46 research outputs found
Temporomandibular disorders: perspective clinical usage of acupuncture
Department of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Nicolae Testemițsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: One of the oldest medical practices is acupuncture, which was developed for about 3 thousand years. It includes also methods of treatment for various diseases and disorders of the stomatognathic region. Currently, there is an increased interest for the usage of these alternative methods of treatment. Acupuncture methods are widespread worldwide and are endorsed by WHO. The use of alternative medicine methods in dental practice has more positive aspects than negative ones, attracting the attention of patients and doctors and even of countries with different economic levels of development. The most important indications of acupuncture in dentistry are: 1) glossodynia; 2) stomatodynia; 3) primary trigeminal neuralgia; 4) spasm/contracture of the masticatory muscles; 5) myogenous dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint; 6) salivary disorders. For the treatment of various pathologies in dentistry, various stimulation of acupuncture points is being used (needling, electro-puncture, laser-puncture, pressopuncture, thermo-puncture, magneto-puncture, etc.). Currently, there is ongoing research on defining differential indications for these methods, based on the highest efficiency for particular pathologies. Conclusions: Currently, there is ongoing research on defining differential indications for these methods, based on the highest efficiency for particular pathologies. It is not concluded yet which acupuncture treatment is more efficient: the one based on the reflexogenic theory (local, regional, distal points) or the one based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (meridian theory, etc.). There are being developed complex treatment protocols for dental pathologies, with the inclusion of various acupuncture methods (magneto-puncture, laser-puncture, etc.)
Variabilitatea ritmului cardiac la pacienţii cu migrenă cronică
A fost studiată variabilitatea ritmului cardiac (VRC) la 109 pacienţi cu migrenă cronică (MC) și 61 de pacienţi cu migrenă frecventă (MF), prin 3 metode: analiza spectrală,
time domain și pulsometria variaţională. Raportul activităţii sistemului nervos vegetativ (SNV) simpatic și celui parasimpatic – indicele LF/HF a fost statistic
semnificativ mai înalt la pacienţii cu MC în raport cu MF (1,50±0,36 vs. 0,63±0,09,
Neuropatia cu implicarea fibrelor mici: Studiu clinico-electrofiziologic
Neuropatia cu implicarea fi brelor mici este un subtip al neuropatiei senzoriale cu care debutează orice neuropatie senzorială sau senzorimotorie. Este importantă stabilirea factorului etiologic al neuropatiei, fapt ce ar putea preveni evoluţia progresivă a neuropatiei și implicarea ulterioară a fibrelor groase în procesul patologic. La un lot de 56 de pacienţi cu polineuropatie cu afectarea fibrelor mici a fost studiat posibilul factor etiologic care a declanșat polineuropatia. Implicarea fi brelor mici a fost demonstrată prin răspuns simpatic cutanat și prin teste
vegetative periferice. Cercetările au relevat că la 16 bolnavi (28,57%) era patologic modificată toleranţa la glucoză. La 4 pacienţi (7,14%) primar am depistat diabetul zaharat. În 8 cazuri (14,29%) neuropatia putea fi asociată cu abuzul de alcool. În alte 8 cazuri polineuropatia putea fi indusă de acţiunea substanţelor toxice. 4 pacienţi (7,14%) au dezvoltat sindromul algic polineuropatic după suportarea unei infecţii virale acute. În 2 cazuri (3,57%) declanșarea neuropatiei putea fi asociată cu carenţele datorate dietelor specifice, indicate în pancreatitele cronice. Neuropatia cu afectarea fi brelor mici este datorată influenţei mai multor factori patologici, rolul principal atribuindu-i-se diabetului zaharat. Este necesară efectuarea testului de toleranţă a glucozei la fi ecare pacient cu polineuropatie
Objective assesment of sympathetic electrodermal activity in patients with masticatory muscle pain
Background: Masticatory muscle pain is associated with autonomic disorders of different intensity; their identification leads to a more accurate
diagnosis and a differentiated treatment. Currently, various scales and autonomic tests are used for this purpose, as well there are being developed
neurophysiological diagnostic methods. For this purpose, electrodermal activity is being studied since the 1950s, which currently is further
advancing due to modern recording and information processing technologies. The aim of the studywas objective assessment of sympathetic nervous
system activity (tonus, provisioning) in patients with masticatory muscle pain, with the application of the spectral analysis of electrodermal activity.
Material and methods: Thirty-four female patients with masticatory muscle pain were enrolled in the study. NeuroMEP (Neurosoft) diagnostic
system was used to record electrodermal activity. For the assessment of the autonomic tone (rest) and autonomic provisioning (maxillary clenching
test) there were used EDASymp, EDASympn, meanTVSymp, minTVSymp, maxTVSymp sympathetic indices, identified experimentally at the
University of Connecticut (USA).
Results: The comparative analysis of the indices has shown that EDASympn and meanTVSymp are reproducible and characterize the activity
of the sympathetic system during the rest and maxillary clenching. The range of values of sympathetic indices at rest/maxillary clenching were:
EDASympn (0.222 – 0.668/0.360 – 0.4872 u.n.) and meanTVSymp (0.883 – 1.015/1.055 – 1.245).
Conclusions: EDASympn (normalized sympathetic component of the electrodermal activity) and meanTVSymp (index of sympathetic tone)
sympathetic indices allow the objective assessment of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, being reproducible in patients with myalgias
Anxiety and sympathetic skin responses in patients with masticatory muscle pain
Background: An important clinical aspect of masticatory muscle pain is its association with autonomic disorders and various mental states.
Sympathetic skin response is a non-invasive approach for assessing sympathetic system function, allowing the determination of several autonomic
indices (amplitudes), but their clinical interpretation is difficult. The aim of the study was to differentiate variants of sympathetic skin response
and their correlations with the level of anxiety and pain intensity in patients with masticatory muscle pain.
Material and methods: There were enrolled 46 patients with masticatory muscle pain who were examined in standardized conditions with
NeuroMEP (Neurosoft) for assessing sympathetic skin responses (SSR) – sympathetic amplitude (A2). There were used cutoffs for different
SSR variants: 1) V1 – optimal A2 = 3.34 – 3.5 mV; 2) V2 – amplified A2 ≥ 3.51 mV; 3) V3 – diminished A2 ≤ 3.33 mV. There were used clinical
indices: GAD7 questionnaire (anxiety level), CPI index (Characteristic Pain Intensity).
Results: There were observed the following variants in patients with masticatory muscle pain: V1 – 16 patients (34.78%); V2 – 25 patients
(54.35%); V3 – 5 patients (10.87%). Patients with V2 variant had higher levels of anxiety (mean GAD7 score = 17.1): 1) severe anxiety – 17
patients (68%); 2) moderate anxiety – 7 patients (28%); 3) low anxiety – 1 patient (4%). V2 variant patients also had higher mean CPI values
(54.1 – high intensity pain).
Conclusions: There were observed different variants of sympathetic response in patients with masticatory muscle pain, the amplified variant
correlated with more serious clinical indices (higher anxiety and pain intensity)
Periodontitis - target organ (heart) concept - an integrative medicine paradigm in modern periodontology
Rezumat În baza paradigmei medicinii integrative, a fost descris sistemul patologic parodontita - organ(cord) - ţintă și căile de interacţiune caracteristice ale acestui sistem (infecţioase, neurogene, humoral-metabolice, genetice). Este prezentată valoarea diagnostică a probei de masticaţie și de igienizare profesională în procesul de identificare a dereglărilor ischemice preclinice în miocard la pacienţii cu parodontită cronică. Ca urmare, a fost propus un algoritm pentru managementul interdisciplinar al pacienţilor cu parodontită cronică, bazat pe conceptul de parodontită - cord - ţintă.Summary Following the integrative medicine paradigm, the pathological system periodontitis - organ (heart) - target and the characteristic interaction pathways of this system (infectious, neurogenic, humoral - metabolic, genetic pathways) were described. It is outlined the diagnostic value of the masticatory test and of the full mouth disinfectionprocedure in the process of identifying the preclinical ischemic myocardial disorders for patients with chronic periodontitis. As a result, it was proposed an algorithm for the interdisciplinary management of patients with chronic periodontitis, based upon the concept periodontitis - heart - arget
Evaluation of different instruments for quantifying pain in patients with masticatory muscle pain
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Department of therapeutic dentistry, Department of alternative and complementary medicine, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction.
The clinical diagnosis of masticatory muscle pain is usually made based on
manual palpation of muscles and on the subjective reactions of patients,
which creates difficulties in standardization. For this reason, different
quantitative methods are proposed (scales for assessing pain sensations,
algometry, etc.). The evaluation of pain intensity and recording of these
values serves as the basis for an efficient and adequate treatment. Purpose: to evaluate the correlation between instrumental and clinical
algometric indices. in people with masticatory muscle pain. Material and methods
The design of the study was analytical prospective. There were enrolled 30
patients diagnosed according to international DC/TMD criteria and based on
the presence of pain in m. temporalis or m. masseter for not less than 3
months prior to examination. Exclusion criteria: TMJ arthrogenic pain,
articular degenerative disorders, dental pain, chronic systemic disorders,
fibromyalgia, self-reported psychogenic disorders, pregnant women. There
were used GCPS (CPI index), VAS scales and instrumental algometric indices
(PPT, PTT). The correlation coefficients of the obtained indices were
calculated based on Spearman rank coefficient.
Algometric values (PPT, PTT) for both muscles reversely correlate with VAS:
values for masseter (-0.51,
-0.63) and for temporalis (respectively -0.39,
0.36) (Table 1). The correlation coefficient was negative, significant and
strong. Values at manual palpation were in a negative correlation with the
algometric values and in a positive correlation with VAS values, but with no
significance. CPI values significantly correlate with algometric values (from -
0.47 to -0.58) and VAS values (0.70). Manual palpation was negatively
correlated with algometric values and positively correlated with VAS values,
but insignificant. Palpation of the masseter was significantly correlated with
CPI values (0.51), while for the temporalis muscle, they were not statistically
significant (0.19). There was observed that in individuals with a significant
impairment, a lower pressure value caused pain, therefore, there is a negative
significant correlation with the values of algometric values for both muscles.
There was observed a mutual link between VAS and algometry, and that these
are more objective and accurate than manual palpation. The application of
different instruments for quantifying pain allows highlighting the
personalized sensory-pain pattern of the masseter and temporalis muscles
with new perspectives in the diagnosis and monitoring of pain
The dynamic transcranial micropolarisation – a new alternative method of treatment of psycho-vegetative disturbances
Catedra Medicina Alternativă şi Complementară USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”It is for the first time represented the information about a new method of correction of the psyho - vegetative disturbances of different etiology – dynamic transcranial micropolarisation. It was analyzed the differentiated application of this method in correlation with clinical manifestations and coherent analysis of the alpha-rythm of the different regions of the brain. It were proposed electro-physiological criteria for individual treatment (deviation grade, intrahemispheric/interhemispheric asymmetry level). The efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated by clinical case.
În lucrare, în premieră, este expusă informaţia referitor la o metodă nouă de corecţie a dereglărilor psihovegetative de diferită etiologie – micropolarizarea transcraniană dinamică şi se analizează aplicarea diferenţiată a acestei metode în baza manifestărilor clinice şi analizei de coerenţă a alfa-ritmului în diferite regiuni ale creierului. Se propun criteriile electrofiziologice pentru individualizarea tratamentului (gradul de deviere de la normă, nivelul de asimetrie intraemisferică/interemisferică). Eficienţa metodei elaborate este ilustrată prin caz clinic
Auricular acupuncture and the neurochemical indexes of convulsive activity
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Department of alternative and complementary medicine, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction
Auricular acupuncture (AA) is applied in the complex treatment of
convulsive syndrome. Currently there are multiple hypotheses that
propose the involvement of neurochemical cerebral mechanisms in the
anti-convulsive actions of AA.
The study of AA’s influence on monoamine concentrations in different
cerebral structures in animals with experimental convulsive activity.
Material and methods
The study was conducted on white rats from the Wistar line (n=100)
where the syndrome of tabagic abstinence was modelled, and the
cerebral convulsive activity was monitored through EEG. Monoamines
were determined via the CLIR method in the hypothalamus, midbrain
and the spinal bulb. The ear acupuncture points with a decreased skin
electrical resistance were stimulated.
After performing AA a noradrenaline (NA) drop (compared to initial
indexes), was registered in the: hypothalamus by 32% (p<0,01);
midbrain by 49% (p<0,001) and the spinal bulb by 27% (p<0,001).
Dopamine (DA) levels had risen in the hypothalamus by 49% (p<0,001)
and in the spinal bulb by 55% (p<0,001). Serotonin (5-HT) had no
significant changes in the studied cerebral structures (p>0,05). After AA
stimulation, a tendency to normalize the EEG picture was registered,
with a significant reduction of the paroxysmal index (p<0,05).
In the experimental animals, AA had reduced convulsive activity in
parallel with the differentiated activity of the neurochemical indexes: NA – decreased, DA – increased, 5-HT – no significant changes
Acupunctura auriculară și indicii neurochimici ai activității convulsive
Background. Auricular acupuncture (AA) is applied in the complex treatment of convulsive syndrome.
Currently there are multiple hypotheses that propose the involvement of neurochemical cerebral
mechanisms in the anti-convulsive actions of AA. Objective of the study. The study of AA’s influence
on monoamine concentrations in different cerebral structures in animals with experimental convulsive
activity. Material and Methods. The study was conducted on white rats from the Wistar line (n=100)
where the syndrome of tabagic abstinence was modelled, and the cerebral convulsive activity was
monitored through EEG. Monoamines were determined via the CLIR method in the hypothalamus,
midbrain and the spinal bulb. The ear acupuncture points with a decreased skin electrical resistance were
stimulated. Results. After performing AA a noradrenaline (NA) drop (compared to initial indexes), was
registered in the: hypothalamus by 32% (p<0,01); midbrain by 49% (p<0,001) and the spinal bulb by
27% (p<0,001). Dopamine (DA) levels had risen in the hypothalamus by 49% (p<0,001) and in the
spinal bulb by 55% (p<0,001). Serotonin (5-HT) had no significant changes in the studied cerebral
structures (p>0,05). After AA stimulation, a tendency to normalize the EEG picture was registered, with
a significant reduction of the paroxysmal index (p<0,05). Conclusion. In the experimental animals, AA
had reduced convulsive activity in parallel with the differentiated activity of the neurochemical indexes:
NA – dimished, DA – increased, 5-HT – no significant changes.
Introducere. Acupunctura auriculară (AA) se aplică în tratamentul complex al sindromului convulsiv.
Actualmente, există mai multe ipoteze care presupun implicarea mecanismelor neurochimice cerebrale
în acțiunea anticonvulsivă a AA. Scopul lucrării. Studierea influenţei AA asupra concentrației
monoaminelor în diferite structuri cerebrale la animale cu activitate convulsivă experimentală. Material
și Metode. S-au studiat şobolani albi de linia Wistar (n=100) la care a fost modelat sindromul de
abstinenţă tabagică cu activitatea cerebrală convulsivă monitorizată prin EEG. Monoaminele au fost
determinate prin metoda CLÎR în hipotalamus, mezencefal şi bulbul rahidian. S-au stimulat acupunctele
auriculare cu rezistență electrică cutanată diminuată. Rezultate. După efectuarea AA s-a stabilit o
scădere, în comporație cu indicii inițiali, ai noradrenalinei (NA) în hipotalamus cu 32% (p<0,01), în
mezencefal cu 26% şi în bulbul rahidian – cu 27% (p<0,05); nivelul dopaminei (DA) a crescut în
hipotalamus cu 49% (p<0,001) şi în bulbul rahidian cu 55% (p<0,001); serotonina (5-HT) nu s-a
modificat esențial în structurile cerebrale studiate (p>0,05). După stimularea acupunctelor auriculare sa
înregistrat tendința de normalizare a tabloului EEG cu diminuarea esențială a indicelui paroxismal
(p<0,05). Concluzii. La animalele experimentale AA a diminuat activitatea convulsivă, concomitent cu
acțiunea diferențiată asupra indicilor neurochimici: NA – diminuare, DA – sporire, 5-HT – fără
modificări semnificative