served as controls. Only ErbB2 and ErbB3 are expressed in hindbrain at this stage.</p