33 research outputs found

    Uniform Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 on Graphene by Reversible Hydrogen Plasma Functionalization.

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    A novel method to form ultrathin, uniform Al2O3 layers on graphene using reversible hydrogen plasma functionalization followed by atomic layer deposition (ALD) is presented. ALD on pristine graphene is known to be a challenge due to the absence of dangling bonds, leading to nonuniform film coverage. We show that hydrogen plasma functionalization of graphene leads to uniform ALD of closed Al2O3 films down to 8 nm in thickness. Hall measurements and Raman spectroscopy reveal that the hydrogen plasma functionalization is reversible upon Al2O3 ALD and subsequent annealing at 400 °C and in this way does not deteriorate the graphene's charge carrier mobility. This is in contrast with oxygen plasma functionalization, which can lead to a uniform 5 nm thick closed film, but which is not reversible and leads to a reduction of the charge carrier mobility. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations attribute the uniform growth on both H2 and O2 plasma functionalized graphene to the enhanced adsorption of trimethylaluminum (TMA) on these surfaces. A DFT analysis of the possible reaction pathways for TMA precursor adsorption on hydrogenated graphene predicts a binding mechanism that cleans off the hydrogen functionalities from the surface, which explains the observed reversibility of the hydrogen plasma functionalization upon Al2O3 ALD

    Modelling greenhouse gas emissions of cacao production in the Republic of Cîte d’Ivoire

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    The current expansion of cacao cultivation in the Republic of Cîte d’Ivoire is associated with deforestation, forest degradation, biodiversity loss and high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Global concerns about emissions that are associated with tropical commodity production are increasing. Consequently, there is a need to change the present cacao-growing practice into a more climate-friendly cultivation system. A more climate-friendly system causes lower GHG emissions, stores a high amount of carbon in its standing biomass and produces high cacao yields. GHG emissions and carbon stocks associated with the present cacao production, as assessed in 509 farmers’ fields, were estimated by using the Perennial GHG model and the Cool Farm Tool. On average, the production of 1 kg cacao beans is associated with an emission of 1.47 kg CO2e. Deforestation contributed largely to GHG emissions, while tree biomass and residue management contributed mainly to carbon storage. The collected data combined with the model simulations revealed that it is feasible to produce relatively high yields while at the same time storing a high amount of carbon in the standing biomass and causing low GHG emissions. The climate-friendliness of cacao production is strongly related to farm management, especially the number of shade trees and management of residues. Calculated emissions related to good agricultural practices were 2.29 kg CO2e per kg cacao beans. The higher emissions due to the use of more agro-inputs and other residue management practices such as recommended burning of residues for sanitary reasons were not compensated for by higher yields. This indicates a need to revisit recommended practices with respect to climate change mitigation objectives

    30 vragen en antwoorden over koolstofvastlegging in minerale landbouwgronden

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    EĂ©n van de maatregelen die in het klimaatakkoord is voorgesteld om de klimaatdoelen van 2030 te gaan halen is het vastleggen van koolstof in minerale landbodems. Een maatregel die niet leidt tot emissiebeperking, maar zorgt voor CO2 vastlegging. Het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit heeft in het kader van het onderzoek hoe de klimaatdoelen voor landbouw en landgebruik kunnen worden gehaald, gevraagd de belangrijkste vragen en antwoorden rondom koolstofvastlegging in minerale landbouwbodems op een toegankelijke manier te beschrijven. Deze publicatie geeft in 30 vragen en antwoorden de stand van het onderzoek op dit moment weer

    Fosfaatvoorziening aardappel : Relatie tussen mestbeleid, fosfaattoestand van de bodem en voorziening van het gewas

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    Veel akkerbouwers maken zich zorgen over het effect van de fosfaatgebruiksnormen op het rendement van de aardappelteelt. Door een relatief zwakke beworteling kan aardappel het in de bodem aanwezige fosfaat niet gemakkelijk opnemen en stelt daardoor hoge eisen aan de fosfaatvoorziening. De fosfaattoestand van de bodem is belangrijker voor de fosfaatvoorziening van het gewas dan de actuele mestgift. Daarom wordt in Nederland een landbouwkundig streeftoestand geadviseerd van Pw 25 op kleigronden en Pw 30 op de overige gronden. In het mestbeleid worden de klassen Hoog, Ruim, Neutraal, Laag en Arm onderscheiden. De classificatie van de fosfaattoestand Neutraal voor de gebruiksnorm is hoger dan de landbouwkundige streeftoestand. In de klassen Ruim en Hoog is met een kleine startgift, ook in recente en veeljarige proeven, geen aanwijzing voor opbrengstderving. De gebruiksnormen zijn in de klassen Ruim en Hoog hoger dan nodig om aardappelen van voldoende fosfaat te voorzien. In de klassen Ruim en Hoog is de fosfaatbodembalans netto negatief waardoor de fosfaattoestand van de bodem langzaam zal dalen. De snelheid waarmee het beschikbaar bodemfosfaat (gemeten als Pw of P-Al) verandert is afhankelijk van het netto fosfaatbodemoverschot en is direct afhankelijk van de initiële Pw of P-Al; hoe hoger Pw of P-Al des te sneller daalt deze. Over de tijd vlakt de verandering af. Op basis van de huidige gebruiksnormen (2021) stabiliseert het beschikbaar bodemfosfaat (ruim) binnen het landbouwkundige streeftraject (Pw 25/30 tot 45). De huidige gebruiksnormen zijn geen belemmering voor een voldoende hoge aanvoer van fosfaat voor aardappelen. De huidige gebruiksnormen zijn ook geen belemmering voor een voldoende hoge aanvoer van organische stof, ook niet op gronden met een hoge fosfaattoestand. Managementkeuzes en mestsoortkeuze zijn van groter belang dan de gebruiksnorm voor de organische stofbalans

    Graphene devices with bottom-up contacts by area-selective atomic layer deposition

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    Graphene field-effect transistor devices were fabricated using a bottom-up and resist-free method, avoiding common compatibility issues such as contamination by resist residues. Large-area CVD graphene sheets were structured into device channels by patterning with a focused ion beam. Platinum contacts were then deposited by direct-write atomic layer deposition (ALD), which is a combination between electron beam induced deposition (EBID) and bottom-up area-selective ALD. This is a unique approach that enables nucleation of Pt ALD on graphene, and therefore these devices are the first reported graphene devices with contacts deposited by ALD. Electrical characterization of the devices confirms ambipolar transistor behaviour with typical field-effect mobilities in the range of 1000-1800 cm2 V-1 s-1. We observe clear signs of strong Pt-graphene coupling and contact induced hole doping, implying good contact properties in contrast to the conventionally weak bonding between Pt and graphene. We attribute these observations to the reduced amount of resist residue under the contacts, the improved wettability of the Pt due to the use of ALD, and the formation of a graphitic interlayer that bonds the Pt more strongly to the graphene. We conclude that direct-write ALD is a very suitable technique for metallization of graphene devices and to study the intrinsic properties of metal-graphene contacts in more detail. In addition, it offers unique opportunities to control the metal-graphene coupling strength

    Broadband optical response of graphene measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy

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    This work describes the broadband optical response of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition by combining terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) at 0.25–1.7 THz (8–60 cm−1) with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) at 11–210 THz (370–7000 cm−1). It is shown that the measured response is well described by a combination of the Drude model, expressing free-carrier absorption/reflection, and an expression for interband absorption. The THz-TDS and FTIR transmittance curves are fitted consistently using this model. This indicates that these techniques are complementary to each other. Both can thus be employed together or individually to characterize the electronic properties of graphene (e.g., carrier density and mobility). To exemplify this, we demonstrate that this equivalency can be used to study the effect of substrate-dependent doping on the optical response of graphene. Furthermore, the amount of reflection and absorption corresponding to the measured transmittance curve is calculated. The toolbox for the non-invasive broadband characterization of graphene is thus extended by this work