28 research outputs found

    Impact Of Seedling Removal On Regenerating Community Structure Of A Seasonal Semideciduous Forest [impacto Da Remoção De Plântulas Sobre A Estrutura Da Comunidade Regenerante De Floresta Estacional Semidecidual]

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    Transplanting seedlings and saplings from natural forests has been considered an alternative to producing saplings of native species for forest restoration purposes, but the possible impact of this procedure on plant community regeneration has not been investigated. This work evaluates the impact of different treatments of shrub and tree-seedling (up to 30 cm) removal from a seasonal semideciduous forest fragment located in southeastern Brazil on the natural regeneration process. Eighty 2×2 m plots were installed in two habitats (forest edge and interior) and submitted to four seedling-removal treatments (I, II - 100% removal with or without soil mixing; III - 50% removal without soil mixing; and IV - control treatment without seedling removal). Regeneration density and richness were evaluated before treatment as well as 6, 12 and 18 months later. The results were compared among treatments for each evaluation period and among periods within treatments. There were similarities between edge and interior. The natural regeneration process did not improve with soil mixing. Plots submitted to seedling removal partially recovered plant density; however, these plots had lower species richness when compared to the control and to the initial values before treatment. Seedling removal has a negative impact on the regeneration process of low-density species, thus the use of natural regeneration as a sapling source for forest restoration purposes should focus only on highdensity species with well-known regeneration strategies and not on the community as a whole.22410151026Auer, C.G., Graça, M.C.E., Método de produção de mudas de canela-sassafrás a partir de mudas de regeneração natural (1995) Boletim de Pesquisas Floreslais, 30-31, pp. 75-77Barbosa, L.M., Barbosa, J.M., Barbosa, K.C., Potomati, A., Martins, S.E., Asperti, L.M., Melo, A.C.G., Plaza, A.P., Recuperação florestal com espécies nativas no Estado de São Paulo: Pesquisas apontam mudanças neeessãrias (2003) Florestar Estatístico, 6, pp. 28-34Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., Hunter, J.S., (1978) Statistics for experimenters: An introduction to design, data analysis, and model building, , New York, John Wiley & Sons, JncCampos, H., (1983) Estatística experimental nao-paramétrica, , Piracicaba, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de QueirozCarrno, M.R.B., Morellato, E.G.P., Fenologia de árvores e arbustos das matas ciliares da bacia do rio Tibagi, Estado do Paraná, Brasil (2004) Matas ciliares: Conservação e recuperação, pp. 125-141. , Pp, R.R. Rodrigues & H.F. Leilão Filho eds, São Paulo, Edusp/FapespClark, D.B., Clark, D.A., Seedling dynamics of a tropical tree: Impacts of herbivory and meristem damage (1985) Ecology, 66, pp. 1884-1892De Steven, D., Tropical tree seedling dynamics: Recruitment patterns and their population consequences for three canopy species in Panama (1994) Journal of Tropical Ecology, 10, pp. 385-398Denslow, J.S., The effect of understory palms and eyclanths on the growth and survival of Inga seedlings (1991) Biotropica, 23, pp. 225-234Di Bitetti, M.S., Placci, G., Dietz, L.A., (2003) Uma visão de biodiversidade para a ecorregião Florestas do Alto Paraná - bioma Mata Atlántica: Planejando a paisagem de conservação da biodiversidadc e estabclecendo prioridades para açõs de conservação, , Washington, World Wildlife FundDinerstein, E., Olson, D.M., Graham, D., Webster, A., Primm, S., Bookbinder, M., Ledec, G., (1995) A conservation assessment of the terrestrial ecoregions of Latin America and the Caribbean, , Washington, The World Bank in association with The World Wildlife FundDjers, G., Hadengganan, S., Kuusipalo, J., Otsamo, A., Vesa, L., Production of planting stock from wildings of four Shorea species (1998) New Forests, 16, pp. 185-197Fonseca, C.E.L.Ribeiro, J.F.Souza, C.C.Rezende, R.P. & Balbino, V.K. 2001. Recuperação da vegetação de matas de galeria: estudos de caso no Distrito Federal e entorno. Pp. 815-870. In: J.F. RibeiroC.E.L. Fonseca & J.C. Souza e Silva (eds.). Caracterizaç ão e recuperação de matas de galeria. Planaltina, Embrapa-CPACGrombone-Guaratini, M.T., Rodrigues, R.R., Seed bank and seed rain in a seasonal semi-deciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil (2002) Journal of Tropical Ecology, 18, pp. 759-774Hubbell, S.P., Foster, R.B., O'Brien, S.T., Harms, K.E., Condit, B., Weschsler, B., Wright, S.J., Loo De Lao, S., Light-gap disturbance, recruitment limitation, and tree diversity in a Neotropical (1999) Forest. Science, 283, pp. 554-557Kwit, C., Piatt, W.J., Slater, H.H., Post hurricane regeneration of pioneer plant species in south Florida subtropical hardwood hammocks (2000) Biotropica, 32, pp. 244-251Laurance, W.F., Ferreira, L.V., Rankin-De Merona, J.M., Laurance, S.G., Hutchings, R.W., Lovejoy, T.E., Effects of forest fragmentation on recruitment patterns in Amazonian tree communities (1998) Conservation Biology, 12, pp. 460-464Laurance, W.F., Lovejoy, T.E., Vasconcelos, H.L., Bruna, E.M., Didham, R.K., Philip, C.S., Gascon, C., Sampaio, E., Ecosystem Decay of Amazonian Forest Fragments: A 22-Year Investigation (2002) Conservation Biology, 16, pp. 605-618Lieberman, D., Demography of tropical tree seedlings: A review (1996) The ecology of, pp. 131-138. , Pp, M.D. Swaine ed, Paris, UNESCO and Parthenon Publishing GroupMelo, F.P.L., Aguiar Neto, A.V., Simabukura, E.A., Tabarelli, M., Recrutamento e estabelecimento de plântulas (2004) Germina-ção do básico ao aplicado, pp. 237-250. , Pp, A.G. Eerreira & F. Borghetti eds, Porto Alegre, ArtmedMorellato, L.C.P., As estações do ano na floresta (1995) Ecologia e preservação de uma floresta tropical urbana - reserva Santa Genebra, pp. 37-41. , Pp, L.C.P. Morellato & H.F. Leilão Filho eds, Campinas, Editora da UnicampMurcia, C., Edges effects in fragmented forest: Implications for conservation (1995) Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 10, pp. 58-62Nemer, T.G., Jardim, F.C.S., Serrão, D.R., Sobrevivência de mudas da regeneração natural de espécies arbóreas trés meses após o plantio em clareiras de diferentes tamanhos, Moju-PA. (2002) Revista Árvore, 26, pp. 217-221Nunez-Farfan, J., Dirzo, R., Within-gap spatial heterogeneity and seedling performance in a Mexican tropical forest (1988) Oikos, 51, pp. 274-284Oliveira, L.M., Davide, A.C., Carvalho, M.L.M., Avaliação de métodos para quebra da dormência e para a desinfestação de sementes de canafístula (Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert. (2003) Revista Árvore, 27, pp. 597-603Oliveira, R.J., Mantovani, W., Melo, M.M.R.F., Estrutura do componente arbustivo-arbóreo da floresta atlântica de encosta, Peruíbe, SP (2001) Acta Botanica Brasilica, 15, pp. 391-412Pimentel-Gomes, F., Garcia, C.R., (2002) Eslatística aplicada a experimentos agronómicos e florestais: Exposição com exemplos e orientações para uso de aplicativos, , Piracicaba. FEALQPutz, F.E., Treefall pits and mounds, buried seeds, and the importance of soil disturbance to pioneer trees on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (1983) Ecology, 64, pp. 1069-1074Rozza, A.F., Farah, F.T., Rodrigues, R.R., Ecological management of degraded forest fragments (2007) High Diversity Forest Restoration in Degraded Areas: Methods and Projects in Brazil, pp. 171-196. , Pp, R.R. RodriguesS.V. Martins & S. Gandolfi eds, New York, Nova Science PublishersSantarelli, E.G., Produção de mudas de espécies nativas (2004) Matas ciliares: Conservação e recuperação, pp. 313-318. , Pp, R.R. Rodrigues & H.F. Leitão Filho eds, São Paulo, EDUSP/FapespSantos, S.L., Válio, I.F.M., Litter accumulation and its effect on seedling recruitment in a Southeast Brazilian Tropical Forest (2002) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 25, pp. 89-92Schupp, E.W., Howe, H.F., Augspurger, C.K., Levey, D.J., Arrival and survival in tropical treefall gaps (1989) Ecology, 70, pp. 562-564(2007) Sistema de Informações para o Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos do Estado de Sáo Paulo, , http://www.sigrh.sp.gov.br/cgi-bin/sigrh-jndex.exe, SIGRH, Disponível em, Acesso em:28/12/2007Silva, C.V., Bilia, D.A.C., Maluf, A.M., Barbedo, C.J., Fracionamento e germinação de sementes de uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. - Myrtaceae). (2003) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 26, pp. 213-221Souza, F.M., Batista, J.F.L., Restoration of seasonal semideciduous forests in Brazil: Influence of age and restoration design on forest structure (2004) Forest Ecology and Management, 191, pp. 185-200Swaine, M.D., Whitmore, T.C., On the definition of ecological groups in tropical rain forests (1988) Vegetatio, 75, pp. 81-86Vázques-Yanes, C., Orozco-Segovia, A., Patterns of seed longevity and germination in the tropical rainforest (1993) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 24, pp. 69-87Veloso, H.P., (1992) Manual técnico da vegetação brasileira, , Rio de Janeiro, IBGE, Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Estudos AmbientaisViani, R.A.G., Nave, A.G., Rodrigues, R.R., Transference of seedlings and aloctone young individuals as ecological restoration methodology (2007) High diversity forest restoration in degraded areas: Methods and projects in Brazil, pp. 145-170. , Pp, R.R. RodriguesS.V. Martins & S. Gandolfi eds, New York, Nova Science PublishersViani, R.A.G., Rodrigues, R.R., Sobrevivencia em viveiro de mudas de espécies nativas retiradas da rcgeneração natural de remanescente florestal. (2007) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 42, pp. 1067-1075Whitmore, T.C., Canopy gaps and the two major groups of forest trees (1989) Ecology, 70, pp. 536-538Zamith. L.R. & Scarano. F.R. 2004. Produção de mudas de espécies das Restingas do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 18:161-17

    Survival In Nursery Of Native Species Saplings Obtained From Natural Regeneration Of Forest Fragments [sobrevivência Em Viveiro De Mudas De Espécies Nativas Retiradas Da Regeneração Natural De Remanescente Florestal]

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    Seedling survival was evaluated regarding transplanted saplings obtained from natural regeneration of a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest fragment, located at Bofete, São Paulo State, Brazil. Shrub and trees species seedlings up to 30 cm height were collected from samples sited on a forest remnant, transplanted to a nursery under 50% shade tissue, and evaluated periodically during nine months. A total of 2,424 seedlings, belonging to 110 species were transferred to the nursery. Average survival reached 69%, although this survival rate was quite variable according to the species, families and height classes of the evaluated individuals. In spite of the fact that pioneer species presented higher survival rate, several non-pioneer species also obtained high values of survival. Besides, many of the survivor species are usually not available in forest nurseries of the São Paulo State. The transference of seedlings from natural regeneration of forest fragments to forest nurseries seems to be a complementary and a viable method in order to produce saplings of native species, increasing diversity within nurseries with forest restoration purposes.42810671075An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II (2003) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 141, pp. 399-436. , ANGIOSPERM PHYLOGENY GROUP, APGAUER, C.G., GRAÇA, M.C.E., Método de produção de mudas de canela-sassafrás a partir de mudas de regeneraçã o natural (1995) Boletim de Pesquisas Florestais, (30-31), pp. 75-77BARBOSA, L.M., BARBOSA, J.M., BARBOSA, K.C., POTOMATI, A., MARTINS, S.E., ASPERTI, L.M., MELO, A.C.G., PLAZA, A.P., Recuperação florestal com espécies nativas no Estado de São Paulo: Pesquisas apontam mudanças necessárias (2003) Florestar Estatístico, 6, pp. 28-34BEIGUELMAN, B., Curso prático de bioestatística (1994) Ribeirão Preto: Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, , 3.ed, 244pCORVELLO, W.B.V., (1983) Utilização de mudas da regeneração natural em reflorestamentos com espécies nativas, , 105p. Dissertação Mestrado, Universidade Federal do Paraná, CuritibaFENNER, Seedlings, M., (1987) The New Phytologist, 106, pp. 35-47FERRETTI, A.R.KAGEYAMA, P.Y.ÁRBOCZ, G. de F.SANTOS, J.D.BARROS, M.I.A. deLORZA, R.A.F.OLIVEIRA, C. de. Classificação das espécies arbóreas em grupos ecológicos para revegetação com nativas no Estado de São Paulo. Florestar Estatístico, v.3, p.73-77,1995FONSECA, C.E.L daRIBEIRO, J.F.SOUZA, C.C. deREZENDE, R.P.BALBINO, V.K. Recuperação da vegetação de matas de galeria: estudos de caso no Distrito Federal e entorno. In: RIBEIRO, J.F.FONSECA, C.E.L. daSOUZA-SILVA, J.C. (Ed.). Caracterização e recuperação de matas de galeria. Planaltina: Embrapa Cerrados. 2001. p.815-870GARWOOD, N.C., Functional morphology of tropical tree seedlings (1996) The ecology of tropical forest tree seedlings, pp. 59-129. , SWAINE, M.D, Ed, Paris: UNESCO and Parthenon Publishing GroupGONÇALVES, J.L.M.SANTARELLI, E.D.MORAES NETO, S.P. deMANARA, M.P. Produção de mudas de espécies nativas: substrato, nutrição, sombreamento e fertilização. In: GONÇALVES, J.L.M.BENEDETTI, V. (Ed.). Nutrição e fertilização florestal. Piracicaba: IPEF, 2000. p.309-350IVANAUSKAS, N.M., RODRIGUES, R.R., NAVE, A.A., Fitossociologia de um remanescente de floresta estacional semidecidual em Itatinga-SP, para fins de restauração de áreas degradadas (2002) Revista Árvore, 26, pp. 43-57NEMER, T.G., de mudas da regeneração natural de espécies arbóreas três meses após o plantio em clareiras de diferentes tamanhos, Moju-PA (2002) Revista Árvore, 26, pp. 217-221OLIVEIRA, L.M. deDAVIDE, A.C.CARVALHO, M.L.M. de. Avaliação de métodos para quebra da dormência e para a desinfestação de sementes de canafístula (Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert. Revista Árvore, v.27, p.597-603, 2003RODRIGUES, R.R.GANDOLFI, S. Conceitos, tendências e ações para recuperação de florestas ciliares. In: RODRIGUES, R.R.LEITÃO FILHO, H.F. (Ed.). Matas ciliares: conservação e recuperação. 3.ed. São Paulo: Edusp/Fapesp, 2004. p.235-248SANTARELLI, E.G. Produção de mudas de espécies nativas. In: RODRIGUES, R.R.LEITÃO FILHO, H.F. (Ed.). Matas ciliares: conservação e recuperação. 3.ed. São Paulo: Edusp/Fapesp, 2004. p.313-318SÃO PAULO. Resolução SMA-58, de 29 de dezembro de 2006. Fixa a orientação para o reflorestamento heterogêneo de áreas degradadas e dá providências correlatas. Diário Oficial Estado de São Paulo, Poder Executivo, São Paulo, 30 dez. 2006. Seção 1, p.107SILVA, C.V., BILIA, D.A.C., MALUF, A.M., BARBEDO, C.J., Fracionamento e germinação de sementes de uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. - Myrtaceae) (2003) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 26, pp. 213-221SWAINE, M.D., WHITMORE, T.C., On the definition of ecological groups in tropical rain forests (1988) Vegetatio, 75, pp. 81-86VÁZQUES-YANES, C., OROZCO-SEGOVIA, A., Patterns of seed longevity and germination in the tropical rainforest (1993) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 24, pp. 69-87ZAMITH, L.R.SCARANO, F.R. Produção de mudas de espécies das Restingas do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Acta Botanica Brasilica, v.18, p.161-176, 200

    Potential Of The Seedling Community Of A Forest Fragment For Tropical Forest Restoration [potencial Da Comunidade De Plântulas De Um Fragmento Florestal Para A Restauração De Florestas Tropicais]

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    Forest restoration projects are usually planted with a reduced number of species as compared to standing forests, largely due to the low availability of native species in seedling nurseries. In the present study, the potential of the native seedling community as a source of seedlings for forest restoration is analyzed. To do so, the seedling community from a forest fragment located in the southeast of Brazil was evaluated. Individuals (tree and shrub species) up to 30 cm height were measured and identified in 20 4 × 4 m plots. Altogether, 6,136 individuals (17 individuals m-2) belonging to 119 species were sampled. The seedling community showed a spatial heterogeneity with respect to the density of individuals and composition of species, and also a spatial aggregation for the 10 most abundant species. Several species that occurred in high densities in the seedling community are not presently available in regional forest nurseries and are therefore not used in restoration projects. This result and the high number of individuals and species found in the fragment suggest a great potential of this type of forest remnants as a source of highly diverse seedling banks for use in restoration projects.666772779Auer, C.G., Graça, M.C.E., Método de produção de mudas de canela-sassafrás a partir de mudas de regeneração natural (1995) Boletim De Pesquisas Florestais, 30-31, pp. 75-77Barbosa, L.M., Barbosa, J.M., Barbosa, K.C., Potomati, A., Martins, S.E., Asperti, L.M., Melo, A.C.G., Plaza, A.P., Forest recovery with native species in São Paulo State: Researches identify necessary changes (2003) Florestar Estatístico, 6, pp. 28-34Benitez-Malvido, J., Lemus-Albor, A., The seedling community of tropical rain forest edges and its interaction with herbivores and pathogens (2005) Biotropica, 37, pp. 301-313Comita, L.S., Aguilar, S., Perez, R., Lao, S., Hubbell, S.P., Patterns of woody plant species abundance and diversity in the seedling layer of a tropical forest (2007) Journal of Vegetation Science, 18, pp. 163-174Connell, J.P., Green, P.T., Seedling dynamics over thirty-two years in a tropical rain forest tree (2000) Ecology, 81, pp. 568-584Dalling, J.W., Hubbell, S.P., Silvera, K., Seed dispersal, seedling establishment and gap partitioning among tropical pioneer trees (1998) Journal of Ecology, 86, pp. 674-689de Steven, D., Tropical tree seedling dynamics: Recruitment patterns and their population consequences for three canopy species in Panama (1994) Journal of Tropical Ecology, 10, pp. 385-398Denslow, J.S., The effect of understory palms and cyclanths on the growth and survival of Inga seedlings (1991) Biotropica, 23, pp. 225-234di Bitetti, M.S., Placci, G., Dietz, L.A., (2003) Biodiversity Vision For the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest Ecoregion: Designing a Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and Setting Priorities For Conservation Action, p. 153. , Washington, D.C.: World Wildlife FundDinerstein, E., Olson, D.M., Graham, D., Webster, A., Primm, S., Bookbinder, M., Ledec, G., (1995) A Conservation Assessment of The Terrestrial Ecoregions of Latin America and The Caribbean, p. 150. , Washington, D.C.: The World Bank/World Wildlife FundDjers, G., Hadengganan, S., Kuusipalo, J., Otsamo, A., Vesa, L., Production of planting stock from wildings of four Shorea species (1998) New Forests, 16, pp. 185-197Foster, R.B., Hubbell, S.P., The floristic composition of the Barro Colorado Island Forest (1990) Four Neotropical Rainforest, pp. 85-98. , In: GENTRY, A.H. 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(Ed.), São Paulo: EDUSP/FapespSantos, S.L., Válio, I.F.M., Litter accumulation and its effect on seedling recruitment in a Southeast Brazilian Tropical Forest (2002) Revista Brasileira De Botânica, 25, pp. 89-92Silva, C.V., Bilia, D.A.C., Maluf, A.M., Barbedo, C.J., Fracionamento e germinação de sementes de uvaia (Eugenia pyriformis Cambess. - Myrtaceae) (2003) Revista Brasileira De Botânica, 26, pp. 213-221Souza, F.M., Batista, J.L.F., Restoration of seasonal semideciduous forests in Brazil: Influence of age and restoration design on forest structure (2004) Forest Ecology and Management, 191, pp. 185-200Veloso, H.P., (1992) Manual Técnico Da Vegetação Brasileira, p. 93. , Rio de Janeiro: IBGE-Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Estudos AmbientaisZamith, L.R., Scarano, F.R., Produção de mudas de espécies das Restingas do município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil (2004) Acta Botanica Brasilica, 18, pp. 161-17