20 research outputs found

    Concurrent Outbreak of Norovirus Genotype I and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on a U.S. Navy Ship following a Visit to Lima, Peru

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    An outbreak of norovirus (NoV) genotype I and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) occurred among US Navy Ship personnel following a visit to Lima, Peru, in June 2008. Visiting a specific area in Lima was significantly associated with illness. While ETEC and NoV are commonly recognized as causative agents of outbreaks, co-circulation of both pathogens has been rarely observed in shipboard outbreaks

    Mortality inequalities measured by socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a scoping review

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    OBJECTIVE Summarize the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil. METHODS This scoping review included articles published between January 1, 2000, and August 31, 2020, retrieved by means of a bibliographic search carried out in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases. Studies reporting on the association between composite socioeconomic indicators and all-cause, or specific cause of death in any age group in different geographical areas were selected. The review summarized the measures constructed, their associations with the outcomes, and potential study limitations. RESULTS Of the 77 full texts that met the inclusion criteria, the study reviewed 24. The area level of composite socioeconomic indicators analyzed comprised municipalities (n = 6), districts (n = 5), census tracts (n = 4), state (n = 2), country (n = 2), and other areas (n = 5). Six studies used composite socioeconomic indicators such as the Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product, and the Gini Index; the remaining 18 papers created their own socioeconomic measures based on sociodemographic and health indicators. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with higher rates of all-cause mortality, external cause mortality, suicide, homicide, fetal and infant mortality, respiratory and circulatory diseases, stroke, infectious and parasitic diseases, malnutrition, gastroenteritis, and oropharyngeal cancer. Higher mortality rates due to colorectal cancer, leukemia, a general group of neoplasms, traffic accident, and suicide, in turn, were observed in less deprived areas and/or those with more significant socioeconomic development. Underreporting of death and differences in mortality coverage in Brazilian areas were cited as the main limitation. CONCLUSIONS Studies analyzed mortality inequalities in different geographical areas by means of composite socioeconomic indicators, showing that the association directions vary according to the mortality outcome. But studies on all-cause mortality and at the census tract level remain scarce. The results may guide the development of new composite socioeconomic indicators for use in mortality inequality analysis

    Differentials in death count records by databases in Brazil in 2010

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    OBJECTIVE To compare the death counts from three sources of information on mortality available in Brazil in 2010, the Mortality Information System (SIM - Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade ), Civil Registration Statistic System (RC - Sistema de Estatísticas de Resgistro Civil ), and the 2010 Demographic Census at various geographical levels, and to confirm the association between municipal socioeconomic characteristics and the source which showed the highest death count. METHODS This is a descriptive and comparative study of raw data on deaths in the SIM, RC and 2010 Census databases, the latter held in Brazilian states and municipalities between August 2009 and July 2010. The percentage of municipalities was confirmed by the database showing the highest death count. The association between the source of the highest death count and socioeconomic indicators - the Índice de Privação Brasileiro (IBP – Brazilian Deprivation Index) and Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IHDM – Municipal Human Development Index) - was performed by bivariate choropleth and Moran Local Index of Spatial Association (LISA) cluster maps. RESULTS Confirmed that the SIM is the database with the highest number of deaths counted for all Brazilian macroregions, except the North, in which the highest coverage was from the 2010 Census. Based on the indicators proposed, in general, the Census showed a higher coverage of deaths than the SIM and the RC in the most deprived (highest IBP values) and less developed municipalities (lowest IDHM values) in the country. CONCLUSION The results highlight regional inequalities in how the databases chosen for this study cover death records, and the importance of maintaining the issue of mortality on the basic census questionnaire

    Mortality inequalities measured by socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a scoping review

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    Objective: Summarize the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil. Methods: This scoping review included articles published between January 1, 2000, and August 31, 2020, retrieved by means of a bibliographic search carried out in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases. Studies reporting on the association between composite socioeconomic indicators and all-cause, or specific cause of death in any age group in different geographical areas were selected. The review summarized the measures constructed, their associations with the outcomes, and potential study limitations. Results: Of the 77 full texts that met the inclusion criteria, the study reviewed 24. The area level of composite socioeconomic indicators analyzed comprised municipalities (n = 6), districts (n = 5), census tracts (n = 4), state (n = 2), country (n = 2), and other areas (n = 5). Six studies used composite socioeconomic indicators such as the Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product, and the Gini Index; the remaining 18 papers created their own socioeconomic measures based on sociodemographic and health indicators. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with higher rates of all-cause mortality, external cause mortality, suicide, homicide, fetal and infant mortality, respiratory and circulatory diseases, stroke, infectious and parasitic diseases, malnutrition, gastroenteritis, and oropharyngeal cancer. Higher mortality rates due to colorectal cancer, leukemia, a general group of neoplasms, traffic accident, and suicide, in turn, were observed in less deprived areas and/or those with more significant socioeconomic development. Underreporting of death and differences in mortality coverage in Brazilian areas were cited as the main limitation. Conclusions: Studies analyzed mortality inequalities in different geographical areas by means of composite socioeconomic indicators, showing that the association directions vary according to the mortality outcome. But studies on all-cause mortality and at the census tract level remain scarce. The results may guide the development of new composite socioeconomic indicators for use in mortality inequality analysis

    Differentials in death count records by databases in Brazil in 2010

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    Objective: To compare the death counts from three sources of information on mortality available in Brazil in 2010, the Mortality Information System (SIM – Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade ), Civil Registration Statistic System (RC – Sistema de Estatísticas de Resgistro Civil ), and the 2010 Demographic Census at various geographical levels, and to confirm the association between municipal socioeconomic characteristics and the source which showed the highest death count. Methods: This is a descriptive and comparative study of raw data on deaths in the SIM, RC and 2010 Census databases, the latter held in Brazilian states and municipalities between August 2009 and July 2010. The percentage of municipalities was confirmed by the database showing the highest death count. The association between the source of the highest death count and socioeconomic indicators – the Índice de Privação Brasileiro (IBP – Brazilian Deprivation Index) and Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IHDM – Municipal Human Development Index) – was performed by bivariate choropleth and Moran Local Index of Spatial Association (LISA) cluster maps. Results: Confirmed that the SIM is the database with the highest number of deaths counted for all Brazilian macroregions, except the North, in which the highest coverage was from the 2010 Census. Based on the indicators proposed, in general, the Census showed a higher coverage of deaths than the SIM and the RC in the most deprived (highest IBP values) and less developed municipalities (lowest IDHM values) in the country. Conclusion: The results highlight regional inequalities in how the databases chosen for this study cover death records, and the importance of maintaining the issue of mortality on the basic census questionnaire


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    A atresia de esôfago é uma malformação congênita que interrompe o esôfago e frequentemente está associada à fístula traqueoesofágica. Com uma incidência de 1 em cada 2.500 a 4.500 nascidos vivos, a sobrevivência de recém-nascidos com esta condição aumentou para mais de 90% devido a avanços cirúrgicos desde 1939. Classificada em cinco tipos, a anomalia exige uma abordagem cirúrgica adequada baseada no tipo identificado, geralmente diagnosticado pós-natalmente por radiografia e sintomas clínicos. Além da importância do diagnóstico e intervenção precoces, a atresia esofágica muitas vezes se associa a outras malformações congênitas, formando o complexo VACTERL (Vertebral, Anorectal, Cardiac, Tracheoesophageal, Renal, Limb anomalies). O tratamento envolve anastomose esofágica primária ou, em casos complexos, técnicas avançadas como o uso de segmentos intestinais. O seguimento a longo prazo monitora complicações como estenose esofágica e refluxo gastroesofágico, garantindo suporte nutricional adequado. A revisão abrange literatura de 2004 a 2024, explorando aspectos fisiopatológicos, clínicos e estratégias cirúrgicas. A formação do esôfago e traqueia inicia-se na quarta semana de gestação, e falhas neste processo resultam na atresia esofágica. Síndromes como VACTERL e CHARGE frequentemente acompanham a atresia esofágica, complicando o manejo clínico. O diagnóstico, geralmente entre 24 e 48 horas após o nascimento, utiliza radiografias mostrando a sonda parada no esôfago. No tipo mais comum (tipo C), envolvendo fístula entre esôfago distal e traqueia, a cirurgia padrão é a toracotomia ou toracoscopia com anastomose primária. Nos casos de longa distância entre segmentos esofágicos (tipos A e B), técnicas de tração para crescimento esofágico ou substituição por segmentos intestinais podem ser necessárias. Para a atresia tipo H (tipo E), a broncoscopia pré-operatória localiza a fístula antes do reparo cirúrgico. A pesquisa contínua e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas são essenciais para melhorar desfechos clínicos e qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O manejo eficaz requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar e acompanhamento a longo prazo para monitorar possíveis complicações

    Brazilian coffee genome project: an EST-based genomic resource

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    Exposures and activities associated with acute gastroenteritis.

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    <p><b>NOTE:</b> OR, odds ratio; CI, 95% confidence intervals.</p>¶<p>Numerous crewmembers (including the index cases(s)) visited several locations during their visit to Lima, including “Pizza Alley,” a location of many restaurants, bars and nightclubs.</p>§<p>i.e. Sharing a berthing facility, being in close proximity during daily activities, etc.</p>€<p>Both cooked and uncooked vegetables.</p><p>*Ventanilla is a low income area of Lima near the Port of Callao, Peru. A group of crewmembers conducted housing construction and renovation during one day of their deployment to Lima, as part of a humanitarian assistance mission.</p

    Number of cases of acute gastroenteritis among 230 members of the crew showing the evolution of the outbreak of NoV GI and ETEC in a US Navy ship.

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    <p>A. Crew members visited several locations during their visit to Lima, including “Pizza Alley” a location of many restaurants, bars and nightclubs. B. Control measures included: thorough cleaning of all ship surfaces with a 5% bleach solution, reinforcement of the importance of proper hand washing, provision of hand sanitizers (alcohol hand gel) in each room, recommendation to only consumed cooked foods (including vegetables) and requirement for any crewmember to report to the ships infirmary in the event they develop symptoms of gastroenteritis.</p