32 research outputs found

    Knowledge retention level among pre-school teachers in conducting pre-school children vision screening

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    Certain public service pre-school teachers have been trained as vision screeners of children. However, there are no studies that assessed the knowledge and skills retention of these screeners. This study determines the level of knowledge retention among pre-school teachers who have been trained to perform vision screening on children. In 2013, 180 KEMAS pre-school teachers were recruited in a vision screening training which included both theory and practical sessions. Teachers were assessed through a theory test which comprised of 15 questions, firstly a category on the preparations needed for vision screening and secondly on the implementation of vision screening. They were then asked to conduct pre-school vision screening annually at their working premises. In 2016, 136 teachers who had been involved in the earlier program were recruited as subjects in this study. All these subjects answered the same set of theory test questions used in 2013. The Student’s t-test result indicated that the mean theory test scores obtained by the pre-school teachers in 2013 (84.3 ± 7.8) differed significantly with the mean scores obtained in 2016 (67.5 ± 11.3) (p < 0.001). The mean scores in 2013 for questions in the first and second categories were 4.5 and 4.4, decreasing to 4.2 and 3.7 in 2016. The knowledge level of pre-school teachers thus decreased with time and this effect was found significant after 3 years. There is therefore a need to conduct re-certification training, so that the screening conducted by these pre-school teachers remains effective and in accordance with established standards

    Validity of vision screening program conducted by preschool teachers: An interventional study

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    Background: Clear vision is crucial for effective learning among preschool children. Hence, early detection of vision impairment and prompt treatment are required to improve prognosis. Currently, limited information is available, and no program exists to screen for vision impairment among preschoolers in Bangladesh. This study aimed to validate the KieVision™ Preschool Vision Screening Kit, translated into the Bengali language, to improve vision impairment detection among preschool children. Methods: In this prospective case–control study, 60 preschool teachers from Chittagong were randomly selected. The study group was trained to conduct vision screening among preschool children using the translated kit, whereas the control group was trained using the Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex (CEITC) School Teachers’ Training Module. Fifteen preschool children aged 4–6 years were screened by each preschool teacher and again by the optometrist. Results: Sixty preschool teachers screened 900 children. The results showed a higher validity of vision screening findings by the preschool teachers in the study group (sensitivity, 68.00%; specificity, 92.75%) than in the control group (sensitivity 47.37%, specificity 70.39%). The level of agreement between the preschool teachers and optometrists was high for all tests (first-order agreement coefficient [AC1] ? 0.80 in the study group). The sensitivity and specificity of the visual acuity test for the study group were 59.65% and 94.15%, respectively, while in the control group it was 13.33% and 62.54%, respectively. A similar trend was noted in the general observation component and Hirschberg’s test. Conclusions: The Bengali Language KieVision™ Preschool Vision Screening Kit can be used effectively by preschool teachers in vision screening programs to improve the identification of vision impairment among preschool children in Bangladesh

    Profile and quality of life of children with dual sensory impairment or deafblindness in visually impaired special centres

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    Coping with dual sensory impairment or deafblindness can be a challenging task for an individual and for the caregiver. Currently limited information is available hence the objective of this study is to determine the profile and quality of life for children with dual sensory impairment or deafblindness. It is hoped that with this information, better rehabilitation programs can be designed for children with deafblindness in Malaysia. A purposive sampling method was adopted. Children with dual sensory impairment were invited to participate in the study. Demographic and hearing loss information was extracted from the children’s medical records. Face to face interviews with parents were conducted using the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire. Vision assessment comprising visual acuity, refraction, cover test, external ocular examination and children’s behaviour observations was conducted. Four children were identified consistent with the based on sample size calculation and who fulfilled the dual sensory impairment criteria out of the 44 children screened. The mean age was 9.3 ± 2.9 years. A majority of the children were of Indian ethnicity. The category of deafblindness seen was congenital deafblindness with rubella as the main cause. All the children were premature babies but had a normal birth weight. The hearing profile showed the majority of them had bilateral profound hearing loss with the mean pure tone average ranging between 50 dBHL and 120 dBHL. The main type of hearing problem was sensorineural and the majority of children owned hearing aids. The visual profile of the deafblindness children revealed either light perception (LP) and categorised as blind or low to moderate myopia. A majority had esotropia. All the children used braille as a visual aids and children with residual vision used closed circuit television (CCTV). Tactile methods were the main means for communication and majority of the children used a white cane. Behaviour and external observation assessments concurred with the hearing and vision impairment manifested. Quality of life in these subjects was lower in 7 out of 8 SF-36 dimensions as compared to normative values. Congenital deafblindness was the main category found among the children in this study and they had profound vision and hearing losses. Tactile methods are the main means of communication for these children. Their quality of life was affected and introducing deafblindness rehabilitation, which includes a combination of hearing and low vision rehabilitation, will be able to assist them in coping with their daily activities

    Validity of external observation examination by teachers during vision screening for preschool children

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    Background: A vision-screening program is effective in prevention of vision impairment. The validity of vision screening conducted by nurses, medical assistants, and teachers has been previously reported. However, the validity of preschool teachers in conducting external eye observations in preschool children has not been widely investigated. This study aimed to determine validity of preschool teachers in conducting external eye observation tests, including the observation of behavior and external eye health, in preschool children.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, preschool teachers from Kemajuan Masyarakat kindergarten in Klang Valley, Malaysia, were randomly allocated to the study (n = 30) or control (n = 30) groups. The study group underwent theory training with an optometrist and practical sessions with preschool children on vision screening, while the control group received only brief verbal instructions on steps to conduct the screening. After the briefing, teachers from both groups conducted vision screening tests at their kindergartens on preschool children aged 4–6 years. The same vision screening procedure was repeated in the same children by optometrists to verify results of the teachers. Results: A total of 700 preschool children were screened by 60 preschool teachers and optometrists. Teachers from the study and control groups displayed high validity in screening for external ocular health, including sensitivity (66.67% versus 66.67%), specificity (95.21% versus 95.54%), and negative predictive value (99.41% versus 99.69%). The positive predictive value was slightly higher in the study group (19.05%) than in the control group (11.76%). Conclusions: Preschool teachers competently observed external eye health in preschool children. A training module for vision screening is important, and a revision of the current training module is needed. Empowering preschool teachers could help in the early detection and intervention necessary in needy children. This could reduce the nationwide prevalence of visual impairments

    Correspondence to: Omar R. Optometry &amp; Visual Science Program, Faculty of Health Sciences

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    Results: The Lea Symbols chart showed a higher sensitivity (97.5%) compared to the Sheridan Gardiner chart (57.1%). While the Sheridan Gardiner chart showed higher specificity (92.0%) compared to the Lea Symbols chart (45.0%). Conclusion: The Lea Symbols chart offers a better pick-up rate of visual impairment during a vision-screening program especially cases of amblyopia among pre-school children compared to the Sheridan Gardiner chart in Malaysia

    Visual efficiency among teenaged athletes and non-athletes

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    AIM To compare visual efficiency, specifically accom-modation, vergence, and oculomotor functions among athletes and non-athletes. METHODS A cross-sectional study on sports vision screening was used to evaluate the visual skills of 214 elementary students (107 athletes, 107 non-athletes), aged between 13 and 16y. The visual screening assessed visual parameters such as ocular motor alignment, accommodation, and vergence functions. RESULTS Mean visual parameters were compared between age-group matched athletes (mean age 14.82±0.98y) and non-athletes (mean age 15.00±1.04y). The refractive errors of all participants were corrected to maximal attainable best corrected visual acuity of logMAR 0.0. Accommodation function assessment evaluated amplitude of accommodation and accommodation facility. Vergence functions measured the near point of convergence, vergence facility, and distance fusional vergence at break and recovery point. Ocular motor alignment was not statistically significant between both groups. Athletes had a statistically significant amplitude of accommodation for both the right eye (t=2.30, P=0.02) and the left eye (t=1.99, P=0.05). Conversely, non-athletes had better accommodation facility (t=-2.54, P=0.01) and near point of convergence (t=4.39, P<0.001) when compared to athletes. Vergence facility was found to be better among athletes (t=2.47, P=0.01). Nevertheless, non-athletes were significantly better for both distance negative and positive fusional vergence. CONCLUSION Although the findings are still inconclusive as to whether athletes had superior visual skills as compared to non-athletes, it remains important to identify and elucidate the key visual skills needed by athletes in order for them to achieve higher performance in their sports

    Reliability of a Bahasa Melayu language version of the MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) in patients with low vision

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    Background: The MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) Bahasa Melayu language version is widely used to determine the health outcomes in Malaysia. Low vision is a condition where vision cannot be restored and vision rehabilitation is required to overcome the challenges it imposes. The SF-36 Bahasa Melayu language version can be used to measure the health outcomes among low-vision patients. However, little information is available among low-vision patients. This study aimed to assess the reliability of the SF-36 Bahasa Melayu language version among low-vision patients. Methods: Fifty low-vision patients aged 14 to 74 years (mean ± standard deviation: 44.58 ± 18.70 years) were randomly selected. All low-vision patients were interviewed twice by the same interviewer with a 2-weeks interval. Results: The SF-36 Bahasa Melayu language version showed acceptable and good Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.68, 0.67, 0.76, 0.72, 0.73, 0.75, 0.72, 0.73 for physical function, role-physical, body pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role-emotion, and mental health, respectively, in the first interview. The second interview also revealed similar Cronbach’s alpha values. The SF-36 Bahasa Melayu language version also showed a good repeatability between the first interview and the second interview, with Pearson’s correlation coefficients ranging from 0.6 to 0.9. Conclusions: From this study, it can be concluded that the SF-36 Bahasa Melayu language version is reliable and repeatable. It is a useful tool to measure health outcomes among Malaysian low-vision patients. However, a future study of low-vision patients from the rural population and age groups representing the youth, working adults, and older individuals is necessary to obtain better outcomes of SF-36 in Bahasa Melayu language-based information on the health status of low-vision patients

    Carbon Nanotubes: Functionalisation And Their Application In Chemical Sensors

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been recognised as a promising material in a wide range of applications, from safety to energy-related devices. However, poor solubility in aqueous and organic solvents has hindered the utilisation and applications of carbon nanotubes. As studies progressed, the methodology for CNTs dispersion was established. The current state of research in CNTs either single wall or multiwall/polymer nanocomposites has been reviewed in context with the various types of functionalisation presently employed. Functionalised CNTs have been playing an increasingly central role in the research, development, and application of carbon nanotube-based nanomaterials and systems. The extremely high surface-to-volume ratio, geometry, and hollow structure of nanomaterials are ideal for the adsorption of gas molecules. This offers great potential applications, such as in gas sensor devices working at room temperature. Particularly, the advent of CNTs has fuelled the invention of CNTbased gas sensors which are very sensitive to the surrounding environment. The presence of O2, NH3, NO2 gases and many other chemicals and molecules can either donate or accept electrons, resulting in an alteration of the overall conductivity. Such properties make CNTs ideal for nano-scale gas-sensing materials. Conductive-based devices have already been demonstrated as gas sensors. However, CNTs still have certain limitations for gas sensor application, such as a long recovery time, limited gas detection, and weakness to humidity and other gases. Therefore, the nanocomposites of interest consisting of polymer and CNTs have received a great deal of attention for gas-sensing application due to higher sensitivity over a wide range of gas concentrations at room temperature compared to only using CNTs and the polymer of interest separatel

    Immobilization of mutant phosphotriesterase on fuller’s earth enhanced the stability of the enzyme

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    Immobilization is a method for making an enzyme more robust in the environment, especially in terms of its stability and reusability. A mutant phosphotriesterase (YT PTE) isolated from Pseudomonas dimunita has been reported to have high proficiency in hydrolyzing the Sp and Rp-enantiomers of organophosphate chromophoric analogs and therefore has great potential as a decontamination agent and biosensor. This work aims to investigate the feasibility of using Fuller’s earth (FE) as a YT PTE immobilization support and characterize its biochemical features after immobilization. The immobilized YT PTE was found to show improvement in thermal stability with a half-life of 24 h compared to that of the free enzyme, which was only 8 h. The stability of the immobilized YT PTE allowed storage for up to 4 months and reuse for up to 6 times. The immobilized YT PTE showed high tolerance against all tested metal ions, Tween 40 and 80 surfactants and inorganic solvents. These findings showed that the immobilized YT PTE became more robust for use especially with regards to its stability and reusability. These features would enhance the future applicability of this enzyme as a decontamination agent and its use in other suitable industrial applications

    Profil gangguan visual di kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah

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    Gangguan visual di kalangan kanak-kanak boleh menjadi serius tanpa intervensi awal. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti prevalens penyebab kepada impairmen visual di kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Sebanyak 21 buah tadika telah dipilih secara rawak untuk menjalani saringan penglihatan. Modul saringan penglihatan meliputi ujian akuiti visual, ujian katup, ujian Hirschberg, pemeriksaan mata luaran dan oftalmoskopi. Kanak-kanak yang gagal saringan penglihatan telah dirujuk untuk pemeriksaan lanjutan. Seramai 479 orang kanak-kanak dengan purata umur 5.30 ± 0.69 tahun telah mengambil bahagian dalam saringan penglihatan. Daripada 43 orang kanak-kanak yang gagal saringan penglihatan, 32 orang (6.7%) disahkan mempunyai gangguan visual. Manakala 8 orang didapati tidak mempunyai gangguan visual dan tiga orang digugurkan daripada kajian kerana tidak bekerjasama untuk pemeriksaan lanjutan. Ralat refraksi (5.8%) adalah penyebab utama kepada gangguan visual di kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Penyebab-penyebab lain ialah ambliopia (1.3%), strabisms (1.0%) dan keabnormalan okular (0.8%). Pengesanan gangguan visual di peringkat awal melalui saringan penglihatan dan intervensi awal optometri adalah penting untuk dilaksanakan di kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah supaya prevalens gangguan visual dapat dikurangkan