8 research outputs found
Database including spatial data on ecosystem services and (anthropogenic) pressures
The Baltic Sea Atlas (http://bio-50.io-warnemuende.de/iowbsa/index.php) was implemented to storeand share marine spatial planning data and datasets from the BONUS BASMATI project. Data areused in the projectās case studies. Additional datasets were included to provide examples on whatkind of data can be used in marine spatial planning to account for ecosystem services. Datacategories, data properties and metadata information follow the recommendations of Deliverable 3.1.The Baltic Sea Atlas is based on the open source webGIS framework kvwmap. The application ishosted at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research WarnemĆ¼nde, Germany and connected to themetadata portal of the institute. The application provides simple visualisation including basicoperation tools. The access via login and password allows data sharing with the project partners andother interested users, while ensuring basic licence agreements.</p
Long-term Dynamics of Pine Forest Soil Collembola on the Background of Climate Warming
Å ajÄ darbÄ ir aplÅ«kota ekoloÄ£iski nozÄ«mÄ«gas augsnes sÄ«kposmkÄju grupas ā kolembolu dinamika priežu lÄna augsnÄ laika periodÄ no 1992.-2000. gadam uz klimata pasiltinÄÅ”anÄs fona. PÄtÄ«jumi veikti Latvijas nacionÄlÄ ilgtermiÅa ekoloÄ£isko pÄtÄ«jumu tÄ«kla parauglaukumos pie Mazsalacas, Ziemeļvidzemes biosfÄras rezervÄtÄ. PÄtÄ«ta kolembolu blÄ«vuma, sugu dominances struktÅ«ras un sugu daudzveidÄ«bas izmaiÅas uz temperatÅ«ras un nokriÅ”Åu svÄrstÄ«bu fona. Tie ir ilgtermiÅa ekoloÄ£iskie pÄtÄ«jumi, kas veikti NacionÄla ilgtermiÅa ekoloÄ£isko pÄtÄ«jumu tÄ«kla programmas ietvaros un tiek veikti jau kopÅ” 1992. gada.
AtslÄgvÄrdi: Kolembola, priežu lÄns, klimata pasiltinÄÅ”anÄsThe paper discusses changes in Collembola community of pine forest soils on the background of climate warming during 1992 ā 2000. The study was performed as a part of research programme of the National Long-term Ecological research network of Latvia at the forest sites near the town Mazsalaca in the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. Changes in abundance, relative abundance structure and species diversity were investigated on the background of year-to-year fluctuations of temperature and precipitation.
Key words: Collembola, pine forest, climate warmin
Usage of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology in the research of geological processes of sea-coast
MaÄ£istra darbÄ āTÄlizpÄtes lÄzerdatu (LiDAR) izmantoÅ”anas iespÄjas jÅ«ras krasta Ä£eoloÄ£isko procesu pÄtÄ«jumosā tiek salÄ«dzinÄtas divas jÅ«ras krastu pÄtÄ«Å”anas metodes ā ar krasta transektu lÄ«nijÄm un izmantojot lÄzerdatus. DarbÄ tiek izvÄrtÄta lÄzerdatu pielietojamÄ«ba jÅ«ras krasta monitoringÄ un pÄtÄ«ti erozijas un akumulÄcijas processi Latvijas jÅ«ras piekrastÄ. DarbÄ tika iegÅ«ti un analizÄti trÄ«sdimensionÄli dati par piecÄm izpÄtes vietÄm Latvijas jÅ«ras piekrastÄ. LiDAR dati tika analizÄti izpÄtes vietÄs LilastÄ, JÅ«rkalnÄ un LiepenÄ. ZvejniekciemÄ, abpus Skultes ostai LiDAR dati tika salÄ«dzinÄti ar dabÄ uzmÄrÄ«tiem ŔķÄrsprofiliem. IzpÄtes vietÄ pie LiepÄjas tika pÄtÄ«ta krasta erozija izmantojot 2007. un 2008. gada LiDAR datus.
AtslÄgvÄrdi: LiDAR, jÅ«ras krasts, monitorings, erozija, akumulÄcijaIn this Master thesis āUsage of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology in the research of geological processes of sea-coastā are compared two coast researching methods: the method of transect lines and the method of laser data. In this paper is evaluated the usage of laser data for sea-coast monitoring and studied accumulation and erosion processes in Latvian sea-coast. Latviaās sea-coast was analysed processing three-dimensional data taken from five research places. In Lilaste, Liepene and JÅ«rkalne were analysed LiDAR data. In Zvejniekciems LiDAR data were compared with measured field research profiles. In LiepÄja were compared LiDAR data of years 2007 and 2008.
Keywords: LiDAR, sea-coast, monitoring, erosion, accumulatio