341 research outputs found

    Gender, language, and power: exploring elementary teacher candidates’ ideologies and pedagogical approaches

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    Using a single-case study design, this research aims to understand the ideologies of preservice teachers pertaining to the equity issues of gender and sexual diversity (GSD). In the US, GLSEN school climate surveys (Kosciw et al., 2020, 2019), along with Canada’s first national school study, Every Class in Every School (Taylor & Peter, 2011), have consistently shown that GSD students face daily adversity in Canadian schools from both peers and teachers. While the Ontario Ministry of Education has created various policy and training frameworks to focus on this concern, previous research has found a gap between teachers’ beliefs and practices in addressing topics of GSD with students and colleagues. Primarily, this study concentrates on the context of the language learning classroom and the anti-discrimination framework on which the Ontario Language Curriculum is founded. Investigating how preservice teachers approach their selection of language literature and discussion with students can illuminate how they perceive GSD as an equity issue and how they might use their future roles as teachers to perpetuate or combat social differences. This study also elucidates how Bachelor of Education programs play a role in equipping teachers with evidence-based practices and knowledge to be prepared to face such issues in their future classrooms

    Modulation of gene expression associated with copy number variation identifies key regulatory programs in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

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    High grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is a systemic malignancy characterized by metastatic lesions that spread within the peritoneal cavity. Despite initial sensibility to platinum-based chemotherapy, more than 80% of patients experience a relapse and acquire chemoresistance. From a genomic point of view, HGSOC shows a high level of inter-and intra-tumor heterogeneity. A better understanding of molecular mechanisms of this disease and the identification of driving genetic alterations could provide relevant indications for diagnostic and prognostic evaluation. Here, we accomplished a double-tier omic-analysis by integrating copy number variation data with matched gene expression profiling of multiple lesions in a cohort of 7 patients. We identified potential driver genes contained in amplified regions whose behavior seem to impact on gene expression program. They represent a distinctive signature that can segregate biopsies of different patients. Moreover, a further analysis highlighted ZNF696, ASPSCR1 and RHPN1 as key drivers, whose regulatory program is confirmed in TCGA cohort. In conclusion, exploration of gene expression program in HSGOC by integrating copy number and transcriptomic data from spatially separated samples obtained from seven patients led to the identification of genes whose amplification is significantly correlated to specific gene expression modules and are related to survival

    Anti-Ri-associated paraneoplastic ophthalmoplegia-ataxia syndrome in a woman with breast cancer. A case report and review of the literature

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. However, in the management of breast cancer, paraneoplastic neurological syndromes represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes is difficult due to the heterogeneity of symptoms, the timing of presentation, and the absence of antibodies, and it generally occurs before the diagnosis of breast cancer in 80% of patients who develop paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. We describe a 72-year-old woman with subacute ophthalmoplegia-ataxia syndrome who was subsequently diagnosed as having breast cancer and anti-Ri antibodies. Case presentation: A 72-year-old post-menopausal Caucasian woman, with a positive medical history for diabetes mellitus and hypertension, presented with a 3-month onset of blurred vision, diplopia, and progressive gait disturbance. Serological tests were positive for well-characterized onconeural antibodies (anti-Ri). A whole-body computed tomography scan revealed a nodular opacity under her left nipple and axillary adenopathy. A biopsy of her left breast was performed, and histological examination showed ductal carcinoma. She underwent a superoexternal quadrantectomy with left axillary dissection. The final diagnosis showed infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast (T1c N1 M0, stage IIA) associated with paraneoplastic ophthalmoplegia-ataxia syndrome. At a 6-month follow-up, she showed no clinical or instrumental evidence of neoplastic recurrence with partial clinical improvement of neurological symptoms, such as ataxia and diplopia. Conclusion: The diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes is often late, as in this patient, but treatment at an early stage may provide a good prognosis. Furthermore, this is one of several cases of an anti-Ri paraneoplastic neurological syndrome not associated with myoclonus, which reinforces the belief that opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome is not pathognomonic of the associated anti-Ri paraneoplastic neurological syndromes

    Salt Tolerance of Archaeal Extremely Halophilic Lipid Membranes

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    The membranes of extremely halophilic Archaea are characterized by the abundance of a diacidic phospholipid, archaetidylglycerol methylphosphate (PGP-Me), which accounts for 50-80 mol% of the polar lipids, and by the absence of phospholipids with choline, ethanolamine, inositol, and serine head groups. These membranes are stable in concentrated 3-5 m NaCl solutions, whereas membranes of non-halophilic Archaea, which do not contain PGP-Me, are unstable and leaky under such conditions. By x-ray diffraction and vesicle permeability measurements, we demonstrate that PGP-Me contributes in an essential way to membrane stability in hypersaline environments. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) prepared from the polar lipids of extreme halophiles, Halobacterium halobium and Halobacterium salinarum, retain entrapped carboxyfluorescein and resist aggregation in the whole range 0-4 m NaCl, similarly to LUV prepared from purified PGP-Me. By contrast, LUV made of polar lipid extracts from moderately halophilic and non-halophilic Archaea (Methanococcus jannaschii, Methanosarcina mazei, Methanobrevibacter smithii) are leaky and aggregate at high salt concentrations. However, adding PGP-Me to M. mazei lipids results in gradual enhancement of LUV stability, correlating with the PGP-Me content. The LUV data are substantiated by the x-ray results, which show that H. halobium and M. mazei lipids have dissimilar phase behavior and form different structures at high NaCl concentrations. H. halobium lipids maintain an expanded lamellar structure with spacing of 8.5-9 nm, which is stable up to at least 100 degrees C in 2 m NaCl and up to approximately 60 degrees C in 4 m NaCl. However, M. mazei lipids form non-lamellar structures, represented by the Pn3m cubic phase and the inverted hexagonal H(II) phase. From these data, the forces preventing membrane aggregation in halophilic Archaea appear to be steric repulsion, because of the large head group of PGP-Me, or possibly out-of-plane bilayer undulations, rather than electrostatic repulsion attributed to the doubly charged PGP-Me head group

    Mast cells, microRNAs and others: The role of translational research on colorectal cancer in the forthcoming era of precision medicine

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease, molecularly and anatomically, that develops in a multi-step process requiring the accumulation of several genetic or epigenetic mutations that lead to the gradual transformation of normal mucosa into cancer. In fact, tumorigenesis is extremely complex, with many immunologic and non-immunologic factors present in the tumor microenvironment that can influence tumorigenesis. In the last few years, a role for mast cells (MCs), microRNAs (miRNAs), Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS) and v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homologue B (BRAF) in cancer development and progression has been suggested, and numerous efforts have been made to thoroughly assess their correlation with CRC to improve patient survival and quality of life. The identification of easily measurable, non-invasive and cost-effective biomarkers, the so-called “ideal biomarkers”, for CRC screening and treatment remains a high priority. The aim of this review is to discuss the emerging role of mast cells (MCs), microRNAs (miRNAs), KRAS and BRAF as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for CRC, evaluating their influence as potential therapy targets in the forthcoming era of precision medicine

    Mesoglycan for pain control after open excisional HAEMOrrhoidectomy (MeHAEMO). An observational multicentre study on behalf of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR)

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    Background: Excisional haemorrhoidectomy is the gold standard technique in patients with III and IV degree haemorrhoidal disease (HD). However, it is associated with a significant rate of post-operative pain. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of mesoglycan in the post-operative period of patients who underwent open excisional diathermy haemorrhoidectomy (OEH). Methods: This was a retrospective multicentre observational study. Three hundred ninety-eight patients from sixteen colorectal referral centres who underwent OEH for III and IV HD were enrolled. All patients were followed-up on the first post-operative day (T1) and after 1 week (T2), 3 weeks (T3) and 6 weeks (T4). BMI, habits, SF-12 questionnaire, VAS at rest (VASs), after defecation (VASd), and after anorectal digital examination (VASe), bleeding and thrombosis, time to surgical wound healing and autonomy were evaluated. Results: In the mesoglycan group, post-operative thrombosis was significantly reduced at T2 (p < 0.05) and T3 (p < 0.005), and all patients experienced less post-operative pain at each time point (p < 0.001 except for VASe T4 p = 0.003). There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding the time to surgical wound healing or post-operative bleeding. There was an early recovery of autonomy in the mesoglycan group in all three follow-up periods (T2 p = 0.016; T3 p = 0.002; T4 p = 0.007). Conclusions: The use of mesoglycan led to a significant reduction in post-operative thrombosis and pain with consequent early resumption of autonomy. Trial registration NCT0448169

    The assessment and the within-plant variation of the morpho-physiological traits and VOCs profile in endemic and rare Salvia ceratophylloides Ard. (Lamiaceae)

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    Salvia ceratophylloides (Ard.) is an endemic and rare plant species recently rediscovered as very few individuals at two different Southern Italy sites. The study of within-plant variation is fundamental to understand the plant adaptation to the local conditions, especially in rare species, and consequently to preserve plant biodiversity. Here, we reported the variation of the morpho-ecophysiological and metabolic traits between the sessile and petiolate leaf of S. ceratophylloides plants at two different sites for understanding the adaptation strategies for surviving in these habitats. The S. ceratophylloides individuals exhibited different net photosynthetic rate, maximum quantum yield, light intensity for the saturation of the photosynthetic machinery, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf area, fractal dimension, and some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the different leaf types. This within-plant morpho-physiological and metabolic variation was dependent on the site. These results provide empirical evidence of sharply within-plant variation of the morpho-physiological traits and VOCs profiles in S. ceratophylloides, explaining the adaptation to the local conditions

    Frequent demonstration of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) in bone marrow biopsy samples from Turkish patients with multiple myeloma (MM)

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    In order to investigate the frequency of HHV-8 in MM patients from another geographic location, we obtained fresh bone marrow (BM) biopsies from Turkish patients with MM (n = 21), monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) (n = 2), plasmacytoma (n = 1) with BM plasma cell infiltration, various hematological disorders (n = 6), and five healthy Turkish controls. The frequency of HHV-8 was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in two independent laboratories in the USA and in Turkey. Using fresh BM biopsies, 17/21 MM patients were positive for HHV-8 whereas all five healthy controls, and six patients with other hematological disorders were negative. Two patients with MGUS, and one patient with a solitary plasmacytoma were also negative. The data from the two laboratories were completely concordant. Also using primer pairs for v IRF and v IL-8R confirmed the results observed with the KS330233 primers. Furthermore, sequence analysis demonstrated a C3 strain pattern in the ORF26 region which was also found in MM patients from the US. Thus, HHV-8 is present in the majority of Turkish MM patients, and the absence of the virus in healthy controls further supports its role in the pathogenesis of MM

    Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection in patients undergoing carotid artery stent.

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    Although several reports have correlated Chlamydophila pneumoniae (CP) infection with carotid endarterectomy and coronary stent, no data have been reported on the potential relationship between this pathogen and carotid artery stenting (CAS). Hence, we evaluated 47 subjects, 27 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic, before CAS intervention and during the follow up, for the presence of CP DNA and anti-CP antibodies, including chlamydial HSP60 (Cp-HSP60). Before stent placement, CP DNA was detected exclusively in symptomatic patients, all of whom were also positive for CP IgG and IgA and 85.7% of them also had CP-HSP60 antibodies. At the follow-up, all CP DNA positive and 11 out of the 13 symptomatic patients with Cp-HSP60 antibodies became negatives. In contrast, no change was observed for CP- IgA antibodies. Despite the small number of patients, the present study advocates an important role of CP infection in symptomatic patients with carotid artery disease. Our findings also suggest that stent placement and/or therapy might have a role in favouring resolution of inflammation, though not affecting persistence of CP infection
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