74 research outputs found

    Fragmente des Budaer Antiphonars im St. Adalbert-Verein Trnava und im Archiv des Slowakischen Nationalmuseums

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    The study examines recently found fragments of the Buda Antiphonal. The codex, containing Office chants representing the Esztergom liturgical tradition, was notated at the end of the 15th century with Messine-Hungarian mixed notation. 21 folios, originating from its beginning and preserved at the National Széchényi Library (Budapest), were identified by László Dobszay in 1978. Fragments of the same antiphonal surfaced recently in two collections from Slovakia: 7 folios, with summer and autumn historiae as well as antiphons for Sundays in ordinary time, in the archives of the Saint Adalbert Association (Trnava) and a single truncated folio, with responsories for Christmas Matins, in the music collection of the Slovak National Museum

    The Latin Office of the Dead in mediaeval manuscripts from the territory of Slovakia

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    Factors influencing countries on their path to sustainable development: implications for organizations

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    Nowadays sustainable development is a central concept for our age. It is both a way ofunderstanding the world and a method for solving global problems. It is currently a crucial concept for the world to understand and to implement. This research study focuses on examining the foundations of achieving sustainable development and main factors influencing this process at a national level. The aim is to characterize those factors which influence this implementation process mainly from the economic point of view. However, other noneconomic factors related to human well-being and organizational development are not omitted. Countries’ political and legislative environment are also evaluated since they can have significant implications for development of individual organizations conducting their business activities within countries' borders. The focus of examining the topic of countries’ sustainable development is on the cross-country comparison. Values of some important indicators are also provided in terms of comparison among selected countries which enables us to explain the reasons for differences in countries’ development, as well as predictions for the future. Historical perspective provides data which enable to evaluate influence of selected factors in terms of countries’ path to achieving sustainable development

    K lingvistické struktuře emocionálního významu v češtině

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    Title: On the Linguistic Structure of Emotional Meaning in Czech Author: Mgr. Kateřina Veselovská Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Eva Hajičová, DrSc., Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Keywords: emotional meaning, linguistic structure, sentiment analysis, opinion mining, evaluative language Abstract: This thesis has two main goals. First, we provide an analysis of language means which together form an emotional meaning of written utterances in Czech. Sec- ond, we employ the findings concerning emotional language in computational applications. We provide a systematic overview of lexical, morphosyntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of emotional meaning in Czech utterances. Also, we propose two formal representations of emotional structures within the framework of the Prague Dependency Treebank and Construction Grammar. Regarding the computational applications, we focus on sentiment analysis, i.e. automatic extraction of emotions from text. We describe a creation of manually annotated emotional data resources in Czech and perform two main sentiment analysis tasks, polarity classification and opinion target identification on Czech data. In both of these tasks, we reach the state-of-the-art results.Název práce: K lingvistické struktuře emocionálního významu v češtině Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Veselovská Ústav: Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistiky Vedoucí disertační práce: Prof. PhDr. Eva Hajičová, DrSc., Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistiky Klíčová slova: emocionální význam, lingvistická struktura, postojová analýza, opinion mining, evaluativní jazyk Abstrakt: Dizertační práce má dva hlavní cíle. Za prvé přináší analýzu jazykových prostředků, které společně formují emocionální význam psaných výpovědí v češtině. Za druhé využívá zjištění týkající se emocionálního jazyka v komputačních aplikacích. Podáváme systematický přehled lexikálních, morfosyntaktických, sémantic- kých a pragmatických aspektů emocionálního významu v českých výpovědích a navrhujeme formální reprezentaci emocionálních struktur v rámci Pražského závislostního korpusu a konstrukční gramatiky. V oblasti komputačních aplikací se zaměřujeme na témata postojové analýzy, tedy automatické extrakce emocí z textu. Popisujeme tvorbu ručně anotovaných emocionálních zdrojů dat a řešíme dvě základní úlohy postojové analýzy, klasi- fikaci polarity a identifikaci cíle hodnocení. V obou těchto úlohách dosahujeme uspokojivých výsledků.Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistikyInstitute of Formal and Applied LinguisticsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Liebhard Egkenfelder und die Musikhandschriften in Pressburg in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts

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    Almost all preserved musical manuscripts from the 15th century from Bratislava belonged to the Library of Bratislava Chapter. A small part of manuscripts and fragments came from other parish, monastery and school libraries or from private collections. Complete liturgical codices and fragments are a testimony of the multicultural background of customers, makers, and users. The most precious materials from the second half of the 15th century are the liturgical manuscripts of the Bratislava Chapter - Bratislava Antiphonary IIa and IIb (Strigonium liturgy, Austrian scriptorium and illumination tradition) and Bratislava Antiphonary III (Strigonium liturgy, Buda-Renaissance scriptorium in combination with the Austrian illumination school). One of the most interesting personalities from Late Middle Ages Bratislava was a notary Liebhard Egkenfelder. He was the main scriptor in town between 1441 and 1456. He was an extraordinarily erudite layman and a great humanist representative. He owned a large private library with codices from various scientific disciplines. He himself copied several manuscripts. Amongst the codices he wrote "with his own hand" we can find material regarding both liturgical and secular music culture

    Holy women in the medieval music culture from the sources from the area of Slovakia

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    Medieval chants celebrating the feasts of female saints can be divided into two major groups. The first group includes the repertoire of the mass liturgy, which, as a rule, is located in the proprium de sanctis part of the missals or graduals (or the so called sequentiale). The second, much more varied group consists of a repertoire of chants that are part of the liturgy of the hours (breviaries, antiphonaries, psalters). Ritus of Esztergom is documented by manuscripts from the late Middle Ages, especially from the 15th century, a smaller part from the 12th–14th century. The codices we have in Slovakia from the Middle Ages contain more or less Esztergom liturgical tradition, some of them show foreign influences. The central liturgy of the Esztergom rite is preserved in an extremely precise form especially in the notated manuscripts from Bratislava (Bratislava Missal I EC Lad. 3, the State Archive in Bratislava, Bratislava Antiphonaries I–IV). The Spiš codices show the Esztergom rite in a specific, regional version (Spiš Antiphonary Mss. No. 2, Spiš Graduale Mss. No. 1, Spišská Kapitula). Other Spiš manuscripts, preserved now in Budapest and Alba Julia, contain a number of specific features typical of Spiš (the library Batthyaneum Alba Julia: Breviary R. II. 46, Breviary R. III. 94, Breviary R II. 102, Diurnale R. II. 125; Budapest: Breviary 63. 74. I. C Hungarian National Museum, Breviary 63. 84. C Hungarian National Museum). Among the feasts of medieval female saints, the most prominent was the liturgical celebration of the various feasts of the Virgin Mary. Among those feasts, then, the most important feasts were Purificatio BMV (2. 2.), Annuntiatio BMV (25. 3.), Visitatio BMV (usually 2. 7.), BMV de Nive (5. 8.), Assumptio BMV (15. 8.), Nativitas BMV (8. 9.), Praesentatio BMV (21. 11.) and Conceptio BMV (8. 12). Besides them, within the Esztergom proprium de sanctis the most important are those female saints, to whom a mass form accompanied by music notation is dedicated, or those for whom a specific liturgy of the hours have been created. In the extant manuscripts from Slovakia, the most distinguished are the following female saints: St. Agnes, St. Agatha, St. Cecilia, St. Lucia, St. Margaret, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Ursula, St. Catherine, St. Dorothea, St. Anne and St. Elizabeth

    Health aspects of artificial lighting and the use of light to maintain attention

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    Práce se zaměřuje na problematiku LED osvětlení a jevy s ním spojenými. Shrnuje dosavadní poznatky a rozebírá možné vlivy LED osvětlení na člověka, jak negativní, tak pozitivní v rámci terapie. Praktická část se zabývá měřením, výpočtem a bližší analýzou flickeru za použití navržených matematických filtrů.The bachelor thesis is focused on LED lighting and phenomena associated with it. It summarizes current knowledge and discusses possible effects of LED lightning on humans, both negative and positive within therapy. The practical part deals with a measurement, calculation and detailed analysis of flicker using proposed mathematical filters

    Liberec: Transformation from Traditional to Modern City

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