155 research outputs found

    Química verda: l'ús de lipases per a la producció de compostos d'interès industrial

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    Una de les tendències en el camp de la química sostenible, la green chemistry, és la d'emprar biocatalitzadors en comptes de metalls pesants en la catàlisi de diferents reaccions químiques. En aquest treball es descriuen les propietats de les lipases com a biocatalitzadors, les seves propietats i limitacions, així com estratègies per superar-les.One of the main trends in the green chemistry field is to use biocatalysts instead of organometalic catalysts in order to catalyse different chemical reactions. In this work, lipases are described as ideal biocatalysts and their properties, limitations and strategies to overcome them are reviewed

    Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents in Promiscuous Lipase-Catalysed Aldol Reactions

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    Financial support to this work was provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MEC) (CTQ2013-44153-P) and the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias (FC-15- GRUPIN14-002). The authors thank Novo Nordisk Co., Denmark for the generous gift of CAL-B (Novozyme 435). D. G.-M. thanks the Fundación para el fomento en Asturias de la investigación científica aplicada y tecnología (FICYT) for a predoctoral fellowship

    Broadening the Chemical Scope of Laccases: Selective Deprotection of N-Benzyl Groups

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    El sistema catalítico formado por la lacasa de Trametes versicolor y el TEMPO es utilizado de forma eficiente para llevar a cabo la desprotección quimioselectiva de los grupos N-bencilo primarios en condiciones suaves de reacción.Laccase from Trametes versicolor together with TEMPO has been found as a very efficient system to deprotect Nbenzylated primary amines, differing from previously described methods since it uses oxygen as mild oxidant in aqueous medium. Chemoselective removal of the benzyl group was achieved with excellent yields when secondary amine and alcohol moieties were also presentMICINN (Projects CTQ2011-24237 and CTQ2013-44153). Principado de Asturias (predoctoral fellowship Severo Ochoa)