19 research outputs found

    A implementação do Programa Saúde da Família em municípios do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil Family Health Program implementation in municipalities in Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    O artigo analisa alguns aspectos do processo de implementação do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), nas seguintes dimensões: resultados; condições e funcionamento dos mecanismos institucionais; estruturas organizacionais; fluxo e regularidade do repasse dos recursos financeiros; disponibilidade e capacitação dos recursos humanos. Estudaram-se sete municípios do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, usando-se fontes de dados secundários e primários, oriundos de entrevistas com diferentes agentes. É pesquisa avaliativa, com dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Conclui-se o seguinte: diferentes graus de implantação, de modelos de PSF e abrangência de cobertura populacional; adaptações das estruturas organizacionais; disponibilidade de pessoal, exceto dos auxiliares de enfermagem; disponibilidade de financiamento, com dificuldades no seu fluxo e outros fatores institucionais que dificultam ou favorecem o microprocesso de implementação do programa, nas instâncias municipais.<br>This article analysis some key aspects in the implementation of the Family Health Program (FHP): results; conditions; and institutional mechanisms; flow and regularity of funding; organizational structures; and human resources availability and training. The study was conducted in seven municipalities (counties) in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, and used secondary data as well as primary data from interviews with different stakeholders. The research design was evaluative, using a quantitative/qualitative analysis. The results showed: varying stages in the implementation process, different FHP models, and adaptation of organizational structures; high level of human resources availability, except for nurse assistants; availability of financial resources, with some difficulties in their flow; and other institutional factors that hinder or facilitate the micro-implementation process in the municipalities

    Potential pollinators of Comolia ovalifolia DC Triana (Melastomataceae) and Chamaecrista ramosa (Vog.) H.S. Irwin and Barneby var. ramosa (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae), in restinga, Bahia, Brazil

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    Comolia ovalifolia DC Triana (Melastomataceae) and Chamaecrista ramosa (Vog.) H.S. Irwin and Barneby var. ramosa (Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae) are tropical plant species found in restinga (herbaceous-shrubby, sandy costal ecosystems). They have flowers with poricidal anthers and are pollinated by bees. The study sought to analyse potential pollinators of both plants during visits to their flowers in a restinga area in Bahia. The flowering displayed by both species was considered continuous and long duration, constantly providing pollen to floral visitors. C. ovalifolia was visited by 17 species of bees and C. ramosa by 16 species, predominantly from the Apidae family (with a similarity index of 74%). The behavior displayed by these visiting bees was of vibrating anthers. The small-sized Euglossa sp. Latreille, 1802 and Florilegus similis Urban, 1970 bees played less of a role as pollinators, since they rarely touched the flower stigma during harvests and were thus considered opportunist visitors or casual pollinators. Centris decolorata Lepetier, 1841 (= C. leprieuri) and Xylocopa subcyanea Perez, 1901 are large bees and were considered efficient pollinators of C. ovalifolia and C. ramosa because of the higher frequency and constancy of their visits, and their favourable behaviour and size for pollen transfer between flowers, which guarantees the survival of these native restinga plant species