24 research outputs found

    Understanding the form and function in Chinese bound foot from last-generation cases

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    Purpose: Foot adaptation in the typically developed foot is well explored. In this study, we aimed to explore the form and function of an atypical foot, the Chinese bound foot, which had a history of over a thousand years but is not practised anymore.Methods: We evaluated the foot shape and posture via a statistical shape modelling analysis, gait plantar loading distribution via gait analysis, and bone density adaptation via implementing finite element simulation and bone remodelling prediction.Results: The atypical foot with binding practice led to increased foot arch and vertically oriented calcaneus with larger size at the articulation, apart from smaller metatarsals compared with a typically developed foot. This shape change causes the tibia, which typically acts as a load transfer beam and shock absorber, to extend its function all the way through the talus to the calcaneus. This is evident in the bound foot by i) the reduced center of pressure trajectory in the medial–lateral direction, suggesting a reduced supination–pronation; ii) the increased density and stress in the talus–calcaneus articulation; and iii) the increased bone growth in the bound foot at articulation joints in the tibia, talus, and calcaneus.Conclusion: Knowledge from the last-generation bound foot cases may provide insights into the understanding of bone resorption and adaptation in response to different loading profiles

    Development of a Patient-Specific Finite Element Model for Predicting Implant Failure in Pelvic Ring Fracture Fixation

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    Introduction. The main purpose of this study is to develop an efficient technique for generating FE models of pelvic ring fractures that is capable of predicting possible failure regions of osteosynthesis with acceptable accuracy. Methods. Patient-specific FE models of two patients with osteoporotic pelvic fractures were generated. A validated FE model of an uninjured pelvis from our previous study was used as a master model. Then, fracture morphologies and implant positions defined by a trauma surgeon in the preoperative CT were manually introduced as 3D splines to the master model. Four loading cases were used as boundary conditions. Regions of high stresses in the models were compared with actual locations of implant breakages and loosening identified from follow-up X-rays. Results. Model predictions and the actual clinical outcomes matched well. For Patient A, zones of increased tension and maximum stress coincided well with the actual locations of implant loosening. For Patient B, the model predicted accurately the loosening of the implant in the anterior region. Conclusion. Since a significant reduction in time and labour was achieved in our mesh generation technique, it can be considered as a viable option to be implemented as a part of the clinical routine to aid presurgical planning and postsurgical management of pelvic ring fracture patients

    Synthetic MRI Generation from CT Scans for Stroke Patients

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    CT scans are currently the most common imaging modality used for suspected stroke patients due to their short acquisition time and wide availability. However, MRI offers superior tissue contrast and image quality. In this study, eight deep learning models are developed, trained, and tested using a dataset of 181 CT/MR pairs from stroke patients. The resultant synthetic MRIs generated by these models are compared through a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. The synthetic MRIs generated by a 3D UNet model consistently demonstrated superior performance across all methods of evaluation. Overall, the generation of synthetic MRIs from CT scans using the methods described in this paper produces realistic MRIs that can guide the registration of CT scans to MRI atlases. The synthetic MRIs enable the segmentation of white matter, grey matter, and cerebrospinal fluid by using algorithms designed for MRIs, exhibiting a high degree of similarity to true MRIs

    Analysis of the pattern of microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI with diffusion tensor imaging and subject-specific FE models

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health challenge. Up to 90 % of TBIs are on the mild spectrum of TBI (mTBI), where diagnosis is a major challenge. Majority of studies in this field have been conducted on human subjects, which inherently suffer from the lack of appropriate control group, selection bias, and individual differences in patients. To overcome these limitations, animal studies have been used as an alternative approach to provide deeper insights into the underlying mechanism related to the injury. Therefore our aim is to investigate various quantitative imaging biomarkers acquired from T1-W and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) sequences to provide more information about the microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI. We then use this to generate subject-specific finite element models of the brain and examine how the changes in the brain material properties reflected in MR images affects strain distribution patterns on a subsequent head hit. Our study revealed a decrease in FA and an increase in diffusivity indices (MD, AD, RD) in the white matter tracts of the brain. This finding may represent the axonal damage, demyelination and gliosis after mild TBI, which have been shown in other animal and human studies. Moreover, our FE analysis showed that microstructural changes in the brain after mTBI might have weakened the structural integrity of the brain as the subsequent head hit led to wider and more severe brain deformations. Significance: Animal models have been used to investigate biomechanical and pathophysiological aspects of mild traumatic brain injuries in the past. Still, most of them used small animals such as rats and mice. These models provided valuable insight into the pathophysiology of mTBI, but their findings have limitations due to their inherent differences to human brains. We have developed a large animal model of mTBI with sheep brains by combining advanced MRI and finite element analysis as they mimic the human brain better. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first mTBI neuroimaging study conducted on large animal brains to investigate the diffusional changes in the white matter tracts after mTBI. Our FE analysis revealed that such microstructural changes resulted in tissue softening as the extent of brain deformation increased on a subsequent head hit, indicating increased brain vulnerability after head impacts

    Analysing bone remodeling patterns after THA using patient specific FEM

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    <p>Finite element analysis technique incorporates bone remodeling theories and it is extensively used in predicting bone remodeling patterns around the implant. However, a patient-specific finite element model would be more advantageous. Because, the influences of bone geometry, bone strength and gait patterns can be considered in a patient specific model. Therefore, this study leads to create accurate and more realistic algorithm to predict bone remodeling patterns for patients with total hip replacement using patient-specific finite element models. Patient-specific finite element models are being created for a number of patients and then the resulting bone remodeling patterns are being discussed.</p

    Combining in silico and in vitro experiments to characterize the role of fascicle twist in the Achilles tendon

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    Abstract The Achilles tendon (AT), the largest tendon in the human body has a unique structural feature, that is the fascicles in the AT display spiral twist. However, their functional and structural roles are still unclear. We used subject-specific computational models and tissue mechanical experiment to quantitatively characterize the role of fascicle twist in the Achilles tendon. Ten subject-specific finite element (FE) models of the Achilles tendon were developed from ultrasound images. Fascicle twist was implemented in these models using the material coordinate system available in our FE framework. Five different angles (0~60°) were implemented and material property optimization was performed for each of them (total 50 sets) using results from uniaxial stretch experiment. We showed that fascicle twist allows for even distribution of stress across the whole tendon, thus improving tissue strength. The predicted rupture load increased up to 40%. A number of connective tissues display similar fascicle twists in their structure. The resulting non-uniform strain distribution has been hypothesized as a primary factor in tissue degeneration and injuries. Therefore, our technique will be used to design biomechanically informed training and rehabilitation protocols for management of connective tissue injuries and degeneration

    Shock Acceleration and Attenuation during Running with Minimalist and Maximalist Shoes: A Time- and Frequency-Domain Analysis of Tibial Acceleration

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    Tibial shock attenuation is part of the mechanism that maintains human body stabilization during running. It is crucial to understand how shock characteristics transfer from the distal to proximal joint in the lower limb. This study aims to investigate the shock acceleration and attenuation among maximalist shoes (MAXs), minimalist shoes (MINs), and conventional running shoes (CONs) in time and frequency domains. Time-domain parameters included time to peak acceleration and peak resultant acceleration, and frequency-domain parameters contained lower (3–8 Hz) and higher (9–20 Hz) frequency power spectral density (PSD) and shock attenuation. Compared with CON and MAX conditions, MINs significantly increased the peak impact acceleration of the distal tibia (p = 0.01 and p p < 0.01). MINs did not affect the tibial shock in both time and frequency domains at the proximal tibia. These findings may provide tibial shock information for choosing running shoes and preventing tibial stress injuries