37 research outputs found

    Distribution of rare Cystoseira species along the Montenegro coast (South-Eastern Adriatic Sea)

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    Background and purpose: Multiple studies have shown that Cystoseira species are sensitive to anthropogenic impact, and a decrease in their populations was observed, especially close to urban areas. To better understand status of such endangered and protected species, we studied the distribution of six rare Cystoseira species along the Montenegro coast: C. compressa subsp. pustulata, C. crinita, C. crinitophylla, C. sauvageauana, C. sqarrosa and C. tamariscifolia. Materials and methods: The study is based on field researches conducted through snorkelling and scuba diving along the Montenegrin coast during the period 1998-2009. In addition to the field work, we examined the published data for these species and the unpublished data from prof. Boris Antolić’s field diary. Results: Based on our 12-year-long investigations, we concluded that C. compressa subsp. pustulata, C. crinita, C. crinitophylla and C. sqarrosa are rare and endangered species along the Montenegro coast. Conclusions: The published data for C. sauvageauana is likely mistaken due to incomplete and poorly conserved algal material, while regarding the reference for C. tamariscifolia should be checked if the collected sample was preserved. Furthermore, we noted that the habitat destruction and the proliferation of sea urchin populations have the most dramatic negative impact on the biocenosis formed by such rare and endangered Cystoseira species

    First record of the alien alga Antithamnion amphigeneum (Rhodophyta) in the Adriatic Sea

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    6 páginas, 2 figuras.We report on the alien red alga Antithamnion amphigeneum from the coast of the Adriatic Sea, which represents the easternmost distribution record in the Mediterranean. Being A. amphigeneum a small filamentous alga, it can be easily overlooked therefore it is probably more widespread. Further surveys on Montenegro and other Mediterranean areas – mainly in harbors and other polluted places - will provide more accurate information on its current distribution.This study was funded by Porto Montenegro, Tivat.Peer reviewe

    Novi podaci o vrsti Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae) u Jadranskom moru

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    The first recorded population of Pinctada radiata in the Adriatic Sea was observed on the pier in Porto Montenegro marina (Tivat, Montenegro), in August 2016. Numerous individuals inhabited pier walls at a depth of 5 m. The shell height (SH) values for the 15 randomly collected individuals of P. radiata ranged between 32.2 mm and 52.1 mm with an average SH value of 38.3 mm (standard deviation ±6.1). Further surveys in Montenegro will provide information on the establishment of the observed population and what is its impact on local biodiversity.Prvi nalazi populacije Pinctada radiata u Jadranskom moru se odnose na dokove marine Porto Montenegro (Tivat, Crna Gora), u kolovozu 2016. godine. Na zidovima dokova zabilježene su brojne jedinke na dubini od 5m. Visina ljušture (SH) za 15 slučajno odabranih jedinki P. radiata je kolebala od 32.2 mm do 52.1 mm sa srednjom vrijednošću od 38.3 mm (stand. dev. ±6.1). Daljna istraživanja u Crnoj Gori će omogućiti informacije o uspješnosti uspostavljanja ove populacije i njenom uticaju na lokalnu bioraznolikost

    Prvi nalaz endemskog žarnjaka Spinimuricea klavereni (Carpine & Grasshoff 1975) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Plexauridae) u Jadranskom moru

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    We present the first record of the endemic Mediterranean anthozoan Spinimuricea klavereni (Carpine & Grasshoff 1975) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Plexauridae) for the Adriatic Sea (Boka Kotorska bay, Montenegro). A density of 0.72 colonies m-2 could be measured in the area, which was com-pared with the scant available data in the literature. Having in mind that this species is very rare and endemic for the Mediterranean, it is important to increase our knowledge on its distribution and biology in order to better assess its ecological role, the pending threats and the need for specific conservation measures.Prikazan je prvi nalaz endemičnog sredozemnog žarnjaka Spinimuricea klavereni (Carpine & Grasshoff 1975) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Plekauridae) za Jadransko more (Bokokotorski zaliv, Crna Gora). Dobijeni rezultati i izmjerena gustina od 0,72 kolonije m-2 su uspoređeni s oskudnim podacima dostupnim u literaturi. Imajući u vidu da je ova vrsta vrlo rijetka i endemska za Sredozemno more, važno je poboljšati znanje o njenoj distribuciji i biologiji kako bismo bolje procijenili njenu ekološku ulogu, prijetnje i potrebu za određenim mjerama zaštite

    Prvi podaci o unesenoj algi Antithamnion amphigeneum (Rhodophyta) u Jadranskom moru

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    We report on the alien red alga Antithamnion amphigeneum from the coast of the Adriatic Sea, which represents the easternmost distribution record in the Mediterranean. Being A. amphigeneum a small filamentous alga, it can be easily overlooked therefore it is probably more widespread. Further surveys on Montenegro and other Mediterranean areas – mainly in harbors and other polluted places - will provide more accurate information on its current distribution.U ovom radu prikazani su podaci o unesenoj algi Antithamnion amphigeneum u Jadransko more, što predstavlja najistočniji nalaz njenog rasprostranjenja u Sredozemlju. Filamentozna alga A. amphigeneum je malih dimenzija i na terenu se lako može previdjeti pa je za očekivati veću rasprostranjenost. Daljnja istraživanja na crnogorskoj obali i drugim dijelovima Sredozemlja – prije svega u lukama i drugim zagađenim područjima, pružiti će detaljnije informacije o njenom rasprostranjenju

    Pregled puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zaljevu, Crna Gora

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    Heterobranch molluscs fauna in Montenegro has been poorly investigated so far. The aim of the present paper is to improve the knowledge about species diversity of these marine organisms in the Boka Kotorska Bay, a specific fjord-like entity in the southern Adriatic Sea. New records of seven heterobranch species were obtained by field surveys in 2017, while three new records were provided by analysing underwater photographs from previous periods. The resulted checklist summarizes the knowledge of the diversity of heterobranchs in the Boka Kotorska Bay from the oldest record in 1967 to the present day and consists of a total of 62 heterobranch species.Fauna puževa golaća (Heterobranchia) u Crnoj Gori je do sada slabo istražena. Cilj ovog rada je bio unaprijediti saznanja o ovim morskim organizmima u zalivu Boka Kotorska, specifičnom, nalik fjordu zalivu južnog Jadrana. Novi nalazi za sedam vrsta heterobranchia su pronađeni tijekom naših terenskih istraživanja u 2017. godini, dok su podaci za tri nova nalaza dobijeni analizom podvodnih fotografija iz prethodnih razdoblja. Ažurirana lista sumira saznanja o raznolikosti puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zalijevu od najs-tarijeg zapisa iz 1967.g. do danas, a obuhvaća ukupno 62 vrste

    Prvi nalaz puža golaća Marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) u Crnoj Gori

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    One specimen belonging to the nudibranch Marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818) was found crawling on the gorgonian Leptogorgia sarmentosa (Esper, 1789) at Sv. Nedjelja, Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro. This is the first record of the species for Montenegrin waters and the third for the Adriatic Sea.Jedan primjerak puža golaća Marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818) nađen je da puzi na gorgoniji Leptogorgia sarmentosa (Esper, 1789) na lokaciji Sv. Nedjelja, Bokokotorski zaliv, Crna Gora. Ovo je prvi nalaz te vrste za Crnu Goru i treći za Jadransko more

    Novonastale promjene (2013-2017) faune režnjaka u Bokokotorskom zaljevu, Crna Gora (jugoistočni Jadran)

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    A semi- quantitative time series (2013-2017) was used to present the recent events of scyphomedusae appearance and abundance in the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro, Southeast Adriatic. Six meroplanktonic species were recorded: Aurelia spp, Chrysaora hysoscella, Cotylorhiza tuberculata ̧ Discomedusa lobata, Drymonema dalmatinum and Rhizostoma pulmo. Among them, C. hysoscella and D. lobata dominated in the water column during winter and spring, forming dense aggregations in March and May, and February to May, respectively. Our description of the D. lobata blooms are actually the first known records of blooms for this species. C. tuberculata was observed in the Bay principally in August and September. The bloom was occurred only in 2017, being the first information of C. tuberculata mass appearance in this area. We hypothesized that global warming phenomena could trigger the observed changes, and in this respect, long-term trends of sea surface temperature (SST) fluctuations were analysed. The scyphomedusae blooms coincided with high positive SST anomalies, noted in the last seven years for this area. To better understand the mechanisms underlying changes in their phenology and abundance, detailed studies on benthic stages in the Bay are essential.Semi kvantitativne serije podataka (2013.-2017.) upotrjebljene su za prikaz novonastalih promje-na pojave i brojnosti režnjaka u akvatoriju Bokokotorskog zaljeva. Pretpostavljajući da bi globalno zagrijavanje moglo potaknuti promatrane promjene, analizirani su dugoročni trendovi fluktuacija površinske temperature mora. Zabilježeno je šest meroplanktonskih vrsta: Aurelia spp, Chrysaora hysoscella, Cothyloriza tuberculata ̧ Discomedusa lobata, Drymonema dalmatinum i Rhizostomapulmo. Među njima C. hysoscella, i D. lobata su bile veoma česte i brojne., formirajući nakupine velikih gustoća tijekom zime i proljeća. Za vrstu D. lobata je ujedno prvi poznati opis masovne pojave ove meduze. Vrsta C. tuberculata je u akvatoriju bila primijećena tijekom ljeta, a u velikim gustoćama samo u 2017. godini. To je prvi dokumentirani opis masovne pojave ove meduze u Boko-kotorskom zaljevu. Pojave mase režnjaka u plankton podudaraju se s visokim odstupanjima površin-ske temperature mora zabilježenih posljednjih sedam godina. Stoga, naši opisi fenologije i brojnosti režnjaka u Bokokotorskom zaljevu su u skladu s dokazima porasta gustoće populacija želatinoznog zooplanktona na globalnoj skali. Za bolje razumijevanje mehanizma opisanih promjena neophodno je provesti detaljna istraživanja biologije i ekologije bentonskih stadija ovih organizama

    Spatially Explicit Seagrass Extent Mapping Across the Entire Mediterranean

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    The Posidonia oceanica seagrass is the foundation species of the coastal Mediterranean, whose meadows support significant ecosystem services: food security, coastal protection, biodiversity maintenance, carbon sequestration, amongst others. This endemic in the basin seagrass features the largest carbon storage among seagrasses globally, contributing substantially to global blue carbon stocks.  However, climate change, coastal development, and decreasing water quality all render this slow-growing species at risk of area loss, functional extinction, and, hence, its provided services. This risk is further complicated by the current knowledge gaps in its bioregional extent, necessitating accurate, efficient and spatially explicit mapping and accounting of its distribution and trajectories at a high spatial resolution. Here, we leveraged recent Earth Observation advances—cloud computing, open satellite data, and machine learning—with field data via a cloud-based ecosystem accounting framework to map the spatially-explicit ecosystem extent of P. oceanica seagrass across the whole Mediterranean, at 10m resolution.  Employing 279,186 Sentinel-2 satellite images between 2015-2019, and a human-labelled training dataset of 62,928 pixels, we mapped 19,020 km2 of P. oceanica seagrass area in 22 countries across 56,783 km2 of mapped seabed between 0-25 m of depth. Based on 2,480 independent field-based points, we observe an overall accuracy of 72%. Using a Tier 2 assessment, we estimated the bioregional blue carbon storage of P. oceanica beds to be 722.2 million MgC.  As reference data collections, remote sensing technology and biophysical modelling improve and coalesce, such extent accounts could support physical and monetary accounting of seagrass condition and ecosystem services. We envisage that such holistic seagrass ecosystem accounts could enable effective policy uptake in national climate, biodiversity and protection strategies and necessary financing. This in turn could accelerate transparent natural climate solutions and coastal resilience, beyond the physical location of seagrass beds and the 21th century