54 research outputs found

    Synthesis and study of complexes of the novel Russian antiviral drug Camphecene with pentacyclic triterpenes of licorice

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    For the first time, the complexation of pentacyclic triterpenes of licorice (glycyrrhizic acid (GA) and its aglycone, glycyrrhetinic acid (GLA)) with the novel Russian antiviral drug Camphecene (Camph) was investigated. The complexes obtained at different molar ratios were studied using both UV/Vis spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (ESI MS). Formation of the host:guest complexes were registered: GA and GLA molecular complexes (Camph+2GA; Camph+2GLA) with stability constants К = 6.94 106 М-2 and К = 2.89 106 М-2, respectively. The research results demonstrate a considerable potential of ESI MS as a technique for simple and fast detection of formation of the complexes of GA /GLA and the novel drugs

    Gerenciamento de projetos no comércio de livros na Rússia: barreiras e perspectivas de desenvolvimento

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    The development of book-selling industry is one of the sources for new economy development - knowledge economy. However, in modern Russian conditions of high crisis uncertainty, the book industry experiences serious difficulties, and the Russian book-selling network is declining every year. One of the anti-crisis measures for book-selling companies is the finding of some ways to improve project management at an enterprise. The purpose of the article is to identify the key barriers to the implementation of project management at the enterprises of the book-selling industry in Russia, as well as to determine the prospects of a project management system development in this area. The empirical base consists of study results conducted in 2018 at the enterprises of the Russian modern general-purpose bookstores of the book-selling industry.On the basis of the conducted research, they identified the main problems that Russian book-selling enterprises face when they implement project management: an insufficient formalization of project management processes; the uncertainty of project manager status caused by the lack of real powers; the lack of participant motivation system in project activities based on the results of an employee performance evaluation; low level of communication management and the lack of a clear interaction interface between various functional units and groups, etc. To minimize the likelihood of identified problems during project implementation, a special attention should be paid to the organization of a formalized management system (the creation of project offices), taking into account the interests of all project participants, clearly define the organizational structure and align management procedures, and use recognized methodology - project management standards that will facilitate the formation of a team focused on a particular result.El desarrollo de la industria de la venta de libros es una de las fuentes para el desarrollo de nuevas economías: la economía del conocimiento. Sin embargo, en las condiciones modernas rusas de alta incertidumbre de crisis, la industria del libro experimenta serias dificultades, y la red rusa de venta de libros disminuye cada año. Una de las medidas contra la crisis para las empresas vendedoras de libros es encontrar algunas formas de mejorar la gestión de proyectos en una empresa. El propósito del artículo es identificar las barreras clave para la implementación de la gestión de proyectos en las empresas de la industria de venta de libros en Rusia, así como determinar las perspectivas de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de proyectos en esta área. La base empírica consiste en resultados de estudios realizados en 2018 en las empresas de las modernas librerías de propósito general rusas de la industria de la venta de libros.Sobre la base de la investigación realizada, identificaron los principales problemas que enfrentan las empresas rusas de venta de libros cuando implementan la gestión de proyectos: una formalización insuficiente de los procesos de gestión de proyectos; la incertidumbre del estatus de gerente de proyecto causada por la falta de poderes reales; la falta de un sistema de motivación de los participantes en las actividades del proyecto basado en los resultados de la nivel de gestión de la comunicación y la falta de una interfaz de interacción clara entre varias unidades funcionales y grupos, etc. Para minimizar la probabilidad de problemas identificados durante la implementación del proyecto, se debe prestar especial atención a la organización de un sistema de gestión formalizado (la creación de las oficinas de proyectos), teniendo en cuenta los intereses de todos los participantes del proyecto, definen claramente la estructura organizativa y alinean los procedimientos de gestión, y utilizan una metodología reconocida: normas de gestión de proyectos que facilitarán la formación de un equipo centrado en un resultado particular.O desenvolvimento da indústria de livros vendidos é uma das fontes para o desenvolvimento da nova economia - a economia do conhecimento. No entanto, nas condições russas modernas de alta incerteza de crise, a indústria de livros experimenta sérias dificuldades, e a rede russa de venda de livros está declinando a cada ano. Uma das medidas anti-crise para as empresas de venda de livros é a descoberta de algumas maneiras de melhorar o gerenciamento de projetos em uma empresa. O objetivo do artigo é identificar as principais barreiras para a implementação do gerenciamento de projetos nas empresas da indústria de vendas de livros na Rússia, bem como determinar as perspectivas de desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento de projetos nessa área. A base empírica consiste nos resultados do estudo realizado em 2018 nas empresas das modernas livrarias russas de uso geral da indústria de venda de livros.Com base na pesquisa realizada, eles identificaram os principais problemas que as empresas russas de venda de livros enfrentam quando implementam o gerenciamento de projetos: uma formalização insuficiente dos processos de gerenciamento de projetos; a incerteza do status do gerente de projetos causada pela falta de poderes reais; a falta de sistema de motivação dos participantes nas atividades do projeto com base nos resultados de uma avaliação de desempenho do funcionário; baixo nível de gerenciamento de comunicação e falta de uma interface de interação clara entre várias unidades funcionais e grupos, etc. Para minimizar a probabilidade de problemas identificados durante a implementação do projeto, uma atenção especial deve ser dada à organização de um sistema de gestão formalizado (a criação dos escritórios do projeto), levando em conta os interesses de todos os participantes do projeto, definir claramente a estrutura organizacional e alinhar procedimentos de gestão, e usar metodologia reconhecida - padrões de gerenciamento de projetos que facilitarão a formação de uma equipe focada em um resultado particular


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    A comprehensive study of the stratotype section of the Kinterep formation of the North-Western Salair was carried out, including geochemical and isotope (Sr, C, O) studies of carbonate rocks, and U-Pb dating (LA-ICP-MS) of igneous zircon crystals from tuffites. The studied carbonate rocks are pure limestones with Mg/Ca less than 0.007 and a low proportion of insoluble residue (average 5 %). Kinterep limestones are characterized by δ18OSMOW values from 19.8 to 23.8 ‰ and δ13СPDB values from –0.7 to +0.9. The Sr isotope composition in limestones of the Kinterep formation varies in a narrow range of 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.70851 and 0.70859. Comparison of the obtained isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr and δ13СPDB) of Kinterep formation limestones with the generalized global 87Sr/86Sr variation curve and δ13СPDB values in the pale-ocean suggests two equally probable interpretations of the time of accumulation of Kinterep formation limestones: 550–540 and 525–510 Ma. U-Pb dating of magmatic zircon crystals from tuffite, which forms an interlayer among limestones of the Kinterep formation, showed the age at the boundary of ~515 Ma. Thus, using a combination of isotope (Sr, C) chemostratigraphy of carbonate rocks and U-Pb dating of igneous zircon crystals from tuffites syngenetic to limestones, the age limit of 525–510 Ma was established for the time of the formation of the Kinterep formation of the Salair basin. Carbonate rocks of similar age and similar features of the isotopic composition are known in neighbouring areas (for example, the Kuznetsk Alatau) and in regions of the Siberian Platform and microcontinents of Central Asia (Tuva-Mongolian and Dzabkhan) spatially distant from the Salair basin

    The results of follow-up study of children who had active cytomegalovirus infection during the first months of life

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    Follow-up observation of 44 patients who had cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) in the first months of life with the assessment of the health status of these children in terms was conducted during more than 7 years (control group consisted of healthy children). The study of course and outcomes of CMV infection of the first months of life showed that up to school period 43 % of patients had formed chronic pathology and 14,2 % of children at early age formed group of "children with disability". The structure formed chronic pathology up to school period in almost all parameters values. In main group central nervous system pathology occurred 4 times more often (р < 0,001), allergy - 3 times more often (p = 0,05), the pathology of the cardiovascular system - 3 times more often, endocrine pathology - 3 times more often, pathology of gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system - 5 times more often

    Synthesis and study of complexes of the novel Russian antiviral drug Camphecene with Plant’s Flavonoids

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    Received: 01.03.2021. Revised: 22.04.2021. Accepted: 27.04.2021. Available online: 28.04.2021.The authors are grateful to the Corresponding Member of the RAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of NIOCH SB RAS Salakhutdinov N.F. for the kindly provided scaffold monoterpenoid Camphecene.Traditionally, glycyrrhizic acid has been used to form polydentate complexes. For the first time in the presented paper, the complexation of the Plant’s Flavonoids (Quercetin (Qu) and its glycoside - Rutin (Rut)) with the novel Russian antiviral drug Camphecene (Camph) was investigated. The complexes obtained at different molar ratios were studied using UV/Vis spectroscopy. Formation of the host: guest complexes were registered: Qu and Rut molecular complexes (Camph+2Qu; Camph+2Rut) with a stability constant K = 3.3·108 M-2. Comparison of the binding constants of the obtained complexes shows that the efficiency of Camphecene complexation with the participation of flavonoids is more efficient than with the participation of triterpenoids. Besides, it was found that the complexes of Camphecene with the quercetin and rutin are soluble in water, in contrast to the complexes with triterpenoids, which makes it possible to increase the bioavailability of both Camphecene and flavonoids. The obtained results demonstrate the high potential of flavonoids Qu and Rut to the development of novel pharmaceutical forms using the example of Camphecene in the form of molecular complexes, as the novel forms of delivery.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (State assignment in the field of scientific activity, project No 0852-2020-0031) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR, grant no. 19-33-90211-Aspiranty)

    The role of active herpesvirus infection in the formation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

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    The results of previous studies suggest the involvement of herpes viruses in the development of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but there is no convincing evidence. Aim of the study was to evaluate the role of active herpesvirus infection in exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Material and methods. The analysis of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis in Russia in 2000–2020 was carried out. 92 blood donors and 97 patients with skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases (44 with atopic dermatitis and 53 with psoriasis) were examined for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to herpes simplex viruses (HSV1,2), Epstein-Barr (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes type 6 (HНV6). Results and discussion. A significant strong direct correlation was revealed between the incidence of genital herpes and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (p = 0.85), atopic dermatitis (p = 0.85); infectious mononucleosis and psoriasis (p = 0.85). The frequency of detection of IgM to HSV1,2, in total, IgG EA and IgM VCA EBV in the group of patients is significantly higher than in donors (p &lt; 0.05). In patients with atopic dermatitis, IgM to HSV1 were detected significantly more often than in individuals with psoriasis, and markers of active EBV infection were significantly less common. The presence of IgM HSV-1 statistically significantly increases the incidence of atopic dermatitis (relative risk (RR) = 2.3, 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 1.6–3.3)), IgM VCA and IgG EA EBV – the incidence of psoriasis (RR = 2.3, 95 % CI 1.5–3.3). Conclusions. It has been shown for the first time that active HSV1,2 infection is a trigger factor for the development of atopic dermatitis, EBV infection is psoriasis


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    A comprehensive study of the stratotype section of the Kinterep formation of the North-Western Salair was carried out, including geochemical and isotope (Sr, C, O) studies of carbonate rocks, and U-Pb dating (LA-ICP-MS) of igneous zircon crystals from tuffites. The studied carbonate rocks are pure limestones with Mg/Ca less than 0.007 and a low proportion of insoluble residue (average 5 %). Kinterep limestones are characterized by δ18OSMOW values from 19.8 to 23.8 ‰ and δ13СPDB values from –0.7 to +0.9. The Sr isotope composition in limestones of the Kinterep formation varies in a narrow range of 87Sr/86Sr values between 0.70851 and 0.70859. Comparison of the obtained isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr and δ13СPDB) of Kinterep formation limestones with the generalized global 87Sr/86Sr variation curve and δ13СPDB values in the pale-ocean suggests two equally probable interpretations of the time of accumulation of Kinterep formation limestones: 550–540 and 525–510 Ma. U-Pb dating of magmatic zircon crystals from tuffite, which forms an interlayer among limestones of the Kinterep formation, showed the age at the boundary of ~515 Ma. Thus, using a combination of isotope (Sr, C) chemostratigraphy of carbonate rocks and U-Pb dating of igneous zircon crystals from tuffites syngenetic to limestones, the age limit of 525–510 Ma was established for the time of the formation of the Kinterep formation of the Salair basin. Carbonate rocks of similar age and similar features of the isotopic composition are known in neighbouring areas (for example, the Kuznetsk Alatau) and in regions of the Siberian Platform and microcontinents of Central Asia (Tuva-Mongolian and Dzabkhan) spatially distant from the Salair basin. Проведено комплексное изучение стратотипического разреза кинтерепской свиты Северо-Западного Салаира, включающее геохимические, изотопно-геохимические (Sr, С, О) исследования карбонатных пород и U-Pb датирование (LA-ICP-MS) магматогенных кристаллов циркона из туффитов. Изученные карбонатные породы представлены чистыми известняками с величиной Mg/Са менее 0.007 и низкой долей нерастворимого остатка (в среднем 5 %). Кинтерепские известняки характеризуются значениями δ18OSMOW от 19.8 до 23.8 ‰ и δ13СPDB от –0.7 до +0.9. Изотопный состав Sr в известняках кинтерепской свиты варьируется в узком диапазоне значений 87Sr/86Sr между 0.70851 и 0.70859. Сопоставление полученных изотопных характеристик (87Sr/86Sr и δ13СPDB) известняков кинтерепской свиты с обобщенной мировой кривой вариации 87Sr/86Sr и значений δ13СPDB в палеоокеане предполагает два равновероятных варианта интерпретации времени накопления известняков кинтерепской свиты: 550–540 и 525–510 млн лет. U-Pb датирование кристаллов магматогенного циркона из туффита, слагающего прослой среди известняков кинтерепской свиты, показало возраст формирования на рубеже ~515 млн лет. Таким образом, с помощью комбинации методов изотопной (Sr, С) хемостратиграфии карбонатных пород и U-Pb датирования кристаллов магматогенного циркона из сингенетичных известнякам туффитов установлены ограничения на время формирования кинтерепской свиты Салаирского бассейна 525–510 млн лет. Карбонатные породы, имеющие схожий возраст и аналогичные особенности изотопного состава, известны в соседних районах (например, Кузнецкий Алатау) и в пространственно отдаленных от Салаирского бассейна регионах Сибирской платформы и микроконтинентов Центральной Азии (Тувино-Монгольского и Дзабханского)

    Architecture of composite multilayer semiconductor nanostructures

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    The problem of ensuring the operational parameters of composite multilayer semiconductor nanoscale structures at the design technology stages is solved. A mathematical model based on the physics of processes occurring in the structure during operation is developed. The problem is solved for the resonant-tunnelling AlGaAs nanoheterostructures


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    The protected cultivation technology, through which the various inbred generations with the combination of economic valuable traits and different level of sterility can be produced, is used in order to accelerate the breeding program. However, there is a negative effect of inbreeding depression and self-incompatibility can often occur and cause the loss of valuable breeding forms. The aim of the work was to study the influence of steroidal glycosides capsicoside (SGC) on exhibition of CMS, and morphobiological parameters of 13 inbred generations that were produced from fertile plant and partly sterile plants with level of sterility 10% and 50%. The seeds were soaked for 24 hours in water solution of SGC with concentration 10-3%, and in water control. Then the seeds were dried up and sown in the greenhouse. The stecklings and roots obtained were vernalized at 3-5Co. Mother plants were grown under 18 hour photoperiod in greenhouse with supplementary lighting. Inbreeding seeds were obtained in individual cloth isolators. It was shown that for all generations the treatment with SGC improved the seed germination (4-8% more), increased the root index and its length (12-24% more), decreased betanin content (22-48% less) in comparison with control. The action of SGC on the other morphological and biochemical traits such as height of leaf rosette, leaf number, plant and root weight, head size, number of generative buds, and nitrate content was defined by the level of sterility of mother plant. The most expressed effect for all traits mentioned was seen in inbreeding generations of sterile plants with high level of sterility. After action effect of seed treatment with SGC on development of seed plants from inbreeding generations, not depending on sterility level of mother plants, showed the positive influence on plant habitus of seed mother plants, decreasing the plant height, but increasing stem number and functional parameters of microgametophyte in fertile plants. This caused the improved seed formation 1.6-2.2 times higher during inbreeding process and increased the portion of plants with high productivity. The SGC had no effect on exhibition of CMS trait. Thus, the SGC is worth using in valuable highly inbreeding forms inclined to self-sterility, in order to enlarge the genetic variation and output of divers generations. However, it should be taken into consideration that the complicated effect on the plant traits can be noticed in inbreeding generation of red beet and may have an effect on the result of selection process at the root stage.Для ускорения  селекционного  процесса  используют защищенный грунт, что дает возможность   получать широкий спектр инбредных потомств с различным  сочетанием селекционно значимых признаков и степени стерильности растений. Однако  негативное влияния  инбредной депрессии  и явления самонесовместимости часто приводит к потере ценных селекционных форм. Цель работы – изучение влияния стероидного гликозида  капсикозида  (СГ) на проявление  признака  ЦМС  и морфо-биологические  параметры инбредных потомств I3   от фертильного и частично-стерильных исходных  растений со степенями стерильности 10% и 50%. Семена замачивали  на 24 часа в водном растворе СГ концентрацией 10-3% (контроль – вода),  затем подсушивали и высевали в теплице. Полученные  штеклинги и корнеплоды яровизировали при 3…5°С.  Семенные  растения выращивали  при 18-часовом световом периоде в теплице  при досветке. Инбредные  семена  получали  под индивидуальными бязевыми изоляторами. Установлено, что обработка семян  СГ во всех  потомствах способствовала повышению лабораторной всхожести (на 4-8%), увеличению длины (на 12-24%) и  индекса формы корнеплодов; повышению содержания в них суммы сахаров  (в среднем на 25%) и снижению количества бетаина (на 22-48%)  относительно контроля. Направленность действия СГ на другие морфологические признаки (высота листовой розетки, число  листьев, масса  растений и корнеплода, размер головки, число генеративных почек) и биохимические  параметры (накопление  нитратов)  определялась степенью стерильности исходного  растения.   Наиболее  выраженный   стимулирующий   эффект по изученным  признакам   отмечали в инбредном потомстве   ms-растения     с   высокой степенью    стерильности. Последействие обработки семян  СГ на развитие семенных  растений инбредных потомств,  независимо от уровня   стерильности  исходных форм, выразилось в их положительном влиянии на габитус семенного растения (снижение высоты при увеличении  числа стеблей) и функциональные  параметры микрогаметофита фертильных пыльников.   Это способствовало  повышению завязываемости семян при инбридинге (в 1,6-2,2  раза) и увеличению  доли  более  продуктивных растений. На характер проявления  признака  ЦМС обработка семян СГ не повлияла. То есть, СГ целесообразно   использовать при работе с ценными формами глубоких инбридингов, склонных к самостерильности, что позволит расширить спектр  и увеличить выход генетически разнообразного потомства. Однако  следует  учитывать их неоднозначное  действие на проявление  хозяйственно ценных признаков  в различных инбредных потомствах свеклы  столовой,  что может влиять на результативность отбора на стадии корнеплода

    New V-shaped 2,4-di(hetero)arylpyrimidine push-pull systems: Synthesis, solvatochromism and sensitivity towards nitroaromatic compounds

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    Novel D–π–A–π–D type pyrimidine-based dyes, possessing (hetero)aryl electron-donating groups in 2,4-positions were synthesized, and their photophysical properties were investigated by using absorption and emission spectral analyses. All dyes proved to exhibit a strong emission solvatochromism with quantum yields up to 0.96, depending on their molecular structure and solvent polarity. The compounds have been established to undergo a reversible protonation, directed at nitrogen atoms of the pyrimidine ring, and these phenomena are associated with dramatic color changes. In addition, fluorophores 5a-d show a high sensitive response for nitroaromatic traces in solutions or real-time detection of their vapors in air. These findings indicate that the compounds obtained can be regarded as excellent fluorophores for fluorescent material applications. © 2018 Elsevier LtdRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 17-03-00011-AMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 4.6759.2017/BCThis work (synthetic part and sensory properties) was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Research Project No. 17-03-00011-A ). N.I. Makarova, E.V.V. and A.V.M. would like to acknowledge financial support for the absorption and fluorescence studies from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the State Assignment for Research (project No. 4.6759.2017/BC ). The authors are grateful to Mr. Grigory A. Kim for carrying out the DFT calculations which were performed by using « Uran » supercomputer of the Institute of mathematic and mechanics of the Ural Brach of the Russian Academy of Sciences. NMR experiments were carried out by using equipment of the Center for Joint Use “Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds” at the Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. VNC is grateful to the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project № 0398-2018-0054 )