182 research outputs found

    A model for the UHE gamma-rays from Hercules X-1

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    An outburst of gamma rays with energies E gamma 10 to the 12th power eV was recently detected from the X-ray pulsar Hercules X-1. The outburst had a 3 minute duration and occurred at a time during the 35 day X-ray modulation that is associated with X-ray turnon. The gamma rays also have the same 1.24 second modulation that is observed at X-ray energies. Subsequently a 40 minute outburst was detected at E gamma 10 to the 14th power eV. The interaction of ultrahigh energy particles with a precessing accretion disk explain the observed gamma ray light curve. The constraints one can place on acceleration mechanisms and the possibility that the UHE particles are accelerated by shocks in an accretion flow are explained

    Guest Investigator Studies with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory

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    The cumulative all-sky survey by the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), composed of data acquired during the first three years of the mission, included a number of regions of very limited exposure. The most glaring deficiency in coverage was toward the region of the South Galactic Pole (SGP), which received significantly less exposure than other directions- by a factor of at least 2 to 3. Furthermore, nearly all of the SGP exposure was accumulated during the first year of the mission. Since blazars are known to be time-variable, and of unknown duty cycle, a pointing of the CCRO in that direction was considered highly desirable, and long overdue. In addition, data gathered from a pointing toward the SGP and its comparison with comprehensive data available for the North Galactic Pole would be extremely valuable to investigators studying the extragalactic diffuse emission. The reasons outlined above prompted our initiation of a Cycle 4 campaign to systematically search with EGRET and COMPTEL for gamma-ray emission from sources near the South Galactic Pole. The Cycle 4 SGP campaign consisted of tnvo 14-day observations separated in in time by approximately 10 months. The temporal separation of the observations was requested to allow a test for possible variations in the detected sources. Our primary targets were 38 FSRQs which lie within 30 degrees of the SGP, and which satisfy the basic criteria for candidate gamma-ray AGNs,flat-spectrum radio sources, many of which exhibit blazar-type properties). These targets were selected from the standard references, and from the available on-line databases (e.g., the NASA Extragalactic Database, NED), as the most promising AGN targets in the vicinity of the SGP. A 30 radius from the SGP was chosen as the boundary of our survey, since the selected targets would then fall within the most sensitive portion of the fields of view of EGRET and COMPTEL (i.e., within a 30 zenith angle), for a CGRO pointing directed exactly at the SGP. Our South Galactic Pole Survey yielded a number of exciting results. The EGRET data were analyzed using the maximum likelihood techniques to estimate the intensity, spectrum, and position of gamma-ray sources in the field of view. Our analysis revealed four sources at energies greater than 100 MeV with likelihood ratios corresponding to greater than 30 detections (Vestrand et al. 1996). One of the sources is associated with the well known gamma-ray blazar PKS 0208-512, but the other three were previously unknown. Among the new detections was PKS 2155-304 which is often considered a prototype of the x-ray selected BL Lacs. PKS 2155-304, which was also detected at hard x-ray energies by CGRO/OSSE, is one of the brightest BL Lac objects in the sky at optical through x-ray energies and has a history of rapid, strong multiwavelength variability. As such, it has been the subject of intensive, contemporaneous, multiwavelength monitoring covering radio frequencies to x-ray energies

    Optical afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts: peaks, plateaus, and possibilities

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    The optical light-curves of GRB afterglows display either peaks or plateaus. We identify 16 afterglows of the former type, 17 of the latter, and 4 with broad peaks, that could be of either type. The optical energy release of these two classes is similar and is correlated with the GRB output, the correlation being stronger for peaky afterglows, which suggests that the burst and afterglow emissions of peaky afterglows are from the same relativistic ejecta and that the optical emission of afterglows with plateaus arises more often from ejecta that did not produce the burst emission. Consequently, we propose that peaky optical afterglows are from impulsive ejecta releases and that plateau optical afterglows originate from long-lived engines, the break in the optical light-curve (peak or plateau end) marking the onset of the entire outflow deceleration. In the peak luminosity--peak time plane, the distribution of peaky afterglows displays an edge with L_p \propto t_p^{-3}, which we attribute to variations (among afterglows) in the ambient medium density. The fluxes and epochs of optical plateau breaks follow a L_b \propto t_b^{-1} anticorrelation. Sixty percent of 25 afterglows that were well-monitored in the optical and X-rays show light-curves with comparable power-law decays indices and achromatic breaks. The other 40 percent display three types of decoupled behaviours: i) chromatic optical light-curve breaks (perhaps due to the peak of the synchrotron spectrum crossing the optical), ii) X-ray flux decays faster than in the optical (suggesting that the X-ray emission is from local inverse-Compton scattering), and iii) chromatic X-ray light-curve breaks (indicating that the X-ray emission is from external up-scattering).Comment: 11 pages, table with afterglows added, to appear in MNRA

    Hard X‐ray polarimetry of solar flares with BATSE

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    We describe a technique for measuring the polarization of hard X‐rays from solar flares based on the angular distribution of that portion of the flux which is scattered off the top of the Earth’s atmosphere. The scattering cross section depends not only on the scatter angle itself, but on the orientation of the scatter angle with respect to the incident polarization vector. Consequently, the distribution of the observed albedo flux will depend on the direction and the polarization properties (i.e., the level of polarization and polarization angle) of the source. Since the albedo component can represent a relatively large fraction (up to 40%) of the direct source flux, there will generally be sufficient signal for making such a measurement. The sensitivity of this approach is therefore dictated by the effective area and the ability of a detector system to ‘image’ the albedo flux. The 4π coverage of the BATSE detectors on the Compton Gamma‐RayObservatory provides an opportunity to measure both the direct and the albedo flux from a given solar flare event. Although the BATSE design (with its large field‐of‐view for each detector) is not optimized for albedo polarimetry, we have nonetheless investigated the feasibility of this technique using BATSE data

    The design of a gamma‐ray burst polarimeter

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    The study of the polarization properties of the gamma‐ray bursts is the one remaining unexplored avenue of research which may help to answer some of the fundamental problems regarding the nature of these mysterious objects. We have designed an instrument to measure linear polarization in cosmic gamma‐ray bursts at energies ≳50 keV. Here we describe the design of this instrument, which we call the Gamma‐ray Burst Polarimeter Experiment (GRAPE)

    Using BATSE to measure gamma-ray burst polarization

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    We describe a technique for measuring the polarization of hard x-rays from γ-ray bursts based on the angular distribution of that portion of the flux which is scattered off the top of the Earth’s atmosphere. The scattering cross section depends not only on the scatter angle itself, but on the orientation of the scatter angle with respect to the incident polarization vector. Consequently, the distribution of the observed albedo flux will depend on the direction and the polarization properties (i.e., the level of polarization and polarization angle) of the source. Although the BATSE design (with its large field-of-view for each detector) is not optimized for albedo polarimetry, we have nonetheless investigated the feasibility of this technique using BATSE data