5 research outputs found

    Activation of students ' activity in the conditions of training in cooperation technology

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    Competence-based approach, becoming dominant in the system of higher education, marked the transition from traditional methods and means of education to the use of innovative technologies. Modern higher schools under the influence of the requirements of Federal state educational standards seek to optimize their own activities in order to improve the quality of education and seek new ways to build competence. Today, within the framework of the competence-based approach having a practice-oriented focus, technologies of training in cooperation that meet the requirements for modern training of students are becoming more popular. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using learning technologies in cooperation, activating the students’ performance. A powerful argument in favor of training in cooperation technologies implementation is their wide functionality in the development of professional competence of a specialist. Since the development of student competence takes place within the framework of various activities, we consider the technology of training in cooperation, allowing students to maximize their potential in the process of interaction with classmates. The article identifies such important advantages of the technology under consideration as the development of independence, creative component, skills of effective interaction and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue. We consider ideas of training in cooperation technology in detail as well as carry the analysis on the example of pedagogical courses. The presented research allowed establishing increase of students’ activity in studying of pedagogical courses at the expense of identification of an average score in studied profiles

    Implementation of discussion technologies in a personality-centered professional education

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    The conditions of modern labor market dictate the need for highly qualified specialists who creatively approach the performance of their professional activities, independently making competent productive decisions. In search of a solution to this problem, higher education institutions resort to the use of modern educational technologies. The article presents the forms of implementation of discussion technologies, their peculiarity, considers their importance and specificity of use in the conditions of personality-centered training and defines the goals of discussion technologies implementation in the course study. The study revealed an increase in the level of students’ training. The use of discussion technologies allowed them to study the topics of the course more deeply

    A experiência de usar o webinar na preparação de especialistas em engenharia

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    The development of modern society in the context of computerization is associated with the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human life. Modern trends in the development of society as a whole and Russian education update attention to the development of distance education, which is based on the need for specialists in the continuous and rapid acquisition of new knowledge, without which the Business success and professional growth in a technologically advanced society is impossible, one of those resources is a webinar. We conducted a training experiment with 20 students from the State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod. The purpose of the pilot work was to test the effectiveness of conducting webinars to improve the quality of student education. The webinar performed differs significantly from those already available. With the help of this, student activity becomes more independent, there is an active pedagogical interaction between the students and the teacher, acquiring a research orientation. Guided by the results of the experimental work, they came to the conclusion that the use of webinars in the process of teaching students became a motivating factor in the learning process in general, while studying the academic disciplines, the practice of interest, there was an Interest in independent work, self-examination and self-assessment of knowledge and skills. The article summarizes the results of the web seminar "The state of housing and communal services problems in the Nizhny Novgorod region", carried out by the Technology Service and Technological Education Department of the State Pedagogical University of Nizhny Novgorod. The article shows the experience of organizing the professional training of specialists in the field of housing and community services, which is implemented in stages.El desarrollo de la sociedad moderna en el contexto de la informatización está asociado con la introducción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Las tendencias modernas en el desarrollo de la sociedad en su conjunto y de la educación rusa actualizan la atención al desarrollo de la educación a distancia, que se basa en la necesidad de especialistas en la adquisición continua y rápida de nuevos conocimientos, sin los cuales el éxito empresarial y el crecimiento profesional en una sociedad tecnológicamente avanzada es imposible, uno de esos recursos es un seminario web. Llevamos a cabo un experimento formativo con 20 estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. El propósito del trabajo piloto fue probar la efectividad de la realización de seminarios web para mejorar la calidad de la educación de los estudiantes. El webinar realizado difiere significativamente de los ya disponibles. Con la ayuda de ello, la actividad de los estudiantes se vuelve más independiente, hay una interacción pedagógica activa entre los estudiantes y el profesor, adquiriendo una orientación de investigación. Guiados por los resultados del trabajo experimental, llegaron a la conclusión de que el uso de seminarios web en el proceso de enseñanza a los estudiantes se convirtió en un factor motivador en el proceso de aprendizaje en general, mientras estudiaba las disciplinas académicas, la práctica de interés, había una Interés por el trabajo independiente, el autoexamen y la autoevaluación de conocimientos y habilidades. El artículo resume los resultados del seminario web "El estado de los problemas de vivienda y servicios comunales en la región de Nizhny Novgorod", realizado por el Departamento de Tecnología de Servicio y Educación Tecnológica de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. El artículo muestra la experiencia de organizar la formación profesional de especialistas en el campo de la vivienda y los servicios comunitarios, que se implementa en etapas.O desenvolvimento da sociedade moderna no contexto da informatização está associado à introdução de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em todas as esferas da vida humana. As tendências modernas no desenvolvimento da sociedade como um todo e a educação russa chamam a atenção para o desenvolvimento da educação à distância, que se baseia na necessidade de especialistas na aquisição contínua e rápida de novos conhecimentos, sem os quais a O sucesso comercial e o crescimento profissional em uma sociedade tecnologicamente avançada são impossíveis, um desses recursos é um webinar. Realizamos um experimento de treinamento com 20 alunos da Universidade Pedagógica Estadual de Nizhny Novgorod. O objetivo do trabalho piloto foi testar a eficácia da realização de webinars para melhorar a qualidade da educação dos alunos. O webinar realizado difere significativamente daqueles já disponíveis. Com a ajuda disto, a atividade do aluno torna-se mais independente, há uma interação pedagógica ativa entre os alunos e o professor, adquirindo uma orientação de pesquisa. Guiada pelos resultados do trabalho experimental concluiu que o uso de seminários web em ensinar os alunos tornouse um fator de motivação no processo de aprendizagem em geral, ao estudar as disciplinas acadêmicas, a prática interesse, houve um interesse em trabalho independente, auto-exame e auto-avaliação de conhecimentos e habilidades. O artigo resume os resultados do seminário web "O estado dos problemas de habitação e serviços comunitários na região de Nizhny Novgorod", realizado pelo Departamento de Tecnologia e Serviço de Educação Tecnologia da Universidade Pedagógica Estado de Nizhny Novgorod. O artigo mostra a experiência de organizar a formação profissional de especialistas na área de habitação e serviços comunitários, que é implementada em etapas

    Technologies for organizing research activities of students at the university

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    Scientific and technological progress, constant processes of reformation determine the need of employers for highly qualified graduates who are ready to carry out independent professional activities, quickly and non-standardly solve emerging issues, therefore, higher education institutions in the conditions of a competency-based approach strive to make development of students' competence more practice-oriented. Research activity is one of the most important tools in implementation of this process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of a higher educational institution in the implementation of technologies for organizing research activities of students at the university. The article presents educational technologies that contribute to the development of research processes. Students’ motivation engaged in research activities are analyzed. The study allowed us to identify students’ motivation to participate in research activities and adjust the situation for the better. The achieved results can be used at universities for the preparation of students of various areas of training

    Portfolio as an educational technology in the educational process of a university

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    The current stage in the development of  society and science as well as technological progress pose new challenges for higher education institutions. Modern requirements concerning highly efficient specialists training have indicated the need to use innovative technologies in the competent graduate formation. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of implementing portfolio as an educational technology in the higher school educational environment. The article reveals the capabilities of the portfolio, its types and functions. The main ideas of portfolio technology in vocational education are identified. The research was based on the study of the motivational, epistemological, activity components formation before the portfolio technology introduction and after its implementation. The results obtained allow us to talk about the importance and effectiveness of the portfolio in the formation of a highly educated and competitive specialist. The data of the study can be used in the preparation of higher educational institutions students