241 research outputs found

    Rectificadora plana tangencial para pequeños grosores

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    Aquest projecte s’ha realitzat per tal de posar en pràctica els coneixements apresos durant la carrera d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial especialitat en mecànica y a més assolir coneixements del disseny d’una màquina, el seu desenvolupament, y normalització. Aprofitant el període ERASMUS a Turquia s’ha treballat seguint la tutorització per part del responsable de l’àrea de Enginyeria mecànica, això ha servit per conèixer altres mètodes de treball. El projecte s’inicia amb un estudi de les diferents opcions possibles de disseny, apartat que es desenvolupa en un avantprojecte. Una vegada definit el disseny i les especificacions bàsiques, el projecte es desenvolupa amb el dimensionament i l’anàlisi, segons criteris resistents, dels elements que en formen part així com la selecció d’aquells que són estandarditzats i que provenen de proveïdors. També s’han realitzat els pertinents estudis econòmics per tal de determinar quins seran els costos de producció

    Conodontos telychienses (Silúrico inferior) del sinclinal del Guadarranque (Zona Centroibérica, Macizo Hespérico)

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    Se refiere el hallazgo de los primeros conodontos silúricos id entificables taxonómicamente de la Zona Cenlroibérica del Macizo Hespérico. El material estudiado procede de las ampelitas de la Formación Guadarranquejo, en el Sinclinal del Guadarranque y es referido al Telychiense en base a los grapto litos asociados

    Criterios para el disepo de puentes de ferrocarril y de puentes de carretera

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar de forma simultánea los criterios que presiden el diseño de los puentes de hormigón para lineas de ferrocarril y para autopistas o autovías.Se abordaran tanto los aspectos de cargas verticales como transversales, como los referidos a la limitación de flechas. Se efectuará una breve semblanza sobre la evolución de los mencionados criterios para poner de manifiesto la influencia que ha tenido el aumento de la velocidad de circulación y de las cargas por eje

    Diseño de un sistema de riego asistido por hardware Arduino

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar un diseño de un sistema de riego hidropónico, bajo pedido y ajustado a un presupuesto. Otro objetivo de este proyecto ha sido el de profundizar por parte del autor en el ámbito de la programación de microcontroladores, hecho que por los estudios cursados anteriormente y durante la presente carrera universitaria no ha podido desarrollar, así como la construcción y simulación de la unidad de control desarrollada

    Characterization and Classification of Spanish Honey by Non-targeted LC-HRMS (Orbitrap) Fingerprinting and Multivariate Chemometric Methods

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    A non-targeted LC-HRMS fingerprinting methodology using an Orbitrap mass analyzer, and based on C18 reversed-phase mode under universal gradient elution, was developed to characterize and classify Spanish honey samples. A simple sample treatment consisting of honey dis-solution with water and a 1:1 dilution with methanol was proposed. 136 honey samples belonging to different blossom- and honeydew-honeys from different botanical varieties and produced in different Spanish geographical regions were analyzed. The obtained LC-HRMS fingerprints were employed as sample chemical descriptors for honey pattern recognition by principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The results demonstrated a superior honey classification and discrimination capability with respect to previous non-targeted HPLC-UV fingerprinting approaches, being able to discriminate and authenticate the honey samples according to their botanical origins. Overall, noteworthy cross-validation multiclass predictions were accomplished, with sensitivity and specificity values higher than 96.2%, except for orange/lemon blossom (BL) and rosemary (RO) blossom-honeys. The proposed methodology was also able to classify and authenticate the climatic geographical production region of the analyzed honey samples, with cross-validation sensitivity and specificity values higher than 87.1%, and classification errors below 10.5%

    Vertical Distribution of Euphorbia davidii Subils Seedbank in Agricultural Lots in the Center of Buenos Aires Province Argentina

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    Euphorbia davidii Subils, es una maleza anual que está presente en la zona centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se realizaron estudios para determinar el banco de semillas de esta especie y su distribución vertical. En lotes agrícolas de las localidades de Azul y Olavarría se extrajeron muestras de suelo provenientes de 60 puntos distribuidos al azar a 4 niveles de profundidad: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm y 15-20 cm. Las extracciones se realizaron dos veces al año, en el mes de mayo y en septiembre. Las muestras fueron procesadas y los propágulos separados. Se evaluó germinación y la viabilidad mediante la prueba de trifeniltetrazolio. Se cuantificaron 30.000 y 15.000 semillas/m2, para las localidades de Azul y Olavarría, respectivamente. En Olavarría, el 79% de las semillas se encontraron de 0-5 cm, el 14% en la profundidad de 5-10 cm y el 7% restante de 10-20 cm. En Azul se observó una distribución vertical más homogénea. El 55 % de las semillas se encontró de 0-5 cm, un 24% en la profundidad de 5-10 cm, el 16% de 10-15 cm y el 5% en el muestreo más profundo. Las diferencias en la distribución se asociaron al manejo de los lotes. En ambos sitios la viabilidad de semillas provenientes del estrato superficial superó el 70%. Las semillas de estratos superficiales recolectadas en el lote Olavarría inmediatamente después de producida la dehiscencia presentaron dormición, no observada en las provenientes del lote de Azul para el mismo momento de muestreo.Euphorbia davidii Subils a summer annual weed, that is present in the center of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Field studies were conducted to determine the seed banks and the vertical distribution of this specie in agricultural lots, in Azul and Olavarría. Two hundred forty soil samples, from 60 randomly distributed points were extracted at four soil depths: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm. Extractions were carried out twice a year, in May and September. Samples were processed and seeds separated by wet sieving. Germination and viability were assessed by triphenyltetrazolium test. Were quantified 30,000 and 15,000 seeds m-2 in Azul and Olavarria, respectively. In Olavarria, 79% of the seeds were found of 0-5 cm depth, 14% of 5-10 cm and the remaining 7% of 10-20 cm depth. In Azul a more homogeneus vertical distribution was observed. The 55% of seeds were found at 0-5 cm, 24% depth; 24% at 5-10 cm, 16% at 10-15 cm and 5% in the deepest sampling. Differences in distribution were related to flock management. In both sites the viability of seeds from the surface layer exceeded 70%. In Olavarria seeds collected of superficial layers immediately after dehiscence showed dormancy. In return, in seeds from Azul collected at the same time of sampling. Dormance was not be observed.Fil: Núñez Fré, F. R.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Juan, Victor Fabian. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomia; ArgentinaFil: Chantre Balacca, Guillermo Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentin

    Characterization, Classification and Authentication of Honey by Non-Targeted UHPLC-HRMS Chromatographic Fingerprints and Chemometric Methods

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    Honey is a natural substance produced by bees of the genus Apis. Depending on the raw material used for its production, honey can be classified into two large groups: blossom honey, which results from the metabolization of nectar extracted from flowers; and honeydew honey, in which bees use plant or insect secretions for its production. The physicochemical characteristics are different between these two types of honey. For example, honeydew honey is darker and is characterized by a high content of phenolic acids. On the contrary, blossom honey stands out for its abundance of flavonoids. Blossom honey can be also classified based on the pollen origin. Thus, honey with more than 45% of the pollen coming from the same species can be considered monofloral; otherwise, it is considered multifloral. Honey is one of the food products with the highest level of fraudulent practices. Most of the adulterations consist of ingredient dilution, adding sweet substances, such as syrups, sugar cane, or corn syrup, among others. In the market, this was reflected in the dubious drop in prices for this product. In the last few years, several instance of honey fraud have come to light. This work aimed to develop a non-targeted ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) fingerprinting method to address the characterization, classification, and authentication of Spanish honey samples considering their botanical and geographical origin. A total of 136 kinds of honey from different Spanish production regions belonging to different botanical varieties were analyzed, including: blossom honey (orange blossom, rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, and heather) and honeydew honey (holm oak, forest, and mountain). A simple sample treatment was carried out, consisting of dissolving 1 g of honey in 10 mL of water, followed by a 1:1 dilution with methanol. The chromatographic separation of the obtained extracts was performed using a Kinetex® C-18 core-shell column (100 × 4.6 mm I.D., 2.6 μm), working under gradient elution, using an aqueous solution of 0.1% formic acid and acetonitrile as the mobile phase components. HRMS acquisition was performed using electrospray in negative ionization mode (−2500 V) in an LTQ-Orbitrap working in full scan MS (m/z 100-1000) at a resolution of 50,000 full-width at half maximum (FWHM). The obtained non-targeted UHPLC-HRMS fingerprints (peak signals as a function of retention time and m/z) were considered as chemical descriptors of the analyzed honey samples for principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). PLS-DA revealed good discrimination between blossom and honeydew honey. Furthermore, the obtained chemometric models allowed the achievement of very good classification among the different botanical varieties under study for both blossom and honeydew honey. The discrimination of honey regarding the different Spanish climate production regions was more limited, although some trends were observed. Thus, the non-targeted UHPLC-HRMS fingerprinting approach proved to be an appropriate methodology to address honey characterization, classification, and authentication based on their different botanical origin

    Estudos Demográficos e fenológicos sobre Euphorbia davidii na Região Central da Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    David’s Spurge is an spring-summer annual weed, present in the central area of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Field studies were carried out during 2011/12 and 2013/14 to assess demography and population dynamics and determine a thermal time scale of this species. At the experimental site, 1 m² quadrants were established as observational plots, four per cohort. The number of individuals at each phenological stage and from each cohort was recorded weekly. At the end of the experiment, all plots were harvested, and seed production was determined. A thermal time scale was established to identify the occurrence of the different phenological events. Three cohorts were detected, the first one emerged in midOctober, the second one in early November, and the last cohort varied from late November till early January, totalling an average of 1,500 m-2. Over 80% of the evaluated emergences belonged to the first and second cohorts in both periods. Thermal time requirements calculated to reach the 2-4 leaves, 6-8 leaves, branching, and flowering stages, were 192, 370, 515 and 1,155 o Cd, respectively. Average seed production in the first, second and third cohort was 5,700, 6,400 and 1,900 seeds m-2, respectively. However, the total number of propagules from the sum of the three cohorts was similar in both years, about 14,000 seeds m-2. Results from this study will foster a better understanding of the ecophysiology of Euphorbia davidii in the study area, and it may be a valuable contribution from an integrated weed management perspective.O eufórbio lactífero (em inglês, “David’s Spurge”) é uma planta daninha anual de primavera-verão presente na região central da província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estudos de campo foram realizados durante os anos de 2011/12 e 2013/14 para avaliar a demografia e a dinâmica de população, bem como para estabelecer uma escala de tempo térmico para essa espécie. No local do experimento, quatro parcelas de 1 m² foram marcadas para cada coorte de indivíduos. O número de indivíduos de cada coorte, em cada estado fenológico, foi registrado semanalmente. Ao final do experimento, todas as parcelas foram colhidas, e a produção de sementes foi determinada. Uma escala de acumulação de tempo térmico foi estabelecida para identificar a ocorrência de diferentes eventos fenológicos. Foram detectadas três coortes: a primeira surgiu em meados de outubro; a segunda, no início de novembro; e a última, entre o final de novembro e o início de janeiro, totalizando uma média de 1.500 plantas m-2. Mais de 80% das emergências registradas pertenciam à primeira e segunda coortes nos dois períodos de estudo. Os requisitos de tempo térmico calculados para atingir os estádios de 2-4 folhas, 6-8 folhas, ramificação e floração foram de 192, 370, 515 e 1.155 oCd, respectivamente. O rendimento médio na primeira, segunda e terceira coortes foi de 5.700, 6.400 e 1.900 sementes m-2, respectivamente, determinando um número total de mudas de aproximadamente 14.000 sementes m-2, com a soma das três coortes. Os resultados deste estudo permitirão uma melhor compreensão da ecofisiologia de Euphorbia davidii na área de estudo e representarão uma valiosa contribuição para a gestão integrada desta espécie.Fil: Núñez Fré, F.R.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Juan, Victor Fabian. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Saint André, H.M.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Chantre Balacca, Guillermo Ruben. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentin