82 research outputs found

    Application of remote sensing for prediction and detection of thermal pollution, phase 2

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    The development of a predictive mathematical model for thermal pollution in connection with remote sensing measurements was continued. A rigid-lid model has been developed and its application to far-field study has been completed. The velocity and temperature fields have been computed for different atmospheric conditions and for different boundary currents produced by tidal effects. In connection with the theoretical work, six experimental studies of the two sites in question (Biscayne Bay site and Hutchinson Island site) have been carried out. The temperature fields obtained during the tests at the Biscayne Bay site have been compared with the predictions of the rigid-lid model and these results are encouraging. The rigid-lid model is also being applied to near-field study. Preliminary results for a simple case have been obtained and execution of more realistic cases has been initiated. The development of a free-surface model also been initiated. The governing equations have been formulated and the computer programs have been written

    Feasibility of remote sensing for detecting thermal pollution. Part 1: Feasibility study. Part 2: Implementation plan

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    A feasibility study for the development of a three-dimensional generalized, predictive, analytical model involving remote sensing, in-situ measurements, and an active system to remotely measure turbidity is presented. An implementation plan for the development of the three-dimensional model and for the application of remote sensing of temperature and turbidity measurements is outlined

    Thermal conductance of two dimensional constrictions Interim report

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    Thermal resistance of heat flow through two dimensional symmetrical, and eccentric constriction

    Fundamental open questions on engineering of "super" hydrogen sorption in graphite nanofibers: relevance for clean energy applications

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    Herein, some fundamental open questions on engineering of “super” hydrogen sorption (storage) in carbonaceous nanomaterials are considered, namely: 1) on thermodynamic stability and related characteristics of some hydrogenated graphene layers nanostructures: relevance to the hydrogen storage problem; 2) determination of thermodynamic characteristics of graphene hydrides; 3) a treatment and interpretation of some recent STM, STS, HREELS/LEED, PES, ARPS and Raman spectroscopy data on hydrogensorbtion with epitaxial graphenes; 4) on the physics of intercalation of hydrogen into surface graphene-like nanoblisters in pyrolytic graphite and epitaxial graphenes; 5) on the physics of the elastic and plastic deformation of graphene walls in hydrogenated graphite nanofibers; 6) on the physics of engineering of “super” hydrogen sorption (storage) in carbonaceous nanomaterials, in the light of analysis of the Rodriguez-Baker extraordinary data and some others. These fundamental open questions may be solved within several years

    The Existence of Two Types of Colloidal Solutions of Molecules Fullerene C60

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    The last thirty years scientists carried out an active search of universal parameter of solvent C60 for predicting the solubility of fullerenes. However, this parameter was not found up to these days. In this paper it has been found an explanation of the impossibility of detection of such parameter. In present paper the features of the solubility of fullerene C60 molecules in nonpolar solvents have been studied. The molecule state diagram of the fullerene С60 molecules in solution at temperatures 265+308 K and pressure range 1+100 MPa indicating the existence field of β and γ-modifications, has been constructed. Moreover, it has been shown that in the solutions of fullerenes C60 in the γ-state the solubility decreases with a rise in temperature since the chemical activity of fullerene molecule increases. For this reason during extraction procedure the temperature rise causes the value of extraction rate to increase, but solubility – to decrease, i.e. to diminish the concentration of fullerenes molecules in the solvent volume

    On Physics of Intercalation of Molecular Hydrogen Nanophase Into Graphene Surface Nanoblisters, Relevance For Solving The Hydrogen Storage Problem

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    Herein, our modified results of thermodynamic analysis of some theoretical and experimental data on “reversible” hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of some graphenelayer- nanostructures are presented. In the framework of the formal kinetics approximation of the first order rate reaction, some thermodynamic quantities for the reaction of hydrogen sorption (the reaction rate constant, the reaction activation energy, the per-exponential factor of the reaction rate constant) have been determined. Some models and characteristics of hydrogen chemisorption on graphite (on the basal and edge planes) have been used for interpretation of the obtained quantities, with the aim of revealing the atomic mechanisms of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of different graphene-layer-systems. The cases of both a non-diffusion rate limiting kinetics, and a diffusion rate limiting kinetics are considered.On the basis of using the obtained analytical results of an empirical character (an indirect experiment), the physics of intercalation of molecular hydrogen nanophase of a high density into carbon-based nanostructures is considered. It is relevant for developing of a key breakthrough nanotechnology of the hydrogen onboard efficient and compact storage in fuel-cell-powered vehicles – the very current, but long-term (from about 1995 year) problem. A constructive critical discussion on our results and/or International co-operation seems as a real way of a joint breakthrough solving of the hydrogen storage problem

    Simplified nonlinear descriptions of two-phase flow instabilities in vertical boiling channel

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    A constant-property homogeneous-flow model is developed to generate the limit cycles of pressure-drop and density-wave oscillations in a single-channel upflow boiling system operating between constant pressures, with upstream compressibility introduced through a surge tank. In the model, thermodynamic equilibrium conditions are assumed and the effects of the wall heat storage and the variation of the fluid properties are neglected. Satisfactory agreement with the experimental cycles is noted for the pressuredrop oscillations. As for the density-wave oscillations, the agreement with the experiments is reasonably good regarding the periods of the oscillations, but not so good for the amplitudes