14 research outputs found

    The role of viral effector proteins in suppression of plant antiviral defenses based on RNA silencing and innate immunity

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    Plant viruses are widespread and economically important pathogens. Currently, there are more than one thousand viruses that are known to be potentially capable of infecting plants and new viruses are being discovered every day. Many of them could cause important diseases of various cultivated plants that humans grow for food, fiber, feed, construction material and biofuel. Therefore understanding the biology of plant viruses is important for development and improvement of cultivated plant resistance to viral pathogens. A major role in plant resistance against viruses belongs to the process called RNA silencing, that targets both RNA and DNA viruses through the small RNA-directed RNA degradation and DNA methylation pathways. In addition, plants respond to virus infection using an innate immune system that recognizes microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) of potential pathogens and elicits both local and systemic defense responses. However, in order to be succesfull and break the host resistance, plant viruses have evolved a variety of counter-defense mechanisms such as expressing effector proteins, which are used to downregulate plant antiviral responses. Here, we performed comparative investigation of viral effector proteins from two distanly-related pararetroviruses, Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) and Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV), to understand their role in the suppression of plant antiviral defenses based on RNA silencing and innate immunity. The CaMV P6 protein has previously been shown to serve as a silencing suppressor, while the function of RTBV P4 protein was unknown. Through the use of a classical transient assay in leaves of the N. benthamiana transgenic line 16c we show that RTBV P4 can suppress cell-to-cell spread of transgene silencing, but enhance cell autonomous transgene silencing, which correlates with reduced accumulation of 21-nt siRNAs and increased accumulation of 22-nt siRNAs, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CaMV P6 from strain CM1841 and RTBV P4 proteins are able to suppress the early plant innate immunity responses, such as oxidative burst. In contrast, CaMV P6 from strain D4 failed to suppress innate immunity, but was capable of suppressing RNA silencing as P6 protein from strain CM1841. We also elucidated the role of P4 F-box-like motif and N-terminal domain that are required for RTBV P4 effector functions and protein stability, respectively. Finally, through the use of agroinoculation of Oryza sativa plants with RTBV infectious clone we tested if the P4 F-box motif is required for infectivity and our preliminary results show that the F-box mutant virus exhibts drastically reduced infectivity. Furthermore, we found that RTBV circular double-stranded DNA evades siRNA-directed cytosine methylation in infected rice plants and that rice plants overexpressing an OsAGO18 protein are resistant to RTBV infection

    Transcriptomic alterations in the sweet orange vasculature correlate with growth repression induced by a variant of citrus tristeza virus

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    Citrus tristeza virus (CTV, family Closteroviridae) is an economically important pathogen of citrus. CTV resides in the phloem of the infected plants and induces a range of disease phenotypes, including stem pitting and quick decline as well as a number of other deleterious syndromes. To uncover the biological processes underlying the poorly understood damaging symptoms of CTV, we profiled the transcriptome of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) phloem-rich bark tissues of non-infected, mock-inoculated trees and trees singly infected with two distinct variants of CTV, T36 or T68-1. The T36 and T68-1 variants accumulated in the infected plants at similar titers. With that, young trees infected with T68-1 were markedly repressed in growth, while the growth rate of the trees infected with T36 was comparable to the mock-inoculated trees. Only a small number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in the nearly asymptomatic T36-infected trees, whereas almost fourfold the number of DEGs were identified with the growth-restricting T68-1 infection. DEGs were validated using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. While T36 did not induce many noteworthy changes, T68-1 altered the expression of numerous host mRNAs encoding proteins within significant biological pathways, including immunity and stress response proteins, papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs), cell-wall modifying enzymes, vascular development proteins and others. The transcriptomic alterations in the T68-1-infected trees, in particular, the strong and persistent increase in the expression levels of PLCPs, appear to contribute to the observed stem growth repression. On the other hand, analysis of the viral small interfering RNAs revealed that the host RNA silencing-based response to the infection by T36 and that by T68-1 was comparable, and thus, the induction of this antiviral mechanism may not contribute to the difference in the observed symptoms. The DEGs identified in this study promote our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the yet unexplained growth repression induced by severe CTV isolates in sweet orange trees

    Comparative Plant Transcriptome Profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 and Camelina sativa var. <i>Celine</i> Infested with Myzus persicae Aphids Acquiring Circulative and Noncirculative Viruses Reveals Virus- and Plant-Specific Alterations Relevant to Aphid Feeding Behavior and Transmission

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    International audienceEvidence is accumulating that plant viruses alter host plant traits in ways that modify their insect vectors' behavior. These alterations often enhance virus transmission, which has led to the hypothesis that these effects are manipulations caused by viral adaptation. However, we lack a mechanistic understanding of the genetic basis of these indirect, plant-mediated effects on vectors, their dependence on the plant host, and their relation to the mode of virus transmission. Transcriptome profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana and Camelina sativa plants infected with turnip yellows virus (TuYV) or cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) and infested with the common aphid vector Myzus persicae revealed strong virus-and host-specific differences in gene expression patterns. CaMV infection caused more severe effects on the phenotype of both plant hosts than did TuYV infection, and the severity of symptoms correlated strongly with the proportion of differentially expressed genes, especially photosynthesis genes. Accordingly, CaMV infection modified aphid behavior and fecundity more strongly than did infection with TuYV. Overall, infection with CaMV, relying on the noncirculative transmission mode, tends to have effects on metabolic pathways, with strong potential implications for insect vector-plant host interactions (e.g., photosynthesis, jasmonic acid, ethylene, and glucosinolate biosynthetic processes), while TuYV, using the circulative transmission mode, alters these pathways only weakly. These virus-induced deregulations of genes that are related to plant physiology and defense responses might impact both aphid probing and feeding behavior on infected host plants, with potentially distinct effects on virus transmission. IMPORTANCE Plant viruses change the phenotype of their plant hosts. Some of the changes impact interactions of the plant with insects that feed on the plants and transmit these viruses. These modifications may result in better virus transmission. We examine here the transcriptomes of two plant species infected with two viruses with different transmission modes to work out whether there are plant species-specific and transmission mode-specific transcriptome changes. Our results show that both are the case. KEYWORDS caulimovirus, polerovirus, aphid vector, transmission, feeding behavior, insect-plant interactions, transcriptome profiling, RNA-seq, plant viruses M ost known plant viruses rely on vectors for transmission to a new host (for an example, see reference 1). Insects that feed on plant phloem sap, such as whiteflies and aphids, are important vectors transmitting at least 500 virus species (2). The high viru

    Transcriptomic alterations in the sweet orange vasculature correlate with growth repression induced by a variant of citrus tristeza virus

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    International audienceCitrus tristeza virus (CTV, family Closteroviridae) is an economically important pathogen of citrus. CTV resides in the phloem of the infected plants and induces a range of disease phenotypes, including stem pitting and quick decline as well as a number of other deleterious syndromes. To uncover the biological processes underlying the poorly understood damaging symptoms of CTV, we profiled the transcriptome of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) phloem-rich bark tissues of noninfected, mock-inoculated trees and trees singly infected with two distinct variants of CTV, T36 or T68-1. The T36 and T68-1 variants accumulated in the infected plants at similar titers. With that, young trees infected with T68-1 were markedly repressed in growth, while the growth rate of the trees infected with T36 was comparable to the mock-inoculated trees. Only a small number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in the nearly asymptomatic T36-infected trees, whereas almost fourfold the number of DEGs were identified with the growth-restricting T68-1 infection. DEGs were validated using quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. While T36 did not induce many noteworthy changes, T68-1 altered the expression of numerous host mRNAs encoding proteins within significant biological pathways, including immunity and stress response proteins, papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs), cell-wall modifying enzymes, vascular development proteins and others. The transcriptomic alterations in the T68-1infected trees, in particular, the strong and persistent increase in the expression levels of PLCPs, appear to contribute to the observed stem growth repression. On the other hand, analysis of the viral small interfering RNAs revealed that the host RNA silencing-based response to the infection by T36 and that by T68-1 was comparable, and thus, the induction of this antiviral mechanism may not contribute to the difference in the observed symptoms. The DEGs identified in this study promote our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the yet unexplained growth repression induced by severe CTV isolates in sweet orange trees

    Revisiting the Roles of Tobamovirus Replicase Complex Proteins in Viral Replication and Silencing Suppression

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    Tobamoviral replicase possesses an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR) domain and is translated from genomic (g)RNA via a stop codon readthrough mechanism at a one-to-ten ratio relative to a shorter protein lacking the RDR domain. The two proteins share methyltransferase and helicase domains and form a heterodimer implicated in gRNA replication. The shorter protein is also implicated in suppressing RNA silencing-based antiviral defenses. Using a stop codon mutant of Oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ORMV), we demonstrate that the readthrough replicase (p182) is sufficient for gRNA replication and for subgenomic RNA transcription during systemic infection in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the mutant virus displays milder symptoms and does not interfere with HEN1-mediated methylation of viral short interfering (si)RNAs or plant small (s)RNAs. The mutant virus tends to revert the stop codon, thereby restoring expression of the shorter protein (p125), even in the absence of plant Dicer-like activities that generate viral siRNAs. Plant RDR activities that generate endogenous siRNA precursors do not prevent replication or movement of the mutant virus, and double-stranded precursors of viral siRNAs representing the entire virus genome are likely synthesized by p182. Transgenic expression of p125 partially recapitulates the ORMV disease symptoms associated with overaccumulation of plant sRNAs. Taken together, the readthrough replicase p182 is sufficient for viral replication and transcription but not for silencing suppression. By contrast, the shorter p125 protein suppresses silencing, provokes severe disease symptoms, causes overaccumulation of unmethylated viral and plant sRNAs but it is not an essential component of the viral replicase complex

    Interactions of rice tungro bacilliform pararetrovirus and its protein P4 with plant RNA silencing machinery

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    Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-directed gene silencing plays a major role in antiviral defense. Virus-derived siRNAs inhibit viral replication in infected cells and potentially move to neighboring cells, immunizing them from incoming virus. Viruses have evolved various ways to evade and suppress siRNA production or action. Here we show that 21-, 22- and 24-nucleotide (nt) viral siRNAs together constitute up to 19% of total small RNA population of Oryza sativa plants infected with Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and cover both strands of the RTBV DNA genome. However, viral siRNA hotspots are restricted to a short non-coding region between transcription and reverse transcription start sites. This region generates double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) precursor of siRNAs and, in pregenomic RNA, forms a stable secondary structure likely inaccessible to siRNA-directed cleavage. In transient assays, RTBV protein P4 suppressed cell-to-cell spread of silencing but enhanced cell-autonomous silencing, which correlated with reduced 21-nt siRNA levels and increased 22-nt siRNA levels. Our findings imply that RTBV generates decoy dsRNA that restricts siRNA production to the structured non-coding region and thereby protects other regions of the viral genome from repressive action of siRNAs, while the viral protein P4 interferes with cell-to-cell spread of antiviral silencing

    Virus Elimination from Naturally Infected Field Cultivars of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) by Transgenic RNA Interference

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    International audienceTissue culture methods enable virus elimination from vegetatively propagated crop plants but cannot prevent new infections. Here we used a tissue culture transgenic approach for curing field cultivars of Solanum tuberosum through the stimulation of RNA interference (RNAi)-based antiviral defenses. Expression cassettes carrying inverted repeats of potato virus S (PVS, genus Carlavirus) movement or coat protein sequences were used for the transformation of potato cultivars naturally infected with PVS and/or a related carlavirus potato virus M (PVM), without or with potato virus Y (PVY, genus Potyvirus). A high proportion of transformants PCR-positive for transgenes were cured from both carlaviruses and PVY. After 3-year field trials, 22 transgenic lines representing seven cultivars remained free of any virus or became infected only with PVY. Vegetative progenies of the transgenic lines of cultivar Zeren (initially coinfected with PVS, PVM, and PVY), sampled after in vitro propagation or field trials, and other field cultivars accumulated transgene-derived 21, 22, and 24 nt small interfering (si)RNAs almost exclusively from the PVS inverted repeats. Additionally, some field progenies accumulated 21–22 nt siRNAs from the entire PVY genome, confirming PVY infection. Taken together, transgenic RNAi is effective for virus elimination from naturally infected potato cultivars and their sequence-specific immunization against new infections

    Transcriptome and small RNAome profiling uncovers how a recombinant begomovirus evades RDRÎł-mediated silencing of viral genes and outcompetes its parental virus in mixed infection

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    International audienceTomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV, genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) causes severe disease of cultivated tomatoes. Geminiviruses replicate circular single-stranded genomic DNA via rolling-circle and recombination-dependent mechanisms, frequently generating recombinants in mixed infections. Circular double-stranded intermediates of replication also serve as templates for Pol II bidirectional transcription. IS76, a recombinant derivative of TYLCV with a short sequence in the bidirectional promoter/origin-of-replication region acquired from a related begomovirus, outcompetes TYLCV in mixed infection and breaks disease resistance in tomato Ty-1 cultivars. Ty-1 encodes a gamma-clade RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR gamma) implicated in Dicer-like (DCL)-mediated biogenesis of small interfering (si)RNAs directing gene silencing. Here, we profiled transcriptome and small RNAome of Ty-1 resistant and control susceptible plants infected with TYLCV, IS76 or their combination at early and late infection stages. We found that RDR gamma boosts production rates of 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs from entire genomes of both viruses and modulates DCL activities in favour of 22 and 24 nt siRNAs. Compared to parental TYLCV, IS76 undergoes faster transition to the infection stage favouring rightward transcription of silencing suppressor and coat protein genes, thereby evading RDR gamma activity and facilitating its DNA accumulation in both single and mixed infections. In coinfected Ty-1 plants, IS76 efficiently competes for host replication and transcription machineries, thereby impairing TYLCV replication and transcription and forcing its elimination associated with further increased siRNA production. RDR gamma is constitutively overexpressed in Ty-1 plants, which correlates with begomovirus resistance, while siRNA-generating DCLs (DCL2b/d, DCL3, DCL4) and genes implicated in siRNA amplification (alpha-clade RDR1) and function (Argonaute2) are upregulated to similar levels in TYLCV- and IS76-infected susceptible plants. Collectively, IS76 recombination facilitates replication and promotes expression of silencing suppressor and coat proteins, which allows the recombinant virus to evade the negative impact of RDR gamma-boosted production of viral siRNAs directing transcriptional and posttranscriptional silencing.In plants, endogenous and antiviral RNAi mediated by Dicers generating siRNAs and Argonautes binding siRNAs to silence plant and viral genes transcriptionally and/or posttranscriptionally can be amplified by RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs) of alpha-clade generating precursors of secondary siRNAs. To establish successful infection, viruses evade or suppress antiviral RNAi. Here we undertook small RNAome and transcriptome profiling to uncover how a recombinant ssDNA begomovirus evades repressive siRNAs, overcomes resistance in Ty-1 tomato cultivars mediated by a gamma-clade RDR and outcompetes parental viruses in mixed infection. We found that the recombination event within the intergenic region carrying bidirectional promoter and origin-of-replication elements facilitates viral DNA replication and promotes rightward transcription of RNAi suppressor and coat protein genes. This allows the recombinant virus to evade the negative impact of RDR gamma-boosted production of 22 and 24 nt siRNAs which effectively repress the parental virus, leading to its elimination in mixed infection

    Small RNA-Omics for Virome Reconstruction and Antiviral Defense Characterization in Mixed Infections of Cultivated Solanum Plants

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    In plants, RNA silencing-based antiviral defense generates viral small RNAs (sRNAs) faithfully representing the viral genomes. We employed sRNA sequencing and bioinformatics (sRNA-omics) to characterize antiviral defense and to reconstruct the full genomic sequences and their variants in the evolving viral quasispecies in cultivated solanaceous plants carrying mixed infections. In naturally infected Solanum tuberosum (potato), one case study revealed a virome comprising Potato virus Y (genus Potyvirus) and Potato virus X (genus Potexvirus), which was reconstructed by de novo-assembling separate genome-size sRNA contigs. Another case study revealed a virome comprising NTN and O strains of Potato virus Y, whose sRNAs assembled in chimeric contigs, which could be disentangled on the basis of reference genome sequences. Both viromes were stable in vegetative potato progeny. In a cross-protection trial of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), the supposedly protective mild strain CH2 of Pepino mosaic virus (genus Potexvirus) was tested for protection against strain LP of the same virus. Reciprocal mechanical inoculations eventually resulted in co-infection of all individual plants with CH2 and LP strains, reconstructed as separate sRNA contigs. LP invasions into CH2-preinfected plants and vice versa were accompanied by alterations of consensus genome sequences in viral quasispecies, indicating a potential risk of cross-protection measures. Additionally, the study also revealed, by reconstruction from sRNAs, the presence of the mechanically nontransmissible Southern tomato virus (genus Amalgavirus) in some plants. Our in-depth analysis of sRNA sizes, 5'-nucleotide frequencies and hotspot maps revealed similarities in sRNA-generating mechanisms in potato and tomato, differential silencing responses to virome components and potential for sRNA-directed cross-targeting between viral strains which could not, however, prevent the formation of stable viromes