59 research outputs found

    A chain of events: regulating target proteins by SUMO polymers

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    Small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMOs) regulate virtually all nuclear processes. The fate of the target protein is determined by the architecture of the attached SUMO protein, which can be of polymeric nature. Here, we highlight the multifunctional aspects of dynamic signal transduction by SUMO polymers. The SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) RING-finger protein 4 (RNF4) and RNF111 recognize SUMO polymers in a chain-architecture-dependent manner, leading to the formation of hybrid chains, which could enable proteasomal destruction of proteins. Recent publications have highlighted essential roles for SUMO chain disassembly by the mammalian SUMO proteases SENP6 and SENP7 and the yeast SUMO protease Ulp2. SENP6 is particularly important for centromere assembly. These recent findings demonstrate the diversity of SUMO polymer signal transduction for proteolytic and nonproteolytic purposes.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Targeting SUMO signaling to wrestle cancer

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    The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) signaling cascade is critical for gene expression, genome integrity, and cell cycle progression. In this review, we discuss the important role SUMO may play in cancer and how to target SUMO signaling. Recently developed small molecule inhibitors enable therapeutic targeting of the SUMOylation pathway. Blocking SUMOylation not only leads to reduced cancer cell proliferation but also to an increased antitumor immune response by stimulating interferon (IFN) signaling, indicating that SUMOylation inhibitors have a dual mode of action that can be employed in the fight against cancer. The search for tumor types that can be treated with SUMOylation inhibitors is ongoing. Employing SUMO conjugation inhibitory drugs in the years to come has potential as a new therapeutic strategy.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Converging Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO) and Ubiquitin Signaling: Improved Methodology Identifies Co-modified Target Proteins

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    Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    SUMOylation is associated with aggressive behavior in chondrosarcoma of bone

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    Simple Summary SUMO is a ubiquitin-like post-translational modification important for many cellular processes and is suggested to play a role in cancer cell cycle progression. The aim of our study is to understand the role of SUMOylation in tumor progression and aggressiveness. Chondrosarcoma of bone was employed as a model to investigate if SUMOylation contributes to its aggressiveness. We confirmed that SUMO expression levels correlate with aggressiveness of chondrosarcoma and disease outcome. Inhibition of SUMOylation showed promising effects on reduction of chondrosarcoma growth in vitro. Our study implies that SUMO expression could be used as a potential biomarker for disease outcome in chondrosarcoma. Multiple components of the SUMOylation machinery are deregulated in various cancers and could represent potential therapeutic targets. Understanding the role of SUMOylation in tumor progression and aggressiveness would increase our insight in the role of SUMO in cancer and clarify its potential as a therapeutic target. Here we investigate SUMO in relation to conventional chondrosarcomas, which are malignant cartilage forming tumors of the bone. Aggressiveness of chondrosarcoma increases with increasing histological grade, and a multistep progression model is assumed. High-grade chondrosarcomas have acquired an increased number of genetic alterations. Using immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays (TMA) containing 137 chondrosarcomas, we showed that higher expression of SUMO1 and SUMO2/3 correlates with increased histological grade. In addition, high SUMO2/3 expression was associated with decreased overall survival chances (p = 0. 0312) in chondrosarcoma patients as determined by log-rank analysis and Cox regression. Various chondrosarcoma cell lines (n = 7), especially those derived from dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, were sensitive to SUMO inhibition in vitro. Mechanistically, we found that SUMO E1 inhibition interferes with cell division and as a consequence DNA bridges are frequently formed between daughter cells. In conclusion, SUMO expression could potentially serve as a prognostic biomarker.MTG6Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour genetic

    The STUbL RNF4 regulates protein group SUMOylation by targeting the SUMO conjugation machinery

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    Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    The ER-embedded UBE2J1/RNF26 ubiquitylation complex exerts spatiotemporal control over the endolysosomal pathway

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    The endolysosomal system fulfills a wide variety of cellular functions, many of which are modulated through interactions with other organelles. In particular, the ER exerts spatiotemporal constraints on the organization and motility of endosomes and lysosomes. We have recently described the ER transmembrane E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF26 as a regulator of endolysosomal perinuclear positioning and transport dynamics. Here, we report that the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UBE2J1, also anchored in the ER membrane, partners with RNF26 in this context, and that the cellular activity of the resulting E2/E3 pair is localized in a perinuclear ER subdomain and supported by transmembrane interactions. Through modification of SQSTM1/p62 on lysine 435, the ER-embedded UBE2J1/RNF26 ubiquitylation complex recruits endosomal adaptors to immobilize their cognate vesicles in the perinuclear region of the cell. The resulting spatiotemporal compartmentalization promotes the trafficking of activated EGFR to lysosomes and facilitates the termination of EGF-induced AKT signaling.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Inhibition of SUMOylation enhances DNA hypomethylating drug efficacy to reduce outgrowth of hematopoietic malignancies

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    Combination therapies targeting malignancies aim to increase treatment efficacy and reduce toxicity. Hypomethylating drug 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-2') enhances transcription of tumor suppressor genes and induces replication errors via entrapment of DNMT1, yielding DNA-protein crosslinks. Post-translational modification by SUMO plays major roles in the DNA damage response and is required for degradation of entrapped DNMT1. Here, we combine SUMOylation inhibitor TAK981 and DNA-hypomethylating agent 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine to improve treatment of MYC driven hematopoietic malignancies, since MYC overexpressing tumors are sensitive to SUMOylation inhibition. We studied the classical MYC driven malignancy Burkitt lymphoma, as well as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with and without MYC translocation. SUMO inhibition prolonged the entrapment of DNMT1 to DNA, resulting in DNA damage. An increase in DNA damage was observed in cells co-treated with TAK981 and 5-Aza-2'. Both drugs synergized to reduce cell proliferation in vitro in a B cell lymphoma cell panel, including Burkitt lymphoma and DLBCL. In vivo experiments combining TAK981 (25 mg/kg) and 5-Aza-2' (2.5 mg/kg) showed a significant reduction in outgrowth of Burkitt lymphoma in an orthotopic xenograft model. Our results demonstrate the potential of tailored combination of drugs, based on insight in molecular mechanisms, to improve the efficacy of cancer therapies.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease

    Global non-covalent SUMO interaction networks reveal SUMO-dependent stabilization of the non-homologous end joining complex

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    In contrast to our extensive knowledge on covalent small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) target proteins, we are limited in our understanding of non-covalent SUMO-binding proteins. We identify interactors of different SUMO isoforms-monomeric SUMO1, monomeric SUMO2, or linear trimeric SUMO2 chains-using a mass spectrometry-based proteomics approach. We identify 379 proteins that bind to different SUMO isoforms, mainly in a preferential manner. Interestingly, XRCC4 is the only DNA repair protein in our screen with a preference for SUMO2 trimers over mono-SUMO2, as well as the only protein in our screen that belongs to the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA double-strand break repair pathway. A SUMO interaction motif (SIM) in XRCC4 regulates its recruitment to sites of DNA damage and phosphorylation of S320 by DNA-PKcs. Our data highlight the importance of non-covalent and covalent sumoylation for DNA double-strand break repair via the NHEJ pathway and provide a resource of SUMO isoform interactors.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Splicing factors control triple-negative breast cancer cell mitosis through SUN2 interaction and sororin intron retention

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    BackgroundTriple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer with limited therapeutic opportunities. Recently, splicing factors have gained attention as potential targets for cancer treatment. Here we systematically evaluated the role of RNA splicing factors in TNBC cell proliferation.MethodsIn this study, we performed an RNAi screen targeting 244 individual splicing factors to systematically evaluate their role in TNBC cell proliferation. For top candidates, mechanistic insight was gained using amongst others western blot, PCR, FACS, molecular imaging and cloning. Pulldown followed by mass spectrometry were used to determine protein-protein interactions and patient-derived RNA sequencing data was used relate splicing factor expression levels to proliferation markers.ResultsWe identified nine splicing factors, including SNRPD2, SNRPD3 and NHP2L1, of which depletion inhibited proliferation in two TNBC cell lines by deregulation of sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) via increased sororin intron 1 retention and down-regulation of SMC1, MAU2 and ESPL1. Protein-protein interaction analysis of SNRPD2, SNRPD3 and NHP2L1 identified that seven out of the nine identified splicing factors belong to the same spliceosome complex including novel component SUN2 that was also critical for efficient sororin splicing. Finally, sororin transcript levels are highly correlated to various proliferation markers in BC patients.ConclusionWe systematically determined splicing factors that control proliferation of breast cancer cells through a mechanism that involves effective sororin splicing and thereby appropriate sister chromatid cohesion. Moreover, we identified SUN2 as an important new spliceosome complex interacting protein that is critical in this process. We anticipate that deregulating sororin levels through targeting of the relevant splicing factors might be a potential strategy to treat TNBC.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic