419 research outputs found


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    A brightness transition module is described that enables a computing device (e.g., a mobile phone, a camera, a tablet computer, etc.) to smoothly adjust an amount of light output by a display of the computing device when the computing device transitions between a high brightness mode and a normal mode (e.g., transitioning based on ambient lighting conditions). By smoothly adjusting the amount of light emitted by the display when transitioning between modes, the brightness transition module may prevent a sudden or abrupt change in the brightness (e.g., prevent a sudden flash when transitioning from the normal mode to the high brightness mode), thereby improving the user experience

    Identifying Patterns of Cancer Disease Mechanisms by Mining Alternative Representations of Genomic Alterations

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    Cancer is a complex disease driven by somatic genomic alterations (SGAs) that perturb signaling pathways and consequently cellular function. Identifying combinatorial patterns of pathway perturbations would provide insights into common disease mechanisms shared among tumors, which is important for guiding treatment and predicting outcome. However, identifying perturbed pathways is challenging, because different tumors can have the same perturbed pathways that are perturbed by different SGAs. We started off by designing a novel semantic representation that captures the functional similarity of distinct SGAs perturbing a common pathway in different tumors. This representation was used alongside the nested hierarchical Dirichlet process topic model in order to identify combinatorial patterns in altered signaling pathways. We found that the topic model was able to capture the functional relationships between topics. It was also able to identify cancer subtypes composed of tumors from different tissues of origin that exhibit different survival rates. These results led us to investigate the performance of the methodology on pan-cancer data, as well as in conjunction with cancer driver data. The results revealed that the framework was still able to identify clinically relevant features in pan-cancer. However, the addition of driver data decreased the noise in the data and improved the separation of tumors in the clustering results. This provided support for including the use of driver data in our methodology. In order to have gene representations independent of literature, we developed a biological representation that could identify functionally related genes. Its performance when used alongside topic modeling was tested. We found that the topic association patterns separated tumors by their tissue of origin. But, analyzing some of the cancer types on an individual basis still led to significant differences in survival. Our studies show the potential for using alternative representations in conjunction with topic modeling to investigate complex genomic diseases. With further research and refinement of this methodology, it has the potential to capture the relationship between pathways involved in cancer. This would contribute to a better understanding of cancer disease mechanisms and treatment

    What Is Important When Shopping Online?

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    Shoppers have many avenues on where to purchase products, one of which is online. Many online retailers do not apply state and local sales taxes on products they sell, thus allowing them to sell their products cheaper than can be found at local retailers. If the physical presence nexus rule is altered and Internet sales tax is applied for all online transactions, it could potentially change online shopping. The results of a survey of 154 persons are presented, discussing the potential impact of the changing of the physical presence nexus rule and requiring Internet sales tax

    Modeling Information Acquisition and Social Learning Dynamics: A Rational Inattention Perspective

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    Social learning, a fundamental process through which individuals shape their beliefs and perspectives via observation and interaction with others, is critical for the development of our society and the functioning of social governance. Prior works on social learning usually assume that the initial beliefs are given and focus on the update rule. With the recent proliferation of online social networks, there is an avalanche amount of information, which may significantly influence users' initial beliefs. In this paper, we use the rational inattention theory to model how agents acquire information to form initial beliefs and assess its influence on their adjustments in beliefs. Furthermore, we analyze the dynamic evolution of belief distribution among agents. Simulations and social experiments are conducted to validate our proposed model and analyze the impact of model parameters on belief dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICASSP 202

    Tetherin and Its Viral Antagonists

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    Restriction factors comprise an important layer of host defense to fight against viral infection. Some restriction factors are constitutively expressed whereas the majority is induced by interferon to elicit innate immunity. In addition to a number of well-characterized interferon-inducible antiviral factors such as RNaseL/OAS, ISG15, Mx, PKR, and ADAR, tetherin (BST-2/CD317/HM1.24) was recently discovered to block the release of enveloped viruses from the cell surface, which is regarded as a novel antiviral mechanism induced by interferon. Here, we briefly review the history of tetherin discovery, discuss how tetherin blocks virus production, and highlight the viral countermeasures to evade tetherin restriction

    A Viable LoRa Framework for Smart Cities

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    This research is intended to provide practical insights to empower designers, developers and management to develop smart cities underpinned by Long Range (LoRa) technology. LoRa, one of most prevalent long-range wireless communication technologies, can be used to underpin the development of smart cities. This study draws upon relevant research to gain an understanding of underlying principles and issues involved in the design and management of long-range and low-power networks such as LoRa. This research uses empirical evidence that has been gathered through experiments with a LoRa network to analyse network design and identify challenges and then proposes cost-effective and timely solutions. Particularly, practical measurements of LoRa network dependencies and performance metrics are used to support our proposals. This research identifies a number of network performance metrics that need to be considered and controlled when designing and managing LoRa- specific networks from the perspectives of hardware, software, networking and security

    ROCSAT-3 Constellation Mission

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    ROCSAT-3 mission is an international collaboration of Taiwan and the United States to deploy in 2005 a constellation of six microsatellites equipped with GPS occultation receivers in low Earth orbits to collect the GPS signal as passing through the atmosphere. The satellites would generate thousands of sounding data everyday uniformly distributed over the world. The satellites will then downlink the GPS occultation measurements to the ground receiving stations for processing and assimilated into the weather forecast model with minimal delay. The design of ROCSAT-3 constellation takes into consideration factors such as the capability of the available launch vehicle, the mass of the propellant, the locations of ground receiving stations, and the deployment period to achieve the final constellation. The six ROCSAT-3 satellites will be delivered by a single Minotaur launch into the same orbit plane initially. The dispersion of the satellites into the target constellation utilizes the principle that satellites at different altitudes will precess into different orbits over the time. By adjusting the altitude profiles, the six ROCSAT-3 microsatellites would be placed into six orbit planes. Considering ionospheric research, the fuel constraint, and the launcher lifting capability, the mission orbit of 800 km is selected. The inclination angle of 72 degrees is selected as the results of the trade studies involving the location of receiving stations and the precession rate of the orbit. The dominant factor in the selection of the separation angle among orbit planes is the requirement of distribution of the sounding data uniformly. With the constraint of the deployment period, the separation angle is currently defined as 24 degrees. Furthermore, in order to minimize the downlink confliction among satellite passes at the ground stations, a true anomaly separation of 52.5 degrees between satellites in adjacent orbit planes is selected. The mission life of ROCSAT-3 is 2 years. The constellation will be achieved 13 months after launch. An early phase mission plan has also been developed for the deployment period when the satellites are at lower altitudes. At altitude below 500 km, a pitch-biased attitude control can be used to point either the forward or aft occultation antenna at the desired angle for conducting the experiment

    Differential response of lymphatic, venous and arterial endothelial cells to angiopoietin-1 and angiopoietin-2

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    BACKGROUND: The lymphatic system complements the blood circulatory system in absorption and transport of nutrients, and in the maintenance of homeostasis. Angiopoietins 1 and 2 (Ang1 and Ang2) are regulators of both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis through the Tek/Tie-2 receptor tyrosine kinase. The response of endothelial cells to stimulation with either Ang1 or Ang2 is thought to be dependent upon the origin of the endothelial cells. In this study, we examined the effects of the angiopoietins on lymphatic, venous and arterial primary endothelial cells (bmLEC, bmVEC and bmAEC, respectively), which were isolated and cultured from bovine mesenteric vessels. RESULTS: BmLEC, bmVEC and bmAEC cell populations all express Tie-2 and were shown to express the appropriate cellular markers Prox-1, VEGFR3, and Neuropilin-1 that define the particular origin of each preparation. We showed that while bmLECs responded slightly more readily to angiopoietin-2 (Ang2) stimulation, bmVECs and bmAECs were more sensitive to Ang1 stimulation. Furthermore, exposure of bmLECs to Ang2 induced marginally higher levels of proliferation and survival than did exposure to Ang1. However, exposure to Ang1 resulted in higher levels of migration in bmLECs than did to Ang2. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that although both Ang1 and Ang2 can activate the Tie-2 receptor in bmLECs, Ang1 and Ang2 may have distinct roles in mesenteric lymphatic endothelial cells